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ICMag Donor
VG, is right on point about mobile P,K in coir.

I've addressed this by adding yucca, as it is a wetting agent (most benefit seen in coir) as well as having other awesome benefits. Another two adjustments made to address this very issue in all mediums, addition of a very particular zeolite and glacial rock dust. Both the additions stimulate P fixing bacteria within the soil and help form tighter ionic bonds within the molecular structures themselves, allowing for better retention and absorption of these particular elements. So much that it resulted in less actual guano/bone/char to get the same result. Any reduction of fertilizer as a result of a more efficient medium is super exciting to me as it means a healthier ecosystem exists.

Thanks VG...great points!

Marlo, garden looks beast! I pulled my one vert for now...that wall still has me head running every which direction...LOVE IT really. Thinking implementation....lol.

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ICMag Donor

No sweat on the snapped branch situation, .. I've actually been horrible about it this time around. !

Thanks bro. This was the 1st snapped branches I've had in 3 grows. And by far the biggest. :comfort: Ouch...

SFV SOUR #4 Hubba hubba:cathug:

The SFV Sour looks dank, and seems to be a winner for this style of grow... Is it just you want mixed flavours, just wondering why you don't run that mono-cropped...

I've tried talking myself into a mono crop. I know that is the answer. But making up my mind is always the problem. It takes problems like the ones I'm having to get me to toss phenos. I'm getting better tho... I'm tossing 3 pheno's after this grow. But adding 2 new ones :wallbash: Next grow will have 3 SFV Sour #4's tho.

If I did all DSD and SFV Sour # 4, I know I'd bust 2lb's easy.

VG, is right on point about mobile P,K in coir.

I was thinking of switching the Coco for ProMix like Phillthy uses. Do you think it be that much better? I have to start cooking the next batch soon.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Hey marlo, sorry to hear, havent been here in a few days, just got the updates. I am not sure what thread it is, I can seem to find it, but basically the dude like drilled holes in the bottom of a five gallon bucket, put a little muffin fan in there, and then filled the bucket with ona gel. really stoned right now, and I am not explaining well, but hpeofully you get the drift.



ICMag Donor
Check this out guys....

Here's SFV Sour #4 at 62 days from the last run. 4oo watts and my old nute regimen. This was average size of the biggest nugs on the plant.


Compared to this stressed out run....full organics with 6oo's at 49 days. This is also the average size for the big nugs on this plant. Still a good 21 days to go and it looks like its already bigger. Who the fuck said organics can't yeild?


What do yall think?



The Mad Monk
Who the fuck said organics can't yeild?

People who never tried it, or didn't do it properly. Lotta misconceptions floating around about growing organically. It's a buzzword for some people.

Plants look great, Marlo. SFV Sour #4 sounds like the vert keeper.


ICMag Donor
I've gotta go rep a bunch of other folks so I can rep Marlo again...lol! Brb. ;)

Isn't that what the message says that pops up or have they just customized mine??

Jokes...but things look lovely, specially since that comparison! About changing your mix, I use roughly 10% EWC, 20% coir, 20% peat, 30% soil...so sit in the middle ground between you and Phillthy. I wouldn't switch to something fully different, just adjust a bit. Use 30% coir, 20% peat, 10% EWC...50% FFOF + some perlite for drainage if you desire, the coarse stuff. With bigger pots as well, it all mesh better... Just some thoughts. Could just try bigger pots...lol. :respect:



Active member
love your honesty Marlo, most growers wouldent admit there short comings, it sure helps us all learn and head off problems of our own, strain and pheno selection is a hard job, i have had so many plants i liked but dident fit my grows that had to go, seems i will never have a mono crop, theres just to many good things to try. you if have access to it and i know you do try the grape rom, that girl will fill a wall.


ICMag Donor
Looking GREAT!

Thanks bro. Hey did you see.... Pabelbon's bitch ass is gone. Off to philly :wave:

People who never tried it, or didn't do it properly. Lotta misconceptions floating around about growing organically. It's a buzzword for some people.

Plants look great, Marlo. SFV Sour #4 sounds like the vert keeper.

I guess you're right Ras. I took the easy route and let Frank do all the work for me :). I'm hooked. Gonna mix up the next batch soon and let it cook this time.

And yes, #4 is the keeper :)

I wouldn't switch to something fully different, just adjust a bit. Use 30% coir, 20% peat, 10% EWC...50% FFOF + some perlite for drainage if you desire, the coarse stuff.

Sounds like a plan.

Good growing!:blowbubbles:
Hey thanks for all your help sunny. Your blumat thread and all your buddies helped me get my plumbing in order. I didn't have a bleed valve last time I used em, and things are going waaaay better this go round.


love your honesty Marlo, most growers wouldent admit there short comings, it sure helps us all learn and head off problems of our own, strain and pheno selection is a hard job, i have had so many plants i liked but dident fit my grows that had to go, seems i will never have a mono crop, theres just to many good things to try. you if have access to it and i know you do try the grape rom, that girl will fill a wall.

I figured I might as well tell it like it is. That way, when I get it right, I can really start talkin shit!
Strain selection is everything imo. The wrong pheno can make vert a nightmare. But the right pheno will have a noob selling all his old hoods!
Funny you should mention the grom. There might be some grom BX2 seeds in the air soon...... I'd like to try the cut sometime too



ICMag Donor
I'll get some grom bx1 shots up first of the year....hehehe. She's a sexy lady!



looking stella mo... :D great news on the yield increase with the NSPB, thanks for the updates on the mix just making it easier for new folk to get the mix correct from the get go... Respect for that brother :pimp3;

Frank we still looking good for January on the FLF?



Looks fantastic Marlo, that vert talk has got me thinking......!

What type of numbers you pulling doing vert?

I don't really have the space right now for it, but it sounds like something I want to try in the future, that's for sure, looks like a hell of a yield booster as well!



ICMag Donor
What type of numbers you pulling doing vert?

It's kinda hard to say. I started out getting .5 gpw and slowly increased my #'s with each grow. I think my highest to date has been .71gpw or something like that.
If your in it for the max yield, the only way to go is a monocrop or your just hurting yourself from the beginning. The right strain, in a dialed room will smash 1 gpw. But that isn't the norm.

I had many reasons for switching over to vert lighting. Overall, for my room, its so much better. No contest really.


looking stella mo... :D great news on the yield increase with the NSPB, thanks for the updates on the mix just making it easier for new folk to get the mix correct from the get go... Respect for that brother :pimp3;


Easy is right bro. I thought about switching to organics before, and started reading. It was alot more intense than I was ready for and it scared me away.
This shit makes it soooo easy, and the results so far have been great. Just as expected. And Frank is right up there :laughing: to make sure I don't screw up. Talk about customer service!



yeah im curious as well. your girls are looking really nice in here, im also glad you include the ups and downs, sometimes i think people skim through stuff and forget there is another side to all the pretty pictures.
i have been beside myself to run your gear, my ogchem x CJ should be showing sex soon and i can get them out of the way, then it will be sweet tooth and plush!

btw could you shoot me some info on the plush when you get a chance?

also, im glad your repping the full life, i would love to get my hands on some to do a side by side mono with my regular mix. im betting it will put the blood/bone/kelp to shame!

FRANK! pleaseeeeee let us know when we can get it! distributor info would be nice too, i really want my shop to stock it.


ICMag Donor
Will do. Keeping to the grind here...

For the record, it will become obvious when the vendors forum shows up suddenly. Then more real heavy discussion and detail regarding the mix can be had. I'm intentionally what we should call respectfully vague... and I feel it is appropriate. Just mentioning this so I'm not mistakenly construed as dismissive. A huge and sincere thank you for all those who express interest. This twist in life has only made it that much more exciting to be apart of the movement. I personally, realized my role; I can positively impact more growers, patients and caregivers [people] this way, than I could by hanging more lights.

