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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010



those plants are unbelievable.......and jorge there also......nice thread.....dj


Kiss My Ring
no joke man, I'm here bonging pictures of your plants!:bow:I was embarrassed to even say I had a couple of 400s heating it up, and bringing home MaryJane, but hey, it is what it is.
you are inspirational, lest we be all the same.:jawdrop:


Active member
you should stop posting pictures like those, i feel ashamed!

if you need someone to help you next year - im in ;)

keep it up!


Active member
Got to remember what is happening in Cali isn't full on legalization.. There would be serious ramifications from the feds is big business tried to break in to the Cannabis industry, and I doubt that commercial Ag in the Central Valley is going to start growing 1000s of plants if the State says it is okay because the DEA will still come for you for over 99 out in the open in Cali even if Prop 19 passes...I know I would not stop growing 'maters for McDonalds for a few mil a year even if Sac told me I could grow Ganj and claim some taxes on it...I remember hearing a lot of old timers talk the same way people are about Prop 19 as they are Prop 215...and 215 was one of the best things for cannabis...even if the prices have dropped considerably..they won't drop much more...we're already close to B.C. tickets and that's the lowest cannabis prices of all...



I know things are really busy right now but it would be nice if as soon as you can you could talk more about how much of each amendment you used in your soil. I understand it is based off of Tom Hills recipe but you added several other ingredients with no indication of how much. I am most interested in either per 100 gallons or per 300 gallons. here is the mix you posted earlier in the year:

My soil mix is as follows.
Sunshine Natural and Organic #4
Nutri Rich high calcium chicken poop
Super Soil Earth Worm Castings
Pahroc Perlite #4
Steamed Bone meal
Oyster Shell
Dolomite Lime
Pretty similar to Tom Hills but I go about half strength on the bone meal and a little less on the chicken.

You also said you went "a little less on the chicken" do you mean a little less that what he tom suggests or a little less than half since you said you did half strength bone meal. I am really trying to get an idea of the cost that goes into the amendments for these pots.


Really enjoyed the video bro, I can't help but be a little jealous seeing your garden haha. I wish you all the best, PEACE

GReen dreAM

Well-known member
You must be very busy these days.... hope u stilll enjoing IT..hehe

btw. do ur skin get red and itchy after long busy days ?



Humboldt Growers Association introduces medical cannabis ordinance

Humboldt Growers Association introduces medical cannabis ordinance

The Humboldt Growers Association is a cannabis growers trade association. Their mission is: To promote a safe and sustainable cannabis industry throughout Humboldt County that will serve as a national model of success.
This ordinance will finally regulate collective outdoor medical grows in Humboldt County, bring in much needed revenue to the county, and lay the framework for Humboldt to compete in the coming legal market.

Pot growers introduce draft ordinance; proposed regulations would govern outdoor grows

Thadeus Greenson/The Times-Standard
Posted: 10/14/2010 01:24:27 AM PDT

Before a panel of experts and a host of high-ranking Humboldt County officials, the Humboldt Growers Association unveiled its proposed medical cannabis cultivation ordinance on Wednesday.
Proponents of the proposed ordinance say it would be a huge step toward protecting one of the county's primary industries and could also potentially bring in millions of dollars in revenue to the county.
”The cannabis industry in this county is as important as the fishing and timber industries were, and we don't want to see it suffer the same fate,” said HGA board member Joey Burger.
Wednesday's workshop -- titled “Leading the Way: Humboldt County and the New Economy,” sponsored by Humboldt County 4th District Supervisor Bonnie Neely and presented by the five-memberHumboldt Growers Association -- featured a panel discussion with some local officials and industry experts and culminated with the group unveiling its proposed ordinance.
While it would only govern the growing of medical marijuana, Burger said HGA's proposed ordinance would be easily convertible to a larger marijuana industry if the law changes.
As proposed, the ordinance would regulate outdoor marijuana grows with canopy areas larger than 100 square feet through a permitting process that lays out requirements for both applicants and farms.
According to the proposed ordinance, applicants would have to be at least 21 years old, a resident of the county for at least two

