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Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

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joe fresh

Active member
MILK.....thats my answer....

after the law passes....

all the small growers could unionize as "the local growers association" or somthing like that and then regulate a price for the farmers....this way no farmer would be allowed to sell under a certain price....just like the dairy farmers.....


MILK.....thats my answer....

after the law passes....

all the small growers could unionize as "the local growers association" or somthing like that and then regulate a price for the farmers....this way no farmer would be allowed to sell under a certain price....just like the dairy farmers.....

I was thinking about that same thing earlier today, the local 420. The only thing is I dont think you'd get enough growers to agree to the terms and conditions, every grower think his/hers is the best and sets the standard, where as milk is pretty much all the same.


Active member
some of you guys are putting the cart before the horse,
we need to get it legal first!

the market will figure itself out, that's how free enterprise
works, if you have a good product, people will want it.

and fuck keeping the prices inflated at the cost of all
the poor suckers now in jail!

peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet! SOG


Well-known member
First off I understand where the thread starter is coming from because I started a thread much like this except my premise was that when it becomes legal the guerrilla grower and his life style, my life style, will disappear because it will become the land of backyard growers.

But I think we both missed the premise which is do you want MJ to be legal or not?

I think the prohibition analogy fits perfectly here. Alcohol prices skyrocketed when prohibition was enacted in the 1920s and the crime organizations around it were the ones who profited. In my opinion that’s what we have with MJ people like myself and others pay and yes sell for high prices because of prohibition and in all but 11 states we are part of these underground illegal markets that’s the truth how can we hide from that.

So if you truly want MJ to be legal you will have to live with lower prices you cant have it both ways.
I was thinking about that same thing earlier today, the local 420. The only thing is I dont think you'd get enough growers to agree to the terms and conditions, every grower think his/hers is the best and sets the standard, where as milk is pretty much all the same.

exactly. the union will get co-opted eventually. I love unions, but the great thing about this is there is no human involvement. WE set the standards and walk away. We leave it to the market to choose our product. And we advertise products don't we?? so we need start somewhere.

some of you guys are putting the cart before the horse,
we need to get it legal first!

the market will figure itself out, that's how free enterprise
works, if you have a good product, people will want it.

and fuck keeping the prices inflated at the cost of all
the poor suckers now in jail!

peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet! SOG

I agree. I want it legal. But we need to have this framework ready for that day. ...this framework once established will strengthen legalization in my eyes. It will be another successful model to show the masses and other states that they could copy and implement easily.
Additionally, it legitimizes marijuana to some extent. You have these options in other high end consumer goods. Why not in pot and why not now?

...when it becomes legal the guerrilla grower and his life style, my life style, will disappear because it will become the land of backyard growers.

But I think we both missed the premise which is do you want MJ to be legal or not?

So if you truly want MJ to be legal you will have to live with lower prices you cant have it both ways.

<sigh> ok... First I want pot to be legal. Like OjoROjo420 said, micro brews still profit. Marijuana has exponentially more flavor options than beer. It will sell. Also, you have edibles and Hash. These markets once legal are going to absorb huge numbers of #'s. All that indoor schwag is going to get turned into butter with a quickness. Which leads to my second point, organic small batch produce manufacturers are still profitable. SO we have another example of why legalization can still be profitable.

Will it be profitable for you growing sub par guerilla bud. Probably not. Where is this profit you speak of? have you stacked any? Or did you live of it? and really what you are worried about is the gravy train ending. IF you profitededededed then take your wad and invest it. Fuck with ten K, you can rent a house and get your grow game up.

I'm trying to create a system that keeps the community in tact not just profitable growers. What about all the trimmers, and people on the periphery. If we have Equitably Hand Trimmed bud, the price and the community are saved. R. Lee can't hire enough trimmers to trim 60 lbs a day and keep his huge competitive edge. He will still be insanely profitable, no doubt, but by employing some of these systems we could counteract the rapid deflation of the market; and keep the money in the hands of the people not the corporations and, inevitably, the dirty politicians that suckle at their teets.


Well-known member
exactly. the union will get co-opted eventually. I love unions, but the great thing about this is there is no human involvement. WE set the standards and walk away. We leave it to the market to choose our product. And we advertise products don't we?? so we need start somewhere.

I agree. I want it legal. But we need to have this framework ready for that day. ...this framework once established will strengthen legalization in my eyes. It will be another successful model to show the masses and other states that they could copy and implement easily.
Additionally, it legitimizes marijuana to some extent. You have these options in other high end consumer goods. Why not in pot and why not now?

