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The Wussification of Boys


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The problems with American youth go far beyond the whole bullying thing. Worse then the bullying as far as screwing kids up is this business of giving everyone rewards even when a kid's performance is sub standard. I'm sorry but not allowing your kid to realize he's an idiot isn't going to make him smart. Not making him face that he has no talent isn't going to make him talented and not making him work hard for the things he wants isn't going to make him successful in life.

There are no straight white males who are anything but racist, borderline functionally retarded, cliche, mesmerized by football.

I know this may not be nice to say here or whatever. But it's more than just the degradation of masculinity. It's a racial thing and a sexual thing, too.

Black men can be hard. White men who exude any masculine qualities are openly mocked in modern media as cavemen morons.



Active member

There are no straight white males who are anything but racist, borderline functionally retarded, cliche, mesmerized by football.

I know this may not be nice to say here or whatever. But it's more than just the degradation of masculinity. It's a racial thing and a sexual thing, too.

Black men can be hard. White men who exude any masculine qualities are openly mocked in modern media as cavemen morons.


yes I noticed this too

I am not sure what's going on

might be the fall of the white man, which is one strange ass thing, since a very small percentage of white men we're really on top

a big portion might have thought that it was... when it wasn't

Fly by Night

Like a Wing


Well-known member
When I was a kid, our parents would shoe us out of the house. "Go play outside!" I had miles of woods to hunt in, creeks to fish in, and endless miles of back roads to bicycle on.

We built forts, dammed the creek to make a better swimming hole, had BB gun wars, built chopper bikes, recreated Evel Knievel stunts, all kinds of stuff.

My 7th grade science book listed the ingredients of Black Powder, and it didn't take me long to figure out the correct ratio of ingredients. My dad caught me in the act of making a big batch. Pop: "Watcha doing?" Me: "Making Gunpowder!" Pop: "Where the hell did you learn that?" Me: "My Science book!"

The old man was so happy I was learning something in school he handed me a chunk of magnesium and told me to take a file and "put some filings in with your gunpowder and see what happens."

My old man was one of those "walk it off, you're OK" kinda fathers.


Hi ho here we go
Our whole society is being Wussified ...

Our whole society is being Wussified ...

I really saw it coming in the 70's - :tiphat:

The problem is:

When you die you don't know you are dead.

When you are Stupid you don't know you are Stupid.

We have let a bunch of Stupid politicians ruin our country ...

That's right, you guessed it, they don't know they are ruining our country.



Well-known member
Historically, evolutionary , women pick the men they think are best suited for giving them kids that survive.

They pick the best males.

Macho assholes are on the way out.

We need less and less protection.

actually, DNA testing is showing that women fuck guys that can handle themselves (bad boys), then marry some poor sap with a good job so he can pay for raising them. they get the killer genetics plus a nerd with a good paying job... it is a win/win for THEM, not so much for mr milquetoast who pays the bills.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Blame the poster boy for sensitive male, Alan Alda

And his sidekick, Robbie Benson, the Wonderboy