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Help me identify this deficiency

That number of tablets per what volume of water or liquid? I bet that's got to play a role in it. Like I mentioned previously, I use a 325mg tablet per 2gals water.

The first post of that link is the article that I shared in my previous post. :)
<doh> Sorry about that...

I've used 6 81 mg tabs smashed/dissolved in a quart of water, added to a healthy clone. Will repeat in a couple days then start to look for response. Used to take a week to 10 days to show, but I'll keep dosing till I see. Been a couple years since I femmed though, and I didn't keep records. Gonna have to look at some old posts from other sites...refresh my failing memory, lol.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Where do people have their heads?

Where do people have their heads?

So, I did some shopping today:

Cookin' :D

The brew is in the fridge now cooling off. So 1/4 cup to a gallon, right?

I am using 3 part nutes from GHE, so what would be an appropiate flower dose? The card says 3 ml Gro, 6 ml Micro and 9 ml Bloom - Should I just use bloom then, or make a low dosis with all the stuff?


That isn't Aspirin or Molasses!
Well the Molasses sugar looks odd to me, somebody else in your area may clarify that issue for us. I'm not familiar with the brand or anything.

Fuck dude I wish I had seen your post yesterday and caught it before you mixed up the solution. You've gotta follow the recipe more closely. At least use generic Aspirin and "unsulphered molasses"... It doesn't have to be Brer Rabbit brand, but it DOES have to be unsulphered.

Use Molasses. There is a reason for the recipe and sugar might add some carbs but it damn sure isn't Molasses. I have no idea what liquid sugar would do.


Aspirin... Just plain old aspirin... I use 325mg at 1 per gallon, many growers suggest using 2. It's used by growers all over the world,

Google it, "Aspirin for plants" it's been used for centuries.

Just skimming over this thread, but noticed a few responses that made me cringe.

It's not a heat issue. Not even close.
It's not really looking like a def. (or overdose) issue.
It's not looking like a chemical vs. organic issue. (especially since a chemical compound is a chemical compound regardless if man-made or made by nature) Only difference I've ever seen is the 'inorganic' being immediately available for uptake, but "organics" offer a slower release. But it's not looking like a nutrient dump, as all leaves would be affected.

What it does look like is either overwatering causing root damage, (inability to uptake ANYTHING) or nutrient solution being splashed on the lower leaves when feeding and/or watering. If left to sit on the leaves, it WILL burn in that fashion. Are you by chance foliar spraying 'em with anything?

What are you using to monitor runoff ph? If using those color-coded drops, runoff tinting skews the color-coded results. Unless you're in straight cow manure, doubtful 4.0 is an accurate runoff ph. And if you are chasing inaccurate ph numbers, you are fighting a losing battle. A 4.0 ph would have them as yellow as a yield sign in no time at all.

Almost looks like H202 burn...Are you using hydrogen peroxide on 'em?

Would be nice to know what soil you're in, what ammendments you've been forcing on 'em, whether or not you let the soil dry between waterings...ya know...all that troubleshooting info one needs for an accurate diagnosis...

Dude you really need to back the fuck off and read and learn before giving advice in the infirmary cause it's pretty obvious that you have no clue wtf you're talking about. Many of the growers giving advice in here have been diagnosing plant problems since before you were out of diapers, several of us even hold degrees in Botany and Plant Biology. And your observations are dead wrong... Your posts in this thread have got to be among the worst advisory posts I've read in the infirmary. Totally worthless advice that not only completely fails to address the symptoms, but overclouds the topic to such a degree that others have lost focus of the issue as well.

Those pics do NOT show any signs of over watering at all AND the OP has posted info regarding the soil and amendments and additives numerous times now.

H2O2 won't harm plants. In fact they love it! I use H2O2 daily in the garden and my plants are healthy and thriving. Immediately after spraying with 1/4 cup of H2O2 in a 1pint spray bottle the plants look bright and happy. It's awesome stuff! Bugs hate it, mold and mildew are non-issues and the plants grow like crazy.
I pour 1 pint of 3% into my 55 gallon reservoir every time I fill it to help feed and clean the roots PLUS it keep aphids, thrips and other root fuckers out of my plants root systems.

