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Structures of Fear, Anger, and Desire!


lives on planet 4:20
here's your downfall..


I'm going to make it so simple for you:

-knowing > thinking / trying / not knowing

you really only have to answer this question to yourself, why are you writing these..............................

thanks habeeb, definitely will reflect on that question :ying:


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
"Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If a person shows anger to you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. In contrast, if you control your anger and show its opposite - love, compassion, tolerance, and patience - then not only will you remain in peace, but the anger of others also will gradually diminish."

Dalai Lama


Active member
thanks for the suggestion sso, i think that it is a good idea...btw

when I started this thread, I said to myself this is going to be the last one for a while...lol

I write it mostly for the folks that are interested in this kind of info...there are quite a few of these on icmag...most likely the dank is helping to keep the mind open...and keeps the self-mind (ego) at bay :)

I guess it can be scary for some...i just never have been scared of discovering the true nature of my experience...it always seemed so interesting and fascinating actually

gonna try that writing in paragraph idea of your also, we'll see how that works out.

Peace! :tiphat:

well, i think its about damn time, information and discussions of this sort became more public.
humans need to open and broaden their minds, master it. not be such a ridiculous slave to their fears and imagination.
of course some people are gonna call you nuts or whatnot.

they said that to many people throughout the ages, all considered geniuses now.

and what they did, was nothing in comparison to the subject matter at hand.
this is gonna be a team effort though.

many more are teaching and learning.
id assume, many more would just read this and not say anything, because students of the mind are clever enough to say nothing, when they have nothing to add and could be learning.
and this subject matter raises more thoughts than questions.

..in my personal opinion though, exploring the mind is something for the ages.

step at a time.

the song mindfields by prodigy come to mind.
its also a source for great enjoyment and power. (which is why its a mindfield.)


Active member
"Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If a person shows anger to you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. In contrast, if you control your anger and show its opposite - love, compassion, tolerance, and patience - then not only will you remain in peace, but the anger of others also will gradually diminish."

Dalai Lama

this is quite right.

if you want to stop a shouting match.


-margit sandemo.

conversations are fed and powered by emotion, whether it be curiousity, enjoyment, companionship or anger.
if you give anger, you will get anger.

its a continual loop that feeds upon itself and its instigators.
besides, anger makes you stupid and ugly.


lives on planet 4:20
Yup Tolle is quite the business man....Oprah's book of the month list...

that took him to the ultimate level, as far as an entrepreneur, that is!

and basically does..just interpret what others before him have laid out. I remember him going over and over the "pain body"....that's why I mentioned it. I listened to the discs for like a month...just because I enjoyed the soothing voices...and the ringing chimes when a new chapter started. Not taking anything away from the dude...but gurus I've never followed

i read that when Buddha experienced enlightenment, he wanted go inside the jungle and live out his life there, but a student asked him to teach, and he answered that no one will get it anyway...and the student said...someone will...and he said...true someone will...lol

the interesting thing is that the first few years, Buddha stayed completely silent and never said a word...which points at the nature of his enlightenment...reaching a void, a state of infinite nothingness

but, as I already wrote before, this is a dead-end in my opinion...and why i never followed any religion or guru

i always believed that direct experience is where it's at, and if the truth exists, then personal contact with it is possible

i directly experienced the state of infinite nothingness, and realized that there is really NOTHING there...lol

this is when I realized that life is for evolution, for experiencing interaction and co-operation with other human beings...even if ego (self-mind) is involved on some levels...still...what matters is to keep making choices, and to keep learning from them...evolving yourself from a human being that makes fear-based choices to a human being that makes love-based choices.

obviously this is a slow process, one step at a time...just like breeding...you don't become DJ Short in a month...lol

so, we (all seven billion of us on this third rock from the sun) are evolving our individuated consciousness personally through interaction and co-operation with each other

this is why there are many countries, many languages, many cultures, etc, these are constraints that are put on us, and in relation to these constraints we are making choices

obviously the choices one makes in USA is different from if you lived in IRAQ...right? But, no matter where you exist, you are forced by evolution to keep making choices

free will choice exists as a function of consciousness, where there is no free will, there is no consciousness

and the rule-set (physics) is what creates the physical reality that appears to be real and physical, while in reality it is simply a hallucination, data that is interpreted by our five sense organs...very similar to how a browser interprets HTML, and provides what you are currently perceiving on your monitor.

