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Natural American Spirit Cigarette/rolling tobbaco gift offer! Almost free tobacco

Last year I started smoking an occasional cigarette, and went with natural american spirits. their cigarettes contain no additives, and have organic. I think there is a reason why lung cancer in the USA is so much higher than other countries, i think all the chemicals they use d o harm, and in the US they could be using much more. anyway, thats not what this post is really about, what it's about is their give away offer.
Last year I signed up online, and they sent me $20 in gift certificates towards their cigarettes. Its been over a year so i logged in and did my offer for this year. It took less than a week to get here, but this time i got 2 certificates, get 1 pack or pouch of natural american spirit for $1. I went down to my tobacco shop and picked up a 40gram pouch of the organic rolling tobacco for $1, and i still have another coupon left. the pouches of organic sell for $14, other flavors are $13, and their cigarettes range from $6-7 a pack. if you can get some friends and family to help you get some, this could last quite a while. the certificates do have your name printed on the back, but in the past they never loooked at that.
if you are a menthol smoker, you may want to try these, there is no menthol in the tobacco itself. its in the filter. i've always suspected that menthol cigarettes are worse for your lungs than non menthol, but thats just an assumption.


Registered User
your an adult dont start now. quit while you can .

as a smoker... i second this, with all of my being. i'm an addict... this is the one thing that really, really needs to change in my life... a goal if you will. knowing now... ;-)


Active member
i smoke like a chimney and am really having trouble quitting.been smoking 30 years and i shure as hell wish i never started.i have managed to quit everything else easilly. meth,coke ,heroin ect. damn ciggies are slowly killing me. dont start you guys it aint worth it. best of luck. i have tried everything to quit. patches,gum,hypnotism,e cigs. my next attemp is chantix but i have to get my blood pressure down and a few other things before starting. i am also requesting some heavy narcotics to help LOL


Lover of Life
so true...it's best not to start smoking cigs in the first place, they're nothing but bad.

Cannabis helps tremendously when craving a cigarette. take a couple puffs and remember how good it tastes compared to cigs.

Been clean for over 2 months now myself, but I smoked for a good 5 years.

Now I can smell everything, I can taste everything, and I can work out for a lot longer.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Last year I started smoking an occasional cigarette, and went with natural american spirits. their cigarettes contain no additives, and have organic. I think there is a reason why lung cancer in the USA is so much higher than other countries, i think all the chemicals they use d o harm, and in the US they could be using much more. anyway, thats not what this post is really about, what it's about is their give away offer.
Last year I signed up online, and they sent me $20 in gift certificates towards their cigarettes. Its been over a year so i logged in and did my offer for this year. It took less than a week to get here, but this time i got 2 certificates, get 1 pack or pouch of natural american spirit for $1. I went down to my tobacco shop and picked up a 40gram pouch of the organic rolling tobacco for $1, and i still have another coupon left. the pouches of organic sell for $14, other flavors are $13, and their cigarettes range from $6-7 a pack. if you can get some friends and family to help you get some, this could last quite a while. the certificates do have your name printed on the back, but in the past they never loooked at that.
if you are a menthol smoker, you may want to try these, there is no menthol in the tobacco itself. its in the filter. i've always suspected that menthol cigarettes are worse for your lungs than non menthol, but thats just an assumption.

it's still fucking poison but hey, lucky you.......


Yeah, and even after you quit, it'll always be easy to slip back if you don't keep your guard up. Nicotine is nasty shit, stay the hell away from it.


weed fiend
Yeah, cigs go with so many opportunities. After you eat, when you drink, after sex and practically every spare moment. It's not just the nicotine, it's the obsessive mechanics of whipping out a nail, lighting it and puffing that makes the habit so hard to break. You could walk around with a pocket full of hard candy to break the monotony but it'll eventually rot your teeth. Now I'm sounding like mom so....


been addicted to some shit that is tough to quit but i did it ........ and i still go buy a pack of coffin nails a day ....... no offense meant to the OP or anyone who is just starting smoking but ..... don't be a fucking fool, put them down while you still can!!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If you are smoking the occasional cig, then no worries. I work with guys that can do that. I got hooked hard though.

I think they use phosphate fertilizer with those American Spirit cigs, so they draw up all the heavy metal carcinogens that the others do. The only way around that is to grow your own with organic fertilizer. The Indians just slap their name on the product and do not grow it at all. Back when the Indians were using tobacco for ceremony and whatever(19th century and before), they did not have the phosphate fertilizers and so not the cancer thing you have now.


Active member
it's still fucking poison but hey, lucky you.......

Meanwhile your sucking down a soda and probably eating processed shit that'll kill you just as quick, but for me its to each there own. You have your vice others gigot there own. Be quiet. If you dont smoke why even come in here? So you can put people down even more because as far as i can see you two cents isn't always needed.
Meanwhile your sucking down a soda and probably eating processed shit that'll kill you just as quick, but for me its to each there own. You have your vice others gigot there own. Be quiet. If you dont smoke why even come in here? So you can put people down even more because as far as i can see you two cents isn't always needed.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Meanwhile your sucking down a soda and probably eating processed shit that'll kill you just as quick, but for me its to each there own. You have your vice others gigot there own. Be quiet. If you dont smoke why even come in here? So you can put people down even more because as far as i can see you two cents isn't always needed.

hey you half a sissy, when you buy this website you can tell me where to go.

and if your creedo really is "to each there(sic) own" then get the fuck outta my face for good.......


haha dem fuckin peeps and their online personalities. you dont know shit about real life right ?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
AS is a good smoke, bit heavy for my taste, but i roll with em tiny filters these days, so i don't smoke that much.

Getting AS here in the north Europe is hard tho, closest i can think of getting it is Germany, and that's a 3 hour flight :)
We have that Manitou going around, but it's like 7 euro dollars a pack, and only available @ the capital city. The price is too high and sometimes they don't sell, so it might be dry as shit when u buy the pack.. That sucks ass. Still cheaper than smoking marlboros or camels, they are close to 5 euro dollars a pack these days.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I don´t smoke tobacco on it´s own.
But i like to have some good quality baccy to had to my jays.
1/3 tobacco and 2/3 of weed seems to do it for me ;)