When nutrients are splashed on leaves it is usually uneven and an occasional damaged leaf, not consistently bottom, older leaves.

Over watering curls the leaves down. They droop and obviously appear depressed or sick. Overdosing will curl the leaves up.

Now the recipe that I posted is one that was established years ago and is used in infirmaries everywhere to to eliminate nutrient deficiencies, lock up, and aid in restoring a sick plant as quickly as possible.
It is a balanced nutrient regime that myself and thousands of gardeners use with every watering, and I never flush until about a week before finish.
Most times "over-watering" isn't really over-watering at all... Most times it is nothing more than the roots just aren't getting the necessary chelated iron, zinc, or copper they need to carry mobile nutrients to the plant.

I have absolutely no idea where you got the idea that H2O2 is bad or would damage plants like that.

All I can say is that you're probably lucky that I'm not a Moderator... Cause your contributions to this thread probably assisted in killing this guys plants.
We had him pointed in the right direction yesterday. Now he is likely confused, frustrated and exasperated, not to mention his plants. We are here to help others learn to grow and recognize problems and correct them, your posts have done absolutely nothing toward that result.


Registered User
Salicylic acid is what you're after with the aspirin. It can also be gained directly from the willow tree. I have no idea if you've properly or improperly fucked up your plant, but will assume that it's feeling no pain.


so glad u swung over! good begets good... and some great peeps here, no doubt. welcome sea!!! talk about a cool cat that has her grow on... :huggy:


Just read this whole thread wondering why so many ppl post her.

All I can say is that you're probably lucky that I'm not a Moderator... Cause your contributions to this thread probably assisted in killing this guys plants.
And you adviced him to use aspirin and he took paracetmol not to mention the molasses.
So whos contributions probably assist killing that plants?

Too many posters here anywhere.
Infirmary is always my first thread when im at icmag. Often see people with HARD problems getting no assist from experience growers ... and in this thread they start quarreling.

Btw I'm with Goldberg saying its ph related.
Love the negative rep. I'll have to repay your kindness sometime. But I must admit...you do sound like someone just bitch-slapped you. I was in no way doing anything but warning of the aspirin, and curious if he's done something stupid with the H202. You, assume too much and have a pretty fucking rancid ego.

Dude you really need to back the fuck off and read and learn before giving advice in the infirmary cause it's pretty obvious that you have no clue wtf you're talking about. Many of the growers giving advice in here have been diagnosing plant problems since before you were out of diapers, several of us even hold degrees in Botany and Plant Biology. And your observations are dead wrong... Your posts in this thread have got to be among the worst advisory posts I've read in the infirmary. Totally worthless advice that not only completely fails to address the symptoms, but overclouds the topic to such a degree that others have lost focus of the issue as well.
For starters, I've been a troubleshooter on as few different cannabis sites FOR YEARS , and am approaching my 50th birthday, at which time I will celebrate my 10th year of successful indoor gardening, and about my 30th in outdoor gardening, so plants are not a foreign commodity to me.
Your assumption is false, egotistical, and rather uninformed.

Those pics do NOT show any signs of over watering at all AND the OP has posted info regarding the soil and amendments and additives numerous times now.
I consider troubleshooting a process, as rarely is it an event. I ask for responses to certain questions, and can either rule-in or rule-out certain conditions. I've been to this rodeo before, and can attest to the fact that if you assume...the patient is doomed. Bummer I haven't seen a troubleshooting form. Do y'all have one here?
Anyway, I'm just not a big overkill guy. Keep it simple, keep 'em happy.

