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Rick Simpson busted again


Homeopathy is just flat out bullshit. A lot of over the counter remedies are homeopathic and thus completely worthless, except for the placebo effect of course. Carefully check your over the counter purchases to make sure you aren't paying premium prices for . . . water, perhaps with some flavoring added.

James Randi on homeopathy:



There is an oil mixed with something else that makes cancer inactive I would know it kept me from dying years ago but it sure as heck ain't marijuana based oil hahaha.. his on an epic fail mission any cancer patient vouching for him is doing so for money reasons I would love to see there MRI scans to prove it's cancer healing effects..


I have about had it with this homeopathy doesn't work shit. First off what the fuck do you think medical cannabis is??? standardized western closed minded corrupt medicine? no it is a homeopathic remedy for all sorts of ailments. There are companies who rip you off and sell you things that don't work but I swear if one more person bad mouths homeopathy without ample proof that plant chemicals (which make up over 60% of all pharmaceuticals) do not in fact cure any illnesses is they will get negative rep from me every day I see one of your threads. Do not insult ayurvedic medicine or the power of plants to cure illness unless you have proof that it in fact does not cannot cure it.

Ganja baba

Active member
OMG, I never thought I'd see the day when I actually agreed with Marc Emery.
Thanks, fatigues!

Me to mate , I was at the cup and seen him tell people h got busted while he was in the dam . I thought may be one of the big seed comps entering that year grassed on him so they can keep him in the dam and coin his idea , bit far fetched now lol . But all ways looking for the next conspiracy lol.

if Simpson cant not prove his claims . then he will only add to the growing amount of bull shit spurted out by none smokers , i can imagine the scientific world , really using this to shadow down claims that cannabis helps medically and is a true medicine ...

Ganja baba

Active member
1. Chiropractics have been proven to be bullshit, look at the big CAM study lancet published in like 2005 and ANY other scientific study looking at it. Chiropractors have KILLED people because they didn't know what they were doing, they ripped apart the arteries in the patient's neck and the patient died subsequentially. It may help you if you have a problem that you're imagining and that doesn't actually exist or is a manifestation of some psychological problem, or something that goes away on its own (but then again, that's not really helping, is it...). I think I should have made a clearer distinction between the homeopathy I meant and the other form that exists, which is, at least around here, apparently practiced more often. I was talking about the homeopathy basing on the idea that a medicine gets stronger the more you dilute it, not the form that is simply herbal medicine, I do believe that there are applications for herbal medicine and they should definitely be looked into (after all, cannabis is herbal medicine as well). However the original idea of homeopathy is just retarded, it's based upon the claim that water has a "memory" and sort of remembers what medicine was in there, even if the solution is diluted to the 200th power and statistically can't contain any of the plant extract that the "doctor" started out with. This idea actually stems from a series of logically flawed deliberations by Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy. He based his original theory on the idea that "same can be treated with same", so he treated illnesses of a specific organ with plant extracts from plants that looked similar to the organ affected or that produced an effect similar to the symptoms of the illness (this was because he apparently had an intolerance to quinine, a chemical that has long been used to treat malaria and is actually effective for doing so. It's contained in a plant (cant remember the name, sorry) that was used to treat malaria during Hahnemann's time and he tried taking some without actually suffering from malaria in an experiment. Due to his intolerance to the chemical, he suffered from symptoms similar to malaria and so got to the conclusion that plants which produce an effect similar to symptoms of a disease can be used to treat that disease). Now those extracts weren't always healthy as some of the plants used were poisonous, so his patients actually got sicker from taking them (but of course this didn't occur to him). He then proceeded to dilute them and lo and behold, his patients were better off than with the undiluted form which led him to the conclusion that medicine gets stronger, the more you dilute it, an idea which is of course complete bullshit.

2. I never meant to attack or discredit Rick Simpson, I'm just saying that considering the statements he makes (hash oil=cure-all) and the evidence he provides (none except for anecdotal evidence, I'm having a hard time believing his claims. I didn't jump him or anything, just stating that.

3. He does say that many people don't get high:

Again, maybe he's right and oral administration of his kind of oil doesn't produce noticeable effects for those people, I was just saying I thought it was odd.

4. I know perfectly well that cannabinoids have been shown to have an anticarcinogenic effect, which is why I believe there is true potential in Rick's oil. I'm just saying that if he wants to be taken seriously, he's gonna have to provide some more evidence, or it's gonna have to be produced by scientific studies and I was actually questioning why none of those have been conducted with high-dosed natural cannabis extracts when there is anecdotal evidence that they actually work against cancer.

don't get me wrong, I would really like to believe Rick and I think he's a great guy for providing those people with medicine that apparently works for them, I'd just like to see some scientific proof before I buy his story without questioning it. That's just how I work, I'm a natural born skeptic.

