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Chaouen - The Moroccan Rif in May 2009


Thanks for your tips bonecarver_OG and limey.

Not going directly from Tétouan to Chefchouen is a very good |\idea limey. Nice you even suggested spots, I'll be back to this thread when I plan to get back to Morocco, however I can't go as soon as I would like to. I think the best months to go down there are May\June and September\October (harvest time), but I really doubt that I go there next Autumn... Maybe next year...

Gonna check your report now.

Good smokes to all you guys :joint:


My pleasure psychotropic,

those are indeed the best months climate wise. April (even early May) can still be a bit cold and wet up in the Rif ; mid-summer is unbearably hot..

actualy harvest inthe Rif is sometimes as early as late August. There are very few plants still growing by October (which I have always found a bit odd as Oct is certainly harvest time in other places I have been). I understand that this is largely driven by considerations of water/irrigation rather than by ripeness (though an open to being corrected on this). Most farmers in the Rif do not irrigate often as there is little rainfall in the growing period, stream and wadis run dry and few farmers can afford pumps etc. So many of them pull their plants when they are effectively dying from drought. I guess this lack of water probably helps to stimulate resin production but of course reduces yields and accounts for the frankly pretty poor and straggly plants one sees in many farms. Only in the highest reaches of the mountains (where there is higher humidity from clouds, dew etc) and in the more remote river valleys do you see many big, healthy green plants. This means to get the best hash you have to go far off the beaten trail... I regret I have been less adventurous that I ought to have been in this respect but I will go back Rifwards again (maybe this year) and see if I can get off my arse and get higher into the hills for more of the best resin....



limey - generally the drought method of growing cannabis is the best for hash production, and since long time back its these plants that produce the best - MOST potent hash. in spanish this method is called "Secano". this is the prefeered moroccan method.

the plants recieving irrigation normally yield more but ITS IS NOT the best hash producing plants. for you want the trichomes to fall off easy.. CHUNKY buds make this task very dificult...

many times i suspect some of those more wellgrown plants could be for kif production. now in morocco "KIF" is the chopped up nugs and is pretty much as far from hash u can get.


how far from chefouan are we talking... to get to the area in the rif where the best hash is made? 4 miles, 40?

The BEST hash in the rif... well, probably nearer to 40 than 4miles - it will be somewhere in the middle of the Chefchaoen-El Jebha/Jabha-Ketama triangle. And high up. However you would need to bear in mind that it's not the distance that makes these places inaccessible, it's that the Rif are a very rugged and poorly roaded mountain chain. Your best bet would be to find a guide (not easy - lots of guides, lots of wankers too!) and go by motorbike. Not going to be possible without time and effort.

Very good hash (if not the best) is not so hard to find nearer Chefchaoen (and it you are lucky) in the town itself. As with anywhere, good relationships with a well connected local are the key. Because there are alot of tossers and junkies dealing in Chefchaoen (sorry, it is a great town but there really are alot of these idiots there) I have found it easier to find better gear in other places, like Oued Laou. Also perhaps safer if not easier to arrange visits to farms from there. That said, Chefchaoen is a very nice place to waste a month or two, so if you can use it as a base for expeditions out and come back for the smoking and the hanging out, you couldn't do much better.



limey - generally the drought method of growing cannabis is the best for hash production, and since long time back its these plants that produce the best - MOST potent hash. in spanish this method is called "Secano". this is the prefeered moroccan method.

the plants recieving irrigation normally yield more but ITS IS NOT the best hash producing plants. for you want the trichomes to fall off easy.. CHUNKY buds make this task very dificult...

many times i suspect some of those more wellgrown plants could be for kif production. now in morocco "KIF" is the chopped up nugs and is pretty much as far from hash u can get.

Agreed, though of course it could work even better for them, IMO, if they watered until a few weeks before ripeness and then adopted this "secano" technique.

Doesn't it bug you when people refer to hash as kif/kief (which you rightly point out is chopped bud - usally mixed with tabac sauvage)? does me, I can tell you. Perhaps I am exposing my ignorance - is hash traditionally referred to as kif in other parts of the world?



Agreed, though of course it could work even better for them, IMO, if they watered until a few weeks before ripeness and then adopted this "secano" technique.

Doesn't it bug you when people refer to hash as kif/kief (which you rightly point out is chopped bud - usally mixed with tabac sauvage)? does me, I can tell you. Perhaps I am exposing my ignorance - is hash traditionally referred to as kif in other parts of the world?

It bug's me!
When I first started reading IC I was wondering why the hell people are praising kif.
I tryed it when I was in Riff couple years back and I wouldn't never smoke it again!


