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My World was Crushed Tonight


I hold El Roacho's
My Daughter & her husband married for 2 years was expecting thier 1st child a Little Girl and my Daughter was 8 months pregnant with 1 month to go and My GF & Her Madre threw her a baby shower this last Sunday.

Tonight I received the worst call in my Life from my Daughter she felt sick and went to the emergency room were they did some test and couldn't find a the baby's heart beat so they did an ultra sound and the baby died with less then 27 days to go.

The cord had 2 knots and it cut off everything..

My world is ripped apart I just came back from the hospital and she delivered the baby and they had to self enduce the labor and I cannot express the pain, knumbness, hurt right now after seeing my first granddaughter laying their dead at 8 months old with fully developed little fingers and feet and life fucking blows man..

My Daughter is so distraught and they had to give her meds to calm her down she is so bad I pray to jesus she recovers from this tragic time in her, my son inlaw, & familia's life..

It is so fucked when you see your daughter so happy and they had furnature custom ordered and all little girl baby stuff and in 2 days come home to see walkers, swings, everything from their wish list in their house is something I can't stop fucking crying ya crying I'm so alone right now I can't even think straight...

the baby my little angel granddaughter weighted 6 pounds and 11 1/2 inches tall...

I would respectfully ask for your prayers and positive vibes for them and I pray she will want to try again when they feel it's time and their having the baby creamated to be with them always and her name was Kylee Rose and now she is with Jesus our Angel Always...

* Please honor my request to say a prayer rather then send me any rep hits as your rep could be more useful as a prayer for my daugher and son inlaw and deceased baby muchas gracias everyone for understanding..


many prayers sent to you and your family im sorry for your loss she is now in a better world my thoughts are with youse. gutted for youse. especially a little one AMEN .R.I.P.


There no words I know to say now other then my heart goes out to you and your family and I will put you in my prays.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

It's devastating roachclip. Much love and prayers to you all.


ICE Cream eater
That extremely sad man..
I cant even imagine how you feeling ))));
I dont really think that there are words that can make you feel better..
Wish you luck in future and I hope everything goes well for you and your family :ying:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my heart goes out to you RC, you've been a great and very supportive friend and your family surely has my kindest thoughts and prayers.



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Many blessings for you and your familia bro, you all are in my thoughts and prayers
im so sorry bro ur in my thought and prayers.danm thats really fucked up bro im so sorry again.peace and a peaceful mind to u and your fam


I hold El Roacho's
I was in a private room were the baby is kept and My Daughter only wanted Immediate familia ( me & my gf - my ex, her madre & bf ) to see and give their respects I broke down because you can see the baby laying their all wrapped and bundled like an Angel but it was so sad to see a fully sized beautiful baby deseased with little fingers & nails, little feet and hands and just life stripped away like Inside it was alive then they are signing a death certificate..

Thier casa with the room all painted with all their shower gifts and everything in pink now all has to be put away and unasembled breaks my heart and I cannot even get the baby's Image out of my mind praying I would see a finger move and it was all a bad dream..

I'm lost for words and my heart is broken beyond repair at this time and all I can say is here amoung all of you I can express my thoughts and feelings and hope you all understand that I just need you all for support, Gracias..


Active member
Sorry to hear of this.

My mother mis carried her first two pregnancy's, I was the first baby to make it.

I'm sending all the positive thoughts I can out to you and your family during this impossibly difficult time.


my prayers are with you and your family. this will be the toughest time of your life. just be thee for your daughter. iam sure as time passes she will conceive again and it will go fine. dont let yourself get bitter. it wont do any good. be the rock. you will be a grandfather sooner than you think and your love will be incredibly strong. hoping the best for yous.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family.


Active member
Very sad indeed. I will keep your family in my prayers for quite some time. May god be with you.
At times like these it feels as if life makes no sense. I hope your family can somehow make it through these trying times an prevale. My thoughts an prayers go out to you an your family.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
RC I'm very sad for you. If there's anything we can do please PM me..best wishes to the entire family..DD


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
I don't have the words to express the sadness of your situation. My condolences to you and your family.