years and not have any violent crime convictions on their record.
In order to get a permit under the proposed ordinance, applicants would have to submit to site inspections, estimate water usage and a water source for the garden and provide proof of land ownership. The permits would be up for renewal every year and would allow the cultivation of not more than 40,000 square feet of canopy space, an area roughly equivalent to one acre.
No permits would be issued to allow larger gardens and, while growers could obtain multiple permits, the sum total of their garden space could not exceed 40,000 square feet. Permit holders would also be required to provide access to their cultivation sites and water resources to inspectors at all times.
The permits would also come with fees, which could pad county coffers, according to some.
Under the proposed ordinance, the county would charge a nonrefundable $1,000 fee for applicants looking to grow on less than 400 square feet and $2,500 for larger spaces. If approved, permits would cost $800 for spaces ranging from 101 to 400 square feet and $800 for each additional 400 square feet of grow space. Permits for spaces smaller than 100 square feet would be free.
Under the ordinance, a permit for a quarter-acre garden site would cost $20,000.
Max Del Real, a medical cannabis lobbyist with California Capitol Solutions, estimated that if the county issues 500 permits for quarter-acre sites, it would bring in $10 million annually.
”This is real revenue, people,” said Del Real.
Burger said he grew up in Humboldt County and has seen growers support volunteer fire departments and hospice centers. Now, they want to help fund schools, roads and local law enforcement.
Others on the panel spoke of the need of the county to be proactive on a changing landscape with state voters possibly poised to legalize marijuana in November. They said the county needs to take advantage of its already robust brand name, and envisioned a time when cannabis-related tourism would thrive, and the county would be flush with tasting rooms and farm tours.
”Humboldt County has an international name, and it's synonymous with the finest outdoor cannabis on the market,” said Kristin Nevedal of the Cannabis Certification Company Inc.

This is a great medical cannabis ordinance for our community and could serve as a very good framework for many other cannabis growing communities in the North State. It will bring in much needed revenue for the county and easily be adopted to a commercial cannabis industry once legalization (maybe prop 19) comes. We are so fortunate to have county supervisors here in Humboldt that support the cannabis industry. This ordinance promotes small scale sustainable farming while at the same time discouraging big money from outside the county from taking over. This is just what Humboldt needs to compete against the factory farms that will soon be popping up around the state.


seeker of greater knowledge
i saw the video you guys made .. the video was played lastnight on canadian TV .....
I THINK ITS AWESOME WHAT YOU GUYS (hl and gD) are doing for your community...the video was recorded about 1 month ago? anyways you guys really have your stuff together and i hope you both excel at what your doing......and obviously you have......jorge C ..wow what an honor...personally your guys grow is probably the best outdoor grow i've ever seen here on Icmag.......you definitly raised the bar several notches.........hope all goes well....you guys should consider selling some of your fine outdoor genetics...i'm sure the'll be a line up for your guys beans........anyway best of luck and may the canna gods always smile on you both..........peace and much respect for the both of you...k+++


Active member
The Humboldt Growers Association is a cannabis growers trade association. Their mission is: To promote a safe and sustainable cannabis industry throughout Humboldt County that will serve as a national model of success.
This ordinance will finally regulate collective outdoor medical grows in Humboldt County, bring in much needed revenue to the county, and lay the framework for Humboldt to compete in the coming legal market.

This is a great medical cannabis ordinance for our community and could serve as a very good framework for many other cannabis growing communities in the North State. It will bring in much needed revenue for the county and easily be adopted to a commercial cannabis industry once legalization (maybe prop 19) comes. We are so fortunate to have county supervisors here in Humboldt that support the cannabis industry. This ordinance promotes small scale sustainable farming while at the same time discouraging big money from outside the county from taking over. This is just what Humboldt needs to compete against the factory farms that will soon be popping up around the state.

Well done, HGA.

Silky Johnson

People do you really have to reply to every photo series they put up here just to say something like "cool" or "way to go"???? It sucks seeing the same series of photos on every other page with a 2 cent message below them. We all can see theyre doing a great job this year and the plant and bud shots are out of this world! Leave some rep thats why its there. Most of the thread is quoted photos and makes it real hard to read a great thread! Sorry if I pissed anyone off but come on.
HumboldtLocal Farms

I must've missed it... What is this lovely lady's name? She's a looker! :) But so are all of your trees. Truly amazing work. Makes me want to quit my day job to enter an internship @ 'camp humboldtlocal'.

Ganja D

I must've missed it... What is this lovely lady's name? She's a looker! :) But so are all of your trees. Truly amazing work. Makes me want to quit my day job to enter an internship @ 'camp humboldtlocal'.

From the look of it I'd say it's a Purple Train Wreck/Grape Fruit x Grape Fruit/Purple.
Gotta run,back to work.


Makes me want to quit my day job to enter an internship @ 'camp humboldtlocal'.
Me too! And I really love my day job :)

In my area, there are no real outdoor gurus, let alone respected mentors. Small wonder, then, that people envy California, with it's highly skilled growers, cannabis colleges, and unique culture.



Active member
yo hl,
good job on the meeting , and thanks as many of us are too busy to approach the supes at this time. good lookin out guys. respect.

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