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bobblehead v5.0 1800w flip pods. Time to get serious.

My lung room RH% is kept down to about 45-50%. Inside the veg tent, I have a tub of water with an ultra-sonic pond fogger that generates a fog to increase the rh up to 70%. I pull the air out of the veg tent, and send it to the pod that is stretching. The pod that's in late flowering pulls dry air out of the lung room. The pods have a carbon scrubber in between them, so the exhaust is picked up right away.

CO2 isn't something I know much about. I use air exchange 2x a minute to keeps temps in check and CO2 levels constant.

Bobble, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

I have another. When using a lung room in between two grow chambers, how do you implement the 24/7 air exchange? and keep co2 levels constant?

Or, how does one recirculate the air from lung room to the active grow chamber while pulling in fresh air into the lung room from an outside source? It seems like there would be alot of air pressure buildup. I know there has to be an exhaust somewhere in the loop, but where exactly?

Im trying to work this out, The whole point of a lung room is to condition the air, dehumidify, or humidify, cool, and scrub etc, the air before it circulates into the active grow room chamber, in a loop? right?.

But if you are pulling in outside air to the lung room constantly, doesnt it need to have somewhere to go? Or is the outside air only pulled into the lung room when the lung room needs more cooling (controlled by a temp device hooked to the intake fan? at which time an exhaust fan in the grow room will dump the stale warm air for a few minutes then close to let the new cooler fresh air circulate? but then wouldnt c02 levels not stay constant??

Soory for the ramble i hope ya get what im trying to say.:)
Check out this article farmhouse, it explains it really well.


Thanks for the link wisco. I already have that article saved and have read it several times. It makes complete sense when running a sealed room with ac,etc. But Im having trouble understanding how to do this with a vented room. (using outside air 2x a minute)

Im trying to build a setup that i can use the cooler outside air during the cooler months to cool the room, and yet be able to seal it up and run the split AC for the hotter months.


My plan for this winter is to have an 8" fan with carbon filter for exhaust that will be hooked up to a thermostat. Also, I'll build a box around one of my basement windows (credit to selfhemployed) and have a 4" fan pulling in cold air also hooked up to the thermostat. So when the lung room gets too warm, the fans will kick on and exhaust out the warm air and pump in cool air from the window box.

Possibly the exhaust wouldn't be needed, but you would need a large fan and carbon filter to condition the air in the lung room so any leaking air wouldn't be too stinky.


Hey Bobble waz up man?
Your Plants are growin like weeds! Ha now thats funny.
Been bizzy as hell and had to do my usual catch up on your thred-journal......E-Book.LOL your @ page 54.....Don't you guys ever sleep?
The oct-o sprayer/dripper looks like that would work great for any potted planting,evenflow watering and probly wouldn't take long to water....
I figured out my problem,no need to bother ya with it.....TY thou for offering...


I think I'm switching to these flag drippers... but they're not pressure compensating... so I don't know that they'll work on multiple levels...

If they clog, the top comes off to be cleaned. 100 micro inline shut-off valves are a lot of work to dial in...

Or I can get these adjustable flow drip stakes...

EDIT: adjustable flow drip stakes were my final decision. The micro inline shut-off valves cost me $0.59 each, plus a $0.20 stake... I got these for $0.60 each. No need to worry about uneven flow from pressure... I just have to adjust each one accordingly... My babies need the attention anyway.

where u find those adjustable flow drip stakes?


Active member
I'm coming to Michigan to help out bobble, we are gonna split a house. I'll let em have 25% for his efforts, the rest is mine!!

Bears shit in rivers, but i love me some drip clean :sasmokin:


This thread has taken on a life of it`s own like a couple more vert growbro`s round here have happenin.......

Rest assured that all knowledge shared here works for the greater good once yer shit`s monocropped and dialed per strain ....

Chem D "clone only" was as close to old school dope that I ever had Mega , so if it`s available....grab hold and cherish the bitch cuz she`s worthy IME....

Bobble......Make me proud........I know you will.....got 150' of gulf front fer yo yankee ass once shit ain`t rented out till end of season in a few months.....Ya`ll come....

Howdy Fred.. would you mind checkin my thread.. i cant find a straight answer about runnin a lung room that is smaller then you would normally want.

Thanks hope lifes a beach man!


Active member
I'm still around guys... On a little vaca. Be back to answer questions tomorrow. Take care and enjoy your summer while it's here!


What......Bobble on a vacation with all the shit YOU got goin on ?......must be all those automated feed setups with extra rez capacity givin that ass some free time huh Bro ?......

I luv it....Ya`ll enjoy summer as BH just said , but it`s hot as fuck round here in Hell , and I can`t wait for this shit ta be over and cool off so I can set up a lil closet headies fer Freddies thingy......

LL.....shit`s on cruise control round Freds-ville....Dawg`s chasin seagulls and sandpipers , bitin waves as they roll in and lil gf`s stayin horny and feedin my fat ass well.......and...

