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What Diseases/Conditions Has Cannabis Cured Or Helped You With?


Active member
I am trying to compile a list of all the ailments that cannabis is helpful for. I would like it to be as complete as possible, so let's hear your stories.
I will start it off by saying that cannabis is the BEST remedy in the world for arthritis. Since I can't take NSAIDS because of stomach problems, cannabis is the only answer for me. The effect is quite dramatic. Ten minutes after smoking, all my joints start popping and cracking, and my flexibility returns. It's truly amazing.
If it helps your condition, I would like to hear about it. This goes for your patients too....


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A lengthy, but I'm sure not complete, list of ailments that cannabis can help with or heal was compiled by the late great Dr Tod H Mikuriya. The list was put out in 2004 and then updated in 2005. Dr Tod's list can be found by doing an online search.


full time daddy
I have the list from ocbc & mission street care givers that has strain's cross referenced to types of use along with flower times, smell, flavors and a few other things I believe it's the same as above ^


When I first started in Silicon Valley, I used to get persistent heartburn, or gastro-whatever.

My doctor prescribed me Zantac & Tagamet. This is before they were over-the-counter.

But my neighbors took better care of me. One of them shared her 'mersh' (Mexican press-brick herb) with me. Since I was starting from scratch (hadn't had any in awhile), it felt plenty good to me !

The neighbor on the OTHER side of my apartment was a chef. One day he knocked on my door with a brick of 2 1/2 pounds of cannabis butter. The original batch, that it came from, was 1 1/2 pounds of trimmings with 10 pounds of butter.

That did way more than take care of heart-burn. It helped me understand some fairly complex math for an electronics class I was taking (wireless microwave theory). It lit up my head, and I could actually visualize the electromagnetic waves travelling through space. And what I saw was accurate, I got a decent grade.

Right now I live on a homestead. Little things like cutting down a tree on one neighbor's property and giving it to another neighbor involved me lifting some of the heavy pieces.

And then some back pain. :tiphat:

Marijuana is just plain great for pain.

A cancer patient & dispensary owner in Canada who used Cannabis to stave off the cancer for many years once read a sort-of poem to me about how marijuana "pushes the pain away, across valleys of..."

I don't remember it exactly.



Some would say that using cannabis as a substitute for alcohol isn't a sound course of action, however, it works for me.

Mine is a "functioning" alcoholism where I would drink after work every....single....night, and while I wouldn't get "shit faced", so to speak, I drank enough over time to develop a physical dependency on alcohol, which went COMPLETELY unnoticed UNTIL I decided to not drink one evening in order to hydrate for a run. The next day I began to suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms, and didn't know WHAT the fuck was going on, UNTIL I started thinking about my alcohol intake.

Scared the shit out of me.

Since then, I stopped drinking so g'damn much and limit myself to a max of 3 drinks, with an average of 2 per night. Beer with dinner, one more while futzing around on the web, and that's it....

The cannabis eliminates the physical desire to drink more, and if I go without for the night, I don't have the physical stress of withdrawal.

I like alcohol, and cannabis has helped me enjoy it regularly without getting caught up in the alcoholic physical dependency loop.


Active member
opiate addiction...
idk the how/ or the why... but whenever i get strong urges to use some real drugs... i just smoke a joint and go to sleep... instead of heading to the ghetto... its worked for over 5 years now...
i think im gonna start a weed therapy based rehab for junkies... just keep em all fucked up on dabs and edibles the first few months... just kidding... i got no answers. just my experience
I have nerve damage from an accident when I was about 12, though for any human in search of healing it's pretty damn fantastic for the terminal condition commonly known as existing. Though personally I've seen some AMAZING things with patients and a co-worker of mine that have Crohn's Disease, and a lot of other abdominal issues and I personally believe out of all of the benefits of Cannabis, the noble plant is a bane for these kinds of illnesses dramatically.
There is a young man in Colorado I believe that had some form of abdominal inflammation that I can't really name at the top of my head right now, but when he lifts his shirt during an attack the left side of his lower stomach is literally red, and with shirt still up when medicating, YOU SEE THE INFLAMMATION VANISH LIKE FAKE INK.
Things like that drive me to go further and constantly ask for feedback, though I'm not an indica man personally specimens like NL#5 higher in CBN's and other cannabinoids work great for these kinds of patients a lot more.


