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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


Damn bro that sucks! I know when people come in here and i was one of them in the beginning, who thought ya chuck um in the ground, go back, harvest! But after keeping up with all your threads, i know you work your ass off to get the harvest you expect. Then the damn GH bastards come mess with your shit, while you are helping god knows how many people just is whack. But now ya cant buy some damn good sun, thats bullshit cuz ya got the Karma. So i understand your frustration, at least from here my friend.

Then get remarks that would make me sweat! Your one smooth dude i gotta hand ya that, cuz i would be ready to rip some face off. Which was a good movie BTW ''Face Off''. Anyway, maybe the weather will change man, you know it could change directions and bring you some damn good sun shine that you need. Ya gotta believe bro, no matter what, keep yourself positive. Like i said, you got the Karma and you gotta know the sun will be hiittin those buds any day now to get that yield you know you can get.

I do know damn well that the *ucking sun will be blazing in a day or so. Your going to wake up and say, il be damn that bastard was right, I GOT THE KARMA. I know it and you should too. I have had 2 weeks of shitty sky's, but after your post today, the sun was blazing, without a cloud in the sky. So give her a day or two and if ya gotta shake em off 3 times a day, just remember that ya got that Karma and its going to freaking shower you and your big ass plants with mad ass sun shine, i know it will.

Hang in there man, just do your best to try and be positive, it will happen. Maybe after all the bullshit you had to go through is just messing with your head to much, i know it would me. I got someone coming to look around my house in the morning and im just about ready to take it all so you can imagine the smell. Im getting the industrial size container of Forbreaze<sp, got my ass, but il not spray, but dump the shit everyplace. I could bring my outside cat in, she would piss all over, but im not moving that damn soon.

Keep your head up man, maybe roll a couple and take the boat out and catch some fish. Getting away might clear your head a bit?

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Well-known member
LSY....I Love Ya....

LSY....I Love Ya....

But I ain't dead yet....

Far from it.... Plus I tend to overdramatize shit....Didn't you get the memo?....This is a work of solid fiction. I staged it....cops, choppers, plants, the whole nine yards...all bullshit.

Ain't photoshop fun?

One of those five mile down the road stories....Down the road got an inch of rain today....and here we had some afternoon sun...:jump:..Fuckin A...as my cheesehead friends would say.

Tomorrow may be wet, but the day after .....sun baby...for the rest of the week. Trades return, no budrot found. This worked out to be a rather nerve wracking test. Can Rodney's kids take an extended period of crappy weather? Why yes, yes they can. Jack's stems can't though. Shit.

The ones we chucked...I prefer slammed....in the cane are probably still there. We'll find out at the beginning of next month. I'll go out on a limb....that will work out well. The signs are there. It all depends if I left only girls behind.

Last year I took a shot, pushed it and scored. This year I took a shot, pushed it, and got taxed. Why get mad? It doesn't change things. Learn. Evolve. Next year I will have four hanging before Labor Day. The stumps will be left behind, smiling for the cops. I always bitch about mainland strains going off early. Now I'll use it to my advantage.

I do know damn well that the *ucking sun will be blazing in a day or so. Your going to wake up and say, il be damn that bastard was right, I GOT THE KARMA. I know it and you should too. I have had 2 weeks of shitty sky's, but after your post today, the sun was blazing, without a cloud in the sky. So give her a day or two and if ya gotta shake em off 3 times a day, just remember that ya got that Karma and its going to freaking shower you and your big ass plants with mad ass sun shine, i know it will.

See? You were right on the money. I was starting to get nervous. but it's all good now. Thanks for bringing back the sun....now can you keep it there, every day, for the next eight weeks?

Do that and I'll send you some killer coffee. :)

At the house I have hit everything again with FF Big Bloom. Will hit them once more half strength next week, then leave them alone. With the sun comes optimisim. Last week it was MIA...now it's back.

Good Luck with the housecheck. It does get rather pungent doesn't it? Hope you got a case of Fabreeze....sounds like you'll need it.


See? You were right on the money. I was starting to get nervous. but it's all good now. Thanks for bringing back the sun....now can you keep it there, every day, for the next eight weeks?

No problem bro:kos:we wanna see them buds get big:watchplant:

Do that and I'll send you some killer coffee.

Hell iv been wanting to try your back yard coffee for over a year :coffee:. To be able to just go out back and pic a pot of coffee with hooter in hand would be great. Nothing is better then coffee with the (FBD)'' First Buzz of the Day''. Just dont sit down:noway:

Hey ya Rusty:wave:



Well-known member
OK... This is easy....Boys and girls....If Rusty answers your question, do what he says and you'll be fine. He knows more about this herb than I ever will. He is...indeed...the man.

