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What to do in Florida ?


Active member
Lol, at least they are prepping you for driving! I think were still #1 for road rage. If you can afford it and dont like stress on your vaca, get other transportation.

Stoned Trout partying in the 90s! Its a wonder half the population is still alive here after the 90s :) Nothing like that anymore. Man i wish i had a Delorian.

"never be like cali,washington,colorada weed wise", funny, im pretty sure most of it is from there. Again....need the delorian and the 90s. Come do some voter fraud while your here and vote yes on 2, we need the help :)

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
ye i stressed out alot the last time driving, but my friend is coming to he might drive a bit to.

ha ha my neighbor has a delorian, but i don't think it goes back in time ;)

anything else guys that you would recommend ?


Andinismo Hierbatero
man, if you guys feel like going for a nice long drive, you can always go down from Orlando through the A1A into Key West... a buddy and I used to make that drive often and we'd stop at some really pretty places to smoke a couple of joints :D



Well-known member
Hit up the freshwater springs in Central/Northern Florida. FL's best natural attraction.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
im just talking about getting some on the boat, no way would i even think about going thru american customs with anything :) even if i get caught in my country i get banned from america:(

cool ill google those places now :)


If you get to Kissimmee check out Old Town. I was only like 10 when I was there last (22 years ago...wow) but it's pretty awesome, it's basically a small area that is stuck in the 50's :)

I don't know what's changed in 20 years but you could buy coke in the glass bottles for 5c still...... it's friggin amazing if you like the 50's


Active member
is there any places to get discounts on park tickets ?

thanks for everyone's input so far. going in two weeks.

then sailing to the Caribbean. cant wait to sample some local produce in Jamaica etc :)

i here the smoke in Jamaica is really good.

Get a local to buy them for you.

I would second the universal for rides. Island of adventure over studio for me. Hulk ride, spiderman, dueling dragons. Been a decade since I've been, but liked univ over disney.


if it smells like fish
Jamaica is not as easy to find good weed as one would think... I went last in 95... once you wander from tourist areas it can get ugly if ya aint carefull...about half what I bought was good and I know how to score..my technique was to refuse first sample and laugh saying that's crap..then the good stuff is produced usually....or the best that guy got

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
my mate was there two weeks ago and its every where, hes the pickiest stoner i know and he said it was very good.

they have either legalized it or are drawing up laws to legalize. around 9 mile where bobs birthplace every ones smoking. i even read reviews of family's saying dont bring young kids as every one is smoking herb

seeds for sale there to. deff not passing up the chance to get some


Active member
i used to trip to visit friends in orl once a year in the summer. never been to any of the parks. they seem like baby shit, i like roller coasters so i would rather sandusky. but the weed there is pretty good. you can get something from everywhere anywhere, lotta ports in florida so a lotta ships come from a lotta places ;) not to mention florida is indoor grow capital of world. we grow more weed than cali. it's real easy to "score" just visit a gas station and buy some "weed materials" in front of a crowd. someone's gonna sell you some weed. trust me. some of it will have seeds in it. if you like the weed keep the seeds.

voila...you just bought some seeds lol.
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if it smells like fish
I still have my marley tee shirt from the trip...good to hear things have changed for the better...

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i used to trip to visit friends in orl once a year in the summer. never been to any of the parks. they seem like baby shit, i like roller coasters so i would rather sandusky. but the weed there is pretty good. you can get something from everywhere anywhere, lotta ports in florida so a lotta ships come from a lotta places ;) not to mention florida is indoor grow capital of world. we grow more weed than cali. it's real easy to "score" just visit a gas station and buy some "weed materials" in front of a crowd. someone's gonna sell you some weed. trust me. some of it will have seeds in it. if you like the weed keep the seeds.

voila...you just bought some seeds lol.

ill be buying weed materials in every gas station i see. ;) :tiphat:


Active member
i used to trip to visit friends in orl once a year in the summer. never been to any of the parks. they seem like baby shit, i like roller coasters so i would rather sandusky. but the weed there is pretty good. you can get something from everywhere anywhere, lotta ports in florida so a lotta ships come from a lotta places ;) not to mention florida is indoor grow capital of world. we grow more weed than cali. it's real easy to "score" just visit a gas station and buy some "weed materials" in front of a crowd. someone's gonna sell you some weed. trust me. some of it will have seeds in it. if you like the weed keep the seeds.

voila...you just bought some seeds lol.

Cedar point! What what! you got that right!!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

okay Greeeen, sounds like you have a plan, weed n' seeds, from strangers.

Florida's got a lot of weed, but it's got even more guns, and people very willing to separate you from your cash. don't stray off the beaten path, not even by a block or two.

don't announce that you're a tourist, they carry long greeeen $$$; if you're an old fart then tell your new dimestore connection that you're in town for a funeral, if you're young then play the student role; have a story, they will.

they might wanna test you, have the name of a funeral parlor memorized, same with trying the college story, these guys are paranoid about being busted as well, they don't know you at all.

bombadil hit the nail right on the head, go to Key West, it's fucking gorgeous, the people are some of the finest fun n' sun lovin' folk you'll EVER meet. You get to Key West & you won't wanna go home, guaranteed.......

if you get to KW then you'll see plenty of beachside bars, sit and have a pina colada or two, select a waitress to ask (a bartender won't risk his boss's liquor license) about finding some smoke, if you tip well after she drops the first 2 rounds it might loosen her lips.

Key West is just doubly swank, and the Key Lime pie is to die for.......