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18,000 watt sealed flower room build.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
what do you think of that type of airpot?

i have used that type on quite a few grows but i have purchased the air-pots you need to assemble.


Active member
what do you think of that type of airpot?

i have used that type on quite a few grows but i have purchased the air-pots you need to assemble.
I don't use airpots anymore as FGs can enter from all sides and top. I have re-purposed them by inserting a smart pot inside. This gives support and keeps them about 2 inches off the ground/tray/etc, which doesn't allow standing water at the bottom.

Outdoors I could see enough insect diversity to keep FGs in check, but indoors FGs seem to be my only pest.
I pick up spiders from outside that are easy to handle, not jumpers, and put them in my rooms with the seabright labs blue and yellow sensor traps. FGs were still out of control because I am using soil for my moms. I am now using little chunks of mosquito dunks in a cup of water, and gnatnix as a top dressing. It's 100 recycled glass, made like pumice but on a micro level it severs their appendages if you watch.


Active member
SM90 given to all plants hydro and soil @ 5ml per gal. will clear those fungus gnats up in about a week :biggrin: If you find them really persistent up the dose to 10ml per gal.


Active member
Impressive for sure. You guys are on a different level.

I've never ran a room larger than 6k and I'm just now getting into the sealed room thing. I've always ran hydro in flower but i notice a lot of the big rooms seem to be coco in large pots.

Do you mind if I ask a few questions?

1) What is your method for watering? Do you use some type of automated system that waters all the pots at once or do you do it "by hand" just one at a time with a hose, rez and pump type setup? How long will it take you to water them all? Coming from my hydro background it seems like a lot of work to water so many pots.

2) Do you guys running sealed rooms vent (exhaust) the room air ever? The reason I ask is that I've been troubleshooting a stubborn problem in my sealed room. Plants show what looks to be a magnesium or calcium deficiency but I've quadruple checked my feeding and nothing seems to correct it. I started reading about the off-gassing thing and now wonder if that's my problem. I never exhaust the air in my room because it's difficult to set that up in a stealth manner in my space. But after reading a lot on here it sounds like some guys running "sealed rooms" also exhaust the air at some interval. I have a Santa Fe Classic dehu so that keeps humidity at bay and I don't really have any need to exhaust otherwise...

Thanks in advance for you help homies :respect:

Question 1:) since this is a muti-strain room we are going to hand water all of the way through (pump, Rez, hose). We are running 30 and it usually takes about 10/15 minutes to water the entire room. It's really very easy and can be done by one person. We plan on installing a drip feed system in the future.

Question 2:) i do not exhaust my room and I have not experienced what you speak of.

what do you think of that type of airpot?

i have used that type on quite a few grows but i have purchased the air-pots you need to assemble.

So far so good with these 35 liter Hercules pots. The plants have formed solid root masses, and the pots seem to be successfully air pruning the roots.

I don't use airpots anymore as FGs can enter from all sides and top. I have re-purposed them by inserting a smart pot inside. This gives support and keeps them about 2 inches off the ground/tray/etc, which doesn't allow standing water at the bottom.

Outdoors I could see enough insect diversity to keep FGs in check, but indoors FGs seem to be my only pest.

I have not had any pest or mold issues what so ever. I spray my vegging plants bi weekly with azamax and I treat all my plants with Eagle20 after the first transplant.

I will be vegging this room until the end of the month before I flip it to flower.

We went through and gave all the plants their first lollipop earlier this week.
Impressive for sure. You guys are on a different level.

I've never ran a room larger than 6k and I'm just now getting into the sealed room thing. I've always ran hydro in flower but i notice a lot of the big rooms seem to be coco in large pots.

Do you mind if I ask a few questions?

1) What is your method for watering? Do you use some type of automated system that waters all the pots at once or do you do it "by hand" just one at a time with a hose, rez and pump type setup? How long will it take you to water them all? Coming from my hydro background it seems like a lot of work to water so many pots.