Active member
Girlfriend suffers from a lot of medical conditions that stop her sleeping well , a joint before bed cures that .
Years ago I had a condition in my testes called Eppididimitus (spelling may be off) & my right ball was the size of a tennis ball & extremely painfull , even breathing , clothing bought a tear to my eye & the painkillers prescribed done sweet FA (1 below Morphine) . Suffered for a week as antibiotics were not working then had a smoke of Chronic , 1/2hr later got up to make a drink then realised I was`nt even feeling any pain .


Active member

That list has been mentioned several times. I have seen it, and it almost seems like he is calling cannabis a "cure" for almost everything. I would have to question some of those, unless he is referring to pain relief, in which case, I can see why any ailment that is painful would potentially be aided by cannabis. I will have to study his methodology more to see what criteria he used. I am aware that this was his life's work, and he was one of the first people to extoll the healing qualities of cannabis, and as such, he should be respected.
I'm more interested in illnesses or conditions that have actually helped you or someone you know, or a patient in your care.


Active member
I am using for lower/mid back pain that is bad enough that it has made my leg numb and almost useless i fall down over it. I have replaced Pain killers, Muscle relaxers and Ibufs with MMJ for the most part.. I had stopped smoking pot for 10yrs before a friend talked me in to trying MMJ and i am a believer... There is bad days and i need some pills but 95% of the time its MMJ..

Just started Juicing with it, I am really wanting to do more with it..


Natalie J. Puffington
That list has been mentioned several times. I have seen it, and it almost seems like he is calling cannabis a "cure" for almost everything. I would have to question some of those, unless he is referring to pain relief, in which case, I can see why any ailment that is painful would potentially be aided by cannabis. I will have to study his methodology more to see what criteria he used. I am aware that this was his life's work, and he was one of the first people to extoll the healing qualities of cannabis, and as such, he should be respected.
I'm more interested in illnesses or conditions that have actually helped you or someone you know, or a patient in your care.

While I too am familiar w/ Dr. Tod Mikuriya, I don’t recall having seen this particular list; so please forgive me for linking it, (after it was mentioned by someone else), for others who hadn’t seen it.

Avascular Necrosis is the main thing I am trying to treat. (AVN is a rare degenerative bone disease that causes eventual bone death and collapse.)

I used Cannamilk through my first bone collapse and joint replacement, (pain, nausea and sleep)…

However I have since read testimonials of people with AVN who have used CBD’s to actually save and even regenerate bone, helping them avoid painful bone death and eventual collapse.

I’m also hoping to find success using high CBD RSO and juicing…One of my Dr.’s suggested it for several things including fibromyalgia and brain damage/severe memory loss, in addition to using it preventatively to prevent the onset several things that run in my family, most prominently Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer.

I also have friends who have used cannabis infused cremes successfully to treat both eczema and psoriasis.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Odd that no one has mentioned topical application for skin cancer yet.

I don't have any diagnosed melanoma or squamous cell lesions.
Just a few keratinoids and neuroendocrine tumors.

The topical RSO shrinks and debrides keratinoids
And it removes the NETs rapidly, leaving no trace.

We have employed it for brain cancer, (Glioma Astrocytoma), and the results were promising at first.
Did not cure him, but did hold it in remission for a year.

I am treating Prostate cancer with oral dosage.
The PSA readings are discouraging, but the symptomatic relief is real.
Stopped losing weight and can pee freely. :)

As for pain?
Yes, and no.

Smoking can actually increase my joint pain.
Yeah, I know, go figure.
Have to treat that with NSAIDs
Got a gram of oil in me and I'm still trying to figure out how to limp on both legs.

Other kine pain?
Just goes away.

We also have a gentleman here that has stayed the progress of his ALS with RSO.
That, is a very big deal!
I'm watching in amazement.



Active member

Smoking can actually increase my joint pain.
Yeah, I know, go figure.
Have to treat that with NSAIDs
Got a gram of oil in me and I'm still trying to figure out how to limp on both legs.

Other kine pain?
Just goes away.

