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Police? Or Ripper?

Please tell me one thing I can't wrap my mind around.

Why exactly does it take more than one person to grow some weed?

I had easy access to the land. They had the funds. I had no money. We worked together and all profit with a nice 2-3 thousand for each of us. But not anymore.

I would have done it on my own had I had the money, but it was costing me nothing. I just tended to them every other day.

Plus they had the shovels and such.

Without them I probably would have had 1 shitty mids plant, probably a male. They all bought their own seeds too plus seeds from dealer friends we have. We probably had at least 20+ different top quality strains.


You dont need partners unless your lazy. Its a very simple concept! Weather you trust them or not....grow alone!!!!!
You dont need partners unless your lazy. Its a very simple concept! Weather you trust them or not....grow alone!!!!!

Lazy-ness wasn't a factor. I tended to the plants every other day lugging gallons of water on my own. Read the post above yours and you'll understand why.


IF it was your ex mate, you are lucky he didnt call the cops and just took his share. and as for seeing his girl behind his back, karma maybe got you matey, cheers oz


Tropical Outcast

If I was a ripper, which I would never do such a thing because I am 100% against theft, part of my religion.... if I was a ripper I would be smart enough to wear a mask when I go out at night.

If they are dumb enough to rip, they are likely dumb enough not to wear a mask, especially not @ night.

And yeah...as others already stated:

IF it was your ex mate, you are lucky he didnt call the cops and just took his share. and as for seeing his girl behind his back, karma maybe got you matey, cheers oz

His girl is my ex. He manipulated her and fucked her emotions up stealing her from me. Im not sweating it though. I never did anything dishonest to him and he decieved me for months in my own house under my nose. They're both fucked in the head, and im not just saying that to say it. If you knew them you would understand.

Him calling the cops wouldnt do anything. The grow isn't on my property and they would have heavy trouble linking me to it unless they caught me out there. There's nothing illegal in my house. I don't even smoke bud anymore. I've been doing heavy spiritual practice and become really aware of my mind and how bud actually does fog it for days afterwards. I still smoke occasionally with friends but nothing everyday like I used to.

If they are dumb enough to rip, they are likely dumb enough not to wear a mask, especially not @ night.

And yeah...as others already stated:

The guy who did fuck us over, I didnt even want him in it. But he was renting at my house and I had no way to hide it from him when im carrying gallon jugs out every other day. lol. Fucked thing is I've known him since 3rd grade.


Tropical Outcast

The guy who did fuck us over, I didnt even want him in it. But he was renting at my house and I had no way to hide it from him when im carrying gallon jugs out every other day. lol. Fucked thing is I've known him since 3rd grade.

Lesson learned, cut yer losses and move on.

Just don't do it again.


the shit spoon
Yeah if he was involved in your grow, then he's by definition not a ripper.

He's just taking his severence pay.

He's thinking: fuck these backstabbers splitting MY share up, trying to worm my girl, talking shit about me nonstop, everybody is conspiring against me, fuck these assholes I'm taking my share and splitting this bullshit town.


I'm going to say this in the nicest way. You are in denial. Cut ties with the ex. As you said, she's fucked. Cut ties with your 3rd grade friend. It seems you wanted to come here just to vent. We're here for you. But, people are conditioned to give hard earned advice as soon as we put a question mark at the end of a sentence. Weird how that works.

And yes, it was that guy. Unless it was just some random dude or someone else you or a partner knows. But now that guy is going to get jumped by "people [who] are a bit loco" only based on your assumptions -- assumptions tainted by a sordid past (and present). How's that jiving with your new found religion?

I feel like being blunt. IF it was him, it was you who cost the partners thousands of dollars. He's just a symptom of lax security. Just sayin'


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Wow man, you've fucked this up every way possible!

Sorry, no good reason to soften that up for you.

This is 100% "grower" error. You screwed the pooch on this one, and you screwed it like it was prom night. To be quite blatant, you fail at growing a weed.

Count your blessings right now that you're not a guest of the state. At this point, anything less than prison should be considered a gift from above.

Understanding that, let's figure out how you went down the wrong road. Fortunately, you provided the answer when you said that without these people involved in your grow, you wouldn't have had anything but a mids plant. There's your problem - you bought the hype.

The seeds from a $25 sack of brickweed and your own piss would have given you more smoke than you're going to have now! You believed the hype that some super-genes plus these super-nutes guaranteed super-bud. You somehow talked yourself into believing that you needed to spend thousands of dollars to grow a weed.

Obviously, the dude who was balls deep in your girl on your bed was also balls deep in your grow. Does it count as an orgy when he manages to fuck your girl, your grow, you and your friends all at once?

If you truly feel the calling to grow, then you need to get the fuck outta Dodge. If not, you need to just quit growing, because EVERYFUCKINGBODY knows you grow! Holy Christ, I'm just speechless that your IP doesn't come back to a prison at this point.

That shitty mids plant you were too good for? The guy two houses down from you just yeilded a qp off of it with nothing but pea gravel and piss. Best part is, he gets all of it.

Unlike you, who grew hundreds of dollars of other folks seeds with hundreds of dollars of other folks ferts on other folks land, with a trail to your driveway for convenience (What. The. Fuck?!), who will end up with the dregs left after your "higher ups" pick over the skeleton of your "grow".

Quit growing, right now. To be blunt, you make us look bad.

If you feel you must grow, then move. Completely sever ties with any who may know of this... experiment.

Then, you grow a plant, all by yourself, just for you.

