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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Nice buds and cobs man,the goldens are like pure adrenaline for me,i feel like Eric Clapton on steroids even if i really suck as a player,it infuses rythm in my veins,better find something to do while the waves come :)
Tang,i forgot,how do you use the cob oil?sublingual?
Good to hear from you brother I can tell your getting right into it in a really cool way.

Only us cobbers know what your talking about he he.
The waves I love the waves and we are not talking about the ocean are we ha ha.

The oil is for smoking by a friend of mine but if I was going to i would just put the tiniest blob (half a pin head) on my tongue and the enzymes in my saliva would do the rest.
But its very very hard to not overdose. Cobs are a lot easier to get the dose right.

Give it a go with a well matured aged cob you will not believe what happens to you. This Malawi x Ethiopian oil is like a hot shot of speed/ecstacy the waves will give you a hard on. Well it did with me ha ha.
Looney tunes big time you will get lost in your own home.


I just started chewing about two small joints worth of cob, this will be the first time I've tried eating cob, it tastes concentrated, spicy and herby, kinda similar to some edibles I've made. Even after chewing for ten minutes or more and washing it down with water, there's still a herby, spicy, potentially potent tasting THC tang at the back of my throat

and now it's time to hit the town! Ye-haaahahaha I'll let y'all know how it goes.
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Well-known member
PxBH cobbing

PxBH cobbing

Howzit friends! @Tangwena - thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm all in brother, I grew a lot of weed so I could give this a real try - whoop! @Big Nasty - yo man, Eric Clapton on roids? Haha - powerful!
Ok I weighed out 50g each for 3 cobs and I had a spare top to throw in the bag too - Geronimo!
There's pics of the weed before I wrapped them up for comparison. Also showing the Queen Mother cobs after the sweat yesterday. I wiped the condensation from one bag and left the other with the condensation for a moister fermentation. Smelled sweet and had the slight bitter citus rind smell - wow, I felt a little caution - pitchin' tent! Ended up doing 18 hours @95f for those. The PxBH cobs and vac'd top are getting 24 hours @105f.


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awww thanks yall, i appreciate!
thanks repuk, i sweated it for almost 4 days in corn cob tied with hau bark. trying to attach a non cobbed bud pic here, hopefully.
my second cob with less moisture came out wayy less funky and dark so i like the more wet start. so far.

I am a fisherman for a living barely making it ghetto style out here with a 14 foot boat, but yall are welcome to come check it out anytime.
I am planning to travel pretty soon and go where i am needed to help with projects.

Thanks to the community and to tangwena. I am going about blowing peoples minds. this one rasta said it looked and smelled like some jerky. hahaha cant wait to eat a big chunk, i ate a small one and it was like homie said, spicy and intense tasting.
I love fermenting in general, amazake is the newest one i have learned of, so to be able to ferment my herb is like meant to be.
one other way i have eaten buds is dipped in hot coconut oil until done crisping, a few seconds, then into some brown rice syrup and back into the hot oil. i use small amounts of oil at a time as it absorbs some thc and it makes a dank crispy chewy candy. seeded bud is even better. i might have to try with a cobslice


Hey guys, haven't been back to the thread since last year. Looks like you guys are really perfecting the cob.
I thought I would be cobbing now, but lost almost everything outdoors to mold, leaf spot, botryis, mud and three and a half different floods.
Oh well that's life outdoors.
In a month or so I'll try to cob a northern lights indoors cut I got from a buddys mom.
I'm going back to read the thread from where I left off last year and learn the advances you guys and gals learned from your experiments. - it'll take a while with my spotty in the boonies connection.

Since I was gone has anyone now tested the cannabis before and after cobbing to see terpene changes. One of things I remember was (I think) Sam saying it probably wasn't changing anything that would explain the difference in experience.

Thanks guys here is my purple cob from last year. Before bud smelled like grape candy with a tiny hint of licorice. After it was almost like garlicky, oniony grape.



Well-known member
Howzit friends! @Tangwena - thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm all in brother, I grew a lot of weed so I could give this a real try - whoop! @Big Nasty - yo man, Eric Clapton on roids? Haha - powerful!
Ok I weighed out 50g each for 3 cobs and I had a spare top to throw in the bag too - Geronimo!
There's pics of the weed before I wrapped them up for comparison. Also showing the Queen Mother cobs after the sweat yesterday. I wiped the condensation from one bag and left the other with the condensation for a moister fermentation. Smelled sweet and had the slight bitter citus rind smell - wow, I felt a little caution - pitchin' tent! Ended up doing 18 hours @95f for those. The PxBH cobs and vac'd top are getting 24 hours @105f.
Looking good my friend use your nose when fermenting try to stop the fermentation by drying the cob when the sweet funky hash like smell deepens and you will hit pay dirt big time.
Looking spot on so far its not hard to get right but harder to get perfect.
Which you will want to do after you get it right believe me.

You will appreciate every cure and get instinctive thoughts on how you can improve it next time to suite your own taste.
Welcome to the cob club my friend it gets very addictive.