The fish is always bitin.....Ya`ll come.....

Things could be worse....Freds.......:ying:


Active member
Nice trees.

Cant wait to see you doing the USD beast again.

This USD is interesting as well Ganesh... I'll show you pics in a few days... The leaves are curled over like they've been exposed to heat stress... but they're perfect, and the stems and leaves are already starting to get covered in trichs at 3.5 weeks. interesting...

looking good bobble!
keep on keeping on brotha! :D:D:D


Talk about a grower that has seen hard times... Red, you've had more than your fair share of bad luck in this biz. I know you can feel my pain. You and you're gardeners looks like you've been doing pretty well now though... ha ha...

i was looking at the second one over here they look quite good iirc they can flow 40L per hour... not that you would want that much flow but still they dont look like they will clog that easy.. go for it look forward to your updated drip system as if the blumats dont work tou they are what i will be running... thats providing you dont like them for some reason :D

I predict you'll be buying all blumats... but I'm always here for ya bro. :)

Bobble, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

I have another. When using a lung room in between two grow chambers, how do you implement the 24/7 air exchange? and keep co2 levels constant?

Or, how does one recirculate the air from lung room to the active grow chamber while pulling in fresh air into the lung room from an outside source? It seems like there would be alot of air pressure buildup. I know there has to be an exhaust somewhere in the loop, but where exactly?

Im trying to work this out, The whole point of a lung room is to condition the air, dehumidify, or humidify, cool, and scrub etc, the air before it circulates into the active grow room chamber, in a loop? right?.

But if you are pulling in outside air to the lung room constantly, doesnt it need to have somewhere to go? Or is the outside air only pulled into the lung room when the lung room needs more cooling (controlled by a temp device hooked to the intake fan? at which time an exhaust fan in the grow room will dump the stale warm air for a few minutes then close to let the new cooler fresh air circulate? but then wouldnt c02 levels not stay constant??

Soory for the ramble i hope ya get what im trying to say.:)

You're thinking too hard my friend... and I did the same when i first tried to wrap my head around the concept... Think of your lung room as it's own separate room... that needs an intake, and an exhaust. All the air movement inside the lung room is irrelevant, it's just going to stop the air from leaking out of the lung room....

I exhaust my lung room into my attic, until winter anyway... The intake air comes from the house, down the basement stairs.

My place also has central air. The furnace is outside the lung room, so only clean air gets pulled out of the basement... I keep the furnace fan on 24/7, so the basement air is exchanged with the house air constantly... That's plenty of air exchange to keep the CO2 levels constant.

Does that help answer your question?

Bob do you use drip clean?

Yessir... Get some. Ebay, $55 shipped.

where u find those adjustable flow drip stakes?



Active member
I'm coming to Michigan to help out bobble, we are gonna split a house. I'll let em have 25% for his efforts, the rest is mine!!

Bears shit in rivers, but i love me some drip clean :sasmokin:

lol... Sorry bro, no partners. I'm sure you're a nice guy, but I'm not much for getting into felonious ventures with people I've never met from out of state...

I do consulting however... ;)

What......Bobble on a vacation with all the shit YOU got goin on ?......must be all those automated feed setups with extra rez capacity givin that ass some free time huh Bro ?......

I luv it....Ya`ll enjoy summer as BH just said , but it`s hot as fuck round here in Hell , and I can`t wait for this shit ta be over and cool off so I can set up a lil closet headies fer Freddies thingy......

LL.....shit`s on cruise control round Freds-ville....Dawg`s chasin seagulls and sandpipers , bitin waves as they roll in and lil gf`s stayin horny and feedin my fat ass well.......and...

The fish is always bitin.....Ya`ll come.....

Things could be worse....Freds.......:ying:

lol... I didn't go away for long bro, just 2.5 days... but still, that's huge! I haven't been able to leave town in so long. I got to see my friend that came home from China for a month, and the family. I even got a little sun on my pale ass.

Automated feeds + increased res capacity FTW. The ring around the ceiling is working very nice in the flower pod, but the veg room feed line needs work, b/c of the predicted siphoning problem. I'll probably just hook up a 5gal bucket w/ a float valve, so only so much water can be sucked out, and then it'll get refilled before the next feed...

I just need to come up with the cash for the blumats already...


Active member
turbolaser- I've been thinking a lot about what you were asking about taxes and the possibility of an IRS audit...

I still say you're getting ahead of yourself... lol... but I just remembered something DHF told me several times a while back...

When he was telling it, I didn't put it together that I could rent-to-own several houses at once. It would make more sense to rent-to-own 2-4 houses, rather than purchase 1 outright. There's several reason for this. If you own the house, and you're caught using it to commit a crime, it can/will be seized. With rent-to-own, you can make all your payments in cash... and now if you have so much money, that you can't spend it on making payments on 4 houses... Then you should probably go ahead and form you're LLC... but until then, keep grnding... and when you're ready, pay the houses off and move on.

It took me this long to truly understand this... Next year I'm making moves... Watch out.

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