<sigh> ok... First I want pot to be legal. Like OjoROjo420 said, micro brews still profit. Marijuana has exponentially more flavor options than beer. It will sell. Also, you have edibles and Hash. These markets once legal are going to absorb huge numbers of #'s. All that indoor schwag is going to get turned into butter with a quickness. Which leads to my second point, organic small batch produce manufacturers are still profitable. SO we have another example of why legalization can still be profitable.
Will it be profitable for you growing sub par guerilla bud. Probably not. Where is this profit you speak of? have you stacked any? Or did you live of it? and really what you are worried about is the gravy train ending. IF you profitededededed then take your wad and invest it. Fuck with ten K, you can rent a house and get your grow game up.

I'm trying to create a system that keeps the community in tact not just profitable growers. What about all the trimmers, and people on the periphery. If we have Equitably Hand Trimmed bud, the price and the community are saved. R. Lee can't hire enough trimmers to trim 60 lbs a day and keep his huge competitive edge. He will still be insanely profitable, no doubt, but by employing some of these systems we could counteract the rapid deflation of the market; and keep the money in the hands of the people not the corporations and, inevitably, the dirty politicians that suckle at their teets.

I’m not sure how your statement applies or goes against what I said, well hell yes alcohol is still profitable so the analogy still holds but I believe the thread said “stopping the prices of MJ from plummeting” and I stand by my statment it will and nothing you can do supply will simply increase and prices will fall. Where did I say it wouldn’t be profitable? It will become an industry not a coop and hell I’m on your side just stating facts.

Sub par guerrilla bud that hurts but depending on where you grow it can be a true statment but if you were on the west coast I don’t agree OD bud is the best in my and many other opinion. I'm not on the west coast so your statement is valid one against me I grow sub par guerrilla bud.

Not sure what your inference is mine wasn’t on profit more on a lifestyle much like the small farmer doesn’t exist anymore. Its not about making huge cash its about a life style. Much like the small farmer there are those of us who love being a guerrilla who love stinging nettles, mosquitoes and thorns and hiking for 3 hrs to reveal a wonderful site where there is no one but you and nature. Who love pitting their wits against Mother Nature and rippers. I don’t make much$$ at all some years just enough to have smoke and start again next year so its not about the profit its about a life style.
That life style wouldn’t exist if it were legal because as you said I wouldn’t be able to sell my sub par guerrilla bud.

So I say again the prices would fall there would be a market for your hand trimmed all organic bud but it would be a niche market much like the tobacco you can buy it organically grown and roll it yourself but I am guessing that’s under 1% of the market.

Please show me a product or market where you can site examples where legalizing something made the prices go up?


Active member
I think the prohibition analogy fits perfectly here.

exactly. without prohibition prices fall. this is why so many commercial growers, caregivers, vendors etc., are reluctant to support legalization. they can only make big $$ if most folks are facing prison.
I’m not sure how your statement applies or goes against what I said, well hell yes alcohol is still profitable so the analogy still holds but I believe the thread said “stopping the prices of MJ from plummeting” and I stand by my statment it will and nothing you can do supply will simply increase and prices will fall. Where did I say it wouldn’t be profitable? It will become an industry not a coop and hell I’m on your side just stating facts.

Sub par guerrilla bud that hurts but depending on where you grow it can be a true statment but if you were on the west coast I don’t agree OD bud is the best in my and many other opinion. I'm not on the west coast so your statement is valid one against me I grow sub par guerrilla bud.

Not sure what your inference is mine wasn’t on profit more on a lifestyle much like the small farmer doesn’t exist anymore. Its not about making huge cash its about a life style. Much like the small farmer there are those of us who love being a guerrilla who love stinging nettles, mosquitoes and thorns and hiking for 3 hrs to reveal a wonderful site where there is no one but you and nature. Who love pitting their wits against Mother Nature and rippers. I don’t make much$$ at all some years just enough to have smoke and start again next year so its not about the profit its about a life style.
That life style wouldn’t exist if it were legal because as you said I wouldn’t be able to sell my sub par guerrilla bud.

So I say again the prices would fall there would be a market for your hand trimmed all organic bud but it would be a niche market much like the tobacco you can buy it organically grown and roll it yourself but I am guessing that’s under 1% of the market.

Please show me a product or market where you can site examples where legalizing something made the prices go up?

you are right, except. if its just the life style why can't you still do it?

I mean there won't be any rippers or cops looking for you. So you could still grow guerrilla style.

I'm sorry for calling your buds sub par. :comfort: I love outdoor weed. prefer it to indoor on most days. I just assumed low quality mountain weed when you said guerrilla. my mistake. I take it back. My apologies.

as for legalization making price go down you are right.... For the most part. Not many other substances are like weed or coke. With the true degrees of differences, in terms of quality. What i'm trying to say is,when coke flooded the market quality went up steadily, not down. the demand for illicit drugs is far greater and more responsive than a typical consumer good.
So my point is.... has price dropped for the top notch "OG Kush" at street level over the past 5 years?
A little.
But not severely.
So if we push this top level now. Eliminate all this "Super", "Platinum", "Master" prefixes and replace them with words that mean something. With the aforementioned practices or labels or sales pitch(s). Could we not expect to keep prices higher than say the RAND expectations. For top notch quality bud at a minimum; which is what i assume the majority of the people here are dealing with. Not R. Lee schwag. Primo-topshelf. Ya heard?

I'm not trying to reverse gravity just cushion the fall in a logical way that benefits consumer and producer.

and obviously i want weed fully legal. I think if we implement standards like these than price will stay high and therefore be profitable for people like you to grow OD; if its good enough to compete. ;) But i do want weed fully legal. I think the market has enormous growth potential. hash and edibles as a start.

Does this make sense? Again I'm sorry for calling your buds sub par. MY Apologies!!


New member
when wal-mart starts hustling nuggets ima fucking rob their semi trucks full of that blue light special cryptocron worth 20 mill+ a load

To whoever compared high end micro brews to this, inbev owns most of those so-called micro breweries who you think are making micro brew, but ends up being just a .1 of a part of anheuser-bush inbev's fucking 49% share of the U.S beer market which is what I think will happen to cannabis, companies like wal-mart and marlboro will be selling it to the consumer while a company like monsanto will make roundup ready commercial cannabis with GMO terminator genetics to completely take control of cannabis cultivation.
when wal-mart starts hustling nuggets ima fucking rob their semi trucks full of that blue light special cryptocron worth 20 mill+ a load

To whoever compared high end micro brews to this, inbev owns most of those so-called micro breweries who you think are making micro brew, but ends up being just a .1 of a part of anheuser-bush inbev's fucking 49% share of the U.S beer market which is what I think will happen to cannabis, companies like wal-mart and marlboro will be selling it to the consumer while a company like monsanto will make roundup ready commercial cannabis with GMO terminator genetics to completely take control of cannabis cultivation.

bro, no offense, but you dumb. there are thousands of independently owned micro-breweries. yes they make up a small percentage of the market (good job watching the Sam Adams's commercial) but when did this become about market share. Its about profitability for the people who built this whole thing. In addition it is about protecting the small guy, and the smallest guy: the plant. Who if removed from the small grower will become homogenized and less effective medicine. (DJ Short agrees. as do Steve DeAngelo and Debbie Goldsberry)

additionally, if walmart sells bud, in the scale you envision, there is no well in hell, on any planet, in any universe, that it while be worth $20 million. come back to reality brother. get your head straight.



Well-known member

while a company like monsanto will make roundup ready commercial cannabis with GMO terminator genetics to completely take control of cannabis cultivation.

Who if removed from the small grower will become homogenized and less effective medicine. (DJ Short agrees. as do Steve DeAngelo and Debbie Goldsberry)

Both statements are true in my mind. My company does business with Monsanto and they actually own the DNA or genetics of their corn and soybeans and if it cross pollinates your crop they now own your crop also and you cant grow it unless you by the seed from them. (My statement is based on a Frontline episode to be transparent to others reading the statement.) They are corporate pirates and own the government and push small farmers who want to grow their own seed out of the market. 95% (or a number close) of all soybeans is Monsanto’s round up ready and not because you want to because you have to. No other choice and they would do the same to cannabis seeds clones are a different animal.

Yes I positively agree nothing taken over by the corporate world is ever as good as the small farmer or small business. No debating that in my mind its been proven. Problem is that Americans, me being one of them, still purchase what is cheapest not what’s best for our local economy. People are hooked on cheap everything but (including me the hypocrite writing this) we don’t seem to understand nothing is free nothing. Why is fast food so cheap because we subsidize corn plain and simple? Corn is the number one ingredient in all fast food. Beef, soda (not the fries) 2/3 of every fast food meal is already being paid by your in taxes to keep the corp. farmers rolling in subsides. So just because the purchase price is cheap doesn’t mean you dont pay just as much for the same meal made locally.

Ok now how does that have a fucking thing to do with MJ well it all boils down to Americans buy the cheapest not the best. So keeping the quality high wont keep most of us dumb asses from saying, "Ah well it costs 1/2 as much even if it is Monsanto’s new round up ready cannabis."

