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Seeds of Africa seedbank???


Well-known member
(oops, submitted but I wanted to edit)

Im looking for Africans that carry THCV for a nerve pain breeding project. Im looking for the cleanest, yet trippiest African from the highest altitudes. Im trying to decide who has the best Durban, MG (perhaps others as well). ACE Malawi reads to be to narcoticfor what I'm looking for.

Idiit, did you cross the MG to Durban?


Active member
i've got soa malawi gold, soa zamal#2 and ace's psychoactive narcotic malawi crossed with my soa malawi gold male. all are doing nicely outdoors and i'll post results. i've not done durban/mg cross yet.

the durban and zamal were very upbeat, energetic in indoor appraisals. the zamal was the better of the two indoors. the zamal was euphoric. warm, kine vibes. the durban was colder emotionally.

the real test is fully mature, properly cured, properly grown outdoors using organics. soon the fall will tell the tale.

the malawi gold female was very impressive across the board in attributes. she had a complex, layered high that was energetic with the eyes closed. very psychoactive.

on medicinal attributes i'm interested in your thoughts. until main stream science can effetively correlate the thousands of different cannabis compounds and their infinite combinations and how these affect ailments like pain management for example i'm going to sit back and just pay attention. the seeds of africa strains are very impressive if you run a couple of packs and do pheno appraisal and selection.

how about the idea that the best dope smoke wise will end up being the best dope medicinal wise? if so, then the malawi gold (2 packs) is possibly the best seed investment you can make.

i've also got mulanje gold from marlberry to be tested outdoors this year.

thvc hunter, get your post count up to 50 and we can talk on message service here at ic.


Well-known member
I pick up flowers and oil from another patient who grows JackTheRipper with 6.something THCV(tested at Analytical360 a few times). That stuff stops the nerve spasms I gt in my legs and abdomen. My uncle has diabetic neuropathy and I gave him some oil to try for a week. He slept all night for three days - he had been sleeping in 1-2 hr increments like I used to - but had to stop using it because it was too narcotic for him(super strong stuff that oil).
While the scientific papers say that THCV antagonizes THC Im not sure everone understands what that means --> THCV regulates the THC that your body metabolizes. You can get so high off this that you're scared shitless and trembling from being too high(happened to my mom). I admit I KNOW nothing, I only keep my senses open.

I'm in the PNW just below the 47* mark. I'm interested in seeing if your pheno's would suit these conditions(with hoophouse)


^^I thought sam said recently that THCV was non psychoactive ?

Hi mack 10

Sam's research is very valuable, I am glad he has shared it with us.

It must be kept in mind though that his sample size is pretty small. I don't know how many people he has included in his experiments, but it is probably a statistically invalid number when viewing the wider canvas.

A lot of his conclusions are from self-experimentation, he has mentioned more formal trials that he has conducted with other people, but I don't know the details.

I do know, however, what I have learned from my own self-experiments and observations of others.

I think over time it will become clear that the various active compounds in weed affect different people in different, sometimes very different ways.

A good example is the currently popular CBD. The conventional wisdom, as embodied by Sam and his findings on this, are that it is non-psychoactive, and its effects on mood and cognition are a consequence of its modulation of THC's effects.

Sam will tell you that if you smoke or vape 100mg of pure CBD, you don't feel any "high" or psychoactivity, and that it completely blocks the effects of THC for 8 to 12 hours.

This may be the case in the vast majority of people, and my personal experiences in observing other folks consume CBD is that most people do react this way. I don't have pharmaceutical grade CBD, but I have what I think is probably good enough.

In my personal case, though, I do not react this way. When I smoke the purest CBD available to me, almost devoid of THC and the other cannabinoids, it definitely alters my mood and cognition. It also alters non-mental stuff that is pretty profound also.

The mental effects for me I would characterize as a mildly stimulating, anxiolytic, sedative/hypnotic. I know the stimulant/sedative thing seems contradictory, but this is an accurate description. I like it. I find that it does alter THC's buzz for me, but does not erase it or block it like it does for other people.

The non-mental effects though, are bad enough that I don't consume any CBD at all now. In a nutshell, I get moderate to severe vertigo, a modulation of my immune system that amplifies my health problems, and some neuromuscular symptoms that I think are associated with the immune modulation. Simply put, it makes me feel like shit, unhealthy. These problems don't surface full force right away, but with daily use get real bad for me.

THCV is a more difficult compound for me to research, as it is more difficult for me to come up with a relatively pure supply of it. I haven't been able to devote enough time to it, but it is rapidly climbing to the top of my priorities list due to stories like the one Thcvhunter has told about its positive effects on various neuropathies (this is a topic of close interest for me).

It is good to know that Sam doesn't get high from pure THCV, but having that as the sole data point in our understanding of what happens to people that consume THCV is a pathetic, unacceptable state that must be remedied as quickly as possible. I am doing my best to do so, and I see more and more people like Thcvhunter doing the same.

Hopefully people will try to be more like Sam on these matters, and find out for themselves. Lots of times I see people use his work as an excuse for not doing their own research: "I don't care about THCV (or whatever), Sam showed that it is non-psychoactive". I wish people would instead look at Sam's findings and say "Wow, I am inspired to take things into my own hands, like the Skunkman, and find out for myself what is going on here. I think I will adopt a methodical, structured approach like he does."


Well-known member
Ummmm, yup, Im friggin glad I became a member here.

Idiit, thank you, that info is extremely helpful and makes me happy.