Well-known member
awww thanks yall, i appreciate!
thanks repuk, i sweated it for almost 4 days in corn cob tied with hau bark. trying to attach a non cobbed bud pic here, hopefully.
my second cob with less moisture came out wayy less funky and dark so i like the more wet start. so far.

I am a fisherman for a living barely making it ghetto style out here with a 14 foot boat, but yall are welcome to come check it out anytime.
I am planning to travel pretty soon and go where i am needed to help with projects.

Thanks to the community and to tangwena. I am going about blowing peoples minds. this one rasta said it looked and smelled like some jerky. hahaha cant wait to eat a big chunk, i ate a small one and it was like homie said, spicy and intense tasting.
I love fermenting in general, amazake is the newest one i have learned of, so to be able to ferment my herb is like meant to be.
one other way i have eaten buds is dipped in hot coconut oil until done crisping, a few seconds, then into some brown rice syrup and back into the hot oil. i use small amounts of oil at a time as it absorbs some thc and it makes a dank crispy chewy candy. seeded bud is even better. i might have to try with a cobslice
i love fishing if I ever get to your island I will look you up my friend for some insider info on fishing ha ha.
I can see you are on the right track once you turn your rasta friends on to it the skies the limit the future looks bright for you my friend.


Well-known member
Hey guys, haven't been back to the thread since last year. Looks like you guys are really perfecting the cob.
I thought I would be cobbing now, but lost almost everything outdoors to mold, leaf spot, botryis, mud and three and a half different floods.
Oh well that's life outdoors.
In a month or so I'll try to cob a northern lights indoors cut I got from a buddys mom.
I'm going back to read the thread from where I left off last year and learn the advances you guys and gals learned from your experiments. - it'll take a while with my spotty in the boonies connection.

Since I was gone has anyone now tested the cannabis before and after cobbing to see terpene changes. One of things I remember was (I think) Sam saying it probably wasn't changing anything that would explain the difference in experience.

Thanks guys here is my purple cob from last year. Before bud smelled like grape candy with a tiny hint of licorice. After it was almost like garlicky, oniony grape.

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Drunken Buddha
is doing exactly that as we speak. I suspect some changes will not be picked up as they dont test for new compounds only what they expect to find.
But we shall soon have some up to date data as far as they can test for it at the moment.
Meanwhile who needs data? If it gets me high i dont care how.
But it might make it easier to cure for the effects we want individually if we understood how to produce those changes and what those changes were made by.

Meanwhile I will just carry on experimenting using my nose, eyes and mind ha ha. It seems to work ok for me so far ha ha.


Well-known member
PxBH and Guawi#2 cob

PxBH and Guawi#2 cob

Hello again bruddahs and sistahs!
@ Tangwena - yes I can see already this process is addicting! There is an air of mystery that adds to the excitement of the experience. This stuff smells so funky good.
I finished sweating the PxBH cobs/top @105f/24hrs. When opened I was hit in the face with sweet bitter lemon rind, pine, soap, and incense. Smells like this cure is ideal for the Panama x Bangi Haze. I let these cobs/top sit out at room temp for 2hrs. I wiped all condensation from the bag and vac'd them shut.
My brother started a monster 67g Guawi cob. It smelled of plumeria flowers when harvested. His flower was slightly drier so we decided to try it @110f/24hrs. Will update tomorrow.
There's a pic of the Guawi being rolled by my bro. There's also pics of how the PxBH top looked in and out of the bag after the sweat. Got that 70's funky look - see ya later gang!


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I just started chewing about two small joints worth of cob, this will be the first time I've tried eating cob, it tastes concentrated, spicy and herby, kinda similar to some edibles I've made. Even after chewing for ten minutes or more and washing it down with water, there's still a herby, spicy, potentially potent tasting THC tang at the back of my throat

and now it's time to hit the town! Ye-haaahahaha I'll let y'all know how it goes.

as soon as I had finished chewing it thoroughly (as instructed), I had to do some manual labor for three hours and was kept busy with things for all day, so I really didn't have time to sit back and enjoy the buzz as I was sweating my guts out pushing a shovel didn't get to "go out on the town!" as I had intended.

The buzz from the chewed cob was mild, but was there for 6 or more hours. The onset was subtle and it wore off very slowly, oddly though, the high was different from other edibles I've had in the past in that there were no undulations in the high and the initial "kick in" was also barely noticeable and there was zero tiredness or a negative comedown after 6 hours when the buzz faded away. The buzz from the same amount in a joint would of gotten me higher but would of worn off in an hour, and I would probably want to smoke another jay a couple of hours later. Next time I will eat more of better quality cob (which I have sealed and curing now). The cob I ate was made from D grade bud (immature bud picked from colas that were being affected by mold).
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Well-known member
as soon as I had finished chewing it thoroughly (as instructed), I had to do some manual labor for three hours and was kept busy with things for all day, so I really didn't have time to sit back and enjoy the buzz as I was sweating my guts out pushing a shovel and doing other types of hard work while being supervised by the ever watchful eyes of "She, who must be obeyed" ("Rumpole of the Bailey")...and alas didn't get to "go out on the town!" as I intended.