And by the way, I NEVER called Rick a snake oil salesman, I gave him credit for not selling his oil even though he has to pay to produce it and I think it gives him a lot of credibility as opposed to the CAM scene where you pay out the ass for something that doesn't work for serious illnesses that don't just go away on their own.

mate i go to the chiropractor , he puts my facit joints back into place and then i have no more pain , but alot oif the klicking and noises dont do shit and alot of the stuff seems bull shit they have to do all the other stuff to fill the time slot , the only thing they do that works is popping the joints back in , i now get my 10 year old daughter to walk on my back i breath out and they klick into place , job done 40 bucks better of ,

Blue Dot

All I want to say is that there is a world of difference between cannabinoids reducing cancer in cells in a petri dish vs the effects of cannabinoids on cancer in vivo (ie. the patient).

There is an old indian saying about peyote that can be applied to cannabis here: "If it had a certain effect, we would have noticed by now".

In other words, cannabis has been around thousands of years. If it cured cancer then we would have noticed by now.

Rick is a snake oil salesman.


I have about had it with this homeopathy doesn't work shit. First off what the fuck do you think medical cannabis is??? standardized western closed minded corrupt medicine? no it is a homeopathic remedy for all sorts of ailments. There are companies who rip you off and sell you things that don't work but I swear if one more person bad mouths homeopathy without ample proof that plant chemicals (which make up over 60% of all pharmaceuticals) do not in fact cure any illnesses is they will get negative rep from me every day I see one of your threads. Do not insult ayurvedic medicine or the power of plants to cure illness unless you have proof that it in fact does not cannot cure it.

I think you're confusing homeopathy and ... well, everything else. Homeopathy is not the concept that plant compounds can help you. It is the idea that taking a chemical (plant extract, whatever) that CAUSES a similar ailment, diluted down to the point that it is no longer present in the solution can cure you. It is the idea that the water will remember the composition of the compounds even though they are no longer present.

Read up on it.

I agree wholeheartedly that cannabis and other medicinal plants can treat and possibly cure disease.

It's just a confusion of terminology.

EDIT: Medical cannabis isn't homeopathic. If you wanted to make a homeopathic medicine from cannabis you would create an extract of the active cannabinoids, then dilute it until they were no longer present in the solution. So, you're getting no medicine. None. Zero. :(

EDIT #2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy

"Homeopathic remedies generally contain few or no pharmacologically active molecules,[21] and for such remedies to have pharmacological effect would violate fundamental principles of science.[12][22] Modern homeopaths have proposed that water has a memory that allows homeopathic preparations to work without any of the original substance; however, the physics of water are well understood, and no known mechanism permits such a memory.[22][23] The lack of convincing scientific evidence supporting homeopathy's efficacy[24] and its use of remedies lacking active ingredients have caused homeopathy to be described as pseudoscience orquackery.[25][26][27][28][29]"
I'm with Rick. Go brotha go!
My grandmother has cancer and I'm growing some meds for her right now. I'll let you know if it works for us.
Ide also have to go against science. I can show you way more faults on chemo than I can find faults on using Cannabis use. Sorry but its been a cure for thousands of years until 75 yrs ago when man started patening his meds. and claiming it to be the only way.


There is a need for proper studies!

Reschedule Cannabis from 1 to 2 or more!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
There is a need for proper studies!

Reschedule Cannabis from 1 to 2 or more!

If cannabis is going to be rescheduled (again) it won't go farther than 2.

The cannabis that is to be used as medicine is being rampantly abused all over California... in a pretty public fashion too.

The CSA will be sure to reflect this I'm sure.


gee anybody that has been down for any amount of time will tell you that europe is a lot nicer than a pinner ass cell. Oh i forgot, lot of these icm'ers are just little inexperienced kids! Leave the guy alone.
Half you idiots bashing this guy would never even try something revolutionary, just sitting back judging people from your keyboard. Get a life, this guy tried something and it looks like it works!. Does it work, well even if it works 10% of the time i am a believer. Cannabis is good for everything!

oh and fatugues let me get this straight, you are for richard lee and corporate cannabis but against simpson?


All I want to say is that there is a world of difference between cannabinoids reducing cancer in cells in a petri dish vs the effects of cannabinoids on cancer in vivo (ie. the patient).

There are some results with humans.Someone who i know was cured of cervix- & liver cancer by using Cannabis alone and nothing else.I agree that you cant translate results from a petri dish into what it will do with humans, but i'm convinced that when you make a strong extract like the hash oil of Rick Simpson, that it will do something with the cancer cells, so you cant call it snake oil.

