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ScrOG Hawaiian snow & AUH#2


Day 66

Day 66

Well frankly I didn’t had to use a lot of will power – even though the only stuff you can score in my area now is shit weed full of seeds – and that’s only if your lucky – somehow I always had something to smoke in the past few weeks, whether if it was some hash that I made or some good friends that took care of me.
I just smoked the last hit from 3 gram of Super Lemon Haze that I got from a friend.
SLH is a strong strain, but it is not my cup of tea, at least not in my age - it is too psychotic, confusing not paranoia free.
I hope my girls will have a more relaxed and focused high.

Lately I was just posting pictures without a lot of explanation on what I do – so here is a short summery of what I did in the past few weeks.

First I tried to get control over nuts feeding – I mailed BioBizz support and got a lot of info from a very nice support person that explained me some basics about nuts in general and what’s the best way to use BioBizz organic products.
My problem was the HS which is more sensitive to nuts then the AUH2 that seems to take whatever you give her.
Eventually what seems to work for me was to flash the girls every 10 days with 6 gallons of pure RO water (twice the pot size) just before I raise the nuts dosage.
So currently both girls are at the maximum recommended dosage according to BioBizz feeding schedule.

I also added more CFLs to the “under-net” buds, so now I’ve 3 CFLs – two 48w and a 90W which are taking care of a bunch of very nice dense buds growing under the net.

Although my growing area is very humid (it can get to above 80% when the light are off) there are no signs of mold. I think that the credit for that goes to the lot of space I left beneath the net and the small fan that blows below.
In general I’m very pleased with the wooden net facility I built.
It has 3 “floors”.
Starting from the ground it has:
Floor 1 is 30 cm (12 inches) high hosting the bowels that gets the runoff water and makes flushing easy.

Floor 2 is 70 cm (27.5 inches) high, 40 cm are taken by the pots and another 30 from the medium to the net

Floor 3 is the net itself – that left only 60 cm between the newt and the tent’s ceiling.

I was a bit worried in the beginning that I might run out of above-the-net-hight but it seems that the bending did the job and currently I’m only using about 30 cm of space that runs between the net and the light.

Another I’ve added are two UVB CFLs use for reptiles terrariums shining over the HS – I’ll be moving them above the AUH2 as soon as I’ll harvest the HS.
I know that this is a dangerous light and I do switch it off when I’m working on the plants.

Seems that the HS is getting near harvest. I checked her with a microscope and it’s got around 60% of milky trichomes so I guess it should be ready in 2 to 3 weeks.
I’m planning of feeding her good till the end of next week and then do a major flushing – 3 times the container and then keep her on pure RO water for a week or two till the harvest


It took me a while to digest it till I finally got – I’m close to HARVEST wow :jump:
I took another look with my microscope when I wasn’t stoned and I can hardly see any clear trichomes most of them are milky and there are lots of them. :dance013:

I’ve been feeding my self from some undeveloped flowers and boy – they taste good.

After I’ll harvest the HS I’ll start focusing on the AUH2 which was neglected lately – I’m goanna use the HS space to place the AUH2 in a better position


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
whats up bro i loved the hs wish i still had her but i had a really long flowerin 16wk carmell onion pheno that to this day is prob my fav sativa. i know your gonna love her.

congrads on your future harvest
peace stone


Tnx Stoney :tiphat:
Actually I'm surprised mine is going to finish so soon I hope I’m not missing something…
Checked again with my microscope and found ~15% of clear trichomes while the rest a defiantly milky.
I just gave her a nuts meal and I’m planning to flash in two days and if all goes well then I’ll harvest in 10 days


Active member
I ordered Vaporbrothers vaporizer - it should arrive any day now.
I hope it will help me to quit smoking...
I must do a small pre-harvest so I'll have something to vapor when it comes

hey dude I just checked out your grow and it is very similar to mine. I am doing Pineapple which is sativa dominant under 400w of CFL SCROG.

Where did you get the netting you used for this project? I am using chickenwire at the moment.

Nice work tho they look tasty :tiphat:

I would highly suggest getting a volcano if you are serious about vaping. I have had a vaporbrothers before, two actually and they are ok... but kind of a pain to medicate with. Bowl is pretty tiny.

They do work though, no doubt about that.

good luck :D


Hi tequila :wave:
I checked your grow and it does look similar to mine - besides that you have a much better tent
I'll be watching your grow it looks very promising :good:

I weave the net myself using a coated wire I got in the grocery store - since I'm growing two strains that finish in different times I plan to un-weave it and pool the girls out - then take the HS for harvest and reposition in AUH2 in a better position so she can use the extra space


I’m a shame to admit it but… hm,…well… - I SMOKED some of these leaves....I even microwaved them – couldn’t wait to let the dry

The local police managed to cut off supply of decent smoke ,I haven’t smoked a real bud for weeks.

Anyway if you want to get a smoke report about fresh leaves of young plants – keep on reading – I’ll totally understand it if you find it repulsive and want stop reading here.

As strange as it sounds, I actually got high.
I got my mouth test of chlorophyll and my lungs burning – but also got some kind of a nice high, not a couch locker but relaxed and optimistic.

same thing with me! I just defoliated my plants and I had read a thread were this 1 guy was getting high off his fans.. so i decided to dry em near my exhaust, and then I took a bong rip of it, and it got me a little high!, i got the munchies and all.. the taste of mine was nuthin to complain about, I hadnt smoked in 3 weeks either.. i smoked some snoop's master kush yesterday and was blown to smitherines!!, i couldnt even draw my 7 cards to play a game, in fact eysterday was a blur.. I should rlly only be smokin fans anyway!


Active member
I've smoked some fans in a pinch and I think I got high. Unsure if it was a placebo or not tho.

