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ufc 2010


Active member
Weak chin ???

Cain lost to Werdum from exhaustion in Mexico's altitude, and Junior in a 3rd round submission.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Cain has a weak chin too.

G `day iT

When you have a spare 15 minutes go back and watch Cain vs Cheik Congo .

Only time I`ve seen Cain have trouble with his chin was when JDS lands the OHR from hell . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

NBE One !

On TV a short while ago. .... Bellator 192 ---> (this place may as well be America ! (((-: ). ...on Spike tv. from ingle wood California
P.s Cannot bring the accent on here :D !

Old news no doubt but Rampage lost to Sonnen
And caught the end of Rory McDonald vs Lima, Rory won

Nice to hear Big John McCarthy "speak" too (((-:
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NBE One !

B' (; . Competing with his teammate!? Knoe what your saying. Of ufc 206 DC would Spin Stipe 360° no doubt -n Win by Sub
...(a possibility ) (-:

Not the only - big mass that spins 360° ! ((((-:;
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Well-known member
G `day iT

When you have a spare 15 minutes go back and watch Cain vs Cheik Congo .

Only time I`ve seen Cain have trouble with his chin was when JDS lands the OHR from hell . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
That is one of the fights I am talking about. Cheick had him staggered and down. He just couldn't get it done because Cheick has flaws and can't stop a takedown or wrestle. Yes Cain got up but he did go down.

Junior knocked him out Bwanana.

All I am saying is Cain's chin is his weakest link.

Knocked down 3 times in 3 different rounds by Kongo. Cain had to take him down or he was getting knocked out. Knocked out by JDS. Knocked down and staggered numerous times by Verdum.

And they say once knocked out or repeatedly knocked down just makes it easier the next time.

His chin is what will be tested by Miocic or Ngannou. I would favor Cain but his chin is his weakness.


Well-known member
To Cain’s credit he was KO by Dos Santos pre USADA, if you look at DS’s performance after USADA he went to shit. This could just be correlation but the same happened to a lot of fighters.


Well-known member
To say that a heavyweight’s chin is their weakness is like saying that a flyweight’s weakness is their punching power. Given that in that weightclass(heavyweight) anyone can get ktfo at any given minute it just doesn’t really mean much. Just like you don’t expect too many KO’s in the flyweight division, you can’t expect anyone in the heavyweight division to have much of a chin, it takes one well placed punch for someone in that division to get KO’d imo.


Active member
I stand corrected, Cain was KO'd by [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dos Santos...thought it was a submission.

Either way Cain has been in some wars with Lesnar to Rothwell...so weak chin isn't close to accurate.


Active member
B' (; . Competing with his teammate!? Knoe what your saying. Of ufc 206 DC would Spin Stipe 360° no doubt -n Win by Sub
...(a possibility ) (-:

Not the only - big mass that spins 360° ! ((((-:;

Hey bro, yea both Cain & Daniel have stated many many times they would never get in the ring together because of their close friendship.

NBE One !

Yup,; would be interesting if that was to come about

Think DC should be happy at being the king of light heavyweight and stick at that.

... Khabib would sort them out; :)
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Active member
Yup,; would be interesting if that was to come about

Think DC should be happy at being the king of light heavyweight and stick at that.

... Khabib would sort them out; :)

Daniel said he'd retire at the end of the year, so he's aiming for a second title,,some more cash,,,and increase his brand marketability, all before Cain rolls back into town :dance013:


Would love to see more of Khabib, just don't see him that often with injuries, like 1-2 times a year maybe. Pretty sure that's what got me to love Cerrone, I mean I like his fight style as well but dude sometimes puts in 5-6 fights a year.

NBE One !

" Retire at the end of the year ! Then he Should Carry out his Plan. Maybe he'd win with Cain.In fact I reckon he'd beat any apart from JbJ."