H2O2 won't harm plants. In fact they love it! I use H2O2 daily in the garden and my plants are healthy and thriving. Immediately after spraying with 1/4 cup of H2O2 in a 1pint spray bottle the plants look bright and happy. It's awesome stuff! Bugs hate it, mold and mildew are non-issues and the plants grow like crazy.
I pour 1 pint of 3% into my 55 gallon reservoir every time I fill it to help feed and clean the roots PLUS it keep aphids, thrips and other root fuckers out of my plants root systems.

So you do dilute it? Why? It's so good for the plants...
Do you know what it does to the beneficial bacteria in soil...?
And yes. if you overdo it with an H2O2 spray, you take the moisture out of a leaf, and the leaf will have a similar (but not exact) look.
Beyond oversplash, I did neglect to mention...if spraying the H2O2, and you get drips onto the lower leaves, and those leaves collectthe drips rather than letting 'em roll off...you'll get somnething looks like that.

When nutrients are splashed on leaves it is usually uneven and an occasional damaged leaf, not consistently bottom, older leaves.
Yeah...everyone waters the same. Had I not done shit like that myself, and had I not seen it on other boards, I likely would not have even mentioned it.

Over watering curls the leaves down. They droop and obviously appear depressed or sick. Overdosing will curl the leaves up.
Depending on severity, frequency and what other collaborative issues are present. I've seen root rot form without the curl. Just got the yellowing and stress.

Now the recipe that I posted is one that was established years ago and is used in infirmaries everywhere to to eliminate nutrient deficiencies, lock up, and aid in restoring a sick plant as quickly as possible.
It is a balanced nutrient regime that myself and thousands of gardeners use with every watering, and I never flush until about a week before finish.
Most times "over-watering" isn't really over-watering at all... Most times it is nothing more than the roots just aren't getting the necessary chelated iron, zinc, or copper they need to carry mobile nutrients to the plant.
Frankly, I don't much give a shit about the recipe's accepted "greatness" but I pointed-out my concerns with the signs of possible overdoing the H2O2, which before his answers I had no idea whether he uses the stuff or not...but especially the aspirin, which has been used for years to stress the cannabis lady into nanners, and a technique that I have employed often in the past. So before you embarrass yourself more, get the fuck off your high horse and rejoin those of us that care more for the members plants rather than being overly concerned about your ego.
Properly cared for plants don't need an infirmary. How about teaching him that trick?

I have absolutely no idea where you got the idea that H2O2 is bad or would damage plants like that.
As with any ammendment, you can overdo it. to say otherwise is folly. To allow it to oversoak in the soil medium, you risk killing-off all of your beneficial bacteria in the soil.

All I can say is that you're probably lucky that I'm not a Moderator... Cause your contributions to this thread probably assisted in killing this guys plants.
Go give 'em a call....

We had him pointed in the right direction yesterday. Now he is likely confused, frustrated and exasperated, not to mention his plants. We are here to help others learn to grow and recognize problems and correct them, your posts have done absolutely nothing toward that result.
I can back each and every statement with links, research and articles.

An overcomplicated tea isn't what is necessary to fix what ails your plants, unless you have starved the poor things all their lives. You don't need a sledge hammer to apply a thumb tac.

A solid soil, adequate lighting, limited doses of proper nutrients, properly ph'd water and a dash of mollasses mid-flower on. Harvest when complete.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
... ...

Go give 'em a call....

I can back each and every statement with links, research and articles.

An overcomplicated tea isn't what is necessary to fix what ails your plants, unless you have starved the poor things all their lives. You don't need a sledge hammer to apply a thumb tac.

A solid soil, adequate lighting, limited doses of proper nutrients, properly ph'd water and a dash of mollasses mid-flower on. Harvest when complete.

The mere fact that it's "overcomplicated" for you is all you had to say cause somebody will break it down for ya brotha...

You just keep on puttin on and nobody will notice...


What the fuck does he mean by overcomplicated? What? You can't read? Or ya just don't know which fuckin isle to look in?

Never mind.. I shouldn't have even engaged with this idiot. It was a losing battle from the start...

