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Thinkin bout goin vert? Here's what you might need


sup ya'll- i'm enjoying the exchange of ideas here... a what point would you reconsider the efficiency of a multi-bulb stadium? it seems after 3 bulbs there is too much wasted space between the bulbs for my liking. but 3-4 bulb stadiums still seem easier to setup than the stacked coliseums. what ya think?

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I think this thread is a great idea. I've learned a lot since setting up my first vert.I setup one very similar to Krunchs. Mini Split, Cool Tubes, Shelves, 2 Gal Coco pots, C02 Burner etc.....

It worked, but to me it was overkill. So even though I dropped a pretty penny and had the equipment to double the room. I decided to strip it down. Turn it into my veg room, and redo my other room.

I grow E & F recirculating coco in 2 gal pots. I veg them in 4" squares. Top them once or twice, depending on the strain. Then transplant them into the 2 gallons. Let them root for 10-14 days(till I can see the roots through the holes in the bottom and they grow a bit), then flip them.

I recently switched a 3x6 tray from Horizontal 1000w on a mover to bare bulb vert. I left my PVC Scrog the same. I just cut a hole in the trellis for the bulb to hang in. I put 9 plants around a single 1000w and it looks stellar. I left my 4x4 tray the same as it always was. To compare results. It hasn't come down yet, but will soon.

I didn't put a fan in the center. There's plenty of air movement around the room and it's been so cold lately. The milk crate idea should work. I have a few Honeywells that will get put to good use. Cutting the face off of them is definitely a great idea. I will add that for the next run.

So I guess I'm running a Recirculating E&F vert bare bulb 1000w on a 3x6 tray with 9 SD around it. There is a Horizontal PVC Trellis(Pico style) on the tray, with a hole cut in the center for the bulb. I'll try to get a picture up tomorrow.


Go back and read the last couple post by DHF. If you're exchanging your room air 2x a minute, that little honeywell or smaller fan you have pushing air up SLOWLY is going to assist the heat in rising before being sucked directly out of the room. If you blast the air up then the heat will go everywhere.

Good luck with your first vert. No cool tubes. They're not needed.
I did read it but somehow I didn't catch the point until now. It actually makes sense, thanks bobblehead :)


Active member
Ok.....here`s the thing bout the fan on the floor....Way back when these setup`s started happening , we learned that fans with "lower" torque/speed settings worked better pushin hot bulb air up to the exhaust/scrubber combo`s , instead of blastin up at the bare bulbs and exactly like truth or lie said , spreadin excess heat ALL round the rooms to be dealt with from environmental control with a/c`s handlin things makin em work harder.....

A slow constant "column of air" rising keeps heat and stank removed from the rooms , as well as not causing excess transpiration/sweating from the plants closest to the lights that also causes wind/heat stress and throws nutrient uptake off causing imbalances and lockouts.......

Intake fan above the lights T or L ?.....Sounds like it works well , but where`s the scrubber combo.......outside the room ?....


hehe, I don't scrub.

couldn't help you there.


Before, I had a cooltube, and didn't mind about heat.
But people here said me to remove it for a better light exposure and I tried to. Of course, I thought that set the HW at full speed under the lamp would decrease the temperature. I reached 85° quickly in the box and I was going to put back the cooltube when I read this thread.

By setting the HW at lowest speed, I reach 77°, just a little more than with the cooltube...

Thank's guys :good:


Before, I had a cooltube, and didn't mind about heat.
But people here said me to remove it for a better light exposure and I tried to. Of course, I thought that set the HW at full speed under the lamp would decrease the temperature. I reached 85° quickly in the box and I was going to put back the cooltube when I read this thread.

By setting the HW at lowest speed, I reach 77°, just a little more than with the cooltube...

Thank's guys :good:

I'm so glad I got this information before my setup was completed, I would have been so disappointed if my floor fan didn't do the job. I would have thought full speed was the way to go too :p

How many m3/h is your fan? I hope the 740m3 I ordered can be slowed down significantly :p


as everyone is here im into my second week of flower and am looking to strip my girls down so back on the subject of defoliation have any of you guys got some before and after picks

also please feel free to let me know when you defoliate and at what extreme

Marc i did see your post with the link and i have also posted in that thread stating my technique for flat sog gardens

I also see that red's and Who.D's trellis/netting they have up is 3" im about to order was going to go with 2" is 3 a better option to give plants more area to move?

Great topic Marlo..... :D

I've converted from flat scrog (DWC) to verticle and the 2" screen mentality of flat scrogging,
for me, wasnt easy to get away from in verticle.
1st time, I used wire fencing 2"X3".. problem is
when growing verticle, the plant wants to grow, 1st, UP, then out.
The 2" holes are too small to get your hands into to reach the 'inside' of the plant. I was cutting the 2x3" holes to 6"..

I've gotten away from screens (I may go back) and ordered extra ceiling struts from GL. Took #12, O rings (the proper size for the ceiling struts in my tent, GL145) and slide them over (or onto) the xtra ceiling struts of the tent, position them strategically and tie branches up to them by running the string between the O ring and the strut (I use a crochet thingy to pull the string thru twice). The rubber creates a friction fit for the string, holding heavy branches very well.. NO KNOTS.

As for cool tubes, I tried them and felt like I didnt need the welding goggles, like I needed without the cool tube, so they now sit on the shelf.

And Marlo.. thanks for ALL your input, in all your threads.


Active member
I dunno why you even need to point a fan at the light bulb, honestly.

Point the fan at your plants.

