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Must...catch...Heath... 7200 watts of VERT


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Oh man, and I thought I was screwing myself using the cheaper bulbs! I have been ordering them off ebay from someone in the UK, and they cost me about $35-50 shipped.



New member
Hey RTS, yea you are absolutely right. I would LOVE to get to the point where I am running 115 perfectly monocropped and identical clones in each system. It is really hard to get to that point though. An entire run of 6 systems uses almost 700 cuts. Keeping a mother supply that meets these needs takes lots of resources and just takes time to get to the point where you can monocrop like that. Hopefully I will be there sooner than later though cause you are right. Thanks again for dropping in!

Having identical clones would be ideal, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary. Putting those identical ones that you have in neat rows and columns might give some idea of performances of different columns and rows. Or should we talk about latitudes and longitudes? Another way would be to totally randomise plant placement. Enough production runs and patterns would start emerging.

Anyway, good luck with your sea of cuttings.


there is a story behind the measurements. Copying just the data does not tell the whole story. First of all the Sylvania lamps do perform very well to start with, but their light maintenance is much worse than the Philips. In horticulture we do not sell them anymore because we had massive problems with electronic ballasts. We had a lot of lamp failures and the way they failed they took along the ballast electronics, even though that circuit is protected.

If you change them regularly and keep one spare they offer you a lot of light, but not very long. Because of the risk for electronic ballasts we do not support them anymore on our electronics.

The test was NOT a lamp test but a ballast test, so the output of the lamp was not what we were after.

Also take into account that the Philips GreenPower 400V 600W EL is ONLY suitable for high voltage high frequency ballasts specifically developed for this lamp, it does NOT run on the normal 120/240V electronic ballasts and is not compatible with the Philips Greenpower 230V 600W (which btw is not suitable for electronic ballasts).

We have good experiences with the European GE Lucalox PSL lamps on electronic ballasts.


Hey can we move this light talk to grow room equipment whatever its called. LMAO everytime i see an update in this thread i get all excited then bummed hee hee....


New member
3 x 120 ez cloners

3 x 120 ez cloners

First off, let me say that your setup is inspirational. way to max it out bro!

also wanted to throw a suggestion.

Have you thought about putting more than one cut in each puck of your ez cloners. I've had great success with up to 4 cuts in each puck.

In theory, you could produce more cuts in one machine than you are currently doing in all three, unless you are already doing this.

even with only 3 cuts in each, you could ditch on machine, save on the little bit of energy, and produce more cuts than you are now.

just a little more info for a great thread!
Hey man, my new favorite thread on this site - I...........errrr, a buddy of mine, ran something similar in PVC pipe but used an HP aero delivery system:


Anyhow, that system has been changed from 4 600s to 3 600s and from six levels to five levels..............that was a long-winded way of saying "in my humble opinion, I would get a light meter, and methinks it's gonna tell you that you're gonna want more light in each of those - at least a 400W in between the two 6s, if not just three six's (which I can highly, highly recommend)" - let me know if you'd like a link to another forum where I did very detailed light tests with my digi light meter - might make you reconsider your current lighting setup.

Just me ranting, take it for what it's worth..................but I certainly do appreciate your effort and innovation, and (truly) thanks for sharing.

I'm not sure I feel too comfy posting pics online anymore, but if/when we both get to 50 posts I'd love to PM with you a bit (no homo).

FWIW, decided the simplicity of DTW coco works better for my lifestyle these days than HP aero, LP aero, NFT, etc. (lol, tried them all).


Yo homey, hope everything is cool... How r those systems coming along? Was very interested to see how the medman and ak99 where doing with no veg.



Which cutting tool did you use to give a straight cut for the pipes.
If were to use a hacksaw Id probably cut it to an angle lol, & circular saw just cant cut it deep enough. I do wonder what heath used.


Active member
Jigsaw works a charm. Fast n' mostly straight. These alot of room in the 90 degree pieces so the cut doesn't have to be precise.

Gonna be one hell ova good update when he gets back here I reckon.


Which cutting tool did you use to give a straight cut for the pipes.
If were to use a hacksaw Id probably cut it to an angle lol, & circular saw just cant cut it deep enough. I do wonder what heath used.
sawzall that bitch
Which cutting tool did you use to give a straight cut for the pipes.
If were to use a hacksaw Id probably cut it to an angle lol, & circular saw just cant cut it deep enough. I do wonder what heath used.

DeWalt table saw will cut that PVC like a hot knife thru butter.

Will definitely handle 6", 8" might be tough.

-Dude Who's Used His DeWalt to Cut a Shitload of PVC



Whats up brothas? Long time no update and for that I apologize. The last month has been CRAZY!

***This post is probably too long and all over the place. If you don't feel like reading it skip to the end for the summary...

Definitely the worst grow month of my career lol. Almost everything that could go wrong did so I have been in 24/7 scramble mode just to save the op.

I want to make it clear that I am NOT complaining. It is nice when everything goes well, but you can't truly appreciate the highs :)smokey:) without experiencing the lows.

Where to begin?

A few days after my last update I went out of town for less than two days. I left on like a Tuesday night and came back on a Thursday morning to find what?... Air conditioning failure in my clone and mother room! Hooray!

Temps were 115 degrees with 90 percent humidity. All mothers are in NFT and were hurting BAD. Everything looked like steamed spinach and root rot had already kicked in hard.

Enter scramble mode...

Replaced portable 14k btu unit with 12k window unit. Built a box for the exhaust and ducted it out of the room. Brought temps down to a nice cool 75 overnight. I have never used window AC units like this before, but had no other options at the time. Only portable AC units I could find in town were 9k btu which definitely wouldn't cut it. So far this window AC unit is working quite well. Will post pics later for fun.

