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Green Haze x Panama


ICE Cream eater
CJ F3,ChemDD F2 x DCong F3 sounds great man.
And taking the DCongo to F4 is just wow. Its like your making your own line. Great job preserving that strain :ying:
Whatever you decide I bet it will be killer :cathug:

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Beautiful plants, LG :good: I see you are growing in coco... wondering what kind of fertilizers are you using and how much per liter?
best vibes :tiphat:
Thanks bro!:tiphat:
I run GH nutes, Modified Head formula. My tap water is horrble so I use RO water. 5 ML. Pro-Tect Silacate in 5 Gallons of water to raise the pH then I add 6 ml. GH Micro and 9 ml. GH Bloom per gallon. With that mix, my pH comes in @ 6. No meters, just GH test drops and I water them twice a day. I only water heavily once a week to collect some run off and flush the coco a little. Unlike Head, I don't cut the micro out, I reduce it to about half until they look like they are almost done then I flush for about 10 days.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I made my pollination's today, hit the girls with a pair of GHxP males. Won't get a lot of seeds but, I hope there will be enough.


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I can't wrestle these girls out of the room for a photo secession, so I snapped a few pics of them in the room.
here's one of them, in the back. The bud that's up front is from a G13/Burmese x Highend

And here's the other


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
These gals drink a lot! Probably going to put them in 5 gallon buckets of coco to finish up. Tired of watering them so often and they keep falling over, so it must be done.

Here's some mediocre pics of them;)





Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I'm glad you all like them. They're about 6.5 feet tall and really starting to pack on some weight now. Guessing about 7 or 8 weeks left.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Lean Green :wave:

Looks like they are going to yield well despite the big size and slow flowering, the flowers have a good size and the flower leaf ratio is quite good. Interesting sativas expression, can't wait to hear your smoke report when they are finished :D

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I'm totally happy with how they are coming along! I have just enough ceiling height and I ran some ten week varieties underneath these ladies,so the long flower time won't bother me. One of the plants has flowers that look exactly like the first plant I ran and aroma is spot on too.
A few pics

A few buds show some heat stress from getting too close to the lights


Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Inspiring Lean Green. The hands of the long leg sativa's club. Patience and peace. Like you, I find both in my garden...

edit, and my 800th post...always a word on exhale.
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Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I feel you on the peace, when I'm in my room, it's the only time to myself that I get all day. That is probably one of the reasons I hand water. It gives me more time to spend in there;)

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I'm pretty excited about these. One of them looks just like the last one I ran, which I absolutely loved. The other smells about the same, it's just a much bigger yielder with smaller bracts. My room was colder when I first ran the GHP, so these might not take as long to finish because of the warmer temps. I'm not sure though, these things are hard to guess. One things for sure, I'll let them go as long as it takes.