The buzz from the chewed cob was mild, but was there for 6 or more hours. The onset was subtle and it wore off very slowly, oddly though, the high was different from other edibles I've had in the past in that there were undulations and the initial "kick in" was also barely noticeable and there was zero tiredness or a negative comedown after 6 hours. The buzz from the same amount in a joint would of gotten me higher but would of worn off in an hour, and I would probably want to smoke another jay a couple of hours later. Next time I will eat more of better quality cob (which I have sealed and curing now). The cob I ate was made from D grade bud (early picked from colas that were being affected by mold).
So you haven't surfed the waves yet, you only had ripples ha ha.
Be cautious with your good cob the difference will most likely be noticeable.
Timing is important you dont want to be tripping in the wrong place believe me.

Expect a good effect by the 3 hrs mark if its good gear you will not be able to drive at that time ha ha.


Well-known member
Hello again bruddahs and sistahs!
@ Tangwena - yes I can see already this process is addicting! There is an air of mystery that adds to the excitement of the experience. This stuff smells so funky good.
I finished sweating the PxBH cobs/top @105f/24hrs. When opened I was hit in the face with sweet bitter lemon rind, pine, soap, and incense. Smells like this cure is ideal for the Panama x Bangi Haze. I let these cobs/top sit out at room temp for 2hrs. I wiped all condensation from the bag and vac'd them shut.
My brother started a monster 67g Guawi cob. It smelled of plumeria flowers when harvested. His flower was slightly drier so we decided to try it @110f/24hrs. Will update tomorrow.
There's a pic of the Guawi being rolled by my bro. There's also pics of how the PxBH top looked in and out of the bag after the sweat. Got that 70's funky look - see ya later gang!
Thats bloody awesome brother love to see an update.
Flowers look killer as well your going to get a good cure I can feel it.
I love it when someone appreciates the aromas as they ferment thats the secret to exceptional cures being in touch with the process.


New member
Which Vacuum Sealer for Cobbing

Which Vacuum Sealer for Cobbing

I read through about 30-pages of this fine article looking for a home vacuum sealer referral. The most popular one for weed. Is there a farm-favorite? Free shipping is King. Amazon prime would be ideal. I have one-week harvested SuperWrecker x Mauritius x Ethiopian Sativa that's an RH of 70% currently. Not ready for jarring, so now would be the best time to proceed with a test oz. Would like a link to the best and cheapest product specifically for this project. Thnx!


Well-known member
I read through about 30-pages of this fine article looking for a home vacuum sealer referral. The most popular one for weed. Is there a farm-favorite? Free shipping is King. Amazon prime would be ideal. I have one-week harvested SuperWrecker x Mauritius x Ethiopian Sativa that's an RH of 70% currently. Not ready for jarring, so now would be the best time to proceed with a test oz. Would like a link to the best and cheapest product specifically for this project. Thnx!
Theres plenty out there as long as they pull a decent vacuum you will be fine.
I use a sunbeam food saver which has never let me down.
It gets well used on fishing trips when its not being used for cobs.
They are great for odor control for any pot not just cobs once sealed in a bag whether vacuumed or not you cant smell anything.
Double bagged is even better you will find plenty of uses for the unit besides cobbing so they are a good investment.


More notes on cobbing without a vacuum sealing machine
I now use the boiled water method of vacuum sealing the cob bags (instead of relying on just tightly bound Saran wrap), if you do this right, it does pull a vacuum that lasts. Pour boiled water in a bowl or container that is wider than the bag being sealed. Place the cob in the sandwich bag, seal the lid but leave about an inch open in the center of the seam. Use a wide ladle to slow push and hold down the cob bag to just below seal line, notice how the bag shrinks in, keep pushing the cob down while slowly submerging more of the bag. While the bag is still 90% submerged, seal the bag shut and run your fingers over the seal several times to make sure it's fully sealed. Use just boiled water, hot water will work but it doesn't pull as good a vac as water that is just off the boil. Some sandwich bags seem to hold the vac seal better than others. It's odd, the bags I've used in the past were double sealed, but these are not as good as the single seal bags I've just started using??

Happy Cobbing


Well-known member
I have an older food saver and every time I’ve used it for pot it just crushes the buds. I’ve tried to use it for cobs and same thing, it sucks it down and turns the thing into a solid log. Too much vacuum or am I missing the trick?


Well-known member
I have an older food saver and every time I’ve used it for pot it just crushes the buds. I’ve tried to use it for cobs and same thing, it sucks it down and turns the thing into a solid log. Too much vacuum or am I missing the trick?
The compression is what you want.
Forget about what the bud looks like by the time the cure is done it will look like a piece of wood or beef jerky.
I make big fat cobs but by the time they are cured they are about half as fat from compression and expelling water.
Dont worry about what it looks like its all about the smooth smoking and effects.
Looks are secondary but you can still get some pretty interesting colors check out my photo gallery under cob curing the colors can be amazing.

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