Marlo seems happy...but I've learned things from his garden...things that confirm changes I was already implementing. So now everyone will benefit; that makes me happy. ;)

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thanks for the response frank- i know you cant talk alot till you have the vendor thing goin on. its cool your still refining the mix too it seems your really striving for perfection.


ICMag Donor
Wsup guys.Thing are looking real good. Just opened the door to the growroom, and the odor is still increasing a lil week by week. And its not affecting the scrubber one bit. Zero odor unless that door is open.

Today is day 62 of flower. I was originally planning to go 70-75 days, but I think these may come down a bit earlier. Remember those branches I snapped while changing out the scrubber? Well I left basically forgot about them for a week and they dried nicely. The SFV Sour looked great, so I chopped a few branches, trimmed em up and stuffed em in a jar for the day. They still smelled a lil green, (broke off on day 45) but was danker than some of the buds I had left from the last grow.
I took the jar with me to work, and it drew alot of interest. Alot of smoking goes on at work...and these SFV Sour nugs started getting compliments from the looks alone. Everyone I smoked with loved it....and to my surprise they compared very very well to all the other smokes present....mostly all commercial stuff.

By the looks of the grow, these plants are just about done (I haven't checked the trich's). My DSD smell has already turned from sweet strawberries, to rotten rank...which usually happens in the last 2 weeks. And they have started to look pinkish-grey as they usually do by harvest. I last fed them Budswell and Meta-K on day 49 or so, and they have been getting nothing but water since. Looks are looking nicely depleted, and continue to yellow. So all in all, they are close to the finish line.

All that being said, I've been thinking more and more about the next grow and how I can/will improve things. I'm definitely culling some of these phenos. If I had enough clones veg'n I'd only do DSD and SFV Sour....definitely by my spring grow tho. After I test out these 2 Bluetooths from Phillthy, I'll be down to just DSD and SFV sour...unless one of these Bluetooths are amazing. Life has been getting busier and busier, so this hobby has to get more and more simple for the future.

I'm about to start a new project at work with only a cpl days off, so my harvest day has basically been chosen for me. Its a bit early, but best imo. Plus it'll leave me more time to veg the next round and get flower started earlier. The soil mix for the next round has already been cooking for a week. All in all its been a great learning experience, and I plan to put my new knowledge to work soon.

btw could you shoot me some info on the plush when you get a chance?

Wsup Nameless. I hope the Plush is good to you, whenever you get to pop em.
There were 2 very vigorous SB dad's used. They weren't the super slow veg'n phenos...SB flavors from the bigger phenos usually range from sour to coffee kush. Not a whole lot of branching, but they do have some of the thickest stems around. Finishes btwn 55-65 days... medium yeild, mad frost and potent as fuck. Probably one of the best indicas available in seed form, if indicas are your thing.
My DSD mom is a bad sloppy bitch. Definitely the best smell I've ever gotten off a plant. Smells good enough to eat. Smell translates well to taste. Fast veg'r, 2.5 times stretch, insanely branchy, and very floppy once the cone shaped golf ball nugs start forming. Yield is above average imo, but not because of huge colas. Its yeild gets up there bcus of the # of branches she produces. Looooves to be tied up. If your ready to train, she'll put out some world class pot.
Check her out HERE

I have some Plush pics grown by Phillthy and GSizzle several pages back. Got a few more in pm I think. These guys have found phenos that go in both directions, so depending on which side of the cross your looking for, there could be some goodies in there. If theres a pheno that has the veg speed, stretch, yield and flavor of the DSD, combined with the flower time, stem strength and potency of the Sour Bubble....she'd be a bad bitch. I really wish I had another place to run 2 or 3 packs.


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