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Vertical first attempt


Active member
looking lush there aero...

awesome work... i might replicate something similar for my personal grow when i move into my new apartment.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Gone one week and came back to this

shit you're the man Aero ahhaah look like you're on your way to that great adventures

now hold on real right to ya snickers LOL


Recovering UO addict.

have you had to pull them back from the light yet at all? do they try to reach for the light much or is it mostly upward growth?


space gardener
they kinda grow out, then up.. I haven't tied any yet, this is all natural growth so far with the exception of a few zip ties to space buds out. When the buds develope a little more, I plan to start tieing/training them for max bud exposure and to open up the circle a little more to get a larger diameter of buddage..

So far vert growing has been pretty easy even though it's a little odd at first. I am expecting to get a bit of larf this time due to my noobness but I think it's one of those things you just have to try a few times to get it right. I love edibles so any larf I create will be put to good use...


Recovering UO addict.
cool man thanks for the info...I just switched to vert in one of my rooms last nite and I'm kinda nervous about it. I'm worried that I'll walk in one of these days and find them all burnt up or something. I still have my new room to build though and this is just kind of a vert test run ;)

If you have the time please drop by my "autoflower stuffs" thread to check it out ..I could use any advice on vert that you have.(or any other vert growers ;) ).and since it's in the auto section it probably won't get much vert traffic :( I'm not too sure on distance to bulbs and proper bulb heights n stuff...I'm reading alot but it's hard to dig up the right info.

looking steller man...do you trip out when you go in there? As I was remodeling my lights last night I kept laughing maniacally at all the new space I have to fill up! Mwhahahha!!


love the shot from above.. ya can't see the buckets :) the canopy (do you still call it canopy in vert?) is filled out so nice. no holes.
I was days away from buying a new air cooled reflec (horizontal) when I wandered into the vert forum. My plans for that are on hold. I think I'm going to stack a 1000 over a 400 this weekend if I can get the space ready. :wave:


Active member
I am expecting to get a bit of larf this time due to my noobness but I think it's one of those things you just have to try a few times to get it right. I love edibles so any larf I create will be put to good use...

eventually you figure out what's going to turn into larf, and you cut it. I take out so many inner branches... I've done it like every way possible... no trimming, moderate trimming, complete defoliation, aggressive trimming...

personally I found that aggressive trimming was the best. The more branches and excessive leaves I remove the better my results. The only fans I leave are on the sides, tops, backs of the plants... wherever they aren't blocking other plants. I cut everything in the front for increased penetration.

day 16... you still have time. Don't be scurred.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Wow. Is there room for one more lurker in here? Maybe I can squeeze into one of the corners? I contribute CO2 with every breath!


Lovin' the show man! Subbed for sho.

I'm about to kick off something similar myself, so this thread will come in handy indeed. :thank you:

As for RH, check out HR-15 or HR-50. Excellent systems that do the job well. I think I have some info about them in my old (and outdated, yeesh) grow-thread.

Peace! :tiphat:


space gardener
Bobble, I know you are right about the trimming and pruning, I pulled a bucket of leaves out of there today most were from the center of the canopy and were in the dark. I am going to continue to prune daily until I feel I have max bud exposure. I also plan to cut off branches that are not going to produce...

Anti, good to see you, got plenty of room for you, admired your work for a while now.

Omarios, Thanks!!

ITryToGrow, Thanks for stopping in with the tips on RH, I'll look into those suggested contraptions. Yes, start something similar, you will be pleased with the results.

Here we are day 19 12/12 Took a few pics:

I am very pleased, looks like lots of buds in that small space:biggrin:


I love my life


Active member
Just awesome Aero! Looking great in there! I can't even tell you trimmed anything... ha ha... Very lush.


Yea this is very nice. Your grows are so frickin clean. I browsed thru your pc grow, very nice job. shows you have commitment to doing it right. :tiphat:


space gardener
Just awesome Aero! Looking great in there! I can't even tell you trimmed anything... ha ha... Very lush.

Bobble, It doesn't look like I trimmed but I swear I did...LoL Most of my trimming this round was deep in the bush to improve air flow and remove leaves that were very shaded.

It is getting much easier to see what needs to get removed as the buds develope, hopefully I should catch up with this jungle in a week or so as I don't want to trim everything all at once. I have also decided to re enlist my old floor fan to direct more air to the lower canopy.

Thanks Whodare and CyrilSneer:wave: