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Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

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Sorry to those that grow or deal for a living but the last thing that I would want to do is keep prices from falling. It's about the love for weed not love for money and to all the people involved in growing just for the money and are against legalisation I wish you'd open a meth lab or something and just quit growing because you do nothing but impede the cause. I've been toking since 1966 and growing for over thirty years and I would like nothing better than to be able to smoke a joint and grow a personal stash without being a criminal. To all of you who want to make money off the misery of thousands of growers and tokers shame on you, you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

So you are saying there is no happy medium?

i wanna see outdoors drop to like 1k-1600 a pound. and regular indoors for around 2k...and the top shelf stuff like OGK, Sours, and other exotics in the 27-32 range.

are those not workable and fair prices?

DO you really think those levels can be maintained with multiple massive marijuana farms pumping out #100's every day? This will happen. They aren't spending their money for nothing.

I'm not greedy i think weed should be relatively cheap to buy and free to grow. But people should aslo be compensated for their work. Homegrowers are the best gardeners of our century. We need thier biodiversity to remain intact. I think we do this by retaining profitability for growers. not at current levels but enough to survive of their skills.

If the average consumer becomes even less educated than what you have now, how will the little guy compete in a marketplace of over-hyped and marketed schwag; the RL warehouse weed or some Monsanto farm.

we can have it both ways.
Nice stereotype you got there.

I'm married, have bills like a normal person, and probably smoke less than you do. I am not rich because I am not a greedy Fuck who steals power or slings to thugs, my weed goes to my patients and yes, they usually compensate me under $200 an oz. I pay all of my helpers $30 an hour and pay full rates for my power even. I recycle, fertilized an orchard with my runoff, and treat all involved with respect.

Not all commercial growers fit your ugly stereotype.

bamn. equitable hand trimmed marijuana. you are a beacon of hope my friend. a few tilapia beds and some watercress and then you have sustainably grown equitably hand trimmed aquaponic pot.

RL or any agribiz can't compete with that.

I don't buy grass unless it is super killer, can compete with mine, and that happens like every year or so. I do trade at times but it would be great if herb was affordable so
i could run out and buy a few new flavors for a change from what I am growing or to find something new to grow.

would you buy lazyman's herb?


you know i bet we see $1000 lbs comin out of the north this fall. last years low end outdoor was at 1400 ive heard. i cant see the market supporting itself for less than that. not even post r lee 19.

dont forget that non med weed must be taxed, so i wouldnt expect in the best case low price scenario a drop below 1000 outdoors.

its all perception anyways. the best smoke ive had was outdoor sativa. but i have to admit i love the look, taste and smell of a well done og.

just a quick glance at why agrafarm wont be as cheap as youd like:

1- investment recoup
2- security costs
3- crop loss- pm/mites/caterpillars/pollentation/sabotage
4- insurance costs
5- court costs - fed intervention
6- lobbying fees - gotta get in there right?
7- licensing cost
8- county regulatory requirements
9- electricity (indoor warehouses)
10- machinery - heavy duty trimmers/vacuum sealers/ac units etc
11- packaging
12- manpower

and im sure theres alot more i havent thought of in 2 seconds.

big business knows they cannot compete with 1000's of joes out there growing where they sleep. this is why 19 is worded in a way as to eliminate that competition. i dont see prices dropping.


Active member
everybody and their moms went up north this year to try and cash in on the last supposedly underground season. i have multiple people telling me that outdoor tickets this season will be about 500 dollars cheaper than last year. so if really really good outdoor, (purple tinted, almost look like indoors) was selling for 2800 its going for 2300....regular good frosty outdoors that was going for 2300 is going for 1800 and so on. (these are bay area prices, after a couple hundred dollar tax for the smugglers.....its gonna be cheaper at the source obviously)

alot of outdoor guys this season were getting pies for a flat 2k a pop and then bringing them down to oakland and popping them off for 25-28 to clubs and random brokers....you wont believe how many clubs were selling outdoors for FIFTY AN 8th!!

yes those prices are artificially inflated. outdoors shold only be 30-40 an 8th on the street tops.
glad to see less than half buying into this nafta,cafta,gatt, equitable thievery.

woah buddy how did we get there? None of these solutions are government driven. They are implementable purely on a case by case basis. No one has to participate.

You can sell wine that says Anything on the side. You might get more if you describe the terroir tho.

This is all simple marketing to me. Not crazy government free trade agreements.

why you lying? lol j/k
you know i bet we see $1000 lbs comin out of the north this fall. last years low end outdoor was at 1400 ive heard. i cant see the market supporting itself for less than that. not even post r lee 19.

dont forget that non med weed must be taxed, so i wouldnt expect in the best case low price scenario a drop below 1000 outdoors.

i don't see prices dropping.

i feel you but, i'm just saying tho. mega lowball.

$500 profit on 60#a day. $30,OOO

30K times 300. $9,000,000 a year.

Whats it cost to produce a lb on that scale? $20? $100??? plus $100 tax per #.

700 dollar lbs easy in my mind. feel free to prove me wrong. I"m just throwin stuff out there, as far as numbers.



hey im not saying they cant make money. what happens when the feds come and shut them down mid flower? why would they want to low ball their prices? i mean theyre out to make a buck. oil cant be as expensive as it is. im sure theyll set a competitive price, and theylle have to if they wanna beat out untaxed med dispensaries. they face a risk of turning off buyers if their product is set too low.

problem is, where will their bud be sold if only long beach and nor cal permit non med store fronts?

bottom line, its not in their best interest to drive down the market too far. if they wanted to do that, then they would have made it a free for all, not the eliminating of competition from the sea of joes that prop 19 is.


Now in technicolor
This may be slightly off topic but it's important to keep in mind that the majority of smokers will be smoking mids ("commercial" level strains) when Cannabis is legalized.

The majority of alcohol users go to the supermarket and buy a 6 pack based almost solely on price. And I don't know any smoker who buys expensive cigars/tobacco or cares very much what tobacco strain they're smoking (there are a lot of strains.)

Most of us here are major connoisseurs and will probably be considered weird/crazy when the plant is legal. The people that look at wine tasters who spend $500 a bottle and sniff their wine more than they drink it, and think these people are obsessed and ridiculous, will judge most pot smokers on this forum the same way.

The majority of people will not break federal and state laws over weed. We do. This is important because we're a tiny minority of the number of pot smokers worldwide, and our views and opinions on weed may not reflect the market at all.
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You guys are living in a dream world. If pot goes legal there is no way to keep the prices up end of story. It's not a rare commodity it's a exceptionally easy to grow weed.

All you can do is keep creating more genetics and market them.

Think about merchandising also, legal weed means higher demand for pipes and other merchandise that would normally be illegal. People will have larger collections of massive smoking devices.

Obviously eatables will be a strong market which can help you keep profits up, but even without mega corporations coming in to mass produce weed you still have to compete with all the backyard growers. Cannabis is unlike any other drug out there, production requires almost no skill or tools. Once it's legal everybody will have a backyard greenhouse grow.

Smart packaging might also help out and better descriptions, variety packs, basically the same ideas you would apply to most products.
problem is, where will their bud be sold if only long beach and nor cal permit non med store fronts?

hashish and butter. the hash market will explode as people's tolerances are pushed upward.

we all know the #'s it takes to make hash on a large scale. well good hash, not that crap people make from trim.

how can i put this...

antwerp:diamonds::eek:akland wants to be :weed.

Oakland will have non med retail and distribution, in my opinion. The council people are trying to jump in early and make Oakland a clearinghouse for all things marijuana related. I doubt the folks there would mind if people came from all over the state to purchase in Oakland.

Think about merchandising also, legal weed means higher demand for pipes and other merchandise that would normally be illegal. People will have larger collections of massive smoking devices.

higher demand means increased tolerance. Alcohol is one sided. you drink it you get drunk, pretty much the same drunk all the time. small differences.

Cannabis on the other hand has something for everyone:

you want yo get high or go to sleep?
you want to get hungry or get focused?
you wan to ease your back pain or f*ck for hours?

marijuana can give the end user all these things. and like my economics teacher always said, "who wants less?"


Obviously eatables will be a strong market which can help you keep profits up, but even without mega corporations coming in to mass produce weed you still have to compete with all the backyard growers. Cannabis is unlike any other drug out there, production requires almost no skill or tools. Once it's legal everybody will have a backyard greenhouse grow.

lol. people can grow their own vegetables and bake their own cakes. guess what they don't! we, the avg ICmagger, might. But they don't. they will want to buy the newest candy or confection. They still sell bhang in india, where cannabis grows wild.

the culture will evolve.

Smart packaging might also help out and better descriptions, variety packs, basically the same ideas you would apply to most products.

lol like terroir with wine?

did you read the thread? do you understand what i am saying, rather is english your first language?

have you seen packaged marijuana? its says "Green Crack" 1/8 $45.

Including things like the terroir, and fair trade/organic "badges" is exactly what you AND I, are talking about.


stoned agin ...
kinda off topic but closely related ... how's the yield looking for folks? it's been a bonzer year for farmers growing almost everything else, BIG, at least in this neck of the woods.


Patient Grower
The cops have already seized more than last year's crop, which of course was a bumper crop in itself. Though I do I think they're more motivated than last year because the more they 'eradicate' the more money they get from the Feds. They certainly started a couple of months earlier this year than any past year I can recall. But unless the cops have figured out a new method and are actually finding a higher percentage of outdoor grows than ever before, this year's crop will be a bumper crop for the ages. The only thing that makes me think they might be getting a higher % of grows is these damn cartel grows in the national forests. I was stunned when I heard numbers like 11,000, 6,000, 9,000 but recently have heard 99,000 and 66,000 plants, and I wonder what the fuck gave these Mexican's the idea they could get away with grows that large. I can honestly think that the cartels were boneheads to put their resources into such a piece of total idiocy. Seriously, it wouldn't shock me if these huge grow projects are shut down by the people in charge because it just isn't working for them.

A question that's been bugging me since the 99,000 plant bust shortly followed by a 66,000 plant bust. Do they actually pay these assholes to meticulously count every plant? How many man hours does it take to count 165,000 plants? Why do police think that a 'plant of marijuana' is a unit of measure anyway? Now if they're just estimating it how the heck could you know if they have a clue how many plants there actually are? Up in Canada they use 'joint of marijuana' as their unit of measure. Really? Would that be a joint of labrador x maui wowie or a joint the size of a restaurant toothpick? "Yes the police today eradicated a marijuana grow which was estimated to have kept 164,000 joints off the street and out of the hands of the cheeeel-dren".

If you want to see Cheech and Chong with one of each of the joints I referenced you can search youtube for "cheech and chong up in smoke". I didn't use the quotes and it came up first for me. The clip is 9:20 but the relative scene referenced above is right at the start. I'm sorry to make you search but unfortunately it seems we can't even post videos in the video thread and link to post on the video thread.. But I did finally figure out what their actual motivation for that rule today. I'm on the thick side so it takes me longer to grasp the obvious. But this is their sandbox so I'll play by their rules, at least to the best of my understanding anyway.


Active member
Whats up BF!

how can i put this...

antwerp:diamonds::eek:akland wants to be :weed.

Oakland will have non med retail and distribution, in my opinion. The council people are trying to jump in early and make Oakland a clearinghouse for all things marijuana related. I doubt the folks there would mind if people came from all over the state to purchase in Oakland.

They sure do want the money but there is a little more to it than that. Oakland has always been progressive with their medical marijuana laws. Pot history shows that they can be innovative, compassionate, defenders of the will of voters and fiscally responsive with taxing MMJ. The same could be said for other cities such as Berkley. With that said, come two years after the passage of 19 Oakland will be just another player in a league of many. You say, "Oakland will have non med retail and distribution, in my opinion." You mean for the Oakland area right? Surly you don't figure little Oakland with it's four grows could supply the states recreational users, do you? Combined, R. Lee's places are projecting what? 200lbs a day or something? That is not even my body weight. Not knocking ya...I just don't see Oakland being anything more than just a drop in the bucket. They will be the first, so they will have a jump on everybody...but will they capitalize on it is another thing. Other cites may open the door wider, in fact I'm sure a lot will. Especially around LA, you have a lot of little commercial cities. They don't have many residents and most have lost companies to oversees, these were manufacturing towns. These cities are like starving junk yard dogs right now. When they see the money they can make and the real estate profits etc, it's gonna be opened wide open. This goes for cities all over the state.