There....that's the biggest compliment I can give. Consider yourself mentioned. Even better....it's true. He's too modest to mention, but he is the resident expert on the other board. When a question is stumping everyone else, you'll read "ask Rusty" and BANG question answered.

LSY....It'll be there next week. I will PM you.

Now Rusty, What do I do about this damn stem rot? Any way to stop it besides cutting and sealing?
He is...indeed...the man.
Lol...hardly, but thanks. :good:

He's too modest to mention, but he is the resident expert on the other board. When a question is stumping everyone else, you'll read "ask Rusty" and BANG question answered.
Perhaps at one point...but no more. Sick-n-tired of the disrespect from the mods twords us old timers, and I'm not about to change for them. Were it a paying job, perhaps. But since it was my time on my dime, they can go fuck themselves. (am I allowed to say that...?)
I am bummed that it used to be a great place for patients to gather and learn the ropes, but now it's a social site that pounces if you disagree with the mods or defend yourself from a first-harvest newcomer that acts like a troubleshooter. Anyway...I've butted heads with the nazi-mods at CanCom too often and don't need that shit in my life. Needed to spend more time with Amber, anyway. She's recovering from pneumonia, but doing a lot better now. Just started her chemo again last week.

Now Rusty, What do I do about this damn stem rot? Any way to stop it besides cutting and sealing?
Water less...a blow-drier...?

20 or so pages, 20 posts per page...could you narrow it down to a page number, lol? (if it's near the end it might be a while till I can get through the whole post)

Is it from damping-off, (soil too wet for too long...) or do you run high humidity? Fresh soil, right?
First thing that comes to mind is what does it smell like? (earthy or rotten?) If still earthy, and the plant doesn't LOOK stressed, perhaps let the plant deal with it. (if you've corrected the wet soil or high humidity enviornments) But if something smells real bad, and the plant(s) are suffering, a direct spray of a solution of H2O2 and water, scrape-off as much as possible and another direct spray with more solution. (hydrogen peroxide) I'd likely sneak-up on a max dose, but if it's affecting your meds you'll want to knock it down asap and limit it's spread. A "hot" solution can do damage to the soil beneficials, so use care with overspray.

If I assumed wrong, disregard the above, lol.
Would still like to see their background before just jumping in blindly like this. :good:

Thanks again for the warm welcome-back. :comfort:


Well-known member
Rusty....your allowed to say fuck on this board.....

Watch me say it many times. I'm so fucked.

Last post I said we have one more wet day to get thru. This one scored a direct hit on me. A couple inches of rain, some 30 MPH winds, add that to the cops stepping on the plants with their fuckin chopper before this, and it equals chaos.

It's a good thing I'm doing this log, because it motivates me. After what I saw this evening, I want to scrap the whole damn thing. Branches with some nice buds snapped. More on the ground. One plant pulled it's frame, and is now sitting on another. Another is inside out. And the Elephant Ear looks like it got beat with a stick.

Tomorrow....fuck....what a job. Gotta get a ton of duct tape. Gonna tape this clusterfuck all back together. This is by far the worse I've ever seen. No drama. Its ugly.

Needless to say, tomorrow is going to be critical. Another storm like that is game over.

Maybe...just maybe....I can tape this back together. These gonna be some funny looking plants....If it works....

Oh well.


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Well-known member
Roll With It

Roll With It

Does this happen often, or just when it rains? <sorry>

Don't be. I deserve it.

Partner came over with some of his Japaneese Hash early this AM.

I'm smoking it now....Like fruty diesel. After getting me thouroughly stoned, he bitched me out, for a good half hour. Couple of months ago he predicted this would happen. And advised (told) me to double frame these.

"This is summer....it never rains"....How would you like your crow serve tonite Sir?

We got four inches. In maybe five hours. We were the only place in the state to get the heavy rain. Two miles down the road it stopped. The day before it stopped two miles from me, thought I dodged a bullet....then LSY's Karma bit me.....gonna heve to rethink the coffee. It didn't work.

My partner, after giving me the treatment, he came up with some good ideas.

I went to the hardware store, and the sun came out,

Eight hours and three hundred yards of duct tape later....I have one left to do, one I made a hash of....messed her up good, and eight done and I gotta say....looking a lot better than did yesterday.

Each was a puzzle. Make a mistake, kiss a branch with two ozs on it goodbye. The one that fell onto another I pulled her back. That was a trip. Partner told me how to do it and it worked like a charm. It did require form pins, and a homemade comealong.

Eight hours standing in buds was fun. The fixing was a chalange. Went to the store after....just reeking...my cologne? Eau de Buds, of course.

Still have the elephant ear left to fix. And I broke a bunch of branches off the Jack trifolite. A few more hours of fine tuning, and its back to the races. Won't have to water for awhile.

