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My father used to say


"believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."
"askin's for free."

one day I asked a man how much the old mustang was in his driveway, he said $450 & so i bought it; 2 weeks later after some cleaning inside & out i sold it for $3500. always ask or you've lost an opportunity and don't wait for opportunity to come knocking, i had to go up to that guys door to ask about the mustang or it never would have happened.


want another line?

pass that pipe-(crack)

take him out

and loads of other sh-- fathers shouldn,t.


Freedom Fighter
Not to go off-topic, but here is one that my son who lives with me,(26) would say about me!!
"Go do _______...and you can stay another night!!" :D


"Son,a funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you HAVE done than to regret something you HAVEN'T done......& if you see your mom this weekend,be sure & tell her-SATAN!SATAN!SATAN!"

Hank Hemp

Active member
Here's by old man-ask me I want to be when I get out of school? I tell him a Pilot in the Air Force. So the SOB says I'll get you a pitchfork and take you to the racetrack because shit is the only thing you'll ever pilot. My old man.


"you dont have to like your mother, but you do have to respect her"

my dad's best friend told me this when i was 16 years old... he died shortly after and it really stuck with me

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
The only advice my old man has ever given me is "slow down son" it has paid off one hundred fold for me.

ADDERALL- that's a name I know well. I used to move that stuff by the box full. Lol, other stuff too. That also leads back to my fathers advice " slow down son"


Well-known member
Here are a few of my fathers quotes that I shall always remember:

(1) "You boys are bloody difficult!" my brothers & I heard that one often.

(2) "Son, as you continue to reach new heights of chaos & destruction, it's become obvious to your mother & I, that you lack that inate refinement which allows one to be entertained by a simple life."

(3) " Son, your actions could serve as a field manual on the art of irresponsibility"

(4) 'Son, if you continue conducting yourself in that manner, not even your friends will come near you unless they have a string of garlic tied around there neck & a crucifix in hand."

(5) "You can't help another person up the hill without getting a little closer yourself"

(6) My father is a large man 6'4" 290lbs.+, he has always been on the heavy side, and on a diet for the past 50+ years that I know of.

This past year at 76 he finally lost 30 pounds by diet & exercise, and just the other day he said something I found funny. He said, "When your young and lose weight everyone says, "Wow, you look great!" and when your old and lose weight everyone says,'"Are you sick?"



I hold El Roacho's
I just tell my gf's sons ( if you catch it go see a Dr. and get rid of it ) got that from the Movie " The Jerk " with Steve Martin.


My dad told me many funny things but 2 really stick out.
1."Everyone likes a little ass but no one likes a smart ass."
2. "The problem with girls is they take what you poke at them in fun seriously."


If someone lies, they will also cheat and steal.

He later went on to do all three to me, proving his point.


My dad said L8tr to my mom and never said anything to me.

Never met the dude.


weed makes a smart man average, and an average man stupid
or you will never get rich working for somebody else


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