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Jamaldelika and Banghi Haze in the open


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At last, I reckon I can call it flowering, can't I?:biggrin:

The last picture is not the main cola but one of the lower side branches towering up into the Aegean sky...


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Well-known member
I've had a bad day.
Let's start out on Sunday. The temperature was 80 degrees. Last week I took some pics of the Purple Lui/Early Girl.


I talked to my California friend. He confirmed the genetics are mostly all Mendocino he just keeps the name the guy that gave him the strain called it. Looks and smells like Mendocino purple fruit strains.
Almost finished the 5 G's are a few days behind.

Everything else is 2-3 weeks away.
I saw rain was blowing in off the Pacific so I hacked the top of a LUI early. I almost chopped more but after two days of showers it looked OK for 4-5 days so it could finish up. Big mistake.
On Tuesday it started to pour. Biblical showers. A tropical storm sucked in by the big storm that hit Mexico. As bad as it was I can imagine how screwed everyone in Mexico and Arizona are. The next morning I surveyed the damage. Here's the 5 G's Yellow before.



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Blue Flash

And my Bangi Haze. Was frosting up nicely, recovering from boytritis on the stem. Here's before.


It's devastating. Just going to have to stake everything up get out the snips and try and fix it. Never seen damage like this in all my years of growing.


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Your pictures haven't taken me by surprise for I have seen that kind of damage quite a few times before...
Unless there's snapping, you should fret no more...
I use much stronger bamboo stakes that can hold the weight of the stem or branches, especially the laden ones. The ones you're using are for light breeze not for strong gale...

We had a fresh gale raging a few days ago, expecting another one at the weekend, but no damage at all since my plants are surrounded by either thick vegetation or walls that leave only the tops to cope with the huffing and puffing:biggrin:

If only I could send Aeolus around to bridle those menacing storms of yours...



Well-known member
Yes the first thing I did was run to the Home Depot (Despot) and buy their large stakes. Amazing what some duct tape, twine, and snips can do.
The worst off was the Bangi Haze. Because of the stem mold I bent her over so the lower branches below the mold had apical dominance. Once they became heavy and waterlogged they bent over until they hit the ground or snapped. I lost half of her plus the stem rot returned.
The 5 G's Yellows were hammered as well. Lost a few branches, one had it's main stem twisted and torn somehow. Duct taped her back up but she's a shadow of her former self.
Every plant was damaged in some way, some hardly at all. The big loss is in trichomes and cannabinoids washed away. No replacing those. At least the yard smells good.
It did speed things up so plants that were 3 weeks away are now a week and a half away. They won't have nearly the potency or yield.
Last night the rain hammered down again. In my part of the world the rain is constant but gentle. Torrential downpours are rare usually in May or June. But this is el Nino.
My vegetative sativa experiment weathered through fine. In any other phase of their life cycle the damage wouldn't of mattered much.
All part of the risk of being a farmer. You work hard at something for eight months to have a disaster in the last three weeks. The duct tape and twine will keep the plants alive long enough for the mold to set in.
Let's hope the sun comes back for a strong finish. My philosophy with growing is as long as I get the best smoke anyone has I can live with setbacks. And mine always ends up being the best.


Active member
Good to have things under your thumb!
Sorry about your BH though...

I read you loud and clear about growing/farming. Every now and then I taste that frustration at the very end of the growing stretch having to harvest immature buds...
But then it's the choice I make not to use any chemical stuff, which in turn results in infected fruit such as apples and pears and figs and all. My friends tease me calling my apples the most expensive ones for they have worms in them:biggrin:

As for the weather, it's dark outside despite being midday, skies seem to have broken open(greek expression) and the downpour is coming and going. Yet no worries for I have spent two hours this morning staking and supporting branches in anticipation of potential damage.



Well-known member
Listening to the rain pound on my roof this morning I realize more and more this is not normal. It's el Nino causes drought in Australia here it causes torrential downpours. All that damage you saw was caused by pounding rain not wind. Which doesn't happen in my microclimate. The coast and mountains normally take the wrath of the Pacific storms by the time it gets here it's mist.
At least some of the Bangi will make it. She's taken a real beating. The worst part is she had just burst out in frostiness in the days before the rain. It seemed like I started a bunch of Bangi this spring I don't know what happened. The massive beauty was male and a different phenotype more of a hardy lime green. If it was female it would of weathered everything better. There's always next year. Let's hope I the cuts I gave a friend included the Bangi.
All the leafhoppers and mites are washed away. Only a few tough spiders are left. I have more tomatoes and chilis than I can eat.


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My little SOG goes 10.000 watts (Part II)

My little SOG goes 10.000 watts (Part II)

Clearing skies once again
Temps round 20 C and RH 40% is what I've been craving after for weeks now...
The thickening of the canopy is quite conspicuous compared to the one ten days ago.
The second picture shows Jamal Hash whereas the third one is of BH and a munched away leaf by a 2 cm green caterpillar that was arrested and snipped in two...poor bugger...


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Well-known member
Looks like you're still 3 weeks from the finish line. Let's hope it stays high and dry till then.
I've weathered my storm nicely. The majority of my plants came through fine a few are still messed up. A few branches hanging upside down.
Next time I'll show a couple Bangi pictures this is a Bangi thread after all. Even though I lost some limbs its shown amazing resilience to the stem damage and rot. Beginning to frost up still needs a week or two.
The Early Purple LUI is about done. No mold no fuss.



My drying area smells incredible. Wish I could let it go a few more days but there's more rain expected tomorrow. With temperatures in the low 60's F I know the mold is about tp spring.


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"The Early Purple LUI is about done. No mold no fuss."

Envious, envious of that beauty I am!

However, let me present you a predicament that got me so perplexed I am at a loss for words. The only words that come to my mind are Solon's gnome
"I'm getting old, but I' m always being taught a lot."

1st & 2nd pics of a healthy Bangi Haze
3rd &4th of a stem rot attacked one where you can see dead pistils and almost no resin glands, which is (to me at least) very phenomenal for the size and maturity of the buds...:dunno:

Any clue anyone?


P.S. I do have some caterpillars wandering and grazing on leaves and buds...


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hm thats really strange, I thought it would have an effect like girdling.

Girdling, eh?
Well, I did have to remove about a fifth of the stem for at least 20 cm length due to stem rot infection. Funny thing is that not all tops are like that...
The chirourgical treatment you see in the picture was applied in the beginning of September. Now it's double the length...



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Active member
Girdling, eh?
Well, I did have to remove about a fifth of the stem for at least 20 cm length due to stem rot infection. Funny thing is that not all tops are like that...
The chirourgical treatment you see in the picture was applied in the beginning of September. Now it's double the length...


ja it should stop further growth but stress her to produce much resin and go fade ...
quite intresting:biggrin:

best wishes my friend!:tiphat:


Active member
After having heard things through the grapevine
certain adjectives come to mind
equivocal or dubious or maybe ambiguous
oh boy I had better brush up my English

So please tell me who gets the credit
for these georgeous Jamaldelicas
definitely not me if you dig it



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Well-known member

Good Gosh! Looking so good there Orfeas. What a crop. Hope if finishes well for you. Can't wait for your harvest and smoke reports.




Active member
Thank you, lads!

I do nourish high hopes for those Jamaldelicas, although I don't like counting my chicks before they hatch...You may not believe it, but I have started having thoughts about the crop , related to drying space...Unfortunately, my home is not a place where I could dry several pounds of reeking herb, if I ever get to that of course...