Your wire looks like the standard twisty tie wire that I see cut into strips. Good idea using that since it won't get all gnarly near the end too.

Dude posted on my thread about doing a modular scrog. I think he took a 1' x 1' square PVC frame and attached 1 to each of his pots. That way he could move them or turn them for easier training / maintenance.

next SCROG I do I will def be doing that!


I thought about modular scrog but it didn’t fit my grow – I’m going to harvest the HS soon and I’d like the AUH2 to use the extra space.
So, I’m going to unstitch the net, reposition the AUH2 at the center and weave the net back again.

I just had a visit to Secret-Jardin site and they really have cools stuff.
Take a look at the modular system

I wish I could have the DR150


Active member
Yeah the modular stuff is pretty hardcore I think a 150 will do well for now. My friend has the model basically 4 150's but 1 huge tent. Thing was amazing. So much space!


Flushed the HS with 30 liters of water till the runoff EC got to 0.5
From now on the HS is on a water diet.

The AUH2 is neglected – I don’t have good access to her in that tiny tent… She need a good trimming of dead leafs and more net space for the many buds that starve for light.
I’ll make it up to her after the tasty HS will meet my grinder…
In the meantime my focus is on the upcoming HS harvest so I placed my HPS bulb right above her – hope I it will do good for the final yield…

She is so sticky, I played around with her 30 minutes ago and my fingers still stick to the keyboard while I type – I cannot tell for sure but It might be thanks to the UVB CFLs the light above..
- Smell is not so strong, when I open the tent I do get a nice flow of scent but I do need to sniff for it – it doesn’t blow up in my face…
But when you do sniff HS bud you’ll meet a nice sour and earthy smell.

Screw will power – no way am I going to starve for a smoke while I’ve got trichs-dripping sativa in my basement ??? :canabis:

I admit I feed myself from under the net flowering,:smokeit:
But I try to keep my diet on undeveloped flowers or low to medium dense buds.
I’m also trying to keep my hands off a couple of very nice stems of dense and sticky buds that grew just in front of the CFL – but no commitments on that

Here is a report of microwaved undeveloped bud that grew under the net…
Very nice smoke, it awakens you – not good for night time – unless you want to go to bed at sunrise.
The high is sweet and relaxing, it does a weak anxiety aspect but because of the sweet & cheerful high you can make it go away easily.



I read some smoke-reports that reported HS can make you feel paranoia – well, to me it didn’t – and I smoked a lot of weed that made me paranoid.
Different strokes I guess…


mid of week 10

mid of week 10

It pisses me of that I’m such a fresh grower that cannot estimate what the yield is about to be.
Here is one of the nicer buds – let’s take your bets – how much do you think it is going to weight after drying and curing

Checked the trichs again and 95% are milky and the other 5 are clear and red

Here is the AUH2 that is waiting to get my attention and the hps light back
I think it got another 5 weeks before harvest

As you can see a lot of the under net airy buds were harvested – the big dense buds are still here

Here is my daily pre-harvest - before and after manicure


Active member
Screw will power – no way am I going to starve for a smoke while I’ve got trichs-dripping sativa in my basement ??? :canabis:

I admit I feed myself from under the net flowering,:smokeit:
But I try to keep my diet on undeveloped flowers or low to medium dense buds.
I’m also trying to keep my hands off a couple of very nice stems of dense and sticky buds that grew just in front of the CFL – but no commitments on that


I trimmed all my lower buds away earlier so no lil buds to snack on for me.

You will lose significant weight through drying so be prepared.

Also, do you have a pocket microscope or a jewelers loop? The clarity of the trichromes are what you are after. When they are almost all turned milky they are ready to go.


week 11

week 11

I've got a pocket microscope - and she is defiantly ready to go.

I chopped the smallest one of the two big stems that grow under the net – I hope it will keep me stoned till harvest.
After manicure
My latest pre-harvest

I just watered her and my plan is:
Monday – water her again
Tuesday – pull her out of the tent for a set of pictures (stay tuned) and send her to 48 hours of darkness
Thursday – chop

I will pull the AUH2 for a set of pictures too jut before I’ll place her in the middle of the tent in a better position.

I don’t expect much from the HS harvest – I hope the AUH2 will do better


Chop me, Chop me now

Chop me, Chop me now

I went to my tent – and the HS was GONE!!!

So, I asked the AUH2 if she knows where she is, the AUH2 said she don’t know and don’t really care …

I looked around and suddenly I saw her… right there in the corner…whispering – “chop me fatass, chop me fatass…”

So I went to her and said – “listen babe, you need to go over 48 hours of darkness – I read in the grower’s bible that it will help you with the final ripping and…” – then she really
lost her temper and started to shout – “ you lousy newbie, can’t you see I’m ready… chop me now…”

– then she started whispering again – “chop me fatass, chop me fatass…”

What could I do? – I took her to my room thinking how I can convince her about the 48 hours of darkness

… but then she started again “manicure me fatass, manicure me fatass…”
So I just gave up and manicured her.

Now she is drying and looks like she is happy

Next day I got back to the AUH2, pulled her out of the net and took her to my room.
I pulled out some dead leaves and untie what’s left from the net – and boy – she is BIG.
She looks like an octopus with all these stems as arms.
She smells Mango and she is very very sticky – on the other hand she’s got many pale flowers that were starving for light – I hope they will get better soon.
IMO – she’s got 4-5 weeks to go.

So after this set of pictures and cleaning up the tent – I got her back in a much better position - I’ll be posting an update soon


Active member
Glad to hear you figured out how to talk to your plants! now if I could only figure out what mine are saying ;)

Lookin good, lookin real good!:jump: