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Marc Emery Extradited to USA and Sentenced

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headband 707

Plant whisperer
When will we learn?

When will we learn?

He is going to love his first joint when he gets out! I bet the stuff 5 years from now will knock his pants off!! Im sure his buddies will have plenty waiting for him! Marc is just another guy with a dream and I know I can only speak for myself, But I will always respect a man with a dream (within reason of course), Marc's dream was searching for a perfect world but having to climb through the tangled jungle of leo, Im sure in most if not all cases he did what he had to do. I will always FIND a reason to respect before I LOOK for the one to hate.

Bra there is bud in jail lol as a matter of fact there is every type of drug you can think of LOL ,, didn't you watch "OZ" lol?.. welcome to the prison LOL.. There are real criminals in prison that shouldn't be mixed up with simple tokers are you kidding me why the hell is a toker in prison?I still wouldn't want to be in there for the reason he is there that would just kill me and for the ppl that also toke to say things like "I deserve to be there" for all these BULLSHIT reasons ppl are making up for HATE that just sucks the BIG ONE!!! ppl .. When will we all learn that what hurts one, hurts us all!!!!! peace out Headband707:)
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ICMag Donor
Show me the proof of this, I want quotes. You ask for proof, I'm asking the same.

People that complain about his prices and call him a crook are a bit silly considering the owner of this forum. I know that myself and my friends received their orders from ME, yet a few of us are out a couple of hundred bucks for stuff that never came from Gypsy... does that make Gypsy a crook?

The only thing (that I've seen), ME guilty of is being a bit of a twat.

I don't believe I ever used the word crook. And if you ever read his forums you'd know there was lots of talk of anal sex and sex with minors.
I don't believe I ever used the word crook. And if you ever read his forums you'd know there was lots of talk of anal sex and sex with minors.

I wasn't necessarily referring to you with the crook statement which is why I used the word people...

As for anal sex, who cares if it is among consenting adults? I do have a problem with the sex with minors thing and I'm waiting for you to show me proof that he advocated such a thing. Give me a link, quote, something... I'm not just going to take your word for it.

I read his forums a while ago and never saw him say he had or wanted to have sex with minors.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I do believe their forum has a whole section devoted to just "SEX".. can't remember what it's called but yeah it's all about sex and everyone talks about it ... lol how awful .. sex /drug and rock and roll what is this world coming to.. lol Shouldn't we be upset about WARS/HUNGER/DISEASE and not BULLSHIT like this ?peace out Headband707
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ICMag Donor
I guess I have to explain it.

There was a boy claiming to be 16 who was upset his 14 yr old "girlfriend" wouldn't have anal sex with him. Mr. Emery's suggestion was for the boy to "score" some cocaine to loosen her up with. Maybe someone else has the link or wants to look for it. I don't...... And I don't have a problem with anything 2 consenting adults choose to do....

There's many more comments myself and others could talk about, but that one alone should be enough. Thank God the youngsters had someone of his character to help them.......

How old did he say Jodi was when they first started having sex? Fourteen if I'm not mistaken.

So for those of you that choose to idolize him, so be it. But don't be shocked when other feel differently....

I wasn't necessarily referring to you with the crook statement which is why I used the word people...

As for anal sex, who cares if it is among consenting adults? I do have a problem with the sex with minors thing and I'm waiting for you to show me proof that he advocated such a thing. Give me a link, quote, something... I'm not just going to take your word for it.

I read his forums a while ago and never saw him say he had or wanted to have sex with minors.
If any of you thought that things would change with Obama, you are badly mistaken! Let me demonstrate metaphorically somewhat: The democrats & republicans are just like Pepsi and Coca Cola. They are two huge companies right? Rivals for years, they fought to out-compete eachother. Well, things have changed back in the 1980's since both realized neither was going to be destroyed. So they felt it would be more profitable, and to their best interests to cease hostilities. They did this by covertly joining together and creating a monopoly, buying out, or driving out all the mom & pop soda companies. When the dust settles, you see a giant monster with two heads.
Getting back to the Demicans and the Republicrats; it appears you have a choice but, you really do not. You still believe in Obama's change? You just keep clinging to that raft. Follow the link below, and you'll see that the USA is now a fascist country.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
I guess I have to explain it.

There was a boy claiming to be 16 who was upset his 14 yr old "girlfriend" wouldn't have anal sex with him. Mr. Emery's suggestion was for the boy to "score" some cocaine to loosen her up with. Maybe someone else has the link or wants to look for it. I don't...... And I don't have a problem with anything 2 consenting adults choose to do....

There's many more comments myself and others could talk about, but that one alone should be enough. Thank God the youngsters had someone of his character to help them.......

How old did he say Jodi was when they first started having sex? Fourteen if I'm not mistaken.

So for those of you that choose to idolize him, so be it. But don't be shocked when other feel differently....

Explain what ? Not to take the Coke or not to do what exactly LOL.. Who of character did he have ?and who judges this character exactly? Cause God knows teenagers don't experiment with sex and drugs LOL. we know you didn't with your shock and awe of the situation. Myself I did so lock me up and throw away the key right LOL ....
As far as idiolizing the man how does defending him turn into idolizing. Your either right or your wrong no middle ground . They put this man and many men in jail for cannabis and seeds there is NO MIDDLE GROUND HERE!! This is wrong no matter who you think he is stop clouding the issue with things that have nothing to do with what is really going on with all due respect peace out Headband707:)


ICMag Donor
Explain what ? Not to take the Coke or not to do what exactly LOL.. Who of character did he have ?and who judges this character exactly? Cause God knows teenagers don't experiment with sex and drugs LOL. we know you didn't with your shock and awe of the situation. Myself I did so lock me up and throw away the key right LOL ....
As far as idiolizing the man how does defending him turn into idolizing. Your either right or your wrong no middle ground . They put this man and many men in jail for cannabis and seeds there is NO MIDDLE GROUND HERE!! This is wrong no matter who you think he is stop clouding the issue with things that have nothing to do with what is really going on with all due respect peace out Headband707:)

If you can't handle rebuttle, stay out of the discussion....

If your going to go off topic discussing all the wonderful things you say he's done, as you have many pages back, expect to get straightened out. And I won't bother commenting on you not seeing anything wrong with a 50 year old man suggesting someone buy coke for a 14 year old girl so he could have anal sex with her.....

Now, as I stated before, I don't like that he's in Prison for selling seeds. No one should be. Or for growing Cannabis. And I hope that Canada accepts his application to do his time there. But I also feel as the self proclaimed "leader of the Canadian Cannabis movement", had he carried himself professionally, he wouldn't be sitting where he is today.....

But you know what they say about opinions, lol.....


shows the weak canadian government cause the states would never let canada take one of their citizens for something thats not ilegal in the us and ilegal in canada . fucking bitch ass no balls take it up the ass and give everything away faggets giving everything away for fuck all.


Okay well then let me clarify $300 or $400 for seeds are you shitting me how many ppl are charging that for seeds now and have been for years ?? WTF? As far as Jodie like I give a fuck...get a life.
As far as defending Marc I defend anyone who is being pursecuted for cannabis or seeds . I'm the first to admit the Marc has a big mouth and in goes his foot most of the time with the prince of pot BS. But this bending to the laws of the USA/DEA BS ."I have done something wrong and for this I am sorry BULLSHIT" This is the shit that pisses me off and this I will not believe in or defend or bend to. I might not like Marc but I do believe in what he has done and that is the bottom line. If no one else will stand up then so be it at least he had the balls big mouth and all. Peace out Headband707

If you consider having sex with underage girls (molestation) and ripping people off for cannabis seeds "having big balls", then yes, you're right.

You don't care that he molested a child, her willing or not? Here in the US you get serious time and/or labeled a sex offender which SCREWS you for life if caught doing that...and you're defending this guy saying "you don't give a fuck"?

He has big balls alright, big fat egotistical balls. prince of pot? please. I've seen more educated and respectful people on OG and ICMAG.

We don't need a "leader", a "prince of pot" or another marc emery. That's the LAST thing we need...

We need people who are willing to stand up to the corporate interests in this nation (and throughout the world, at that) with intelligence, kindness and courage to fight back in positions of power and stop Big Pharma and Big Alcohol from keeping our lovely plant illegal or decriminalized, at best. Unfortunately money gets you power, and the people with the most money in this world benefit from keeping the plant illegal.

Do you have ANY, ANY idea how much money Big Pharma alone would lose if cannabis were completely legal to grow like any other plant in your back yard? Given some people still need pharmaceuticals for extreme pain such as Fibromyalgia while weed would only ASSIST...oxycontin from what i hear a lot of times doesn't even relieve ALL of the pain from Fibromyalgia.

