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big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I dont understand why this is still on the top. Of course i'm just adding to it and keeping it there, but i'd like to know what happened to this side of the forum. Used to be full of good conversation. Now its just like the other subforums..


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Dolomite lime ain't "organic" either...

I think the term organic is a misnomer personally. I prefer the term sustainable.

misnomer no doubt - the trouble today is corporate entities want to apply inapplicable definitions of the word "organic" so they can use it as a marketing tool w/o changing their farming practices

i wouldn't be surprised if there's people here swinging off those corporate balls too

basically we should "freeze" the standards for organic certification such as they are -that's what "technically organic" means

there will still be purists such as myself who consider a self-contained sustainable system to be better than "technically organic" (and a lofty standard to strive for)

but, for all practical purposes, if you meet the min standard for certification you are organic


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
when you stick to the "live culture" definitions, you exclude rock powders and such as are acceptable for organic.

i m certain a garden can be done w/ living/once living materials

but, the current standards by which "organic gardening" is defined allow a number of never living ammendments

the gist is that they are naturally occurring resources and not lab-derived or formulated chemically


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Basically, you'd have to ask yourself "Is it remotely possible that this could occurr in the natural state"?

absolutely - and since a large portion of "dirt" is broken down rocks

incidentally, thats the same way i think of it - but anytime you set down an absolute theres going to be erosion at the borders of the 'absolutism" -sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse


Living with the soil
I hate to say it because this is a delicate topic,but............if you are using crap that you know does not qualify as organic to the general mass of society,then it probably isn't organic. The people who puff my herb are GLAD I use organic (as can be) type products. We don't want to puff crap,we want the best we can get. I have puffed tuff for over 25 years and there is a CLEAR difference in the quality of smoke compared to chemi herb. They both get you baked,but ask any old timer which is easier on the lungs.
It's a choice,the world is full of them. I don't say anybody's herb sucks because we all need more peeps growing for the sake of the war.(on drugs)
There are so many ways to do it.....my choice is organic. PEACE


Well said Captain. I never hate on people's herb either. Chem or not. Although there is a special place in hell for people who claim their shits organic when it's not. But like you said there is a CLEAR difference that experienced smokers notice. I've gotten some of my broke friends started with free seeds, some cfl's (I provide), and a lesson or two. I view it as volunteering to help spread good herb.


Organic Material Review Institute certified my mmj now i'm organic. I sent them a quarter pound sample which they returned a half eighth of and said it was DEFINITELY organic.


I think I might be accidentally growing organic..... not sure..... the labels tell me I am so it must be......

See.... organic can really suck too....... :D :D

Revving up the wood chipper (organically)

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Any dimwit (and that probably includes me) can tell from reading their OWN WORDS at OMRI that it's a scam - period.

And I'm not all that smart as many on this venue have pointed out, eh?



Clackamas Coot

Active member
Many think Oregon Tilth is the best..

What say you, Clack?
I've been a member, in good standing for over 20 years, of the Oregon Tilth organization and while I've had my issues with them on a few deals I think that they're one of the best organizations promoting organic farming that there is.

Their acceptance by various state legislatures to 'embrace' the Oregon Tilth paradigm as their state laws regarding organic produce standards says volumes, IMHO.

Good folks from my perspective. Not without some mild complaints but nothing worthy of note.




How do you figure Dolomite Lime is not organic? It is basically limestone ground down to a powder.

I'm a scientist at heart, I guess. Dolomite lime has no carbon in it, so it's not organic to me. I also think that people have the notion that anything labeled "Organic" is safe, which is not the case. Using too much organic fertilizers in an area will totally screw up the ecology of that area, just like using too much salt based fertilizers will screw up an area.

I refer to my gardening style as sustainable because I include both organic and inorganic compounds in my soil mix, and because I strive to garden in such a way that has minimal negative impact on the environment.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Part of the problem with the term 'organic' is that it has different definitions depending on whether you're talking about EPA definitions vs. USDA definitions.

Which is why something as silly as potting soil can be labeled 'organic' which is on it's face completely absurd.

Organic perlite? Please! Organic pumice? Seriously?

Silly laws result in stupid definitions/standards.



Part of the problem with the term 'organic' is that it has different definitions depending on whether you're talking about EPA definitions vs. USDA definitions.

Which is why something as silly as potting soil can be labeled 'organic' which is on it's face completely absurd.

Organic perlite? Please! Organic pumice? Seriously?

Silly laws result in stupid definitions/standards.


Marketing folks, marketing. I think people growing organic and inorganic forget the importance of flushing out their bud properly. I've smoked organic buds (or so they said) that would't burn, were high in P-K, burned my throat. And I've smoked well cured and properly flushed synthetic hydro that was smooth as silk. I think quality bud, regardless of strain, is about 80% grower, 20% nutes, no matter what nutes you use.

I personally use GH Flora 3-part, and use their organic supplements, such as Floralicious and FloraBlend Compost Tea. I'm all about building a strong backbone of beneficial bacteria. Yes, orgoheads hate on GH (and I don't like GH's organic line), they still source their salts pretty naturally, and once again, a good flush and a good cure will make your bud!

Just be honest about your shit, if its not "Organic" don't call it that.

I myself use DWC, and I am planning on experimenting on a combination of earthworm casting tea, seaweed, and bat guano. I've heard that can be used on DWC with minimal gunk up. However, I have no hang ups about using GH and I think it is still a decent product.

and BTW, OMRI is bullshit, PBP is cool with me!