Mofeta, way to be. It's hard to go against the grain while not stepping on toes. Here is one link(shit i gotta read that thread tomorro). http ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov /pmc/articles/PMC3165946/
I put a space before and after gov and http


Well-known member
While AcDc has a great deal of CBD with just under 1% thc there really isnt any strain(thats been tested and published) that is high thcv and only trace in other cannabinoids.
I havent read up on it enough but I believe ive come accross some mentioning of Monsanto or another like company genetically altering cannabis to achieve specific cannabinoids in the 40,50,60 % ranges. Thats amazing and friggin scary as frig at the same time


Well-known member
I, and another patient I live near, find that CBD(Ac/Dc) is phenonenal for ADD - it makes us focused yet active but not sidetracked. It also helps loosen up my back amd reduces inflammation but not as well as Harlequin. Which is interesting because if you were to go with just the hype, one would assume that I should feel better from AcDc(twice the CBD) than I do the Harlequin but when I smoke Harlequin everytime I move or bend my back cracks beautifully and I am happy to move around instead of dreading any movement.
But to me this may show the entourage effect but more importantly shows how important it is to fealize that we each have unique cannabinoid systems and thats where a lot of research needs to go.

I remember being a kid and hearing about AIDS/cancer patients fighting for medical pot. That was in the early 90's. I thought it aas revolutionary after Reagonistic prohibition that there could be a medical reason to get high. (All you patients out there know how naive that view is and that we still have to deal with people in politics who feel that way.
Now, I see cannabis as a regulator - it regulates how much pain I fell, it regulates how much. I remember ao the pain doesnt cause me depression, regulates one's sugar, regulates one's mood.

(Sorry if this has become a trainwreck of a detour)


Active member
i've got soa malawi gold, soa zamal#2 and ace's psychoactive narcotic malawi crossed with my soa malawi gold male. all are doing nicely outdoors and i'll post results. i've not done durban/mg cross yet.

the durban and zamal were very upbeat, energetic in indoor appraisals. the zamal was the better of the two indoors. the zamal was euphoric. warm, kine vibes. the durban was colder emotionally.

the real test is fully mature, properly cured, properly grown outdoors using organics. soon the fall will tell the tale.

the malawi gold female was very impressive across the board in attributes. she had a complex, layered high that was energetic with the eyes closed. very psychoactive.

on medicinal attributes i'm interested in your thoughts. until main stream science can effetively correlate the thousands of different cannabis compounds and their infinite combinations and how these affect ailments like pain management for example i'm going to sit back and just pay attention. the seeds of africa strains are very impressive if you run a couple of packs and do pheno appraisal and selection.

how about the idea that the best dope smoke wise will end up being the best dope medicinal wise? if so, then the malawi gold (2 packs) is possibly the best seed investment you can make.

Thanks for reporting your findings on SOA man. I was thinking of picking up some of these strains myself. Can't beat the price. My problem is I don't have a lot of room to run multiple packs for selection. What do you think my chances are with only one pack a piece? I'm wanting the Durban, Malawi, and Zamal.

Keep us posted on your OD grow. Your Malawi crosses sound awesome. :tiphat:


Active member
malawi gold fo sure.

the durban and zamal had a lot of what looked to be indica in them. took a lot to get the sativa phenos. malawi gold was much more uniform for me. a few "no germinations", a few runts.

much much easier to find a winner with one pack of mg (again in my limited experience) , better yields, better weed imo (fantastic smoke), good taste, decent bag appeal. finished surprisingly quick indoors.

the only problem with the mg outdoors is that it is late indicating while other strains are already in flower mode. mg od might be a late finisher. indoors she was fairly quick at 11.5/12.5.

from early test results i consider malawi gold from soa to be the best puro strain i've smoked. ace's mt dominate golden tiger 2011 was also so awesome after 6 month cure. soa mg no cure.

i'm going out on a limb with limited experience (indoor test run for early appraisals, clones, seeds). i wouldn't do that unless i really deeply felt this way about this keeper breeder lady.

so, the only downside might be excessively late finishing window for shorter season regions.


Active member
Thanks idiit,
Very informative response bro.
I grow OD in south central Kentucky. I get 10-11 weeks to flower on a good year (late frost). Never tried to go OD with full blown tropical Sats here. I figure they would trigger way late as well. Sat dom hybrids work well though. Just planning on growing this indoor under HPS Horti superblue. Maybe chuck some pollen if I can make the room in here. Like I said, keep us updated. I want to here about your results from the breeding projects. Thanks again!


Active member

this is my keeper female zamal #2 from soa (no herms). i ran two packs and found two very sativish females, one sativa male (slightly hermie). late august pic. 8'.

the high from the indoor test run was very potent, energetic, euphoric.


Well-known member
Hi Idiit, I have seen you have found some autoflowering Zamal.

Do you found some with a hint smell that remembers Skunk?

I have a Mango Zamal male which I have reversed its sex with ethylene. When I rub the stem the smell is somewhat skunky. But the bud resin smell is completely different. More fruity.

The leaves aren't very sativish. I hope to find some Mafatese-Zamal pheno in the S1 progeny. And a lot of males LOL :D


Active member
Do you found some with a hint smell that remembers Skunk?

no. tropical fruit type aromas. will be tasting the soa zamal grown outdoors later this year.

The leaves aren't very sativish. I hope to find some Mafatese-Zamal pheno in the S1 progeny

the auto zamal was very dominant in crosses. the auto pheno keeps popping up in hybrids from her. i'm just now testing the zamal soa in crosses.


Active member

soa durban #3. this was the most sativa and potent of the durban females. pic. taken 8/25

hold down "control" and hit "+" 3 times to get 200% magnification for better look on these pics.


TC Nursery est 2020
I will test the Zamal Reunion and compare to the Seeds i got directly from the Reunion.

Also i will test the malawi gold from them


Active member
^^ probably just starting. i'll go see that patch in a week.

the malawi gold/zamal hybrid (both soa) was visited yesterday in another small garden. looks like might be very pretty.