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Salcylic acid is the key ingredient for femming.
NSAID's don't cut it as most have none.
For femming, I tried the Gibbrellic acid, (Mega-Gro) and failed miserabaly. Burned the branches, ran out of product. Couldn't afford more for further tests.

You can cross-check my statements on Google, but this was the first link I clicked just now...
Aspirin Your Plants

Once I collect the pollen, I'd chop the majority of the roots and branches, (leave some healthy leaves for photosynthesis) and re-veg in fresh soil. (with a good flush to remove as much remaining aspirin in the remaining rootball) She comes back 'clean'. No more nanners, and makes a great mother plant.

Only aspirin I can find lately has NSAID plastered all over the bottle. But not all 'aspirins' have the acetylsalicylic acid any more. Gotta check the Active Ingredients. If aspirin, it should say aspirin, not NSAID. I did find a sugar-free low-dose (81 mg) aspirin without the NSAID markings, but just started with the first dose this morning. (6 81 mg tablets) Not sure what these coatings will do for the process either.

Anyway...use care with the dosage. I know from experience EXACTLY what happens if you overuse it, lol.

Try COLLOIDAL SILVER for reversing plants sex...it works.
Try COLLOIDAL SILVER for reversing plants sex...it works.
So does aspirin, light poisoning, ph or temperature fluctuations, and supposedly Gibbrellic acid, lol.

Ever see the smurf-guy that used CS as a daily suppliment...? (actual color) It's a condition called argyria.


  • Thai crosses in the begining
    Thai crosses in the begining
    49.9 KB · Views: 22

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
So does aspirin, light poisoning, ph or temperature fluctuations, and supposedly Gibbrellic acid, lol.

Ever see the smurf-guy that used CS as a daily suppliment...? (actual color) It's a condition called argyria.

How is the aspirin applied to reverse a plant? Sounds interesting.


Active member
Salcylic acid is the key ingredient for femming.
NSAID's don't cut it as most have none.
Only aspirin I can find lately has NSAID plastered all over the bottle. But not all 'aspirins' have the acetylsalicylic acid any more. Gotta check the Active Ingredients. If aspirin, it should say aspirin, not NSAID. I did find a sugar-free low-dose (81 mg) aspirin without the NSAID markings, but just started with the first dose this morning.

Your misconceptions about aspirin are both bizarre and totally wrong.
ALL aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
ALL aspirin are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
The active ingredient of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
Since plants use salicylates as their natural defenses, using aspirin boosts the immune response of cannabis & other plants.
If you have a sick, diseased, or stressed plant use aspirin as a foliar spray or a soil drench @325 MG per gallon of water. Higher dosages can be used for sicker plants. I use aspirin all the time, and it is a miracle drug for plants, but does not create feminized seeds. It will help return plants affected by TMV or other viruses to normalcy. They will still be infected, but will go to harvest without problem.


Active member
To the OP:
Check your roots!
Pull one plant out of it's pot and examine the roots with a loupe and bright light (LEDs work good). The damage to your plants sure looks like the lockout caused by root aphids. Be patient when examining roots, because they are hard to see and can take a minute or two before showing themselves. I am not saying you have them, but the damage shown in your pictures looks exactly like RA damage. If you check the roots and see nothing, then you can eliminate RAs as the cause, but look closely.
Sorry Guffetrold, for all the bad info they've been dishing. How's your ladies doing?

But to you other "troubleshooters":

Your misconceptions about aspirin are both bizarre and totally wrong.
ALL aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
ALL aspirin are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
The active ingredient of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
It would be pretty fucking cool...were you jokers to actually do some fucking homework on your own. No, not all NSAID's are aspirin, as many contain none.

Aspirin is widely used for pain relief and has side effects and contraindications similar to those of NSAIDS. It is very important that people do not use aspirin and NSAIDs together unless directed by a physician. Like NSAIDs, aspirin can cause gastrointestinal upset.

So you shouldn't use ASPIRIN with ASPIRIN?