We also have a gentleman here that has stayed the progress of his ALS with RSO.
That, is a very big deal!
I'm watching in amazement.


Try Flyin' : Headband works well for that knee pain!

I'd be interested in more specifics of the treatments engaged?

RSO certainly works well for symptom management of M.S., so do certain strains smoked;

As for stalling progression etc...not yet; that is for a full double dose of rso treatment to come, in the future! :biggrin: jpt


Active member
Autism related issues... confusion, memory loss, mood control, focus and more.

Then there's nausea, life long joint pain through birth defects and some other pain issues here and there.


A member on here gave me some cannabis infused olive oil (Thanks!) a while back. It had gone rancid so I've been using it as a topical.

No idea what strain(s) it was made from but it's definitely powerful. I added some cinnamon oils to make a hybrid holy anointing oil out of it and WOWEE!!

Hurt Myself Bad!
I'm careful now to only use it when I'm going to be sleeping or seriously resting. When I apply that to my hurt muscles and joints... it completely removes ALL pain for about 4-5 hours.

It's so awesome at removing the pain that I forgot I was hurt the first few times I used it... and REALLY hurt myself without realizing it. Talk about wanting to scream and shout when that oil wore off. Golly Gee Willikars!

Careful folks!

Keep it Clean! :D


I'll toss this in, even if it's not a new item on a list - rather, more specific or insight or whatever you'd call it.

Epilepsy is probably one of the few things along chemo & glaucoma etc that plenty of otherwise anti-weeders seem to be universally "ok" with. Others (ignorant assholes, specifically) dismiss these things as excuses or snake oil. That's where some (slightly rambly) insight comes in:

I have Reflex Epilepsy. (photosensitive - flickering lights - is the most common/stereotypical form.) In my case, i've had all senses but taste trigger seizures. Elevators, pink urinal cakes, sudden temperature shifts, slowish but unexpected shifts in lighting (think: skylight in bright room when a cloud passes over), all of these things can trigger them. Point being: Sure, my brain's fucked in one way or another, but they're not entirely "random" blips. These things are happening all the damn time. Prescriptions make things worse by backing them into a corner, so to speak. Cannabis on the other hand, is effective enough to prevent/stop them on the spot, if i am able to hit my launch box in time. (Not that i need to that often, as long as i have a supply of coconut cannapills, there is very little to worry about[*]) Now that i live in CO and have my med card, i'm hoping that over time, as my seizure frequency is at an all time low, neuroplasticity can do it's thing.

[*] - rough seizure stats: unmedicated: ~10sz/day. best RX combo ever: ~10-15/wk. 3-4 cannapills & 2-3 vape sessions daily: ~2-3 sz/month, and milder seizures to boot.

TL:DR - Cannabinoids are what my body needs for me to not have seizures. It's treating the cause, not merely preventing seizures. Prescription anticonvulsants don't either for me, lol.

sorry for any typos or oddball wording lol, tired as hell.


Active member
Cannabis has helped me with arthritis and chronic pain and it´s helped a lot. I also think it slows me down a bit but alas everything has it´s price.


New member
I was diagnosed with MS in 2010. I haven't stopped my daily smoking since the day I was diagnosed. Since then it has helped with every one of the symptoms, once I get the dosage right. I went to the pharmaceutical option for pain, earlier this year because I thought the cannabis wasn't as effective as before. Anyway I tried the pills from my neurologist for a total of 4 days. After that, any amount of pain would be better than sleeping all day. I said screw it, and I tried smoking cannabis again. I said fuck it, if I'm gonna sleep all day, I'll just use cannabis to sleep. So I started smoking way more than I normally would just so that I could sleep through the pain. Then something awesome happened. The pain I had in my legs just went away. The thing is, this was way more relief from the pain than I had ever experienced. When I first had pain I used cannabis as like a "take your mind off it" type of thing. I had just discovered that it worked like a "get rid of the pain all together". You always hear that cannabis helps with pain, and I was like "yeah it takes your mind off it but it still fuckin hurts". I had no idea that it could really just take away the pain. All I had to do was smoke more. Although, had I known this earlier I probably wouldn't have performed as well at my job. I smoke a ton now. I couldn't do that job the way I do things now.