I wish you good luck in your efforts I really do because I believe we need to go back to supporting local business but I am the same fuck who never gets around to visiting the local farmers market within walking distance from my house "because I'm too busy" or "its not convenient" I am such a hypocrite and I hate to say it there are many like me out there.:bashhead:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Walmart is a publically traded company.

You'll have people that will buy cannabis in Walmarts because either its conveinent or its the only thing around. And you will have people who will want to be the certified organic, free-trade, hand-picked, hand-harvested, etc., cannabis.

And I think it'll be half and half. Half wants to just smoke it after a hard day's work or during the game, or with friends. And the other half wants to be the connoisseur, after a hard day's work or during the game, or with friends, with varying levels or connoisseurdom.

right on. it will be just like wine.

[/FONT][/COLOR]I wish you good luck in your efforts I really do because I believe we need to go back to supporting local business but I am the same fuck who never gets around to visiting the local farmers market within walking distance from my house "because I'm too busy" or "its not convenient" I am such a hypocrite and I hate to say it there are many like me out there.:bashhead:

so explain to me why you can't do whats right? start with the man in the mirror. be the change you want to see in the world. any number of bumper stickers.

You are obviously intelligent, whats with the lack of discipline and pride? Honestly. No snarkyness or sarcasm. Why are you so quick to see the problem and the solution and then, walk away?

When did acknowledging your faults suddenly absolve them? Has the world gone catholic? lol


All of you commercial growers better get ready to leave CA and move someplace where electricity is cheaper if you wanna compete.


the issue with whats going to be voted on is not that people are afraid prices will drop and they are gonna have to pack up and die.

i wish that nonsense would end.

let me set the record straight:

the prop allows for large commercial liscensing, there are no provisions or ammendments to the bill placing a limit on how hard or expensive it will be to get licensed to grow more than 25 square ft.

that opens a door for very big money to lobby for very restrictive and exclusionary licensing fees, or exclusion based on other limiting factors. for instance, a billion dollars to get a license, or 500000 dollars for a license and a county limit of 4 licenses.

that would make it so (med aside) you could only grow your pibsqueek 5x5.

THAT IS NOT COMPETITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is monopolizing the market, eliminating competition from mom and pop average grower, and will open the door for higher prices and lower quality.

as a grower i welcome all competition from my fellow california growers. as a grower im trying to grow the highest quality organic meds that i possibly can. competition only makes this world better.

so please, to anyone who still has the misconception that people dont like the prop because we are afraid of the blue light special on isle 6... wake the hell up.

i chose to grow because i like the lifestyle, not because i thought, hehehehe im gonna get rich and fuck the world. hell no, i like bein my own boss and i love ganja and everything about growing it (lol except trimming)

to the people who think that cali growers were wringing their hands for the last 14 years making little old ladies pay 100 bux a gram, where the hell do you live? cali has the cheapest prices in the US and the best bud in all the world. TRUTH.

the people that screw people in cali with high prices (for cali, which are the lowest in the us) are usually assholes who dont pass their savings on to the consumer. i have given out bud at freekin cost to dispensaries who claimed to be compassionate only to see my meds under a different name and at 65 an 1/8th on the board. thats bulshit. and i quit those co-ops.

if prices went as low as 1000 a p i would be a happy ass mofo, living my happy ass life and making everyone happy that got my meds. in that world i dont see anyone growing indoors other than as a very expensive hobby lol.


what cannabis growers in california need, is an organization that represents their interests.

something that has the capital to lobby against anti mj legislation, and keep big business carpet baggers from coopting a grassroots movement and twisting it into something ugly.

yesterday, i spoke with my mom about whats goin on. her response, " well gee you know alot about growing you could get a job as a manager at one of those big deal grow ops".

lol i will burn and pillage before i ever put on a uniform and clock in in the name of growing.

besides opening up and legitimizing the use of cannabis, the greatest aspect about 215 is that it kept the wolves at bay.

sometimes people forget that, or maybe they havent realised it.

to give some people who arent in cali a better idea, right now california is like a massive farmers market with actually very fair prices. imagine instead of walmarts, there were a vast multitude hard working local manufacturers and small mom and pop businesses at every corner all competing with each other to provide the best quality and diversity at the best price and all providing fair compensation for their emplyees, all of their products made in the usa.

that is what the grow scene is in cali right now.

a vast wasteland of poverty, over priced meds and poor selection are awaiting us all if we dont come together and fight against a corporate ran bud scene.

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