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i weigh 260 lbs and should weigh


put some ankle weights around your feet, hang your feet off something and then lift and then lower your feet. do as many as you can. after u finish a set you will feel a mega burn on your shins. the stronger your shins the faster u will be able to walk and the more calories u will burn.

i do 70 reps on each foot four times a day.

good luck!
put some ankle weights around your feet, hang your feet off something and then lift and then lower your feet. do as many as you can. after u finish a set you will feel a mega burn on your shins. the stronger your shins the faster u will be able to walk and the more calories u will burn.

i do 70 reps on each foot four times a day.

good luck!
how much weight?
found a real good place to walk this evenin and wound up doin 77 minutes..YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHA...didnt intend to walk that much but was so far away from car i had to.hehehe...just an excellent time for a hike...hope i didnt do too much ...will know in the mornin when i try to get up..hehehe


New member
drove up town to our little college campus and walked around for at least 30 minutes..didnt have my watch but will 2mor...wore my old ass out..will take a while to get into walkin shape but i'm ready for the challenge..if i dont do somethin now i'm gonna be 300 fkn lbs before long..it sucks bein so fat and i'm tired of it....just got into some bad habits..watchin the crop,football,baseball,too much readin..books and the internet..hadnt been on the scales in a while and when i seen 260 it shook me up...feels good to get started..been readin icmag for a couple years and didnt know this section was here....think it's called DENIAL..hehehe

A few years back that was me. I could not change a res without breaking a sweat. had back problems. Went to the doc for back pain and she weighed me, I was at 285. I was like no effin way. I am 6-2 and did not look it. But did feel it. At the time I was working in a Cafe as the Chef. Had all the pop I wanted and fatty foods.
What I did was stop drinking pop and start drinking lots of ice water and green tea.
I was tired of Watching baseball, soccer, grow room. Now I am playing baseball, real baseball, woodbat league. And getting ready for indoor soccer to start.
You have to start somewhere and you already did. Now you just need to keep up what you are doing.
Now I am down to 210 and feeling great. Way better shape than when I graduated Hi school in 94.
When you do drop the weight I would try and find something active like a softball team or something like that. Bike riding is fun also and a good way to get cardio workout.
Also if youare having problems breathing while walking. I suggest maybe using a vaporizor to puff out of for a while untill your lungs are back and you can breathe better while excersizing.
A few years back that was me. I could not change a res without breaking a sweat. had back problems. Went to the doc for back pain and she weighed me, I was at 285. I was like no effin way. I am 6-2 and did not look it. But did feel it. At the time I was working in a Cafe as the Chef. Had all the pop I wanted and fatty foods.
What I did was stop drinking pop and start drinking lots of ice water and green tea.
I was tired of Watching baseball, soccer, grow room. Now I am playing baseball, real baseball, woodbat league. And getting ready for indoor soccer to start.
You have to start somewhere and you already did. Now you just need to keep up what you are doing.
Now I am down to 210 and feeling great. Way better shape than when I graduated Hi school in 94.
When you do drop the weight I would try and find something active like a softball team or something like that. Bike riding is fun also and a good way to get cardio workout.
Also if youare having problems breathing while walking. I suggest maybe using a vaporizor to puff out of for a while untill your lungs are back and you can breathe better while excersizing.
smokey,i'm goin to get a bike. and i've started drinkin at least 3 quart jars of cold water every day.need to get that up to 4,and i dont smoke anything..sometimes i may vape once or twice a week but then i'll go for a month or 2 and never have any....was a chain smoker til 13 years ago and have copd from it..


i use 10 pd weights. buy at least a few different pds and try them. find the right one for u and return the rest. if you can easily do 50 in the beginning then they are not heavy enough. u literally want to tire out your shins


I hold El Roacho's
Soft drinks & fruit punch are the worst even them v8 fusion drinks 1/2 veggies 1/2 fruits have 2 > 8 ounce servings with 33 grams of sugar per serving Ouch!!

Key point here > drink an 8 ounce bottle of water before every meal because the trick is it will make you feel full and use a smaller plate so your smaller serving will look bigger and try to stop the salty snacks as sodium retains fluid and that is why you see over weight people with chunky faces or redish faces and large legs as it is fluid building up in your body. My first 50 pounds was all fluid I pissed out like a race horse.

Your body is 90 % water and if you can drink at least a gallon of water and the water before each meal and walk at your pace with good shoes for 30 minutes a day to get your blood circulating from your feet to your brain and back so you brain & heart get the right oxygen and your veins and arteries are not clotting down in your feet and legs.

I weighted 275 in April I'm down to 191 and feel much better and when I do have snacks it's in a 1/2 cup measured and with a bottle of water always.

Good Luck losing weight is very hard to do as foods are so tempting and fast food places with their quick $1.00 menu's are what's killing our kids and leaving us with high health Insurance bills.
Soft drinks & fruit punch are the worst even them v8 fusion drinks 1/2 veggies 1/2 fruits have 2 > 8 ounce servings with 33 grams of sugar per serving Ouch!!

Key point here > drink an 8 ounce bottle of water before every meal because the trick is it will make you feel full and use a smaller plate so your smaller serving will look bigger and try to stop the salty snacks as sodium retains fluid and that is why you see over weight people with chunky faces or redish faces and large legs as it is fluid building up in your body. My first 50 pounds was all fluid I pissed out like a race horse.

Your body is 90 % water and if you can drink at least a gallon of water and the water before each meal and walk at your pace with good shoes for 30 minutes a day to get your blood circulating from your feet to your brain and back so you brain & heart get the right oxygen and your veins and arteries are not clotting down in your feet and legs.

I weighted 275 in April I'm down to 191 and feel much better and when I do have snacks it's in a 1/2 cup measured and with a bottle of water always.

Good Luck losing weight is very hard to do as foods are so tempting and fast food places with their quick $1.00 menu's are what's killing our kids and leaving us with high health Insurance bills.
i've never been a pop drinkin person..drink several cups of decaf with splenda and cream every day and at least 3 qts cold water...startin today thats goin up to 4
feel pretty good today so i'm gonna get my walkin in now so i can watch football tonight...will drink 1 quart of water + large decaf and head out to wild blue yonder....i can tell that i did some hikin but legs are not too sore which is what i was worried about..i always go through a stretchin routine that seems to help a lot.....80 degrees and a beautiful day..LETS GO GET SOME ROAD!!!
1 hr and 20 minutes of hikin on this gorgeous day...had some tightness in the back of legs but nothin serious..i just stop for a minute,do a stretch or two and i'm ready to go..the trick to my walkin is i dont try and go fast..with all those years of smokin cigs i couldnt if i wanted to....very pleased with my effort so far.


Active member
Get yourself some Kettlebells, nothing beats it for burning some serious calories and building strength. You can get amazing workouts with surprisingly not much weight, then you can increase as you progress

80% of losing weight and staying healthy is your diet, exercise should come easy then :)
its midday and hot but i'm headin out..expect to get in the same 1hr:20 minutes i did yesterday....LETS GO GET SOME FKN ROAD !!!!
91 degrees out so had to make adjustments..first thing i did was leave the shirt at home,put bandana on head,find ole ball cap and i was ready for some actshown....before all this i drank 2 quarts of cool water..one early this mornin and another right before i headed out...got in the 80 minutes and just finished 3rd quart of water for the day.i've got water comin out my ass...hehehe.....gonna drink a gallon today...only did 3 quarts yesterday..kids were in school so had the park to myself..need to get up and at it earlier before it gets wArm...

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