2) Do you guys running sealed rooms vent (exhaust) the room air ever? The reason I ask is that I've been troubleshooting a stubborn problem in my sealed room. Plants show what looks to be a magnesium or calcium deficiency but I've quadruple checked my feeding and nothing seems to correct it. I started reading about the off-gassing thing and now wonder if that's my problem. I never exhaust the air in my room because it's difficult to set that up in a stealth manner in my space. But after reading a lot on here it sounds like some guys running "sealed rooms" also exhaust the air at some interval. I have a Santa Fe Classic dehu so that keeps humidity at bay and I don't really have any need to exhaust otherwise...

3) In these large rooms what kind of hoods do you guys prefer? I can't tell what those are from the pics...

Thanks in advance for you help homies :respect:

Check your run off EC/ppm.

I had a similar problem last cycle. It was caused by salt build up. If the run off is high flush it till its at the level you are feeding.

Hope this helps.


Active member
Looks like they're stretching pretty badly. Do those lights go up and down? Doesn't look like it. Other than that, not bad.

The lights can be lowered all the way to the ground, however we only put larger plants in this room so there is no need to lower the lights.


Active member
If you say so lol.

My 6kw room had stronger looking plants than those.

And tied them down lol.. nevermind.

I would love to see some pictures of your plants. What strains are you running? What looks weak about my room? Can you offer any helpful suggestions? In this 18k room I am running, Skywalker OG, Holy Grail Kush, Daywrecker Headband, Death Star, death band #1, death band #2, Girl Scout cookie x fruity pebble, and strawberry chronic. None of these genetics are short and squat.



Well-known member
Out of all 28 posts after re-signing up , how many have been helpful and supportive DSW .....

Folks like you are the express reason why I deleted my account here for the last time....

Once I hit 50 posts I`ll have PM priveleges for old friends with no other way of contact , and poof...

Ya`ll can have this disrespectful , youngass know-it-all , full of yourselves , pitiful excuse of a shell of it`s former self weedsite forum...

DSW....Did you ever stop to think the lights were raised to take pics ?....and why the fuck do you care or wanna sling dick in this thread bout yo 6K room havin stronger plants than Dr.Kanobie`s like it matters to him OR us.....

Good luck with the thread Dr. K , with dumbasses like this self-proclaimed guru that thinks his shit don`t stink and he`s better than the rest of us , you`re gonna need it.....

Maybe he`ll continue to fuck up and show his ass and admin with shitcan him for the last time......or...

Maybe he`ll relax and wait for the thread to unfold with some respect....but I have my doubts...

Out of all 28 posts after re-signing up , how many have been helpful and supportive DSW .....

Folks like you are the express reason why I deleted my account here for the last time....

I gave up the best dry sift method most people have ever seen. I've posted here hundreds (thousands of times) of times and been called a liar more than that. Which is why I gave it up. So i've been plenty helpful, and i'm sure the patients around the globe who need pure medicine in a matter of seconds would agree with that.

Once I hit 50 posts I`ll have PM priveleges for old friends with no other way of contact , and poof...

Ya`ll can have this disrespectful , youngass know-it-all , full of yourselves , pitiful excuse of a shell of it`s former self weedsite forum...

DSW....Did you ever stop to think the lights were raised to take pics ?....and why the fuck do you care or wanna sling dick in this thread bout yo 6K room havin stronger plants than Dr.Kanobie`s like it matters to him OR us.....

If it doesn't matter to you, why reply? The point is a room like this should be utilized correctly and it's not. I have plenty of helpful tips should anyone ask with a nice tone, but most like you, just call me liar (like with the 10 second sift and no carding/refining) and "kid" like I actually have no idea what i'm talking about. I asked a simply question about why the lights weren't lowered, because he TOLD ME he doesn't feel the need. Simple question.

Good luck with the thread Dr. K , with dumbasses like this self-proclaimed guru that thinks his shit don`t stink and he`s better than the rest of us , you`re gonna need it.....

Maybe he`ll continue to fuck up and show his ass and admin with shitcan him for the last time......or...

Maybe he`ll relax and wait for the thread to unfold with some respect....but I have my doubts...