Cannabis smoke contains several carcinogenic chemicals, but never has someone died of lung cancer by smoking Cannabis alone, so in some way some other constituents like Cannabinoids protect you for getting lung cancer.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Quote"Cannabis smoke contains several carcinogenic chemicals, but never has someone died of lung cancer by smoking Cannabis alone, so in some way it protect you for getting lung cancer."

I respectfully disagree. Being scheduled as a class 1 narcotic I don't believe enough study has been done. It most likely isn't as dangerous, However after 24 years of smoking I do find myself short of breath where my non-smoker friends don't. JMO.:smokeit:
Last edited:


Quote"Cannabis smoke contains several carcinogenic chemicals, but never has someone died of lung cancer by smoking Cannabis alone, so in some way it protect you for getting lung cancer."


This has been proven in studies, just like how THC kills cancer or eats away the methyl group around a cancer so the body can tell DNA has gone nuts and the body will eat it.

The studies have been proven over and over.

Make your self some of Ricks Oil and rub it on the spots on your skin that may be questionable, any abnormal moles or things like that. report back.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-52SYV_8wI -------mice video

THC / Cannabis as cancer cure studies:
Study Indicates THC May Eradicate Brain Tumors

Seth Group: Nontoxic Dose of Delta9-THC Kills Human Brain Tumor Cells

Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids

Cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer: Correlation with survival and pain

Dr. Robert J. Melamede Ph.D. Chairman of the Biology Department of the University of Colorado: Conducting Scientific research on Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids protect against sunburn and skin cancer because of the CB1 receptors in our skin.

Unlocking a Cure for Cancer – With Pot

THC to cure skin cancer?
Well, not just skin cancer. It has been documented, even videotaped (www.sethgroup.org) that THC from the cannabis plant attacks cancerous and mutated cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed

One fascinating aspect of Dr. Manuel Guzman’s work is that, as the tumors being treated are in brain (nerve) tissue, the neuroprotective properties of THC become extremely important. Whereas most cancer treatments cause damage to surrounding tissue (especially crucial in the brain), THC treatments actually protect adjacent non-cancerous nerve tissue.
Anti-Cancer Properties of THC - Research in Print:
[1] Parolaro and Massi. 2008. Cannabinoids as a potential new drug therapy for the treatment of gliomas. Expert Reviews of Neurotherapeutics 8: 37-49
[2] Guzman et al. 2006. A pilot clinical study of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. British Journal of Cancer.
[3] Galanti et al. 2007. Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits cell cycle progression in human glioblastoma multiforme cells. Acta Oncologica 12: 1-9.
[4] Calatozzolo et al. 2007. Expression of cannabinoid receptors and neurotrophins in human gliomas. Neurological Sciences 28: 304-310.
[5] Cannabinoids selectively inhibit proliferation and induce death of cultured human glioblastoma multiforme cells. Journal of Neurooncology. 2005
[6] Cannabinoids and cancer. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2005
[7] The endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells. Gut. 2005 http://gut.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/54/12/1741
[8] Cannabinoid receptor as a novel target for the treatment of prostate cancer. Cancer Research. 2005 http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/65/5/1635
[9] Antitumor effects of cannabidiol, a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, on human glioma cell lines. Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics. 2004
[10] Cannabinoids inhibit the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway in gliomas. Cancer Research. 2004 http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/64/16/5617
[11] Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) inhibits lytic replication of gamma oncogenic herpesviruses in vitro. BMJ Medicine. 2004
[12] Cannabinoids: potential anticancer agents. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2003
[13] Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by cannabinoids. The FASEB Journal. 2003
[14] Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by activation of cannabinoid receptors. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2003
[15] Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: involvement of sustained ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. Nature Medicine. 2000
[16] Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells. FEBS Letters. 1998 http://www.febsletters.org/article/PIIS0014579398010850/abstract
[17] The endogenous cannabinoid anandamide inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 1998
[18] Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of 1 trans-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in F344N/N Rats and BC63F1 Mice. National Institutes of Health National Toxicology Program, NIH Publication No. 97-3362. 1996.
[19] Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1975 http://www.ukcia.org/research/AntineoplasticActivityOfCannabinoids/default.html

Recent Research on Medical Marijuana

Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Leukemia T Cells Is Regulated by Translocation of Bad to Mitochondria

Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: Involvement of sustained ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation

For more studies click here:



Hey Golden, the top portion was a quote elmanito. I'm not figuring out the quote feature properly. Maybe you could help?

Aside from that, I find it amusing that no one wants to admit that too much of anything is abuse and could cause some unwanted side effects, like shortness of breath in my case or copd for my neighbor who never smoked cigs at all.


ok I admit that you can get shortness of breath...

just hit the quote button and take out what you need but you have to leave the block quoted parts as they are html code