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Vegan Organics with Professor Matt Rize

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Matt Rize

why is perlite and vermiculite listed under clays?
vegan organics
plants for a future, vegan organics

That, I am not sure of. Thanks for the links!

IMO perlite is not natural, and vermiculite is. I've been attempting to get rid of the perlite in my system for years. Now that I have removed perlite, my root balls can be composted quickly on an organic farm. No landfills for me.

The BioCanna packaging is also recyclable/resusable, and made in a zero waste facility. For being a packaged product designed for indoor use, not that bad.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I lived in a yurt for a minute and crapped in one of those...amazing how they really do work.
The term "vegan" needs to be taken back to the drawing board along with "organic" and updated/upgraded for this century.

Both the state and federal agencies that are in charge of public lands (campsites, etc.) in Oregon have been using composting toilets for several years because it's cheaper than running pluming through several miles of old growth forests.

Yurts also dot the camping landscape in Oregon's state parks. Pretty cool and very inexpensive.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
Matt Rize

RE: Your post #15

Where is this list from? Rock phosphate is listed by not soft rock phosphate? Seriously?

The comments about epsom salts vs. K-Mag are beyond bizarre, i.e. it shows a complete lack of understanding on what K-Mag contains and how it works. To say the least.

RE: OMRI - their 'listing' is only meaningful in the grow store paradigm. Given some of the products that they've listed is beyond bizarre and proves that their business model of charging for a listing based on a company/individual's gross sales is enough for me to shun their organization as well as their listings. Look at the review process that they detail on their web site, i.e. where's the doctoral candidates? Professors? Industry professionals? Pretty lacking overall.

RE: Vermiculte - you might want to do some reading on vermiculte and then be sure about the sources of a specific product. It's an asbestos issue.

RE: Perlite - pumice is preferred with horticulture growers in the Pacific Northwest. In paticular the organic crowd. Lots of reasons but the main one is that it's the same price, it doesn't float to the top and works very well in a thermal compost process. It comes in 3 sizes, small (1/8"), medium (1/4") and large (1/2") and runs about $4.60 per 1 c.f. around these parts. It's mined at 2 locations in Oregon - Redmond/Bend District and the Klamath Falls Basin down south on the California border.




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi matt, if i could summerise your "revolutionary growing system" just to make sure i have it correct -

1. buy some Biocanna Bio Terra Plus medium and use it.
2. buy some Biocanna Vega and Flora and Boost and use it.

have i got the gist of it or am i missing something???

Matt Rize

hi matt, if i could summerise your "revolutionary growing system" just to make sure i have it correct -

1. buy some Biocanna Bio Terra Plus medium and use it.
2. buy some Biocanna Vega and Flora and Boost and use it.

have i got the gist of it or am i missing something???

Sorry, y'all, will post later today. Have mucho outdoor to take down... they girls won't wait.

Plant based nutrient system that I am using begins with the BioCanna line. On top of that I am using:
The bountea system
Nature's nectar Nitrogen (soy based)
Technaflora dry seaweed (K)
Two -zymes
Molasses and microbes
HN natural flower (0-10-0)
Humic and Fulvic
Magnesium and Calcium supplements
Some organic wetting agent.
And some other stuff... more to come once the sun goes down.

Peas and elbow grease

CT Guy

Sorry, y'all, will post later today. Have mucho outdoor to take down... they girls won't wait.

Plant based nutrient system that I am using begins with the BioCanna line. On top of that I am using:
The bountea system
Nature's nectar Nitrogen (soy based)
Technaflora dry seaweed (K)
Two -zymes
Molasses and microbes
HN natural flower (0-10-0)
Humic and Fulvic
Magnesium and Calcium supplements
Some organic wetting agent.
And some other stuff... more to come once the sun goes down.

Peas and elbow grease

What's your website so I know where to buy all this great stuff? Do you offer any discounts? (sorry....but it does come across a bit like an advertisment). I haven't seen anything yet that JayKush hasn't already done better and for less money.

I'm not convinced the Canna line is so special just because they put "vegan" on the label.

Oh, and EWC made from horse or other manures is excellent. Something has to break that material down, right? Some of the best fungal growth in teas I've ever seen was done by MM using EWC made from horse manure. The hyphal diameter and numbers were through the roof!

Personally, I find it best to avoid rigid rules and guidelines when growing any plants. Source your products locally when you can and figure out what works best for you. There's always going to be someone promoting with the "latest and greatest" method out there.

Are you really a professor? What's your PhD in?

Please don't take this post the wrong way, I'm open to hearing what you have to say and hope you keep posting. I'd just like to see more data and less testimonial and anecdotal evidence, along with sound reasoning for why you are doing things and recommending the products that you are.


Hmm... I shit indoors, compost it outdoors, grow weed in it indoors.


And I feel weird sometimes bringing my bucket of kitchen scraps out to my heap, I cant even imagine walking out there with jars of poo. I've done work at city sewage treatment plants in the past and have seen a few that compost the raw shit after the water has been removed, only problem is too many tomato plants! From what I have been told is the tomato seed is one of the few that is not destroyed during human digestion and they grow in the heaps of composted shit. I still wouldnt want human shit anywhere near anything I was going to smoke or eat but to each his own.

@Matt, those dried bud pics in pot #1 look good but not better than anything I see here grown with bat guano and ewc.

I need the "wow" factor, show some grow room pics to convince us. Just like others all I am seeing is an infomercial for Canna Nutes, which as great as they might be cost an arm and a leg, I try to keep my overhead low while still producing a good product.