One thing I have not considered to much is the distribution part. Say your city has regulations and your a licensed seller but every city surrounding you has not enacted any laws regarding 19. You have a buyer in yet another city but you have to now transport your pot through cities that say, ban it. I think you may be screwed. If so, this is going to be real interesting as it plays out. Who knows, maybe these "mega grows" will be 'legally' restricted to their market just because of lack of regulated cities and counties.


This may be slightly off topic but it's important to keep in mind that the majority of smokers will be smoking mids ("commercial" level strains) when Cannabis is legalized.

The majority of alcohol users go to the supermarket and buy a 6 pack based almost solely on price. And I don't know any smoker who buys expensive cigars/tobacco or cares very much what tobacco strain they're smoking (they're are a lot of strains.)

Most of us here are major connoisseurs and will probably be considered weird/crazy when the plant is legal. The people that look at wine tasters who spend $500 a bottle and sniff their wine more than they drink it, and think these people are obsessed and ridiculous, will judge most pot smokers on this forum the same way.

The majority of people will not break federal and state laws over weed. We do. This is important because we're a tiny minority of the number of pot smokers worldwide, and our views and opinions on weed may not reflect the market at all.
thats right on,

i think the price may go down, but only relative to the quality. your mids are going to go down, and so is the connoisseur stuff, but i have a feeling stuff that rarely ever gets to market will become available under extravagant highly priced labels just for those pot snobs with the cash to burn... literally



Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Do you actually think that all those guys trying to open warehouses will actually make it to open them?

Criminals need money. Those guy are as good as gone.
Whats up BF!

They sure do want the money but there is a little more to it than that. Oakland has always been progressive with their medical marijuana laws. Pot history shows that they can be innovative, compassionate, defenders of the will of voters and fiscally responsive with taxing MMJ. The same could be said for other cities such as Berkley. With that said, come two years after the passage of 19 Oakland will be just another player in a league of many. You say, "Oakland will have non med retail and distribution, in my opinion." You mean for the Oakland area right? Surly you don't figure little Oakland with it's four grows could supply the states recreational users, do you? Combined, R. Lee's places are projecting what? 200lbs a day or something? That is not even my body weight. Not knocking ya...I just don't see Oakland being anything more than just a drop in the bucket. They will be the first, so they will have a jump on everybody...but will they capitalize on it is another thing. Other cites may open the door wider, in fact I'm sure a lot will. Especially around LA, you have a lot of little commercial cities. They don't have many residents and most have lost companies to oversees, these were manufacturing towns. These cities are like starving junk yard dogs right now. When they see the money they can make and the real estate profits etc, it's gonna be opened wide open. This goes for cities all over the state.

One thing I have not considered to much is the distribution part. Say your city has regulations and your a licensed seller but every city surrounding you has not enacted any laws regarding 19. You have a buyer in yet another city but you have to now transport your pot through cities that say, ban it. I think you may be screwed. If so, this is going to be real interesting as it plays out. Who knows, maybe these "mega grows" will be 'legally' restricted to their market just because of lack of regulated cities and counties.

Sup vta! nice to see you in the thread.

I was commenting specifically on localhero's worry about all this non med pot being sold thru med-shops; that there will be a bottleneck on the sales side. All i'm saying is what you said. Oakland is starving and they aren't stupid. They will have a way to distribute and retail this pot out to the state.

I have thought about the traffic/transportation issue. With all the new protections of 19 how would they ever pull you over? Their (the police) probable cause angle is gone. It would seem like they would be trying to get you on tax evasion or on some weights and measures type stuff (not familiar with this so excuse the ignorance). I would imagine that this has been discussed behind closed doors, but they are holding it back so as not to scare the public with regulations for shipping hundreds of pounds of pot.
Also, interstate commerce is the Fed's area, so they might be skirting that purposefully as well.

