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Boycott the London 2012 Olympics

lost in a sea

though your obviously right i think you missed his point pig pen..

fuck london and fuck the olympics,, and fuck the people that officiate both of them!

also the met police and royal family and the crown 300 families and the usurious bankers that fund their cancerous hold on us.. fuck em

may they burn in hell!

I'm in the UK and if I wanted to see foreigners run I'd of joined the army...

Fuck the Olympics.

As for all the bullshit surrounding it, just Babylon cranking up the fear factor.

:yeahthats lmfao

guest 77721

I just looked up the quote "Bread and Circuses" on Wikepedia and I am using it in the right context.

Bread and Circuses is a political strategy to distract the population to appease their basic shallow needs while taking away their freedom. In the case of the Olympics, people are willing to trade their fundamental freedoms for a sporting spectacle.

Pig Pen

Actually I believe both of you have comprehension problems, believe what you want.
I wouldn't change your point of view if I could, but a bit of historic context goes a long way. Talk to me again in 20 years if we both live that long and we will see if you have the same perspective. I sure know that mine changed from when I was a young man. I , too fought many windmills when I was young.

lost in a sea

yeah you were right redgreenry,, things like that just niggle at some people with babylons poison still in there system..

nothing wrong with fighting windmills if its propaganda creating the wind,, still boycotting what these people do wont stop them writing history for the sheeple.

Pig Pen

Is he?

The Olympics were not " Bread and Circus", while Major League sports are much closer and World Wrestling gets scarey close. Television goes one step beyond because it adds a serious element of "brainwashing and mind control".

The Olympics were not held for the same reasons.

The results were not the same.

They are definitively and definitely not the same.

All the military presence, etc. is a sign of our decaying global society. It is a separate issue from the Olympics.

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water, boys!


Andinismo Hierbatero
I bet all these anti-olympic sentiments have been incepted in many people's minds by a great media-manipulator who makes a living out of exploiting the psychosis of people.

there's this young dude at work that showed me a piece of this documentary on his smart-phone, claming the same as the op; funniest of all is that the documentary claims that the olympics have its origins in germany in 1936 as a means to control the world, and that each ring in the olympic flag represents the five continents to be conquered.

I was like WTF? any well-done and well-edited video will pass off as an actual documentary nowdays... and the worst is that there are plenty of suckers out there willing to buy into the bullshit.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
All I'm pointing out is that the Olympics has become a tool of the Police State and the Multi-National Corporations that sponsor it. The hosting government uses this as an excuse to fund the Police State and erode personal freedoms because of the fear of Terrorism whether real or perceived.

If you look into it, every Olympics leave the host with a huge debt to pay off. The one time event doesn't pay off all the new complexes that are built. Who pays for all this military police presence and surviellance?

I'm sure the owners of hotels, bars and restaurants make out like bandits but that doesn't balance out with the long term costs.

Okay well I was just making assumptions on it benefiting the economy I didn't know the Olympics usually end up being a huge debt. You'd think there would be less competition for places to host if that were the case? I'm still convinced that main street benefits though as it is made up of all those owners of bars, hotels, restaurants, etc. that make out like bandits. Which is really what's needed right now as the problem in most countries are the consumers are too poor to consume at a profitable rate for the corporations. You're right about the increased security and all but the Olympics is only responsible in that it's such a big draw. Any major event would cause the same thing to happen especially if it was an event that the royals are involved in. Surely a big chunk of the increased security is to protect the Queen. The point I'm getting at though is do you want to boycott all big events of interest just so there is no need to go to extreme lengths for security? The increases will surely be temporary too, with the world economy being what it is no country can long sustain those kind of expenses.

Unfortunately all of this is exactly how terrorism works. Our enemies want the masses so scared that in trying to protect themselves they deny themselves all of the very freedoms and luxuries the terrorists hate us for. The real solution for this problem is for the world to evolve enough that we develope a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism and stop it from existing. It only exists now because most people aren't moved to do anything about it as long as it doesn't effect them directly and personally. Boycotting the Olympics does nothing to address the threat of terrorism.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just looked up the quote "Bread and Circuses" on Wikepedia and I am using it in the right context.

Bread and Circuses is a political strategy to distract the population to appease their basic shallow needs while taking away their freedom. In the case of the Olympics, people are willing to trade their fundamental freedoms for a sporting spectacle.