After installing the AC I threw out all of the dead moms. I am thinking there were around 30 that just got completely and totally fried to shit. I am talking about cripsy brown in less than 48 hours.

Pruned the dead leaves and mushy roots off of all of the "surviving" moms. I use quotes because at this point it was certainly possible that I would lose all of them. Now...

The timing could not have been worse. I was going to take cuts for my next three runs (360 cuts) the day I got back. Let me repeat... THE DAY I GOT BACK! So what did I do?

Took 550 cuts off of everything I had just in case I lost my entire mom stock...

So here I am thinking everything is ok. Just took a massive amount of cuts and saved a bunch of moms. Cool right? Psych!

Come in the next morning to check up and find SHIT LOADS of black bugs crawling around my already super weakened moms. Hop on the intranet to do some research and conclude that I have thrips. Thousands of them that just sprang up overnight and went to town on my vulnerable mom stock.

After researching what to do I hit all of my moms and the 550 cuts I just took with Spinosad and I hit them HARD. This shit is AMAZING. Killed basically all of them on contact.

Next day I prune all dead leaves off of my moms and give them a spray with just water to wash off the thousands of dead thrips. They have already done some pretty serious damage... I then go through every one of my 550 cuts and inspect spray with water to remove dead bugs, larva, and wash off the Spinosad. The damage is clear, but I think I am ok...

Ok bad timing, but I have to go out of town for 3 days. This is something I simply must do and have no choice. Luckily I have my buddy watch over the place. He stayed at the house. He is learning the game, but is still new so I give him some pretty basic instructions... refil rezes, check the plants to make sure they don't spontaneously combust, hit the plants with spinosad again to kill the larva cycle... just basic stuff.

Get back to town and guess what?! The AC in the clone room died and EZ clone rez temps rose to 80 degrees. What does that mean? All 550 cuts that I took died! Yay! Such a sick thing to happen. I have taken 1000s of cuts and NEVER lost an entire run before. The number of things that have to go wrong for something like this to happen is crazy. I scramble, do rez changes, add some hydro fungicide, and fix AC. There is a small chance I might be able to save some of these since they were caught relatively early...

I go to another room where i have 25 plants from seed vegging. I just took 3 cuts a piece from these and intended to use them on the next run. Still in search of new genetics... I walk in to the room and immediately FEEL that humidity is near 100 percent and the floor is wet. Pretty much all of the plants are wilted and some have straight mold growing on them. This is in 3 days... I check the coco and realize that these things have been over watered. WAY over watered. What happens when you severely over water coco? The water spills all over the floor and you create a perfect breeding ground for fungus gnats! More fun!

I stick a dehuy in here fast, vent the room, and vac the floor. Wait a few for the soil to dry out a bit and hit em with some tree and shrub. Fungus gnat larva = toast...


It was was time to check the weight of the first harvest. Had cut down about a week ago and had NOT felt good about it. My guess was I was gonna be super light here. After a week of drying my suspicions were confirmed... pretty lame harvest coming in at a little less than 2 pounds off of 1200 watts for .73gpw. This is the worst run I have EVER had in these systems and to be honest I don't know why. I have a few suspicions, but will get into that later.

So, where do things stand now?

I have about 25 of 80 mothers left. I believe they will make a full recovery and are already showing new growth. I am impressed that they made it after being fried and ate to shit by thrips. What wonderful plants.

The 550 cuts are still in the EZ cloners. I have a small amount of hope that they might make a recovery.

The plants upstairs that got mold and fungus gnats appear to be recovering. If I had of returned from my trip the next day I bet they would be toast.

Summary: Got kicked in the ass the past month. Lots of things went wrong. Was able to save some things, but unable to save others. System 1 harvest sucked.

So what did I learn from all of this?

I am definitely the type of person to take responsibility for my actions. I think the past month was a result of some poor decisions, neglect, bad timing, and bad luck.

The two AC failures were plain bad luck. I mean yuck. No power outages or anything just complete failure. I double checked all my wiring and it was perfect. I think I will blow them up... Leaving town when the first failure happened was probably a bad decision. This goes to show you should really be on top of things at ALL times.

Leaving town for the second time was unavoidable, but I should have prepared my buddy MUCH MUCH better. Soooo many things that I just know and can feel in my bones I assumed that he would know too. I left a long list of instructions, but it wasn't nearly long enough. I simply did not prepare him well enough for me to be gone for 3 days. That was MY fault, but I am certain it will NOT happen again.

There were a few times when I questioned my skills or wondered if I had neglected anything, but I am very confident I was on top of my game and a few small mistakes lead to some devastating damage. I have learned from all of this though and will be a better grower for it. I am glad that I was able to scramble and minimize damage. In many ways it is lucky that I was not gone for 24 hours more on both of my trips or else the whole op might have been screwed. Also I am lucky that pretty much nothing happened in my flower rooms.

The good news is, I have 3 more systems that will be harvested in the next 3 weeks. This is pretty good timing as I will need to the money to recover from this last month.

Still going strong boys and girls. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger. Am definitely a better grower than I was a month ago.

I will be posting some new pics in the next few days, but wanted to give everybody an update. Hope everybody is doing well.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Glad to see your positive attitude. What caused the ac failure? I had a 2ton fail from to much humidity freezing over the coils once. it was horrible


Real sorry to hear about your bad luck bro and harvest that was under expectations, sounds like the devil just to a serious shit on your OP but now the shits been cleared up, it's onwards and upwards.

BST said:
Still going strong boys and girls. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger

Think that sums it up very nicely.

Looking forward to those pics, sending out some karma your way homey!