The trades are back....that makes life so much easier. They should be cranking for the next week. Hopefully for much longer than that. Four more weeks, and I'm harvesting. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. I can see it way out there. If I ever get there is anybody's guess.

The pics are what I saw this AM. The after shots will come when I am done.


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:whiteflag:Sorry man, but it wasn't supposed to work that way, ya know:cry:.

I have never seen your cages fall like that, it must have been one helluva rain man. The duct tape works for me and after i bent up a few branches, probably a bit late, they were hangin there. Sorta freaked me out so i used the tape and they have perked up since.

Good luck man, or should i just keep my mouth shut:blackeye:



Well-known member
This Log is Depressing....But We Can Fix That.

This Log is Depressing....But We Can Fix That.

LSY... you still get your coffee. The sunny Karma you sent took a few days to reach us. The mail was slow, but it got here just in time. It was appreciated, and keep on talking.

The Low pressure that caused eight of ten miserable days has finally retreated back to where it belongs this time of year. That allows the High that causes our trades to drop back to its usual place....

Where it belongs....So everything is as it should be.

The low didn't leave without a fight. Yesterday afternoon and last night the departing low deposited a final inch of rain on the just fixed plants. Natures final fuck you. This morning was cloudy, and it looked like the plants wouldn't even have a shot to dry. About ten, the sky cleared and mother nature changed her mind. Cranked it up to broil. The trades are back. :thank you:

Yesterday's rain didn't involve any wind. The fixes held. They're not pretty. I figured bud rot would have started, especialy on the regrow that had the neighbor topple on her. And I'm pleasantly surprised to find none so far. :dance013:

One trait I breed for is mold resistance. Living here you have to. The Rodney crosses came through this with no mold/rot problem. So far the only rot problem has been with Jack's stems, not her buds.

This winter I'd like to do a head to head stress test. Black Thai vs Rodney. See what rots first, and how long it takes.

Yesterday evening I was at my partners house. We were watching the black cloud get closer, and as soon as the first couple of drops hit, we ran up to The Garden in an Hour, and took it all. By the time we reached cover it was pounding. Harvested it all with thirty seconds to spare. :tiphat:

Some seasons everything goes right. Some seasons ...not so much.

Looks like I now have a week...or more??? of some decent weather. Give that to me, and two more weeks like it, keep the rips away and I can squeak a save out of this messed up year. Is that too much to ask?

Still have to fine tune the gulch, and you can bet the WPM will be making an appearance. With the Big bloom, and all the rain, we are at the point where I can stop watering, consider them flushed, and let them run until harvest. The rain also wiped out most of the catterpillars, and other bugs. If the rain holds off this will be my last WPM spray too. Time to let them run, and go hands off for a while.

Some after pics taken between rain squalls yesterday. I was expecting to see far worse than this. Pic 3 is the pushed over plant set right. Pic 6, as you can see is trashed. It still needs work (or Holy Intervention). Pic 7 is the Elephant Ear. It still needs 40 yards of duct tape to set it all back in place.


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The Mad Monk
Ain't got much to offer but my respect, OH... helluva season you've had so far. Hard work & dedication is dripping from every page. I'm rolling up another number now, my small offering to the Great Spirit to bring ya some nice weather and to bring the rippers some bad luck. :tiphat:


Dang sux bout the storms, anyway to make a temp rain shelter? I made one a couple weeks ago out of 2x2s for tropical storm rolling thru. It worked beatifuly and the frame is sitting on deck for the next storm. Keep up the great work OH


Well-known member
The End Game

The End Game

Rasputin... TYVM. I don't want to jinx this, but nobody (that I know about) has been snooping around, and the dogs have been quiet. The moon has disappeared, and with it any chance of the quiet late night rip. Also we are looking at a strech of dry weather. Get chance.

Bongbong... In order to shelter some of these I would have to go up at least 10 ft....maybe more. The storm that pushed the plants over had strong winds along with the rain. The wind would have trashed any shelter I could have thrown together. Next year I will look into anchoring a frame down, with a tarp that can be unrolled quickly. We will see what can be done once the excavator gets in there.

A rain with no wind will weigh the flowers down, and they bounce back as soon as they dry out. With our humidity, I want to let them spread out as much as possible. A netting would hold them together, but they'd dry out slower and I think the rot would happen faster.

I am beginning to see specs of rot in LSY's regrow. Not surprising. It sits in the shade of a big plant and parts of it doesn't see the sun until after 10AM.

So now we get to the final hurdle. Mold Wars.

