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Bonzo BoUnCeS back...:)


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absolutely easy! i think it was a black cat too! even better! :D

lookin' forward to new toys D! thanks for the heads up on corrugated stuff! :)

thanks nameless! wish it could be a little fullerer...second run should be bananas! :D

i remember cat piss too shorts....what was it a pheno of? thanks dude! :)

thanks persephone! glad your enjoying it! :)


Active member
thanks MH! what CFM you ask? 1700 BIG GNARLY CFM's! :D theres a pic of it somewhere...its a 14" CAN MAX fan...intake is through a swamp/evaporative cooler...with a whole lotta cfm! :D


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i just threw it together...so its not in final position...im gonna need some input there as this is my first stadium...sorta :)

im usin' some 2 x 4 hangers and those hood hangers to hang lights...there not finished either...need a little tweaking but they give me all the mobility i was looking for...

i was lookin' at 1" x stock and it was more expensive than the 2" x 10" x 12'...so i chose the latter...the corrugated stuff came 12' x 2' and i ripped em' down the center...obviously im gonna shim one end so they will all drain towards the door....dont know what im gonna use to catch water yet...

plants are so ready for their new home....they have outgrown the 4 x 4 tray...im givin' em all a lil' flush...just cause...gonna try and get em' in new home tomorrow before class...

im so excited about this deal!!!!:woohoo:

input is appreciated :)


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more :woohoo:

they like it!!!! :woohoo:


i need to rip the corrugated one more "groove"



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Active member
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to bonzo again" Bro i'd give you ten points for that one! Fucking BAD ASS. Can't wait to see what you do with this room.

I have a thought on your drain situation. Head to the rain gutter section at home de pot. Grab a down spout fitting (pic below), two end caps and a flexible down spout to direct water to a bucket or similar.


Another option is getting a piece of vinyl gutter and cutting pieces to fit the drain ends of the stadium. You'll need two end caps for each drain also. Then drill a hole and put a 1/2" drain fitting (ala ebb/flow) in each. Attach a hose and direct your waste wherever.

Mountain High

Yo Bonz... looks like a grow room in there now man. Happy to see some shelves and plants in there now. I bet your tired of building and ready to be growing. Check these out ... http://www.ultraseam.com/us200.html.

You already have it all set up, but I like how these have the raised sides to make sure no runoff on the floor. Its called "raised seam" metal roofing material, 12'' wide.

Your smart pots are prolly better off in the corrugated roofing so the water can run out from underneath the pots. Hard pots with drain holes would be good on the raised seam roofing panels.


Active member
Howdy MH! :) that ultra seam looks awesome! im not usin' smart pots yet...found some pots at the dollar store! next run i will upgrade! thanks dude!

Howdy Chief! :) thanks and welcome!

What it do redwood! :) thanks dude! its comin' along!

so i got some pots at the dollar store...up to my old ghetto tricks! gonna get new coco...not gonna risk the the cat-piss coco! so transplanting thursday...they are just sittin' in the pots on the shelves.

burnin' 2k for now...21 plants + the 2 moms...im seein' 3 shelves each side...10 plants per :D


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couple more :)

temps have come up to 65...humidity 60%


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I think I just got wood :biggrin: Wait, did I say that out loud? Looking real good bonz my man. Just sitting here waiting for you to kill it. Might want to warm it up a lil though, you know how girls get when they're cold..........

the protege

Hey Bonzo, long time no see. I just recently jumped back on after a move. I like your set-up, looks like you are doing it the right way.

Are you still looking to create SWT#4 seeds?


Active member
im pretty excited about it too D!:woohoo: is 65 degrees too cold?

Howdy protege! long time indeed!:) goddang good to see you! thanks...im doin' the best i can with what i have...defenitely a lil' rusty! :biggrin: yes indeed im gonna be poppin some SWT #3 and a few #4 here pretty soon...whats the difference between 3 and 4? they might be a lil' old...

so the girls looked a lil' droopy....overwatered yesterday...i flushed em 5 days ago then fed em 3 days ago when i put em in the vert room....any input on this? they look better today....this first one was the worst...the bigger ones werent affected as much

im lettin' em dry out a bit before transplanting...


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is 65 degrees too cold?

I'll assume you are kidding :biggrin:. In case your not, and for the benefit of your readers. Plants will grow at 65, but will be slowed down in the growth department. I find 75-78 F is ideal if not using co2. If using co2 78-85 seems the best range to shoot for. Maintain this range 24 hours a day 7 days a week and your plants will thank you for it. It's one of those little things freds is always going on about ;)

Oh and if you are trying to fill a pot with roots let it have a dry cycle. Multiple daily feeds with runoff is for flower when root building is no longer the main goal.


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thanks D...actually i wasnt kidding...i know 65 is low but i didnt know if it was too low...i am usually concerned with temps being too high...i think temps last night may have got down to as low as high 50's! this morning i turned the cooler and the exhaust fan off and let temps rize to 75...turned exhaust on left cooler off and temps hovered around 70...

plants are not lookin good...the symptoms that look exactly like overwatering have gotten worse...the onset of this corresponds with the flush...however thats also when i moved them into the big room...im gettin' frustrated and worried here...

today they were all very very light and dry and still looking overwatered...i transplanted 6 of them and gave the others a light watering...the ones that were transplanted were indeed very dry...roots look healthy...no bugs that i could see...so what is the problem? is it the temps? is it the temps plus the flush, plants not drying out quick enough?

i transplanted/watered at about 7 pm, got home about 10:30 pm...plants looked a tad worse...

is it the RO?

I never thought i would be dealing with LOW temps in this room...should i add another light? was gonna veg for i minute with 2k but....if i need to bring temps up a third light would do that...i dont have a heater...do i need a variable/speed control for the exhaust? turn it down...keep temps a lil' higher...

i could use some input/ideas here my friends!!

plants/roots/cody :)


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i am amazed by this CAN MAX fan...i went into the flower room...cooler and fan both off, temps 79 ish...stood in front of cooler intake, barely a breeze....turn the MAX on and the change is instant...in front of intake feels like cooler is on...major air getting pulled in...unreal...variable/speed control is absolutely in order...

so the ONE major difference between plants in little room and big room is...temperature...

low temps are not going to be a problem in a week...or two...


just for shits and giggles i fired up the 1k in the little room and put 1 plant in....we'll see...

temps in big room with exhaust on went from 79 degrees/50% humidity to 74/45 in about 8 minutes...


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65 is boderline where temps can cause nutrient uptake problems. Most plants will take it, but it will stunt growth slightly. Anything below 60 for more than a few hours is likely to cause nutrient uptake problems. Grab one of these to control your exhaust https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=237532 and fire up another light if you need extra heat. Looks to me like you have some lockout going on. What exactly did you flush with (nute mix & PH)? Coco is pretty tempermental when it comes to it's cation matrix.

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