Active member
Psycho thanks alot for taking the times to show us your pics, it sure does look a very nice place i love the blue colour of the buildings.The reason you did not see any dogs i would say is they are classed as unclean Cats are ok for Muslim, dogs are not only if they are used are guard dogs outside or guide dogs for the blind .Sure looks like you had a great time,the hash looks the bizz.Just been going through you gallery nice plant psy


And the food is not so good if you're vegetarian like myself. (IMHO)
After week I started making my own food, I couldn't eat more gusgus with that sweet sauce.
From Chefchouen market you can by everything you need. It's fresh and cheap. Mmm, orange juice made of those fresh oranges... sweeeeeet...

just my hippy vegetarian :2cents:


Great photos man, Morocco is an amazing place, very friendly people, and great if you love to haggle out a bargain! I've never visited the Rif though, and it's on my things-to-do-before-I-die list.. thanks again for the pics!


Active member
Well in 1348 it was called Kaif now called kiff and in those times most of them ate not smoked it and they called it that then in 1348 iba Batuta reported from his travils from persia to east africa that hashish was eatern even somtimes in the mosque , i have found a huge bit of info on this put it will not let me coppy or past none of it ,And its called hashishin in islam in the 9th to 18 century .Its a pitty it cant copy an paste none of it.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
It bug's me!
When I first started reading IC I was wondering why the hell people are praising kif.
I tryed it when I was in Riff couple years back and I wouldn't never smoke it again!

Yes, people in the West (Americas) refer to Kief as sifted hash. That golden powder that is basically dry sift unpressed hash. So if you go to a dispensary and see it or a friend is selling "Kief" they are referring to unpressed christals or "pollen" type hash that is finely sifted on a screen. It is usually sprinkled on a bowl to make it very potent.

Interesting that it means chopped up shit bud over there....I learned something new.


New member
WWOW...great photos and descriptions of the place!!!!
thanks for sharing your "trip" with us...

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Hi again! It's a pleasure to know that you liked my photos and descriptions.

limey > yes, it makes sense that they start harvesting in August. I live near Morocco, in a straight line it would be less than 200km far, and I harvest my Ruderalis Indica in August, and other 100% Indicas as well. They use them to make hash, so they don't need them to be completely mature and, as you've been discussing with bonecarver, they're better completely dried so that the trychomes fall better. I heard and saw pictures of farmers who have water rails that bring water from some natural sources that exist in the mountains. It's a bit like everywhere else, you can find people doing a 5 star job with their plants and others who just leave the seeds and come back in late summer. Thanks for all your considerations and advises.



Agreed, though of course it could work even better for them, IMO, if they watered until a few weeks before ripeness and then adopted this "secano" technique.
:D i bet it would work better like that :D but most dont want to complicate things it seems...

it certainly wouldnt cost a lot to do that.. depends on water availabitity i guess.. anyway. if moroco grew better pot, the hash would propably be to potent for mainstream europe :D

Doesn't it bug you when people refer to hash as kif/kief (which you rightly point out is chopped bud - usally mixed with tabac sauvage)? does me, I can tell you. Perhaps I am exposing my ignorance - is hash traditionally referred to as kif in other parts of the world?

hehe i know what you mean :D gave up on it ages ago :D the word is from arabic tradition so any modernday use of it that is not the original one.. should be just clasified as lost in translation :D hehe but yeah im with ya - to me hash is hash :D

also i want to ad its not necesary to go far to get the BEST hash. just rather work on you connections.. first weeks in chauen no one will take you seriously. after a month people definetly treat you differently. but mostly its a question of know-how. most people just dont know how good the hash can be. they never seen the good stuff. i kept asking for the good stuff. finally they brought it. its a hella difference between a first sieve and a first sieve. but yeah.. most wouldnt know.



Right on limey & bonecarver, thanks for clearing this up. Backin the seventies we used to get kiff, & smoke it in a sepsi. I still love the taste, & the way of smoking it, 1 or 2 draws through the pipe & then blow the end out. Kiff then was not so much leaf or bud, but the seed casings. Probably the most potent part of the plant, & deffo the most tasty IMO. Made my mouth water, & buzzed me up, not too much heavy stone, made your eyes red & very giggly. Civilised way to go. Have you ever heard of madellane rocky. It was very light green, hardly held together in usual rocky slate. Slightly thicker than slate. Very fluffy & very fresh, almost downy lime green. Man did I get stoned on that stuff. red eye.
We never saw black rocky in those days, first arrived in the eighties, & varied enormously. Some was geed up to f***, some was rock hard & kinda` stale. Nothing came close to the old school soft green Rocky.
Like all hashish it became commercial grade, punter material. I think the best before was very provincial, local to region. People may have taken more pride in what they made. Now it doesnt matter, its just a product, & the buyers are there waiting.
We used to gauge green Rocky by how soft it was. The worst was the slate, & needed a fair bit of heating.
Thank you for the pics & thread P, certainly gives me a taste for Morrocco, been to middle east but this looks great as well. Any more pics please? Fabulous.
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Well in 1348 it was called Kaif now called kiff and in those times most of them ate not smoked it and they called it that then in 1348 iba Batuta reported from his travils from persia to east africa that hashish was eatern even somtimes in the mosque , i have found a huge bit of info on this put it will not let me coppy or past none of it ,And its called hashishin in islam in the 9th to 18 century .Its a pitty it cant copy an paste none of it.