we are individuated consciousness hallucinating this physical body and everything around us, and everyone else sees the same thing because it is a multi-player game...this can be observed from the Bigger Picture perspective...if we're honest with ourselves we can feel it on some level...we are consciousness after all

I'm sure you'll get some flack for posting up this stuff...but it's interesting to follow imo

doing what you love is always worth a little flack :tiphat:


Active member
the "the state of infinitely nothingness"
is just a source of inner peace.
..it is the innermost part of us all.
it is the nothing, that is everything.

it is what connects us all, without connecting.

and you are quite right about Never following a guru or teacher.
there is no path but your own path.
listen, learn, if you are so inclined, but always follow your inner truth, listen to yourself.

contemplate the words of others.
but find your own truth.

for me, there was no real truth, but, we exist.
without other living beings, there would be no point in existing.
its nice being nice.
you get what you give.
love. compassion, kindness, without these there would be no life

or none worth living.


being good for goodness sake, some do not understand this, but the state of humanity , well, its because we are just animals

some simply do not have the intelligence beyond plain survival at all costs.

their bodily urges overwhelm them, because of the youth of their spirit.


lives on planet 4:20
^^^awesome post sso...just what I needed before I go to sleep. It is already 3 am in this little poor European country...lol


Active member
^^^awesome post sso...just what I needed before I go to sleep. It is already 3 am in this little poor European country...lol

goodnight and thanks. :) 1 am here, another european country.

...though after travelling i have somewhat difficulty considering any part of europe poor, at least in comparison.

my wife never had a toilet in her house till she was past her 30´s.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OK, southfla knows I'm just f'ing w/him here.

the problems I have w/these threads are this:

The writings are from some sort of self-help book(s) and the author sounds as though he's trying so hard to convince me/us/you/him/her/etc that THIS IS EXACTLY HOW YOUR MIND WORKS when nothing could be further from the truth. If someone is seeking the truth of the workings of his/her mind then that's a very personal self contemplative process.

As soon as that author is able to stick my demented brain in his noggin then he'll see reality from a completely different perspective. What his reality means belongs exclusively to him. it just doesn't work for me.

if this is what southfla is seeking and finding answers with then all the more power to him.......


lives on planet 4:20
OK, southfla knows I'm just f'ing w/him here.

of course S4L, and as always a pleasure to hear from you :)

skepticism is very important when it comes to experiments and studying the self-mind, it is a very slippery domain :biggrin:

the problems I have w/these threads are this:

The writings are from some sort of self-help book(s) and the author sounds as though he's trying so hard to convince me/us/you/him/her/etc that THIS IS EXACTLY HOW YOUR MIND WORKS when nothing could be further from the truth. If someone is seeking the truth of the workings of his/her mind then that's a very personal self contemplative process.

I hear you. With the information in the first three posts I have directly experienced and contemplated these components of fear, anger, and desire, and am writing from this perspective. It is not a copy and paste approach.

I can openly explain any distinction I make in any of my posts, and if something is simply a theory and is based on a direct experience outside of my perception, then I will tell you that I can't explain it, since it is un-explainable

In other words, the distinctions made in the first three posts are from a very personal self contemplative process. And all the components I covered are crystal-clear when one is aware of them.

btw...in my posts I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just sharing information that is interesting to me and that I love talking about. I think that the folks that read it, have a free will choice what they do with it.

They can reject it or they can see if they observe something similar in their own experiences.

I'm only making distinctions in these emotional activities of fear, anger, and desire in this thread. These distinctions are quite clear when pointed out, and I'm sure anyone that observes how their own mind is working will notice these distinctions.

As soon as that author is able to stick my demented brain in his noggin then he'll see reality from a completely different perspective. What his reality means belongs exclusively to him. it just doesn't work for me.

if this is true, then it is true, I suggest that everyone investigates my distinctions with an open-minded skepticism, and in their own direct experience/reality, and never takes any of this for fact, or truth, or whatever!

...until tested in one's own experiences they are theories, nothing more, nothing less.

I recommend to actually taste the pudding.

