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I remember when,.......


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
YOU COULD BEAT UR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol i got no kids but seen so much shit today with kids whilen and parents cryin i had 2 post lol....really though if i woulda done one of the things i saw 2 day my ass would still be red... before i get killed i saw my my boys son throw an icecream at his mom....not my place but my boy shoulda whupped his sons ass...


I don't know man, I live in the hood... I commonly see some vicious grocery outlet/dollar store beatdowns by moms who don't give two shits who sees or hears.

But yeah, I remember that too. My mom could certainly lay down an embarrassing corrective gesture in the day. While smoking a cigarette inside the K-Mart!

Okay, speaking of K-Mart - remember the "Deli"? That big scary square ham with the unidentifiable glaze? The fried burritos were pretty grub, actually...


The BEST hamburgers could be had at the Kresge's lunch counter, also known as the Five & Dime or Woolworths :dance013:


I rolled on this album


Gerald Ford was President
My mom watched Adam 12 on TV
Pop rocks were new
The conflict in SE Asia war was coming to an end
My Dad had a ´Crew cut`
Gas was .20 cents
Smokes were .45 cents
Babe Ruth candy bar was new
The game Battleship was new
G.I Joe was bigger with Kung Fu grip....lol
Darkside of the Moon was new
lynyrd skynyrd was the new band
we sent men to the moon
bicycles had ´sissy´bars

i have more but the ole brain has to dig them up up


saw Iron Butterfly at the state fair in 68. da da daa da da da


May your race always be in your favor
Records were not only vinyl, but had a big hole and only went 45 rpms. Every one carried thier record collection in a box with a handle on it. Pre tape days for sure.


Active member
...pagers, Coke Classic were great, Hydro was a big mystery
....now only how to Grow in coco eludes me :D
...all nite ragers, Cocaine was ass kickin, crystal meth & ice were a were no where to see....
... Ecstasy was the only synthetic drug known to me...and gas was .97 usd :D
:grouphug:I remember when everyone called a coke a "coca cola" (Maybe it's just a southern thing .) I finally stopped calling it that when I went up north for an Episcopal High School reunion and everybody kept asking me to say that word over and over cause they liked the southern drawl.
Oh yeah, forgot about this one. My high school had a designated "smoking section" for the kids to smoke tobacco during recess and lunch breaks. The uh.... undesignated weed smoking section was 200 yards behind the school in the woods.:smokeit: My fondest high school memories are the time a bunch of us went thru the mcdonalds drive thru and no one could order cause we were laughing so hard. The second fondest memory is when the same bunch of us drove south down the interstate on the way to the beach in the north bound lane about 2 miles before we figured it out. cars were wizzing past us on both sides and we thought they were in the wrong lane!. Does anyone know why the "weed" back then made us giggle uncontrollably? Why doesn't it do that now? Seriously, I've been wondering about this for a while. would love to have more giggle weed. Was it just because we were young and giddy? Or is it a specific strain?:friends:


Active member
I don't know man, I live in the hood... I commonly see some vicious grocery outlet/dollar store beatdowns by moms who don't give two shits who sees or hears.

But yeah, I remember that too. My mom could certainly lay down an embarrassing corrective gesture in the day. While smoking a cigarette inside the K-Mart!

Okay, speaking of K-Mart - remember the "Deli"? That big scary square ham with the unidentifiable glaze? The fried burritos were pretty grub, actually...

thats some funny shit right there.. yeah i remember...remember the 'ICEE" machine? wish i was old enough to remember with a buzz:jump:


The King Biscuit Flour Hour

The Midnight Special.....I seen Black Sabbath for the first time.

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