Just imagine...all of the doctors not seeing people for lower-end pain issues, muscle tension issues, chronic headaches, mental illnesses (depression, anxiety)....you name it...thats MILLIONS of people who would resort to growing a plant instead of paying BILLIONS to these industries...they CANNOT accept that and until they are FORCED to, we will continue to see the persecution of cannabis and cannabis users. Voting doesn't matter, people don't realize that, unless you have 10,000 Ron Paul's in office, shit ain't gonna happen as corporate greed, intimidation and back-office deals plague the world.


donut engineer
Just imagine...all of the doctors not seeing people for lower-end pain issues, muscle tension issues, chronic headaches, mental illnesses (depression, anxiety)....you name it...thats MILLIONS of people who would resort to growing a plant instead of paying BILLIONS to these industries...they CANNOT accept that and until they are FORCED to, we will continue to see the persecution of cannabis and cannabis users. Voting doesn't matter, people don't realize that, unless you have 10,000 Ron Paul's in office, shit ain't gonna happen as corporate greed, intimidation and back-office deals plague the world.

I think the one thing that will legalize cannabis is the need for tax revenue. The worse the California economy gets the more serious the talks about legalized weed. Pharma can control things to an point, but if we get desperate enough we will see legally sold and taxed cannabis.

Also, Marc Emery = helpful to the cause.


I think the one thing that will legalize cannabis is the need for tax revenue. The worse the California economy gets the more serious the talks about legalized weed. Pharma can control things to an point, but if we get desperate enough we will see legally sold and taxed cannabis.

Also, Marc Emery = helpful to the cause.

Please, do explain how overcharging people for cannabis seeds while claiming to "promote the cause" while he rolled in the $$$ is being "helpful to the cause". Also please explain how declaring himself the "prince of pot" is not a big egotistical show. And finally, explain why someone in his position didn't LOWER the cost of seeds to spread awareness, accessibility to grow, etc...while focusing his efforts on educating himself on the law and confronting lawmakers, not smoking a joint at a rally to draw attention to himself, and only himself.

The "people" are no longer "the people". It's "the corporation" and "the corporation" only. If the people TRULY had a say we wouldn't have gone to Vietnam, Iraq (first time), Afghanistan, Iraq (second time)...so on and so forth...if "the people" had any say do you think deepwater drilling would be approved if "the people" KNEW the risks associated? If we truly had ANY say, our voting system would be completely revamped, the federal government disbanded and reorganized into something 1/100th the size, the Military Industrial Complex disbanded and a true national defense system setup with the will of the people behind it, and if we truly had a say when we were fed up all drugs would be legal, victimless crimes no longer prosecuted and illegal, freedom-restricting laws such as the Patriot Acts thrown in the garbage. Oh yeah, can't forget, Nikola Testla's technology would have actually been given to the people and free energy would be everywhere by now. Even if in this day and age we had a say, wind power, wave power, solar power, geothermal power...would be in every single home and every single person on this planet would have food to eat and poverty and disease statistics would be slashed drastically.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Now the fish is getting ...........this................big lol lol... So now he has molested a girl whether she wanted to or not and I'm the type of person that doesn't care about that type of shit.. I'm sooo nasty lol..
Then there is the part about the ripping off ppl with seeds gee thats rich..lol.. like there isn't 100's if not thousands of breeders doing that.
Again his ego and who he is has nothing to do with what they have done ,,,RIGHT? If that doesn't make sence here then I don't know what else to say... You can still be an asshole but what does that have to do with getting busted for cannabis or seeds? Your US laws should stay in the US.
This is the hypocrisy of the whole thing is that the US/Canada has already started with BIG PHARA they already regulate it here and they make lots of money off of crap. Still they put ppl in jail,, so whats your point?
The doctors here are in the pocket of the Gov. or whoever pays the cheaque and if they are told to say no cannabis then no to cannabis it is. Yes to Cessamet THC in a pill the pill they make money off of and they get that vacation to Hawaii too.. Even if you tell the doctor that the pill doesn't work they don't care and don't want to hear about that. As long as your not smoking it. It's bad enough that we have to fight the doctors/law/Gov./Sections of the Gov./ Ppl/ the ones that say they are on our side but they are on thier own side,but to have to do it sick then to have to argue about such a basic thing as smoking cannabis for pain is frankly offensive peace out Headband707

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I guess I have to explain it.

There was a boy claiming to be 16 who was upset his 14 yr old "girlfriend" wouldn't have anal sex with him. Mr. Emery's suggestion was for the boy to "score" some cocaine to loosen her up with. Maybe someone else has the link or wants to look for it. I don't...... And I don't have a problem with anything 2 consenting adults choose to do....

There's many more comments myself and others could talk about, but that one alone should be enough. Thank God the youngsters had someone of his character to help them.......

How old did he say Jodi was when they first started having sex? Fourteen if I'm not mistaken.

So for those of you that choose to idolize him, so be it. But don't be shocked when other feel differently....