I agree with you on the bird guano's they f*ckin reek, worst smelling fertilizer I have ever used. I have all but discontinued my use of PSG because I dont even like opening the bag.

I dont feel the same way about bat guano tho, bats dont feed at the city dump and birds are nothing more than flying rats.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would argue (with anyone who wanted to :D ) that bat guano was just as 'vegan' as worm castings.

so i guess i'm a Veganic grower too? - except my soil mix is made from all the base ingredients like peat and topsoil rather than bought ready made in a bag.
matt seems like a nice guy so we should wait to hear what more he has to say, but it sounds like re-naming the wheel to me.


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
i agree it sounds like he is re-naming typical organics. At least ouridea of typical organics. The main thing is most of the OFC guys avoid using bottles and high cost "organic" nutrients. Instead of trusting the bottle, i much rather be able to mix my own. I think most of us prefer our own "base mixes" and amendments.

Also one thing is you said that veganics seem smoother. I think that's typical of any real organic program. This has been the number one reason i got into. The smoke is much smoother and burns to a nice clean ash. Not very labor intensive compared to others.

I wouldnt change my fish and EWC for the world. Horse manure is also a great addition to the compost pile and as long as its aged i'm glad. No humanure for me though, IMO anything being described as medical or food grade should avoid human feces. If i wanted sewage sludge i can go buy milogranite without the processing......

CT Guy

i would argue (with anyone who wanted to :D ) that bat guano was just as 'vegan' as worm castings.

so i guess i'm a Veganic grower too? - except my soil mix is made from all the base ingredients like peat and topsoil rather than bought ready made in a bag.
matt seems like a nice guy so we should wait to hear what more he has to say, but it sounds like re-naming the wheel to me.


The links he posted shows that he started the exact same threads on other cannabis websites, pretty much a straight cut and paste.

Essentially it sounds like what many people here are already running, minus the fancy bottles and labels, though some like Capt. Cheese will use small amounts of non-vegan ingredients.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Matt Rize
Natural rock phosphate (e.g. Tunisian rock phosphate);
Just for sh*ts and grins I looked up the term 'Tunisian rock phosphate' which was an interesting learning experience.

The last production year that I could find figures for were for 2004 - here

Worldwide production of rock phosphate was 128,000,000 tons with the USA leading with production of 31,900,00 tons. Just less than 25% of the world total. Next up is China with 24,371,000 tons and Morocco with 20,724,000 tons.

Tunisia came in at 8,106,000 tons - about 0.63% of the worldwide total.

Talk about you pinpoint marketing, eh? Pretty scarce but try to source rock phosphate out of Egypt with their production numbers of 779,000 - pikers I tell ya!

Anyway - given the breakdown period required for rock phosphate it's not exactly a small wonder why soft rock phosphate is so common. It is a manufactured product (kind of) and is a by-product from the processing of rock phosphate from the mines.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
For most scientific research it's been my experience that you can't really do better than my old professor from my alma mater - Wossamotta U, Dr. Dicken Further.

He authored the famous book from the mid-1980's titled "Ergonomics - A Modernist Study of the Kama Sutra" which swept across the nation mostly because of the information included in the chapter titled 'Doggie Style - Barking or Yelping?'

"It just never got weird enough for me" - Hunter S. Thompson

Still hasn't.

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Active member
LOL - Professor, now you've shown no knowledge of worms you claim calcarea as a seaweed.

Calcarea is of the phylum porifera. Which, as I know you don't know, are sponges.

I'd recommend anyone wanting to grow vegan to ignore this guy and tune in on what Jaykush is doing.

Professor of Arts perhaps.


Living with the soil
"@Matt, those dried bud pics in pot #1 look good but not better than anything I see here grown with bat guano and ewc."

For real.....here's CC's "The One" grown with recycled organic soil using bat guano and EWC (amongst other things)..notice how the light bounces back from those glands at the lens of this non-professional picture I took.
Theses genetics are from a time forgot in this realm. Maybe CC will chime in on what this is exactly.

Matt Rize

worms you claim calcarea as a seaweed.

I'd recommend anyone wanting to grow vegan to... Jaykush is doing.

Hey, way to be rude. Get a life. You wish you got paid what I do to teach medical Cannabis classes. That is from the Stock free standards. Not something I wrote, cha. Your other posts will be ignored.

For everyone else. I don't get paid by any of these companies, but since switching to this system my price has gone up to 4, and that makes me happy living in this nor cal environment where organics has never got me more than 37.

I have no idea what jaykush bumps, BUT if it is plant based organic nutrition, then he is the bomb. So many haters... please unsubscribe if you are just here to talk shit and not contribute to this thread


post edit: i do not grow for yield or look, but for smoke quality and patient safety (aka top price).


Living with the soil
The links he posted shows that he started the exact same threads on other cannabis websites, pretty much a straight cut and paste.

Essentially it sounds like what many people here are already running, minus the fancy bottles and labels, though some like Capt. Cheese will use small amounts of non-vegan ingredients.
And these amounts are very small indeed. 5 lbs of crab meal,5 lbs of fish bone meal per 75-ish gallons of recycled soil that will go through 2 or 3 cycles before another "re-amend" with smaller portions of these ocean by-products. About a 1/2 gallon of fish hydrolysate per cycle as well. I'd say if it wasn't for the fish...it'd be borderline vegan with an upgrade on the term itself.
Manures shouldn't really count because they are part of a soil/food web....yet they are utilizing animals for the poop...so..maybe if it's in a natural setting that would clean up the practice a bit,it would be more kosher?????????
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