"Any dude can be made dizzy tho always to bear in mind"

(((-: Talking of Bears ! .If Khabib had more Mass that would be Interesting "

Moved Text:
Don't Speak as on that Bus Video (at this time -me - has to Speak like this) There is more respect than you Know .
The Biggest Perpetrator on that Video is the Guy who Shouts Jesus Christ when the Dolly is thrown at the window . you see it is filth which trys to make itself Bigger (through us,through Our " thought " in Our beautiful Voice and Will Try and MAKE You Say OH GOD or JESUS CHRIST and make a SMILE-LAUGHTER AFTERWARDS or DURING -( or BEFORE even,USUALLY Having Folk(s) believing this is Nourishing,Verbally/Ultimately Physically attacking Others (Also Through Facial Expressions) - WHEN Negativity/Daunting Shock happens, ( attempting to Associate ) . Then looking for and Returning to what they find Comfortable . A mockery is made .

The Devil is at me now and so have not been able to Copy all that was wrote. " Rather i is That And GOD is at me " Torment is Every Second 24/7. As well as God Tormenting me Via Pokes.Fly bite type Feelings, others.Some are Comforting And Hilarious. ( for over 23 yrs I've been asking when's extraction Going to Happen, " iI am enthusiastic i suppose" .You Show Me " - Bruce Springsteen ," Born to run ! " Most recently an innerwave of energy moving through the body Starting at the Feet and Finally this slow moving "innerwave " moving too my left hand and Waving at me :).)
... Mainly at the Souls of the feet and at the Inside(s) of Knee Caps. A Feeling Associated with Woman(x) is Permanently felt between the legs ...

Update: a'hem, Sorted tune that Ebenezer ! *
:) Last night this " Great for me, Innerwave feeling " was like Swaying my Feet - from left to right :-D . Staying at the feet ( " me " started to sway the head in the Same Direction ( like a groovey little dance. Soon started smiling n Grinning ) was a reminder & "pick me up" :) I say . - Progression as I say . :D
* Not long ago got another Sicknote, 3 on the trott , was appointed a " Blood test " (again! pft, (-:, ). ya not doing that NOW I said :yoinks: , lol,Iol,,, :-D

Account Deletion:

Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
oldpink has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

bye folks.

Now on the 6th "8" Attempt this works. i will say 6th .

There is trouble, here yes

5th time of Trying. It makes Mockery as said much.
You Do not now What is upon you.You Shall Protect it
I Know Because i am the One who is to stop it Destroying Life -To delete the Filth.
Its Demise is more than Ever and so is more Linear to my Actions.It will use you or OF you to make opposite .It comes from the Voice you believe is your Own and act Accordingly. With a Smile on the Face which Does Not Belong to IT happen,you WILL NOT Know and so shall defend it.

This OP Character will Produce lie/Excuses in Not Clearing His Inbox which you will all agree in. with a scowell on the Face and CONFEER ,what i say. which makes it bigger.
it is part of Soul which is dirt.
When you feel ill of my That is IT but ul not believe so.
We are Ingredients of a cake. An Ingredient is NOT Good. I Have to Speak as i do. I am so aware of this. its final is at me. ...
Be away from swearing, hearing and speaking . PICTURES OF FILTH . ( where it happily disguisingly, will have you confeer, you may feel a somewhat relief in doing so.
words of own self importance .
But you dont know what you do. This is why i Have been made this way since l8 november 1994. Before then, did not know what was wrong with me.

In the end we are all the same.
You were MADE to Delete, posts
As said - will do so when of great importance to me.
You dont know what you do.

E. one of U

(it Effected me by Taking away any knowledge of copying and pasting )

time has moved but it may make you Want
an Audience. And what is brought by doing that ? .

What makes you wish to see/AND Speak of peoples's misery. i.e Slowing down to see a crash on the moterway
. a Fight at the school yard. of course you will feel joy , GOD wants this for Us. IT makes the mockery of things.