Thanks for explaining this to me.

Did you read this stuff with your own eyes or are you going by what other people have told you?

If what you say is true then he is a grade A scumbag. That gave me the creeps just reading it.

About the idolization thing... none of the pot goofballs should be idolized at all, especially the seed pimps and "breeders".

To the people that complain about ripoff prices and overblown ego, go scream at Gypsy too, he's just one of the same. None of these people get a single dime from me anymore and never will again.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Many of us saw it with our own eyes....

Gypsy never said he was going to donate a ton of money to causes and then not do it but say he did....


Emery was/is a twat! Sorry for the strong word folks but this is the only one that can sum up that thievin money grabbing idiot in a correct manner.

To all those defending him I suggest you do some REAL research into the prince of the con.
Knock off F2's, any old seed sold as named gear, money going missing ala Father Ted "it was just resting in my account"

He stole from scene he was claiming to be helping so fuck him.


Active member
JJ called it,the guys a fuckin creep as a person......that being said,if ya over 35 and been smokin for any time you bought seeds off Marc,I know I did,back then it was all there was!!Should he be in jail?NO...but fuck em,lotta good folk doin time,he aint special!!:tiphat:


donut engineer
Please, do explain how overcharging people for cannabis seeds while claiming to "promote the cause" while he rolled in the $$$ is being "helpful to the cause". Also please explain how declaring himself the "prince of pot" is not a big egotistical show. And finally, explain why someone in his position didn't LOWER the cost of seeds to spread awareness, accessibility to grow, etc...while focusing his efforts on educating himself on the law and confronting lawmakers, not smoking a joint at a rally to draw attention to himself, and only himself.

None of these things are helpful to the cause. Marc is an egotistical douche who overcharges for shitty seeds, that is not my point. What is helpful is Emery's willingness to go on TV and openly encourage others to grow pot and smoke pot. He's always called for a grass-roots campaign to end the drug war through openly defying the unjust laws. However that is done is up to the individual, but there are very few successful businessmen willing to go on live TV anywhere, anytime and say these things and stand behind his words. He organizes rallies, distributes a pro-pot magazine and launched a TV network dedicated to pot. No one else has done this. Remember the canadian marijuana party? They were vocal and had a great influence on the decriminalization that now exists.

The "people" are no longer "the people". It's "the corporation" and "the corporation" only. If the people TRULY had a say we wouldn't have gone to Vietnam, Iraq (first time), Afghanistan, Iraq (second time)...so on and so forth...if "the people" had any say do you think deepwater drilling would be approved if "the people" KNEW the risks associated? If we truly had ANY say, our voting system would be completely revamped, the federal government disbanded and reorganized into something 1/100th the size, the Military Industrial Complex disbanded and a true national defense system setup with the will of the people behind it, and if we truly had a say when we were fed up all drugs would be legal, victimless crimes no longer prosecuted and illegal, freedom-restricting laws such as the Patriot Acts thrown in the garbage. Oh yeah, can't forget, Nikola Testla's technology would have actually been given to the people and free energy would be everywhere by now. Even if in this day and age we had a say, wind power, wave power, solar power, geothermal power...would be in every single home and every single person on this planet would have food to eat and poverty and disease statistics would be slashed drastically.

What does this have to do with the discussion?


The only people defending him are those uneducated or who didn't experience his grimeyness first hand. They think he's this innocent pot seed dealer who got popped and now they feel they need to "stand up" for him because he has been "wronged"..

The act of putting someone in a cage for cannabis is wrong.


In Comparison...

Let's say there's a guy who, every day, walks down the street looking for innocent people to rob. He robs them in alley ways, beats them up, uses a gun as intimidation, etc.

A year later that same guy gets busted on a pot charge for the 3rd time while on probation so he gets some prison time. Does this guy deserve prison?

...YES, but not because of the plant, but because his MORAL character is garbage and he has intent to do harm or take from others.

Marc is no different. He has suggested giving 14 year old girls cocaine so they can be sodomized, he has molested a girl, overcharged people sometimes over 400% for seeds while promoting his own egotistical "prince of pot" campaign...he's a liar, a theif, a piece of garbage. I hope he gets his ass BEAT in prison.


donut engineer
The only people defending him are those uneducated or who didn't experience his grimeyness first hand.

I am well-educated by any measure. I have met Marc in-person. After I met him I was promptly ignored because a cute girl walked into the shop. He's slimey and scummy but he gets things done for our cause. If he molested a girl he should go to jail, but in my own searches I have yet to find any articles/forum posts/anything to back this up.
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