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Mr. Tony

Active member
that fixed stem toro is whats up. I wanna get one but i need to get my glass connect back, not paying head shop prices....

Got some el hefe on the way.

what do you guys think about a small glass forum on here? it'd make it the ultimate site...


Yeah. Thanks again Prof.

There are a couple things I want to order,and I am waiting on an inline, but I think the Ziggy will be the next big glass purchase.

Mr. Tony

Active member
that site is like
5% of the people spend their whole waking day dedicated to glass and blow all of their cash on it.
85% of the people ride the balls of the 5% that have nice glass because they think there is nothing cooler in the world than thousand dollar bongs.
the other 10% are cool decent successful people who smoke and use nice glass.

the admin's are fucking nazi's. speak out against anything they say and your gone.


the fixed stem has no lag and is soo smooth. The piece is only about 18 inches i think but i can rip it as fat as my 3 ft single chamber roor. Cleanings not too easy, all the ash has to go out through the arms, so big chunks that get through can get stuck and be a bitch to get out. I think thats why alot of people use a/c's with them, but i like how it rips without an a/c.

pack a bowl

i really do gotta wonder where the hell some of the money comes from for those collections, but from a glassblowers perspective TC is really informative / inspirational. I figured gp.org was the glass site of all sites but i just found TC a few months ago and barely check gp.org anymore.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Growing/ selling pot simple as that. Though there are a few guys there will really good jobs and just have the $ sitting there.

Some of those guys put the majority of their money into glass. it's easy to see that when they post pics and you get a picture of the home they live in.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
All the money I have left over after I pay my bills and I put away money in the savings account.. Goes towards getting glass/weed... :joint:

pack a bowl

the admin's are fucking nazi's. speak out against anything they say and your gone.

admins are nazis everywhere. You are posting in this thread b/c the admins don't respect glass enough (or the people who make it) enough to have their own section aside from 1 dinky thread. IC mag would be nothing if overgrow never died, ha.

RooR HeaD

Tony said it tokecity is a fucking joke! But i disagree with one ting t said 95 percent of thos guys r tools. that dude ninja is on the biggest power trip in the world he thinks hes god cause he run tokecity but really hes a fucking loser that has no life besides tokecity if u took that away from him he would honestly b heart broken. and honestly toke city is full of wangsters only a few people on that site have a clue of what they r talking about. i got banned cause i said to a kid he payed way to much for a jason lee and i could get one from the same set at headin to hertel for a couple hundread bucks cheaper and people lost as if i said i think sadam should b president. my ip adress is still blocked to this day and honestly tokecity sucks compared to glasspipes gp is the only site that all the top blowers go on yea a few go on tc but all the top blowers go on gp.

as for the collections its not that hard to sell weed man think about it im not gonna lie i payed for a trip in ful to adam when i was 19 years old. but alot of those guys spend every cent on glass from mimnum waage jobs and then buy swag and beasters to smoke they rather smoke shitty weed out of great glass then smoke bomby out of papers. and money isnt that hard to make u just have to know what to do with it to keep it! im lucky enoug to have a good job but ever since i was a kid i knew how to save money i still have my barmitzma money excuse my spelling. and if u invest money then u will b set for the rest of your life just got to talk to the right people.

but at the end of the day im not gonna tell u not to go on tc but thats how i fell about their site and that will never change.

as toward ziggys comin back in stock i would not count on it only 66 slides were made so how many bongs could of been made! and edit left up the slides sayin out of stock and its been a year so im not gonna lie i dont think so. i want a ziggy as well but so many people want it now adays id rather get my own custom now! theirs a ziggy beaker on roor pics and theirs a ziggy beaker on this thread as well a ways back a guy had a ziggy beaker custom done from weedcity.

and thats a nice toro toob i was gonna get one for a while but im not gonna spend 700 and worry about the arms breaking a kid posted a few pages back sayin the headshop by him ordered 10 and 3 broke b4 they arrived. and ive heard what u mentioned is a big problem with those toros after a while especially if u dont clean them dayily. but that is till a hot tube and those things have no drag at all. i was gonna get 1 99 percent it was one of the rarer ones it had grenn arms with a dicro worked section but one of the workers broke it and then i said thehelll with it and just saved my money overall if im gonna spend the doe on one of those id rather get a big mnp this time around.

pack a bowl

gp.org has been dying and more people have been posting on TC.. if you wanna look at tc use www.securetunnel.com to block your IP.

gp.org once had it's time but it's peak is over. TC connects the glassblowers to the customers which gp.org never did enough which was it's main downfall. Although that was prob one of the reasons that site was able to stay afloat with no problems over the years even during OPD.


i told ya about store havin those toros break. Im just very careful with it, and there so beefy in person i really dont see it breaking any time soon.
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