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2011 - the WORST year in MY LIFE!


a tear nearly rolled down my cheek when i read this news.... stay strong and keep the smile in your heart.



Tropical Outcast
Most things have returned back to "normal" (every day thing if I can say so) but man I still miss him.

I guess I always will.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Dear StrainHunter, my friend,

I am so sorry to hear that, just discovered about it.

My condolences to your family.

I hope all the best for you, I am sure your son will never be forgotten.

Stay strong, Keep it green.



Active member
Keep your Head up Sir strainhunter,i hope your hearthurts are not so strong mate!
my condolences, I'm still on your side..
i hope the bad memories disappear and i wish we can still save 2011 :(
best regards
your Friend!

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I hope things are looking better for ya SH...It seems this is a rough year for a couple of us.... Hopefully things will work out for you..


ICMag Donor
i am very sorry to hear about your loss. know he is in peace and reflect on all of the good times you shared. my condolences.


Strainhunter, yes it is amazing what the human spirt can deal with. I know normal is only a term, but I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better is some ways. Hope that your project is keeping you focused and busy, also hope that you finish soon and get back to where you belong. All of my wishes for strength and joy go out to you and your family:ying:


Tropical Outcast
Thanks guys & gals!

I appreciate the condolences, every single one of them.

Now.....just as I had asked not to bring flowers to the funeral of my son but instead making a certain charitable donation I would like to ask you folks to from now on to contribute to the thread I linked to below instead of posting in here.

Maybe that will make one or the other member think twice and "turn around" from committing to such a drastic step.

And before questions come up: My son died an accidental death, NO foul play of any kind was involved. Just to have that out of the way.

Again thank you all!

Here is the thread: Committing suicide...

:thank you:


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through. It's always sad to hear of a childs life being cut short. I hope in time your pain will fade, and your memories of the good times you two spent together will help you through this tough time.

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