God has said i am the Next Jesus Christ At that date. (spirit ? WuuuUUUUUUUUhooooOOO entered a scouser and so was told. Of Course - the greatest Experience .
Apparantly i am the filth,also, because of this life long knowledge of two different Lives,
now i am being cleansed . God is destroying it through me -Letting me know, i am affected because i am one of us. How im affected you would not desire.
( also has said " i am with you on whatever you Do " )

D.A.D and Brother are/were the worst to me at 13/14. And the decieving Lying words of " POPS" . This Continues at a distance. Mark or " Mark "E" as mum use to say , is know as everybody becomes More Humble ( (Pops)

Do i have to speak this way. NO, but - there is pain,if not. Discomfort if do. because of what i was "SOo happily" told and is every second of exsistance.

Do not Dislike Beautiful life, Should be more of that, but the remnants of the filth is around and about
I have seen some of the beauty of God.
As said on GN's tokers den thread, us to Gods mind , not OPPOSITE way. of course you will wish to judge

I have been told not to re-read any of what is wrote. (iye fail) Which i have always done. i am 1 of us. now tv tells me i have too stop. JOB done i expect .
Progression . maybe you will wish to make a depiction. if not joyfull. stop. no do stop, because it will taint.

Having to " save " every minute or so , because it ul make not that, and make dictation from here

I SHOULD NOT SPEAK AT ALL. as is written, square picture comes in wright hand corner. "MY PUSSY IS SO HOTY" ..... LAUGH !!! i would if i was reading! LOL LOL :-D " HOTY " truely equals "HOT"E.
The Y wasnt there . no intention to make ( The beauty is beyond anything OUR WORDS can produce this. ( Talking Media SHIT Mostly ) ) IF is wanted something to happen this happens.Happily. BUT i am NOT ,never am , until Around people.* --- ( LOVE AND SYMPATHY ) i expect. <------with the most evil IT will Manipulate . IT IS MADE BY GOD AS ALL THINGS, IT is WORDS and lack of disrespect here. until smile is produced ALL is Classed the same )*^%£$^%. And is ENEMY, yes

Now i hear stop effecting our lives. are these words of Good. I feel So.

weakness. iye must stop.

TRY NOT LOWER EYES WHEN THINKING ON THIS - that will be hard, you will probably produce smile and interact with who ever is available.

. POPS . ( HYPOCRITE ) i call him pops instead of dad -does not like/HATES the name pops,loves DAD. - confusion ( NOT REALLY). because he likes to say the names of american towns cities etc . Pops is american. This is the filth of him that he cannot help doing. HE WRITES ALWAYS IN CAPITALS. WHENEVER I HAVE TO WITNESS. ( there is meaning here) and talks WHEN I TALK.
but amongst people he is deemed and knows " what a nice fella " HE IS :tip hat: .but is exposed amongst me. when alone. CANNOT HELP HIMSELF - an Example .

SO, MUCH MORE, but i will be " like a machine" and the day,gone, AGAIN . as years ! :years and years! ...." 46 [or 4+6 HEY ] :-D "
produce no more tears ,heard feel recently. EXPECT TIME IS COMING .

Look at bit coin thread. " im accused of turning "Stoners into fools" these words are desired to be written, Very concerning to all here of course eyh !? the truth of that is that is " IT " trying to get a foothold, with popularity. " not his Fault" ( but then where did the words come from ). again doesnt know what truely does, as every body . i use to repeat this Then I HEAR BUT I DO saying the word popularity causes a different undesired feeling "from what you call above, or the man upstairs" NO , as said , INSIDE.
the name below ? doesnt matter, the NORM,

Anyway . i wish to get something.


Swollen Left Nostril ( isn't Good) no lol. But lol lol .

"The Horse Tranquliser" Stuff IS CORROSIVE, ( pip; )Scabby. Blood and a water type substance also. All ending slowing down , ending

Cried to God ( not literally ). Well have actually, -in our head.

Rather tho, " it burns my nose, burns my nose '

Yea Corrosive. /-:

Blocked nose for a LONG while . pft, Wonderful. Not.
More Detriment.

Watching TV - 6ft Away and Visions gone a bit blurry , hence free spec saver Glasses. For Driving . - Myopia .T

Pic for Rarely Visited P.O.F , lollol

( (-; s2 )

PS. always alone in bedroom when writing ,always has been the case.