Just like growing weed. The result is what matters, not the concepts that one has in one's mind :)

...once it's dank, it's dank

if this is what southfla is seeking and finding answers with then all the more power to him.......

I question not for an answer but to directly and personally experience what is true

I like to taste the actual pudding, not a concept of the pudding, or a printed image of the pudding, but the pudding itself!

Peace. :tiphat:


What were we talking about?
skepticism is very important when it comes to experiments and studying the self-mind, it is a very slippery domain

Tell me about it. Last time I had mine out to study it, damn thing kept slipping out of my hands and falling on the floor. Now it has bits of grit and dog hair stuck to it. I know, I know, I have a dirty mind . . .

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
Never scare an angry skunk!

Never scare an angry skunk!

Maybe get bit, or chewed up at least !! Be very peaceful



self help books are like diet books in the sense that they mix a bit of science/common sense in a way that simplifies it to the reader...making it appear that everything is within reach...twists theory into a truth....that in the end....doesn't serve the reader...as much as...it serves the author.

laying all this stuff out for others....serves whom? Everything an individual does is reflected solely from their reality. Helping others see "the way it is" is an illusion the mind creates.


lives on planet 4:20
self help books are like diet books in the sense that they mix a bit of science/common sense in a way that simplifies it to the reader...making it appear that everything is within reach...twists theory into a truth....that in the end....doesn't serve the reader...as much as...it serves the author.

I have read many self-help books and diet books through the years :)

the good self-help books basically all say that one should

1) focus on the exact result you want to create

2) observe the current reality in relation to this result

3) take action steps to go from where you are right now (current reality) to where you want to be when you bring the result into reality, and simply keep doing this on a regular basis without quitting or giving up

the good diet books say the same thing except they break down the third step into exact actions like:

1) use proper nutrition, including drinking water, with very few cheat meals

2) use physical activity (cardio and resistance training) on a regular basis

...so the good ones actually provide valuable info, and the problem lies in what you wrote in the second part of your post

laying all this stuff out for others....serves whom? Everything an individual does is reflected solely from their reality. Helping others see "the way it is" is an illusion the mind creates.

This is where the problem lies....imvho

The personal perception is in-direct, and goes through a filter of our beliefs and assumptions, so basically yes, we perceive a reflections of our inner concepts

and no matter what info we get from books, our mind, and the filter of our beliefs and assumptions somehow doesn't allow us to grasp these insights and turn them into habits.

...or maybe we are simply f*cking lazy? :laughing:

That f*cking illusion the mind creates is very convincing...lol

I watch it do its thing and am surprised every time how my body does shit almost on its own

it's as if I'm really possessed by this parasite (false-self-mind)

...been thinking about putting it on a diet btw...and taking a little break from posting about these human condition topics

got a lot of stuff to do in my real estate biz, and have to have a single minded focus to take me to the next level.

but, the desire to share (show off ;)) I'm sure won't keep me away for long.


Active member
southflorida is giving you One way to look at it.

what fits one might not fit all, but it can be interesting and perhaps lead down some other path that might be right for you. or just be a curio.

i personally have found one thing he said rather helpful.

but i would personally never view any book or line of words, as a bible to live my life by.

this should be more a discussion than some list to live your life by or consider holy truth.

we simply, arent advanced enough to fully understand the mind and all the whatnots of being alive, or even simply being human.


lives on planet 4:20
nice thread SF, did imiss the thread where you break down love based emotions?

thanks stihgnobevoli.

No. You didn't miss it.

Love is the love-based emotion...lol

And love is very simple. It is mutually beneficial interaction and co-operation with other sentient beings.

It is actually where you focus on helping others, instead of manipulating them for personal gain.

When fear is gone, love is what shines through, and one's intent becomes love-based. This process of going from a fear-based intent to a love-based intent is slow.

Letting go off the fears in our awareness takes time and contemplation, and one has to actually go out into the world and interact and co-operate with other human beings on a regular basis in order to accomplish this.

It doesn't happen through meditation with incense or by sitting on top of a mountain for years...lol

It happens through being loving and genuinely caring for others.

I guess, it is not so much what you do, as who you are.

If you are a loving human being, you will have a love-based intent, and your actions will be a reflection of this intent.