"Naproxen Sodium Tablets, USP (NSAID)
Pain Reliever/ Fever Reducer
220 mg

Compared to the active ingredient of Aleve® †

Drug Facts

(in each Tablet)

Naproxen sodium 220 mg

(naproxen 200 mg) (NSAID)*

*nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Pain reliever/fever reducer"

"Ibuprofen Tablets, USP (NSAID)
Fever reducer/ Pain Reliever

Drug Facts

(in each tablet)

Ibuprofen USP, 200 mg (NSAID)**

**nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Pain reliever/fever reducer"

NSAIDS — Issues that May Arise with Regular Use of NSAIDS
At one time aspirin was virtually the only non-prescription pain reliever available. It has always had excellent pain relief benefits, but it was also recognized that, when used regularly, it could cause digestive problems for some patients. Some modified versions of aspirin came onto the market in an effort to achieve the benefits of aspirin while "buffering" the prospect for stomach discomfort. Acetaminophen achieves similar benefits of pain relief, with minimal, if any, impact on the stomach lining.
New NSAID medications became available in prescription form that also offered excellent pain relief, but like aspirin, these new prescription medications also had the potential to promote the development of ulcers and bleeding in the GI tract. Since they were being administered under a doctor's prescription, any such effects could be monitored.

NSAIDs became more popular as prescription remedies, and the FDA has approved several for sale to consumers without a prescription. A partial list of NSAIDs that are available over-the-counter and recommended maximum daily doses is below...

NSAIDS are a wide class of anti inflamitory drug.
But I do suggest that before you jump-in with more nuggets of wisdom, you check your facts. As since now you seem rather untrustworthy, perhaps someone should challenge your "facts".

So tell me again how stupid my post was. Did you bother looking-up the aspirin femming technique, or are you ASSUMING again? I've used aspirin for femming before, and I'll use it again. But you seriously have a credibility problemn, in my eyes.

If your normal course is to disregard info you are clueless about...and uf your first response is to go off half-cocked...perhaps troubleshooting isn't for you.
I thought about this all day, and I do appologize for coming off a tad heavy handed. But in my defense, the info I provided was/is solid. A simple Google check would have verified my insights, as would the links I personally provided...without y'all acting like the prom drama queen being bitchslapped while receiving her crown.

Is this how this site operates...? On a majority rules basis, regardless of accuracy of content? Attack outsiders, THEN verify? And the mod's are down with this? Please tell me it isn't so...

Good luck. Guess I'll be a watcher for a while.

Rusty :tiphat:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I thought about this all day, and I do appologize for coming off a tad heavy handed. But in my defense, the info I provided was/is solid. A simple Google check would have verified my insights, as would the links I personally provided...without y'all acting like the prom drama queen being bitchslapped while receiving her crown.

Is this how this site operates...? On a majority rules basis, regardless of accuracy of content? Attack outsiders, THEN verify? And the mod's are down with this? Please tell me it isn't so...

Good luck. Guess I'll be a watcher for a while.

Rusty :tiphat:

To my knowledge there are NO outsiders here unless we count the stray badge that floats thru.

You information may have indeed been correct, and the links you posted likely contained some valuable information.

Personally tho, the way I see it anyway, is that the information you provided, (as accurate as it may be), didn't apply to the thread topic or the plants in question.

Although every opinion is valued here, some opinions are valued more so due to a reputation and a history of accurately diagnosing and treating sick plants.

Personally I don't care if yer dick is bigger than mine. Because mine keeps me happy and yours doesn't. So mine is automatically better.

But a few post or pages back you commented about going thru a process of elimination when diagnosing plants. Well most of us approach it the same way. So when we see symptoms that lend toward one problem, but another that contradicts it, the path of least resistance is usually the correct choice.

For instance: You are a fairly new member here and engaged into a debate about reversing plant sex with a member who is very well informed about the various techniques, and is one of our ICM community experimenters/advisers/mentors in that particular area of growing.

