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Well in this particular recipe, the earthworm castings are the compost and used in higher quantity than the rest.

In tea bag per gal.

1 tsp Fox Farm Peace of Mind
1 tsp High P bat
1 tsp kelp
1 cup earthworm castings
1/4 tsp rock phosphate

then in water 1 tsp molasses


very nice looking garden. our casey jones is also doing great outside!

at the risk of sounding presumptuous, your tea is more accurately an 'earth worm tea' / vermitea / vermicompost tea .....

i was fortunate enough to be able to spend 5 days in Corvallis, Oregon at the OSU campus for Elaine Ingham's Soil Food Web Compost Tea workshop. here i learned the their method of compost tea making....

for our 300 gallon brewer:

first i take a large tote and spread my 10 lbs of compost evenly, comes to about a depth of 3 inches....then i had about a half gallon of a 50/50 mix of fish hydrolysate & water, i work it in with my hands and allow to sit with the lid slightly cracked for 48 hours....

after 48 hours i admire the fungal hyphae that has covered the compost, then i fill the brewer with just water and aerate for 2 hours.

next i add the compost with a pound of earth worm castings, pound of guano (P or N), and a pound of kelp into a nylon sack. i suspend it from the top of the tank then i add:
half gallon of fish hydrolosate
half gallon humic acid ( Turf Pro is what i use )

brew with my 1/2 HP blower for 18-24 hours, then empty onto my plants...i do this once a week but this might be overkill. if it werent for the guano or castings i add this would be nearly impossible to overfeed with...

basically it works like this:
the air wakes up the dormant micro organisms that are in the compost/EWC, they then feed on the humic acid, fish, & kelp, they go into the soil and start eating organic matter then processing it into a much more plant available form.

i sometimes put up to 3 kinds of compost in their for increased BIODIVERISTY... have been doing this for a couple of years and will never touch a bag/bottle of chems again....

just had to share my experience...bless


also, a word of caution with the concrete wire as trellis....in the greenhouse it should hold up just fine, however when it exposed to rain it will rust since this stuff was made to be put on the ground and then covered with concrete....


at the risk of sounding presumptuous, your tea is more accurately an 'earth worm tea' / vermitea / vermicompost tea .....

at the risk of sounding presumptuous, earth worm castings are compost.

and thanks for sharing your story.
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at the risk of sounding presumptuous, earth worm castings are compost.

and thanks for sharing your story.

i do not wish to detract from this thread showcasing your beautiful, low cost, organic ganja garden, however i beg to differ. the castings themselves are in fact that, castings. the castings along with the bedding material from the bins or rows along with some bits of unprocessed organic matter constitute Earth Worm Compost or Vermicompost. so what are you using, just straight worm fecal matter(castings)? are you making your own? are you buying bagged "earth worm castings" or "earth worm compost"(such as 'Vermiblend')? you can google this matter and surely find info to back up my claim of what constitutes earth worm compost vs castings....

i would encourage you and everyone else to add some different types of compost for biological diveristy as well as some fish & humic acid to feed the microorganisms. also, the fungal strains will attach to any particulate matter that escapes the tea bag (kelp, castings, compost), rendering the rock phos unecessary as a binding material but obviously still beneficial in delivering some phos during the flower period.

thank you for reading this small contribution to the mass consortium of ganja farming ideas on icmag.
cheers and happy, healthy harvest!


if worms are eating my vegetable kitchen scraps is it not compost.

if we can be more specific i think the furry stuff that grows eats the vegetables and the worms eat the furry stuff?

Its like adding a degree of digestion to my compost as i understand. is it then not compost?

and when you call it earthworm compost, its not compost?

Vermicompost is not compost?

I know we are just arguing labelling semantics but i am curious as to where you are coming from?

my whole small house sized compost pile went to holes and vegetable gardens, so alas i have no "true compost" left.

You say potato i say potatoe? what you call vermicompost tea, i call compost tea.

thanks for tuning in.


furry stuff?

yes earthworm compost and vermicompost are compost! :)

earth worm castings are earth worm castings, a slow release Nitrogen soil amendment that also has a solid microbiological value! :)

for example when i go to the worm farm by my house ( cannot sustain my 25 yard/year earth worm casting needs although we are starting a small bin this weekend!) , i know i am going to get relatively filler free loads of earth worm CASTINGS ( just straight earth worm SHIT no peat moss or unprocessed waste that housed / fed them ) .... if i was to take the contents of my bin and dump it in the garden i'd say i have added earth worm COMPOST or maybe just COMPOST if i didnt feel like delving too far into semantics....

the only reason i chimed in was because compost tea is dear to me and i think it could solve so many problems today caused by non-organic agriculture....the production of synthetic ammonia is responsible for 5% of global natural gas consumption or about 2% of total global energy consumption (disgusting). anyhow, you are all good you are a more sustainable farmer than i am and hats off now i give you your thread back. :tiphat:


September 1 Update

September 1 Update

things seem to be moving at high speed over here. plants are visibly more along than just 3 days ago!

Casey J with 5 gallon gatorade jug.

Casey J flower, still early for her

Some more along flowering...

sour d


GDP flower

Bubba Kush

And a flower.

Thanks for all your kind words... My suggestion to everyone is to find cheaper means than bagged soil and liquid nutrients by the quart. They may say organic, but what about the plastic packaging and 1000s miles shipping in diesel fuel. source and buy local without packaging (ie. by the truckload)

They have received their 2nd helping of flower tea, they love it!


September 1 Update Part 2

September 1 Update Part 2

got out there one last time before dark for some pics of plants i missed in the early update

Durban Poison

Two diff Durban flowers

Jack Herer. so so so so soso wide.

two diff herer flowers...

Thanks for tuning in!
Hi Manitoid
Are you still with us 'cause it says you got banned under your name and I can't pm you ?
I'm really sorry this has happened to you
Right when i just start getting to know peope they get banned

You're a good guy and made a mistake
I wish they would reconsider and have you back:comfort:

Anyway if you can read this my friend
I sincerely wish you the very best.
You 're a really good grower
and a kind hearted man

I thank you for helping me out like you did.:thank you:

P.s. icmag.....I understand we are not supposed to talk about any banning and /or what took place
I just wanted to leave a message for my friend is all:shucks:


Well-known member
Many thanks!
this may be the most important thread on this site-like ever


Post banishment SUPER UPDATE!

Post banishment SUPER UPDATE!

Well, I the attempt to report a TOU violation, I committed a TOU violation.

I am a retard, and now back 15 days later... 15 days wiser...

You all have missed a lot in my greenhouse these past 15 days. I have real nugs in the greenhouse. The GDP has nugs that are wider than my forearm ALL OVER IT!

As far as a recap:
-Caregiver that wants to produce for patients, but is on a budget
-All the materials up until flower were $ 0.00 spent on all locally sourced materials (see post # 1)
-Flowering compost tea (ACT).
-Total cost spent so far on 15 MONSTERS for 7 weeks of flower going the organic compost tea way: $150
-large air pump for ACT brewer: $76

So a total on the year for 15 monsters anywhere from #1-3ea with one #5

$226, with maybe another $75 in tea ingredients to finish, so $300 total for a full season outdoor grow.

Organic no less.

Please everyone consider sourcing your components locally, economically, responsibly, for cheaper than you can ever imagine.

Aged Horse shit as compost is someone else's throw away.

10 truckloads went into these beautiful ladies.

Durban Poison

Durban flower


GDP flower. This and 30 others like it on the GDP are wider than my forearm


Herer flowers, really looking pretty

Ill post more pics this evening. The Casy J (not pictured yet) is taller than I am, while i stand on a 5 gallon bucket!

Thanks for all your uplifting comments while i was on banishment.

Ill also read the TOU this week again... anyone got the quicklink for that?

I am back.

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