That's really a distortion of the people's will. The people would much rather not have to go to these lengths as they were able to do for the majority of the history of the Olympics. What they are willing to trade their fundemental freedoms for though is for prevention of terrorist attacks and the impact a successful terrorist attack can have. Essentially the situation with all the world's economies that we are in right now traces back in large part to 9/11, the bombings in London and Spain and how the world responded to those tragedies. The Olympics isn't responsible for any of that though it's just a popular event that draws world attention making it a very juice target for a terroristic agenda.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Pig Pen you've been brainwashed by too much propaganda. Regardless of what the original purpose of the Olympics was thousands of years ago, today its purpose is to funnel money into corporate pockets, while at the same time keeping the masses under control with fear mongering and security theater.

Here's another vote for boycotting these corrupt pieces of shit.

A big enough concert event would cause the same thing to happen especially if the Royals were involved does that mean that concert promoters are also trying to keep the masses under control with fear mongering and security theater? Sure there are people getting rich off the Olympics but I'm sure they'd much rather not have to go thru all these extra measures. Increased security and tighter restrictions for them means less profit because of the expense of implementing such things and the loss of business from people not wanting to go somewhere there might be a terrorist attack and where they'd have to suffer thru tighter security.


"Boycott the London 2012 Olympics" Lol. Yes sit in silence.. Hmmmn.

All fun..:biggrin:

Ace Mate..Brightened my day.


Gents, it's time to boycott the Olympic games. What once was a way for Countries to come together to promote Peace has been hijacked to build the fascist police state. Riot troops, Drones, Surface to Air Missles, Human Rights abuses and the removal of personal privacy and due process laws are the new Olympic games.

All I can say is do not buy any product that has the commercial Olympic logo on it.



As many as 48,000 security forces. 13,500 troops. Surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment buildings. A sonic weapon that disperses crowds by creating “head-splitting pain.” Unmanned drones peering down from the skies. A safe zone, cordoned off by an 18-kilometre electrified fence, ringed with trained agents and 55 teams of attack dogs.

One would be forgiven for thinking that these were the counter-insurgency tactics used by U.S. army bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. But instead of being used in a war zone, they in fact make up the very visible security apparatus in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics.

London, which has the most street cameras per capita of any city on Earth, has since the terror attacks of 7/7/05 been a city whose political leaders spare no expense to monitor its own citizens. But the Olympic operation goes above and beyond anything we’ve ever seen when a western democracy hosts the Games.

Not even China in 2008 used drone planes or ringed the proceedings with a massive, high-voltage fence. But here is London, preparing a counter-insurgency, and parking an aircraft carrier right in the Thames. Here is London adding “scanners, biometric ID cards, number-plate and facial-recognition CCTV systems, disease tracking systems, new police control centres and checkpoints.”

The number of troops will exceed the forces the U.K. has had in Afghanistan.

It’s not just the costs or the incredible invasion into people’s privacy. It’s the powers being given to police under the 2006 “London Olympic Games Act” which empowers not only the army and police, but also private security forces to deal with “security issues” using physical force. These “security issues” have been broadly defined to include everything from “terrorism” to peaceful protesters, to labour unions, to people selling bootleg Olympic products on the streets, to taking down any corporate presence that doesn’t have the Olympic seal of approval. To help them with the last part, there will be “brand protection teams” set loose around the city. These “teams” will also operate inside Olympic venues to make sure no one “wears clothes or accessories with commercial messages other than the manufacturers who are official sponsors.

And, as the Guardian reported: “Officers have powers to move on anyone considered to be engaged in anti-social behaviour, whether they are hanging around the train station, begging, soliciting, loitering in hoodies or deemed in any way to be causing a nuisance.”

Not to shock anyone, but there are no signs that any of the security apparatus will be dismantled once the Olympics are over. Local police forces have just been given an inordinate number of new toys and the boxes have been opened, the receipts tossed away.

London will be left with a high-tech police force, terrible debt, higher taxes, with a camera around every corner. The only people who will leave this party enriched will be the private security industry who will tout “the peace” as their personal accomplishment, encouraging more of the global 1 per cent to get more guards, more walls, and more separation from the great unwashed.