thanks Reidi, most interesting. I did know that there is little if any evidence of smoking dope in much of the world pre-Colombus (though am not sure about chillum smoking culture in India or dagga culture in Zimbabwe for example). Admittedly there is plenty of evidence that dope was used as an inhalant but not as we would now understand it - it seems to have been used as something like a cross between incense and a something to chuck on the fire in a 'sweat lodge'. Hmm.

I have read in a number of places that hash production in Morocco is actually a very recent introduction and that before the 1950s moroccans produced and smoked or ate kif/weed/majoun and did not produce hash. I understand hash making was introduced from Afghanistan and the Lebanon though there's much debate as to who did introduce it. (see the excellent book 'Hashish' by R Clarke for more on this)...

... would also fit with comments earlier in this thread that the irrigated plants in Morocco are used for kif and the "drought method" plants for hash

Sadly my experiences of kif in morocco have been poor. Discussing kif with the locals leads me to believe that hash production has actually spoiled the kif market in Morocco as growers focus on plants for hash, not plants for kif/weed, so the kif (outside farming families) is now often made from the by-product of hash making: weed without the resin.



Right on limey & bonecarver, thanks for clearing this up. Have you ever heard of madellane rocky. It was very light green, hardly held together in usual rocky slate. Slightly thicker than slate. Very fluffy & very fresh, almost downy lime green.

We never saw black rocky in those days, first arrived in the eighties, & varied enormously. Some was geed up to f***, some was rock hard & kinda` stale. Nothing came close to the old school soft green Rocky.
Like all hashish it became commercial grade, punter material. I think the best before was very provincial, local to region. People may have taken more pride in what they made. Now it doesnt matter, its just a product, & the buyers are there waiting.
We used to gauge green Rocky by how soft it was. The worst was the slate, & needed a fair bit of heating.

No worries man.

Your madellane rocky sounds like 1990s dutch 'skuff': green, crumbly and strong. Essentially I think it was not-brilliantly made hash (the green suggests leaf matter coming throug the seive) made with good strong weed, resulting in a strong but green 'resin'.

I started smoking in 1991 at the turn of the 'skunk revolution' and we only ever got hash and it was, as you suggest, mostly slate, flatpress and soapbar (seems to me slightly different presentations of the same shitty commercial resin). We occasionally saw some red leb and other hash described as red and gold seal. I cam across some 'redseal' in India in 1994 that was brought over the desert from pakistan and it was v similar to the red seal I smoked in 1991. So, in retrospect I think it was all moroccan and pakistani hash, sometimes better than the standard slate, flatpress and soapbar.

Was also occasionally some soft black knocking around, almost certainly not moroccan but pak or afghan. Have to say it was not bad but the softness was (in my case) likely to have been due to the resin being adulterated at source with veg oil rather than it being an indicator of great quality stuff.

When I finally first got to the Dam in 1993 skunk was only just starting to emerge in the coffeeshops and the weed was predominantly still (good quality) Colombian, Jamaican and african bush and some "purple haze".. had actually come across the legendary skunkxhaze cross (from homegrownfantaseeds, i think) in the UK by then. The Dam was still dominated by hash and it was mostly moroccan.

Sorry, all a bit off topic but it is interesting, i think, to note how moroccan hash has changed (they seem to be producing better hash there now, since when I first went in 1995, perhaps because the weed growing has taken off like a rocket in Spain - and a bit in the UK - denting their market) and how it has stayed the same over the last 20 years (they still knock out alot of crappy commercial soapbar!)

respect to your long time smoking self, old man!



Active member
This is apart of the doc i found on the net , about hashish use in Morroco that doc says it got taken there in the 13 century .Though i know what you are saying limey as i have read the same thing to many times.


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definetly HASH is a modern day invention in morocco.. i mean ppl used to EAT it before...


pictures are amazing, i cant believe how beautiful so many parts of the world are that I have never even thought of,thanks psycho for opening my eyes to this