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What is the one book every grower should read?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I learnt it all from Ed R and Mel Frank, but the top read I really would recommend is Molyneux's "A Practical Guide to NFT" is a book every Hydro grower should read several times over, regardless of system used. Understanding and using the info in that book will save and earn you thousands, ignore it at your peril.

Big V

When you read my books, you are not just reading my opinion or experience, you are drawing upon the experiences and opinions of hundreds and thousands of other growers. I always co my best to check out each and everything I write to ensure it is correct. If I make a mistake, I do my best to correct it.

Nice to meet you Mr. Cervantes I am humbled. I have nothing but respect for you and the contributions you have made to the culture. I must have watched your video series a hundred times before I planted my first seed and I have found myself refering back to it as a source of troubleshooting from time to time even still. Your video series gave me the boost of confidence I needed to dive into the world of Ganja Gardening. I recommend your resources to all beginers and intermediates.

Forums are also great places to find information about growing, and it is free! None the less, the information found on forums has to be sifted like a fine hash to find the best parts.

True this, I have gained alot of great knowladge from the forums and am still finding great teachers who will help me to the next level but Like Mr. Cervantes said, sift through it all and qualify it with a few diffrent sources before accepting it as true. Bad advice given with good intention is still bad advice.

:respect::respect: :respect:


When you read my books, you are not just reading my opinion or experience, you are drawing upon the experiences and opinions of hundreds and thousands of other growers. I always co my best to check out each and everything I write to ensure it is correct. If I make a mistake, I do my best to correct it.

One of the beauties of publishing books in several languages is that each time the bok is translated, the translator finds more mistakes and we are able to fix them in the original English edition. We strive to give each and every reader the a bsolute best information.

Forums are also great places to find information about growing, and it is free! None the less, the information found on forums has to be sifted like a fine hash to find the best parts.


Even though we all obviously don't need books since we can get free information on the Internet (if you have access), books like the ones this guy put together are great reads, and contain enough illustrations to keep the attention of any pot head. I also like the 'bud picture books' for sharing with friends.


Overkill is under-rated.
Hi Jorge, thank you for writing all those books for us! You've taught me (and others) SO much, I guess we'll repay you by buying more of your books! ;) :smoke:


Listen to me jerky
Cervates, Soma, DJ Short, Bog, Greg Green, all have good reads.

Also Marijuana Garden Saver was written by Stitch who basically runs the infirmary. The book (I think) is written from problems people had on this forum.


Active member
I was disappointed to discover that Jorge Cervantes is leaving his regular column at High Times. December 09's issue sees Danny Danko take over Jorge's ten year run in the Rx column.

I do hope you continue to write for High Times Jorge. You are, for better or worse, easily the most reconizable face in the whole Cannabis world. (Both a blessing and a curse, I suppose.)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The Little Prince

"It's the time you spent on your rose that made it so important."

"It's the time I spent on my rose ...," the little prince repeated, in order to remember.

"People have forgotten this truth," the fox said. But you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose ..."

"I'm responsible for my rose ...," the little prince repeated, in order to remember.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


IMHO books are pretty much useless if you have internet access.. Mostly any book you can buy in the store can be dowloaded ( for free if you choose ). And most of the info in the books mentioned can be easily found on the diff MJ forums or sites. IMHO nothing beats a good all night researching/web surfing session with some good meds by your side.Ive learned more on the web than I did in my 3 yrs of college lol. Its sad but true.


Forums are great, but I wouldn't necessarily limit myself to just one. It's amazing how different communities tend to approach problems from different angles, and you will get a much more well rounded education by obtaining the information you need from multiple sources.

My good friend of many years, Tom Alexander, publisher of Growing Edge and before that, Sin Semilla Tips, has gone out of business. The growing edge website is still on line, but the magazine is out of print. You can still get the Growing Edge book Volume 2 online.

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