I do kinda empathize with your position, or at least in this thread. Because you were completely out gunned by some very knowledgeable and respected members who have built a reputation over time establishing their knowledge by being correct, rather than just saying "I'm right, ignore everybody else cause they're all wrong".
I always try to keep in mind that this site is called home by some of the best growers in the world, and I am constantly relearning things from these folks that I thought I already knew.

And I still disagree with the theory that Aspirin will reverse a plants sex. I have used aspirin for years and I've tried to overdose them on aspirin, and I don't think it's possible. I've never seen any adverse effects of using aspirin in the water or when added to a foliar feeding regime.

However that doesn't mean you are wrong either. Just that my experiences using aspirin contradict yours.
By process of elimination you're refering to the "throw everything under the sun at it and see if anything works" concoction...?

Anyway, I'm glad to hear your dick keeps you happy. But as far as the aspirin thing goes, I have personal, hands-on experience with the technique, so trying to tell me it doesn't work isn't really going to cut it in my book.

So you think it's wrong to warn a newbie about shit I know can happen, even if you think they shouldn't know it? I'm just trying to wrap my hear around these ground rules for sharing insight here.

Anyway, like I said...I'll just sit back and see how things operate here. Not sure I appreciate the bullshit dished so far, so am reluctant to share, if this is the norm.


Active member
But to you other "troubleshooters":

"Originally Posted by RetroGrow
Your misconceptions about aspirin are both bizarre and totally wrong.
ALL aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
ALL aspirin are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
The active ingredient of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid."

It would be pretty fucking cool...were you jokers to actually do some fucking homework on your own. No, not all NSAID's are aspirin, as many contain none.

You are either drunk, or just have a problem with reading comprehension, or both.
I said:
"ALL aspirin are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)."

To which you replied:
"It would be pretty fucking cool...were you jokers to actually do some fucking homework on your own. No, not all NSAID's are aspirin, as many contain none.

Do you see the contradiction there?
I said "all aspirin are NSAIDS",
to which you replied "all NSAIDS are NOT aspirin.
I'm guessing you are drunk/really wasted, for it would be difficult for a person to be that clueless.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
All I want to know is how aspirin is applied to reverse sex of a female plant. What's the dose? How is it and how often is it applied? When is it applied?











Simple question...how is this aspirin feminisation done?
I'm guessing the OP has started a new thread. If not, likely he should.

Actually, if you are seriously interested in the technique, you can Google it with ease. Sorry. Last time I stuck my neck out it was used for target practice..

Thought I might be able to help, but ego's got in the way and overkill seems to be the favorite flavor on ICMag, I guess. It's really difficult to watch bad ideas gone wild, but this is y'all's marked territory, and I am but a lowly newbie here. (at least as far as post count goes)

But it is sad that y'all treat ANYONE in the fashion exhibited this last week. Although it does show a lot about the ego's and the sense of supreme entitlement for members involved, I'm trying not to hold it against the site itself. But the other sites I frequent, NOBODY has a right to treat other's like that. I guess time will tell...

I'll leave this thread with a couple links I've found very helpful over the years: A must-read for troubleshooters.

Compost Tea Myth(s)

Organic Superiority Myth

WSU - Linda Chalker-Scott - Horticultural Myths

Many helpful articles debunking A BUNCH of different myths. Worthwhile reading, and a great source of solid information.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
All I asked was a simple question as to how does aspirin cause a plant to reverse. Methods...pics.

I see none.
All I asked was a simple question as to how does aspirin cause a plant to reverse. Methods...pics.
I see none.
Sorry. Looked like you had your own successful technique. Plus, I imagine the OP is a bit ticked at the bullshit.

I Googled "Reversing Sex with Aspirin"

This is from a couple years go, but here's a permalink to one of my posts on the subject:

Reversing Sex With Aspirin

But there's others that have posted the technique as well.
Here's one:
Aspirin for Your Plants

The posts contain a lot of supposition about fems carying the hermie trait and such, but these are older articles, and just like today, many misconceptions were bouncing-around.