Then grow two...

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Any crop started with a partner or with others knowing its location is lost the day its planted, no exceptions ever. A shared crop is a lost crop.

Ive grown 40 years and ive been married for that long and my wife doesnt know where my plants are. The belief that a "partner" or another person is trustworthy is foolish and inaccurate under every circumstance. No such person exist anywhere on this planet.

The first rule of guerilla is tell no one. The second rule is to remember rule #1.

Hopefully this is a lesson you will learn from, remember and NEVER repeat. Its a shame it cost you your good grow site and crop but you arranged for it to occur before the plants were planted


weed fiend
Again, I have said, I trust these guys very much. We have fronted eachother thousands of dollars at a time with no ill intentions involved. Money always payed back. We've worked together and known eachother for years. I know it doesn't make it foolproof, but I trust them. Besides, they wouldn't take $400 in bud when we front eachother thousands all the time.

Money-fronting transaction is different. They see you and you see them. Not the same in a weed-rip.

I don't know police tactics. personally, if I was a cop. I can look at a grow and know how many people are involved. They can destroy some plants, causing all the members involved to come out and investigate it. If there was a camera they would all be caught. It can very easily be done by a cop and it makes sense if they want to catch growers.
Cops know better than to upstage peeps who come to them. If it was the cops, your weed wouldn't have been scarfed before the fact and you'd be quickly bum-rushed.

I don't have a cartel bro. I have people I do business with. My friends involved are close close friends and we have done successful grows before in much larger amounts than this. None of them would waste effort stealing $400 worth of bud when they each easily put in over $500 for supplies. The higher ups were the people we pre-arranged the sale to and a place we could dry the bud. They didn't loose any money but they were planing around this grow and they're pissed. These people are a bit loco
So are you. Conspiracy is one of the worst charges that go along with a bust. Having partners makes the roll factor exponential. You've got your higher ups, your partners, a snitch (and your ex bitch) - together. You're risking your partners' cash and the higher ups' stash, just to keep a connection with the fucked up gash.

Again, we're not a cartel. Stop thinking of it like that because that's what you seem to be percieving it as. We're a small group of friends working together for mutual interest. Anyone involved in the actual growing process was very very well trusted. You just can't really know someone is gonna go absolutely fucking insane until they do.
Somebody already said it, you're in denial. You never expected to lose your girl to the 3rd-grade buddy, did ya? You could have worse run-ins with those who invested the money (you helped lose.)

Associations are easy enough to fuck up in the first place. Don't add a money motivator. Anybody in this entire cluster fuck could make off with hundreds in free smoke. Imagine if you're expecting thousands?

If I was a ripper, which I would never do such a thing because I am 100% against theft, part of my religion.... if I was a ripper I would be smart enough to wear a mask when I go out at night.
You're a security risk for everybody in this. Here you are assuming it might be leo and you'd run around in the woods with a mask on? Any burglaries in the area and you're a suspect.

Bottom line, guerrilla growers don't take requests like short-order cooks. You're so caught up in your mismanagement you haven't thought past who ripped you off. You've got plants by the score and you could get serious prison. Even if you don't roll, you're the new kid on the attention block.

You're in so far over your head you're compounding the risk with multiple bad decisions. Most unfortunates come here and relate the single mistake that gets em ripped or busted.
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You should stop growing until you get your own head on straight.

I'm just gonna quote myself because I'm concerned if you don't smart up you will be in jail faster then you think.

Cut your ties and get out of the game for a while. If you decide it's time again, do it all by yourself. If you have no money, Get a job and save up on your own.

btw, how much could it cost to get some bagseed and a couple bags of cowshit/compost? You could have had plenty of good herb to yourself with just that and some tlc.


Yah I was just seein what ICMAG thought about the damage that was done. I suspected it coulda been a cop trying to lure us back to the crop to catch us.

Only 4 people know where the crop is, 1 of which I suspect, the other 2 are very very trusted.

trust me when i tell you this, you can trust no one. ive had friends for over 20 years most legit motherfucker you ever could know or thought to have completely straight up jack my shit.

just one of the many sad facts of life.


man i gotta add, you outdoor guerrilla growers are a fucking trip. seriously, ill give you credit though you have some big balls to be growing pot on land thats not yours.

on top of the fact for some extremely odd reason the first thing you guys always do is post your trouble on a forum describing every single detail your going through even the amount of people or type of people you associate with. im not trying to be an asshole but you need to reevaluate what you are doing, its 50X safer growing indoors, have it you wont be growing 40 plants at one time most likely but fuck man is it worth it? seriously?

also it being close to your land, not a good idea at all.. one your friends know that, two that will be there first place to look if it was cops and your here posting all this when you honestly feel like you could be dealing with the police, luckily you arent but fuck dude think about that shit.

its all fun and games until someone gets hurt, growing guerrilla is no easy game and those who do keep a tight lid as to why they are so good at it.

whether this has been said already im sorry, im too blitzed to check but ive ran into too many of these guerrilla problems, they are usually always about cops or someone ripping them, just not safe at all, you gotta consider thats no light amount of bud your growing either so if you ever get caught or your friends rat for whatever reason they are going to investigate it hard i can promise that.


Active member
Cops don't separate out the best buds until after the whole crop has been bagged, tagged, weighed and put in the evidence locker.

Then it's party time for porky.......

jack Haze

I don't even trust myself around my grows, much less all my friends.

I can't sleep as it is. I can't even imagine others knowing. Take this as a very important life lesson!