Yes, because this post was soooo respectful and makes people want to come back here. I asked a simple question man.

And I only got banned because.. well lol. You wouldn't understand.
I would love to see some pictures of your plants. What strains are you running? What looks weak about my room? Can you offer any helpful suggestions? In this 18k room I am running, Skywalker OG, Holy Grail Kush, Daywrecker Headband, Death Star, death band #1, death band #2, Girl Scout cookie x fruity pebble, and strawberry chronic. None of these genetics are short and squat.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=52584&pictureid=1258617&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=52584&pictureid=1258616&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Of course I can offer suggestions, but you already told me you know what you're doing in so many words, your plants aren't stretching etc.

All I need to do is look at the almost foot worth of space between the top of your soil and the bottom node of your plant to know there are things you can do far, far better.

First tip: Drop the lights during veg. You have cooled lights and the closer they are to the plants w/o stressing them the better your plants will stack up during your veg. cycle.

Bury the plant further down in the soil. Put the clone in further down when you plant. Don't fill the pot. When it grows up for a couple days fill the pot accordingly. By the time it really takes hold and shoots from being in a nice new environment and pot it will have it's first nodes near the top of the pot, not almost a foot up and you will skip having to stake 3 and 4 times around a single 5g pot.

Everything that's under the surface of the soil will turn to root like a clone would.

There are multiple things that can be done that nobody ever does and I read multiple forums. I spend 12 ish hours a day online running an online business related to this industry and have built and maintained well over 30 different rooms.

Even running 6 lights on a budget we run 14" and up fans pushing 1600+ cfm and never skip on anything related to ventilation. If plants cannot breathe they cannot grow. I see people all the time just running self contained rooms and providing nothing but A/C air and it's not right. It kills me inside.

I would also suggest grouping your plants if you haven't. Different strains in a room like this obviously is going to require your lights to be at different heights. If you are going to leave them all up or not drop them down you are in fact -forcing- them to stretch.

But i'm just some dumb kid. If you don't want to listen you obviously do not have to.

I'd be shocked if you saw 18 units out of there, and at 1 unit per light, that's pretty light. Seems you have a ton more room to utilize your light and they're all spaced out currently. They should be nearly touching leaves and grouped/spread as they grow up. Seems you're using light you really don't need to be burning.



Active member
Of course I can offer suggestions, but you already told me you know what you're doing in so many words, your plants aren't stretching etc.

All I need to do is look at the almost foot worth of space between the top of your soil and the bottom node of your plant to know there are things you can do far, far better.

First tip: Drop the lights during veg. You have cooled lights and the closer they are to the plants w/o stressing them the better your plants will stack up during your veg. cycle.

Bury the plant further down in the soil. Put the clone in further down when you plant. Don't fill the pot. When it grows up for a couple days fill the pot accordingly. By the time it really takes hold and shoots from being in a nice new environment and pot it will have it's first nodes near the top of the pot, not almost a foot up and you will skip having to stake 3 and 4 times around a single 5g pot.

Everything that's under the surface of the soil will turn to root like a clone would.

There are multiple things that can be done that nobody ever does and I read multiple forums. I spend 12 ish hours a day online running an online business related to this industry and have built and maintained well over 30 different rooms.

Even running 6 lights on a budget we run 14" and up fans pushing 1600+ cfm and never skip on anything related to ventilation. If plants cannot breathe they cannot grow. I see people all the time just running self contained rooms and providing nothing but A/C air and it's not right. It kills me inside.

I would also suggest grouping your plants if you haven't. Different strains in a room like this obviously is going to require your lights to be at different heights. If you are going to leave them all up or not drop them down you are in fact -forcing- them to stretch.

But i'm just some dumb kid. If you don't want to listen you obviously do not have to.

I'd be shocked if you saw 18 units out of there, and at 1 unit per light, that's pretty light. Seems you have a ton more room to utilize your light and they're all spaced out currently. They should be nearly touching leaves and grouped/spread as they grow up. Seems you're using light you really don't need to be burning.


Have you read this thread or just these last few pages?

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