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Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt...another essential


Active member
In researching nutrients and such for my return to growing, a common trend was 'use Dyna-Gro or some other silica based for stem growth and infection fighting'. I figured it wouldn't be noticeable.

I decided to go with Lucas Formula 8ml FloraNova & 5ml Pro-TeKt

Fast forward a month and now I know why people use it. WOW.

I had some super cropping 'issues' and snapped some branches. I did the duct tape fix and its been about a week. I removed the duct tape tonight and my plant stem has turned into silica. It's incredible. The silica sealed off the stem and protected it. This should be a product shot for their catalog!

Anyways, just wanted to give props to Pro-TeKt and make sure more people are aware of it!

chief bigsmoke

Active member
I just heard about this awesome product as well. Apparently it is a staple of pnw organic growers.

The company does suggest you add it first to your nute regiment. Apparently it can lock out your essential p due to its open structure. I'll try and find the actual quote from the manufacturer.

Either way my plants would love some beneficial silicon and potassium supplements.
It's a staple of my nute regime. I use it in my res at 5ml per Gal. Helps with stabilizing the PH along with all the other benefits.

You're right! It must be added first to the water before any other nute.
I never knew how much it did until we ran out one time and did not reorder for a while.

Stuff is amazing for sure! After doing some research we found it one of the most over looked items for many growers or considered "not needed".

Recent studies have led to a re-evaluation of the role of silicon as an essential element in plant nutrition. Silicon is present in very significant amounts in most plants. These amounts are comparable to the levels of calcium, magnesium and even phosphorus. Grasses may contain silicon at levels higher than any other mineral. This has led to the argument that perhaps silicon should be listed among the macronutrients of plant nutrition.

That's odd that it would be considered organic. Are you sure about that?

Orthosilicic acid is Organic silica is mostly found in natural fruits and vegetables, but foods are becoming low on orthosilicic acid because soils are depleted of silica and are high in other compounds that prevent plants from absorbing silica.

There would be no life, as we know it with out Silicon.

One inorganic form of silica is known as Diatomaceous Earth


Here's my question: why would ProTekt be considered any more organic than other mineral/salt ferts? I'm aware of the profusion of silicon in nature, but the same is true of so many minerals that are disallowed in organics.


Registered User
I would consider Diatomaceous Earth organic WAYYY before Protekt...

you know what Diatomaceous Earth is...right???

kinda thought it was an insoluble form of silica...?

but i'm kinda like dram w the organic vs in... u say tomato, i say tomato... ;-)
I think people are confused by what is and what is not organic.

I'm using Pro-Tekt.


You said a mouthful!! The word "organic" gets slung everywhere these days and VERY few that use the term even know what it means. You can tell by the questions they ask and the comments they make.



You said a mouthful!! The word "organic" gets slung everywhere these days and VERY few that use the term even know what it means. You can tell by the questions they ask and the comments they make.


Not sure who you're talkin about. Maybe you could just humor me and answer the question. Organic, back when Rodale coined the term, was closer to what we now call bio-dynamic. Maybe people are unclear on the term these days because it's been completely co-opted by manufacturers and entrepreneurs. I was just curious why Pro-Tekt was considered to be organic. No patronizing tone necessary, dude....


Active member
It's a staple of my nute regime. I use it in my res at 5ml per Gal. Helps with stabilizing the PH along with all the other benefits.

You're right! It must be added first to the water before any other nute.

Yep, always put the Pro-TeKt in first, give the 1gal jug a good shake for 30 seconds. I let it settle for a minute after that and then add my nutes.

Organic to me is anything in nature that is not man-made or altered. I am not big on the whole Organic train as it's too confusing to have to worry about :) Using limited nutrients is your best bet IMO. Loading up the plants with 10 different bottles of shit is not how I want to grow. Who knows what mfg's are up to now a days.

I didn't want to turn this thread into non-organic vs organic.
Not sure who you're talkin about. Maybe you could just humor me and answer the question. Organic, back when Rodale coined the term, was closer to what we now call bio-dynamic. Maybe people are unclear on the term these days because it's been completely co-opted by manufacturers and entrepreneurs. I was just curious why Pro-Tekt was considered to be organic. No patronizing tone necessary, dude....

I did answer your question. You will need to ask again if I did not or you need more specifics about something.

If you want me to answer why people are "unclear" about what "organic" is and means, sorry...cant do it. Not trying to relay any type of "tone". Did not mean to offend you at all.

What kills me the most about the whole "organic thing" (for lack of a better term) in general is when someone says "Oh I only use "organics", I do not use chemical nutrients". !!LOL!!