Different is upon me,when moving. Maybe really " ALL IS GOOD " that is wanted. OF COURSE. "jesbuds" i like that name . (-;:

i suffer for peoples wrongs that they dont now there doing,believe that to be correct, and defend it.

I was in group 6 out of 7 from 83 too 88 , 6 for maths 6 for english and live at number 6 .

NOYD MATE ((((((((-: !!!!!!!!!!!! . ALL GOOD BRO, we JUST have to follow suit . :yes :
you were the first person i told (-; .

fookin smart phone ( isnt smart ) fookin Laptop . but is very good when used correctly, for my lifestyle. COME ON LET ME GO! , ya did yrs ago. lots of times.


here we go again ..........

speach problem after car crash, quite unable to talk .................. [ ive had enough got to get tobacco ]
there is much more.

doubt you will entertain - [My Shit] Lol

- remember MAN SHOULD NOT BE WITH MAN. it is a VIOLATION . Created by Man and flaunted by us, caused by " it " . Notice how Loud they Are . Again IT. How dare they. [everytime i reread my words there is instantly more, to write. within an instant. Talked of progression

When my time / the time comes will be like a movie, you will watch. Popcorn Time, noyd (((-:

THE LOVE UPON US IS BEYOND WORDS MANNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . (now does that mean im joyfull)

People are scared to say things because of repercussions

Bottom link. Look how her singing and the video Coincide at times. ALSO take note of final words.

- https://youtu.be/7b2T8K2D-ps
.............................. ......
( https://youtu.be/FITSPSA8gQs )

Expect the words will make not happy. pce. soz - but has too happen. i have been shown

ALL IVE SAID IS TRUE. so expect that too.

maybe we come from Different worlds i hear on the square. THAT World is Inside. Bless you. the filth tries to put doubt on me.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
To say that a heavyweight’s chin is their weakness is like saying that a flyweight’s weakness is their punching power. Given that in that weightclass(heavyweight) anyone can get ktfo at any given minute it just doesn’t really mean much. Just like you don’t expect too many KO’s in the flyweight division, you can’t expect anyone in the heavyweight division to have much of a chin, it takes one well placed punch for someone in that division to get KO’d imo.

You make a good point about how any hwyweight could get knocked out if they face a half decent striker.
Cormier and stipe should be a good fight, stipe will have the size advantage but cormier seems like a really tough dude, he ate some punches in his last fight but they didnt seem to faze him.

Ronda rousey is making a comeback... to the WWE.
I guess now that she's been exposed in MMA, she feels like she can only win when the fights are choreographed?
Fwiw, i have respect for professional wrestlers. It's fake in that the matches are predetermined, but there's nothing fake about the dangerous stunts they pull (jumping off ladders, etc) and it's a hard life for most of them, they're on the road 300 days a year, doing 3-4 shows a week. If they get hurt, most of them dont take time off for fear of losing their place in the company, and perform with broken bones, torn ligaments, etc.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Some good fighters in that card. Machida makes me feel sad seeing him try to regain that lost step which I think is not gonna happen. He is just a bit too slow or the chin is not there. He also drinks his urine everyday so that is harsh too. Just read that on his bio.

He is 90% at best of his former self. The warrior mindset he has will not let him quit while there is even a faint hope of success. All the Brazilian fighters makes for a good card. So many good fighters over there.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Daniel said he'd retire at the end of the year, so he's aiming for a second title,,some more cash,,,and increase his brand marketability, all before Cain rolls back into town :dance013:

G `day Bwanna

Remember Daniel is Strike force HW tourney Champ ?
He tossed Josh Barnet on his head on his way to victory .

And what a beautiful toss it was .

Watch out for a young Ozzie HW by the name of Tuavasa .
Kid is an assassin .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Machida looked quite good in there. He was kind of running away from Anders. I think Machida's chin is not that good anymore and Anders throws bombs. His kicks were on point but his hands looked like they did not faze Anders. Still think he should quit, good luck to him.

Tim Means got robbed. Brazilians robbed him I think. I saw him getting more strikes in.

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