The heat from the light bulb already rises naturally at a perfect rate anyway.

You just need something in place to suck up the heat.


ICMag Donor
I've gotten away from screens (I may go back) and ordered extra ceiling struts from GL. Took #12, O rings (the proper size for the ceiling struts in my tent, GL145) and slide them over (or onto) the xtra ceiling struts of the tent, position them strategically and tie branches up to them by running the string between the O ring and the strut (I use a crochet thingy to pull the string thru twice). The rubber creates a friction fit for the string, holding heavy branches very well.. NO KNOTS.

And Marlo.. thanks for ALL your input, in all your threads.

I recently got away from the screens as well. I still use the fencing tho. Instead of growing thru the fencing, I grow in front of it and anchor the plants to it. like this....





I use fuzzy pipe cleaners to anchor the plants to the fencing. These things are very durable and can be bent into any shape. They are 12" long and come in a pack of 50 for 1$





ICMag Donor
This thread has really picked up. The con-verts are increasing :)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. Lots of questions being asked that I can't answer bcus I've never run C02, or anything more than 800w. Great to have so many growers sharing the love.



Guess you didn`t read my earlier post bout keepin fans away from the plants T or L....Gotta respectfully disagree STRONGLY on your complete last post..and please......

Everyone.......keep da lil fan under your bulbs , be they stacked for shelf grows , or in line across the way for stadium type setups....and.....

Yes .....Heat rises naturally , but creating that slow moving column of air helps to exchange room air twice per minute in optimum conditions pulling cooler fresh air into said grow area and underneath from the active intakes , and everything that`s not sucked out by the exhaust/scrubber combo`s are recirculated up , around and down the backsides of the plants creating that vortex of air without actually blowing directly at the plants fuckin shit up IME........

As plants suck juice and transpire excess humidity left over from nutrient uptake for proper growth and swellage , they NEVER need fans blastin at em to make em sweat/transpire faster/more than needed , causing excdessive nutrient uptake/drying out faster of medium FROM nutrient uptake , causing guaranteed ph imbalances and potential lockout that shuts down growth COMPLETELY till brought back into the correct parameters ....

I learned perfect environment from Krusty and Heath over many a yr doin this....Environment`s everything.........Blastin light at their ass means nothing without proper environmental control......

NEVER point fans at plants , but rather above and below to create a constant swirling/vortex effect so they won`t increase transpiration and uptake more nutrients than needed for dialed results .....

Maybe no fans underneath each bulb "might" work with sealed setups runnin CO2 , but I`ve never run it and with your inline fan directly above the bare bulbs , it looks like you don`t either.....



Freds as you know i had major drama getting my room dialled and the 3rd shelf was getting cooked by the top row of lights.... no way of blowing fans from beneath as plants are underneath :) so to tackle this i have 2 16inch pedestal fans behind each side of the stadium blowing left to right and this solved the prob and allowed me to get the room dialled.....

perhaps this is why im having to water every day now aswell as this shelf is the one dryn out quicker....

so are them fans fucking my shit up or will it be cool as long as i keep on top of the feeding situation?



Yeah LL... Stadium setups are hardta dial with proper airflow workin around the plants instead of dead on em , rather than right beyond their edges with low constant airflow around em where they transpire /sweat out all excess juice as needed for dialed environment....and ....

Very easily could be the force behind all your more frequent feeding needs , although I`d bet it`s more of just the nature of the coco beast needing fed more doin it right.......

Saw several stadiums with big ass wall banger a/c`s in 1 end with CO2 burners in the other that did well without any fans at all.....but.....

Sealed rooms are another animal with different needs....

Never point the fans at your plants....Rule number 1 guys...everything else falls into place once environment`s workin....

Edit:....Skwirly...as long as they get airflow "around em" they`ll gain their stem strength , but 1 of the only additives I ever used in over 15 yrs for stem wall strength and potassium supplement was Botanicare "Silicablast" @ 2-5ml per gal on every feed strain dependent.....



attention honeywell playas...

attention honeywell playas...

lets give our little fans some love today, perhaps some cleaning of blades and motors...also consider buying a spare, emergency backup planning !! DHF likes the fan set on low, and i'm in agreement, gentle air movement prevails !!

humans and lumens working together in peace homies


this sour circle has blown up to proportions i never imagined...


ICMag Donor
I definitely need to clean my fans!
There's a nice buildup of dust on the grill. Shoulda done it a long time ago.

Thanks for reminding me bro. :)

All setups are different, and there will always be exceptions to every rule. But I agree with what DHF has been preaching about the slow column of air being the best method for bare bulb vert.

I have a nice strong extraction fan as well. This and the small floor fans keeps the air moving nicely. Never lacking for airflow imo.

I definitely need to clean my fans!
There's a nice buildup of dust on the grill. Shoulda done it a long time ago.

Thanks for reminding me bro. :)

All setups are different, and there will always be exceptions to every rule. But I agree with what DHF has been preaching about the slow column of air being the best method for bare bulb vert.

I have a nice strong extraction fan as well. This and the small floor fans keeps the air moving nicely. Never lacking for airflow imo.


I had considered upgrading my fan until I read one of DHFs posts, lowered my fan speed, and now I'm @ 75f w/ 600w. As a horizontal grower (and electronics guy) it seems intuitive that more fan = cooler but this is one of those cases where it's not.


If someone posted this all ready, my bad! V-stadium growers, or bare bulbed grows will need some type of cage or protection around the bulb for burned skin safty, or maybe just a thick long sleeve.