Honestly, what i really believe is that this will work the way to did in Seattle. Normalizing people to others recreational pot use is what needs to happen.



I have been saying this for a while now, but I will repeat it here. You better be the best grower with the best genetics in your area or you are going to be growing for yourself soon. The micro brewery comparison is the best comparison for what has been happening for years now. Firstly there will be a huge market for people that want shitty cheap pot walmart style. Why? Because it is a step up from smoking mex. By the way if you looked at the studies of what is in mex you would never ever think about smoking it. The shit is deadly. You do realize that they have pesticides, and herbicides that we outlawed a billion years ago? They use them very liberally in all stages of plant growth, and then your dumb ass hits it with the heat and vaporizes said poisons into your lungs. Way to go idiots. Besides killing yourself with a tainted product you are also supporting the killing of almost 30,000 people in Mexico, and if you want to buy the cartels "american grown" outdoor then you are supporting the destruction of our national forests. Pat yourself on the back for that one. Secondly everyone is going to have to go back to the way it was in America, and be proud of something that is from America. Unfortunatly that will mean walmart pot, but it is a start. Thirdly even though america has changed to big box stores, and buying the cheapest whatever from whomever there are still communities that do it old school. My community is filled with small businesses. We have maybe 5 businesses that are chain businesses. The rest are locally owned. Now because of the bad economy there are few hotels that are owned by out of staters that got a good deal on a bankruptcy, but not very many. We shut out outside business. We would not let walmart build here. We shut down a new cell phone tower because it was going to be an eye sore. We will cock block any outsider for just being an outsider. We support our community first. There is a walmart 10 miles away. There are also all of the other big names about 45 minutes away. With that being said people in my community will spend a little extra to support a local instead of letting the money leave the community. When MJ becomes legal you will see my friends at the farmers market with clones, edibles, smokeables you name it. Not very many people will go to walmart to get MJ around here. Really nothing will change much. We have people drive an hour from a college town to get herb from here. We are just known for having good herb. My point is that places like ours will always thrive, and actually we will turn our spot into a tourist herb trap. For the cannaseur of course. So I do understand what this thread is about,but for %99 of people that are growing right now you will be finacially shut out of the game. It is just the truth. Unless you have sat down and come up with a business model for the next 5 to 10 years, and heavily invested then you will be growing for you and your buddies. It comes down to "only the strong will survive". The strong being very rich, or at the top of their game. As said before though when you are at the top of your game usually a big company will come in, and offer you so much money that you can't refuse. They keep your name, and don't say much about the buy, but they implement their way of doing business to "stream line" your production and such. Then 5 or so years later people say "it just isn't like the good old days". I wonder what is different? My friends and I have been planning for this to happen for years now. There ar major opportunities on the horizon just sitting there waiting to be taken. So when most people get shut out of the game they have no one to blame but themselves. I can't wait to go to the farmers market, and see everyone out there with their wares for sale. It won't be much different except everyone will be in one place at one time doing the samething that they have been doing for more than 40 years. I can't fucking wait. The oldtimers will be so god damn happy. We all will be. They never thought they would see the day. Sometimes I didn't either. Just remember that knowledge is power, and the more your read the more power you obtain. The wonderful thing about MJ is that you can go from a few thousand watts grown illegaly in a non MJ state, to 18,000 sq feet being regulated by the state and city in just a couple of years. You just have to be willing to put in the work. One of my very old friends just did this. I am very proud of him. I will just stick it out where I am at though so me and all of the oldtimers can toke at the farmers market. :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
send all your pot to Marc Emery and have him market it, after all he was selling seeds for DOUBLE the price of regular online retail for years, he ought to be able to do the same with the finished product.......


Game Bred
send all your pot to Marc Emery and have him market it, after all he was selling seeds for DOUBLE the price of regular online retail for years, he ought to be able to do the same with the finished product.......

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