There is no reason that the Olympics have to be this way. There is no reason that an international celebration of sports can’t take place without drones and aircraft carriers. There is no reason athletes from across the globe can’t join together and showcase their physical potential.

But the Olympics aren’t about sport any more than the Iraq war was about democracy. The Olympics are not about athletes. And they’re definitely not about bringing together “the community of nations.” They are a neo-liberal Trojan Horse aimed at bringing in business and rolling back the most basic civil liberties.

In many ways, this is what the Games have always been. From Hitler’s Berlin Olympics in 1936, to the slaughter of students in 1968 in Mexico City, to the gang sweeps in Los Angeles in 1984, to Beijing’s mass displacement of citizens in 2008, the “crackdown” has always been a part of the Olympic Games. But in the post-Sept. 11 world, the stakes are even higher to expose this for what it is. The Olympics have become the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine to down, and the medicine is that our elected leaders have seen the enemy, and it is all of us.

All i read was the title. Lol . Anymore and i wouldnt be Lolling no doubt.. + REP FROM ME MANN for sure :laughing::dance013:
:woohoo: e


“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.


...that quote is by John Adams is it not?

...and once you give up a freedom you will have to fight to get it back.

...here's a couple from Thomas Jefferson.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

...those founding fathers of ours really knew how to think.



here is another that is a particular favorite of mine.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." --Thomas Jefferson


Pig Pen

Grow your boat I'm not brainwashed, you are.

Stop watching television and counter culture internet media programs, educate yourself and actually start thinking for yourself. You are doing nothing more than regurgitate propaganda from left wing media.

Want to actually change things? Get off your butt and get involved. Do you actually think that you will be missed at the Olympics? "Oh, growyourboat and all his "enlightened friends" didn't attend." "We'd better change society now!"

I really don't think so.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hiya, just to put my twopence in, i wanted to make people aware as e4 did, that in surrounding areas where olympic stadium is areas like bow,stratford,poplar and tower blocks in those areas were greeted with the army turning up and putting missles/rockets on the top of these buildings, mostly were council/public housing and as far as i am aware only a few private blocks have been used as you can imagine residents were furious,kids frightened, and nobody was consulted, authroties totally refusing to engage saying security nessescity, boycott the games? i dont know but the way local residents have been treated is totally fucking unacceptable and wont even start about local residents parking situation whilst olympics is on, total bollocks, peace 944s2

guest 77721

Gentlemen, this has been a good discussion so far. Can we keep the mudslinging down to a minimum? I think it's great that we can have differences in opinions and can express them accordingly and respectfully.

Hempkat - There is a need for security at these events. Just look at the recent riots in Vancouver after the home town lost the final hockey game and the fans trashed the downtown. All I'm saying is that military troops, aircraft carriers, anti-aircraft missiles, drones, suspension of due process and all the other things that go with this lockdown are excessive to provide that security. It's all in the name of protecting business interests and the Olympics is a business. Once these personal liberties are taken away, they have to be fought for to get restored.

Pig Pen

I hear what you are saying loud and clear. I have some very close friends in London and they have been keeping me informed on what's going on there. There is no excuse for how they went about doing things. Local resident are being treated that way because local authorities really don't care about the rights of the average citizen. It's been that way quite a while creeping slowly so most don't even see the change. Most people are too tied up in their daily lives to notice it until it becomes too late.

If the young people of today who actually see and care don't "step up" and get involved with the governing process those presently abusing their powers will definitely succeed in severely reducing our freedoms. Protesting does not work. Protesters are painted in the media as "childish temper tantrums" or "fringe lunatics" nowadays. The days for Gandhi's use of non-violent protesting concept are done. The powers that be have developed and regularly use an effective countermeasure for those tactics.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
What part of "don't waste our time arguing with me, dumbass, because you're ignored" requires one to be "king/dictator of IC" to legitimately say?

You can mind your own business too hoss...I'm sure HempKat doesn't need you swinging on his nuts.

1st off, I'm not swinging on anybodies nuts.
HK has been giving sensible replies to a lot of tin-foil(ass)hattery, and instead of coming with a sensible, reasoned response, you choose to be rude.
Hence my reply.
:thank you:

Pig Pen


I'm not going to even to refute your post, anyone who descends into the use of foul language without provocation is obviously poised in a defense he himself knows cannot succeed. You are just arguing for argument's sake.

Have fun!