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Slownickel lounge, pull up a chair. CEC interpretation

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Chasing The Present
Culturally the Amish have no qualms about exploiting their image as wholesome folk and returning little to the larger community.

Exactly my experience, I also don't trust the quality of the foods they sell to us "outsiders" either, especially the fresh products but again, that's my personal experience but I do live in Amish Country fwiw...

This is by no means to say they are bad people to each other or bad people in general, just toward 99.999% of the people on earth that's not them :)

It's very fashionable, cool to be discriminatory toward the majority if you're in the minority these days (whatever type or based upon minority group this is, thing big, not small minded), only issue is the total of the minority greatly outweighs any one majority group in near all circumstances so it's ridiculous.

That and the fact treating EVERYONE as equal until they don't deserve it is a fundamental requirement for our success as humans, too bad the sheep and cows can't wait to get in line fast enough to do otherwise....simpletons


Active member
Ask aea what happened to their new dawn farm or whatever they called it. Gonna use carbon capture to turn this pos land into a super veggie farm in a yr. and gonna do it w/o plastic

Methinks a yr is up. Gotta say I am curious just how awesome it must be by now


Chasing The Present
Fuck me for saying this...could a mod please ban me.

Anyways a Micelle is a form of chelation. It’s main goal is to protect metals from oxidizing because in certain oxidative states those metals are not plant available

So micelles with soluble stuff...sign me up

But with non soluble stuff that needs a suspending agent...gtfo

Jidoka, when did you flunk out or leave school? I don't mean this personal, but it seems your just about there?

Your knowledge is sound, superior... I believe schooling exists for other reasons fwiw, sports even better...

personally I prefer the rough edges, sadly the world doesn't
Exactly my experience, I also don't trust the quality of the foods they sell to us "outsiders" either, especially the fresh products but again, that's my personal experience but I do live in Amish Country fwiw...

This is by no means to say they are bad people to each other or bad people in general, just toward 99.999% of the people on earth that's not them :)

It's very fashionable, cool to be discriminatory toward the majority if you're in the minority these days (whatever type or based upon minority group this is, thing big, not small minded), only issue is the total of the minority greatly outweighs any one majority group in near all circumstances so it's ridiculous.

That and the fact treating EVERYONE as equal until they don't deserve it is a fundamental requirement for our success as humans, too bad the sheep and cows can't wait to get in line fast enough to do otherwise....simpletons

The amish also are the biggest operators of puppy mills in the united states.

also you ever wonder why people don't grow poppies in the united states for heroin? guess what. amish do. as well as untaxed tobacco.

they actually pay no taxes, but you can tell you're in amish country cause the roads have horse shit on them and the shoulders are caved in from that much more usage and horse shit.


Well-known member
So my buddy brought me that amish bacon from Montana somewhere, I'm allergic to it or something.

Also the will pay dudes a stud free to impregnate them. Apparently the Gene's are all getting the same. Apparently grandma has to watch. Wonder if you could spend a day working off your woo juice.


Active member
So my buddy brought me that amish bacon from Montana somewhere, I'm allergic to it or something.

Also the will pay dudes a stud free to impregnate them. Apparently the Gene's are all getting the same. Apparently grandma has to watch. Wonder if you could spend a day working off your woo juice.

What are the going rate stud fees? (Asking for a friend)


Active member
So my buddy brought me that amish bacon from Montana somewhere, I'm allergic to it or something.

Also the will pay dudes a stud free to impregnate them. Apparently the Gene's are all getting the same. Apparently grandma has to watch. Wonder if you could spend a day working off your woo juice.

A couple neighbors produce some decent pigs by crossing a fairly domesticated pig with a wild/feral breed. Wild one is fairly long haired.

Really good pork, night and day difference between that and store bought. Offspring are black like father, hair about half as long.


Active member
The thread is about slow’s method. In my twisted, tangential way I am mostly agreeing with him. Stick to the fundamentals and ignore the shiny bottles.

Right now it is entirely possible to go in most grows and reduce fert cost by 90% while improving yield and quality. And the answers are in this thread

So easy actually


Well-known member
Wow this has escalated quickly lmao. I miss the days of bashing on gypsum.

What do you guys think about a final gypsum flush inside? I'm thinking 14 days out.
Do a foliar of Mg the week before you move to flower next time. Let us know how the move goes afterwards.
Following your advice on this plant. I foliared this plant 2x last week with epsom. It went into flower room last night. It's a kali mist that has had a enough veg time to show alternating petioles. It was potted up 1 week before flip.

Not to be a dick but you have clear Ca deficiencies in your pics, especially #2, probably a little Mg & K def too, maybe even some P...

A little Gypsum might help you out a bit

Timely advice bro. Plant is definitely looking better after multiple, lite/moderate dosages of Ca (B) from gypsum and biomin, P from bone meal, K from seaweed products and Mg foliar. I think a problem in this case is that this plant should have been potted up before flipping
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