This battle I will probably lose. The object is to fight a delaying action, by removing the rot and hitting each spot with a drop of alchaol as they pop up, keeping the plant as dry as possible. Try to buy some time with as little as possible while the rest gets fat. When I do water, it is not much, in the early morning, before a long sunny day. And harvest before the next rain.

It could go easy, a dry sunny month, but the way this year has gone....I kinda doubt that's gonna happen.

All of the plants have been put back in place. The couple of sunny days have put me closer to where I should be for this time of year.

Now the shitty pics.

Pic 1) Flowering Jack Herer. Hole 6
Pic 2)....Looks like that damn homeless guy is pissing on my plant. Can't get good help nowdays. That's the first hole. Diesel x Rodney
Pic 3) Second hole. Hash Bud X Rodney.
Pic 4) Third hole. Homeless guy is hiding behind her. Kush x Rodney.
Pic 5) Rodney's kids in a row.
Pic 6) LSY's rotting regrow. Hole 4
Pic 7) A big Jack Herer double. Hole 5
Pic 8) This was the Jack trifoliate. Bit since I broke at least a third of the branches off in a futile attempting to fix her....we'll just call her another real ugly Jack Herer plant. Hole 7.
Pic 9) Elephant Ear that got beat with a stick. Hole 8.
Pic 10) Jack x Rodney. Hole 9. Knock wood, she came thru fine.


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Bent Member
Still out here routing for OH to come out of this BIG! Rasta vibes sent to OH.

Was something different about pic 10 its so limey green sherbert. I think its Rodney dominate. do you agree, are you seeing any jack influences in her?


Damn bro they get bigger and bigger every post. I hope the re grow gets through. Hoping for sun there and here. Its raining and no freaking sun at all here. I need it to get some growth and you need it for growth and stop the damn mold. Can ya water down rubbing alcohol at like 50/50 and spray when the sun does come out. I would think it wouldn't hurt the plant, but should kill the mold, but im sure you know this.

Just grasping here man.

Good luck bro!



Well-known member
The Faces of Rodney's Offspring.

The Faces of Rodney's Offspring.

Was something different about pic 10 its so limey green sherbert. I think its Rodney dominate. do you agree, are you seeing any jack influences in her?

Thanks for setting this post up.

The color is caused, I think, by where the plant is located. That is in the front rose garden. When you dig down, the soil is much thinner, then you hit rocks, then under that, cinder.

Thats not to say the Jack influences are not there. The buds are tight little nuggets with very few leaves. Rodney has big buds, but certainly not "tight". Jack is dark green, Rodney lighter green. Jack holds her leaves, and keeps them green. Rodney goes yellow and drops hers.

On the rest of Rodney's kids, you can easily see which way they pulled. The Rod/Diesel looks like Rodney. The Rod/Kush pulled Kush. The Rod/HB pulled Rodney.

Then you have the lime green one. The one you're asking about. That one, split the difference. Traits of both are there. If you pin me down, I'd say she pulled more Jack...but not much more.

Granted, this small sample tells you very little. We need numbers to show us the whole story. The plants in the cane are the overflow from the house. That should give me a more complete look at Rodney and her crosses.


Don't spray alcohol, even diluted on your plant. If you can, just hit the mold spot. Nothing more.

How do I know this?...I did it. Turned every growing tip on the plant yellow and very few recovered. Put that in the horribly wrong, what were you thinking??? catagory.

Now let's try somthing new. Make these pics a bit bigger. It may be garbage in/garbage out....but we will find out now.

Pic 1). One of the tops of the Jack x Rodney cross.

Pic 2) Diesel x Rodney. Only thing is it looks, smells, and has the same structure as the father.

Pic 3) Kush x Rodney. Tighter buds, darker green. Looks like mom to me.

Pic 4) Hash Bud x Rodney. This one is still young, but I see Rodney here too.

And yes... It is sunny. If I could I'd send it back to you. LSY.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
what da heck

what da heck

What da hell.
posted twice, dunno why.
Edited one of them and it edited both.
Something's screwy here

The picture is an alcohol damaged seedling.

Bottom line?

Alcohol bad!


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High country cat herder
Nice update on Rodney! :D

Got a couple of the baby girls about ready to head off to flowering myself ;) Should have some Indoor RodxHB and RodxKush pics in about 2 months,.... That should help stave off the lull between long and short season bud shots. :tiphat:
Rodney goes yellow and drops hers.

Details...love those details....it's my first time growing Rodney outdoor w/ other geno's mixed.....she is giving it up a little sooner than the others....fan leaves drooping and looking underwatered in comparison. Even the PPP next to her that's truly a waterhog is standing up better this late in the year.

La Nina has beat them up some here as well, and putting on some weight hasn't helped either....the price we pay. :)

Question though....your crosses were all Rod males, yeah?!

Keep up the good work....RES..PE..CT.


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