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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Well-known member
Big business is going to take over, no matter what we do about it...sorry to tell you. It will be like tobacco soon, no more strains. It will be legal to grow, but you will have to pay up the ass in fines, permits, fees, and taxes, so only big business can grow.

You know that the IRS can fine you and imprison you for growing tobacco and not claiming it on your taxes? The very same thing will happen, and the only thing you can do to stop it is to fly a plane into an IRS building...

you can grow tobacco, no taxes involved
here's a link for those inclined: http://www.growtobacco.net/

Serrated Edges

you can grow tobacco, no taxes involved
here's a link for those inclined: http://www.growtobacco.net/

Depends on what state you live in...here is a comment from the link you left:

Here is the law in FL on cigarettes. I read it as if you roll a cigarette for yourself or someone else, you are technically responsible for paying the state a tax. There is no exemption for personal use that I can see and as you can see, the MERE POSSESSION of a cigarette without the taxes paid is illegal. Sad but true what we have come to.

210.02 Cigarette tax imposed; collection.
(1) An excise or privilege tax, in addition to all other taxes of every kind imposed by law, is imposed upon the sale, receipt, purchase, possession, consumption, handling, distribution, and use of cigarettes in this state, in the following amounts, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, for cigarettes of standard dimensions:

Try growing a few tobacco plants in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, or West Virginia, and see what happens....tax on every home-rolled cigarette...


Well-known member
Depends on what state you live in...here is a comment from the link you left:

Try growing a few tobacco plants in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, or West Virginia, and see what happens....tax on every home-rolled cigarette...

interesting on florida, but they look to be hard cases on everything, MJ, home rolled cigs, jees!
most states don't seem to, but this could change
$10 a pack in NY now! i don't smoke, but that's some serious money for tobacco
i'd be surprised if there isn't some serious home growing in NY for this plant as well as our favorite plant


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Well, lets see here. This is your original quote -
did it ever occur to you that somebody could oppose government and taxation on PRINCIPLE, and not out of simple greed?

And your eloquent rebuttal to my comment
go fuck yourself plz....

there are lots of ways to get a medical rec that don't include "hiding behind sick people"

i have mine for insomnia.

suck it.

Now, perhaps there is something wrong with my interpretation, but my knee-jerk response to anyone that is basing maintaining prohibition for others while personally enjoying cannabis (or anything else) because of their finely-tuned morality torches off my bullshit detector. Shades of Jerry Falwell, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and Pat Robertson. As I said, perhaps I am wrong. Maybe you do only use mmj for insomnia, and never for fun, relaxation, to enjoy music, in the company of others, or any other time. If so, I apologize for my rash appraisal. :tiphat:

Serrated Edges

Taxes will own you regardless, this is how they will control us! They will better control MJ through taxation than through enforcement. The hardest mobsters got caught and went down for tax evasion, not murder! The IRS is 100 times stronger than the DEA and WILL find you! Growers may of not been afraid of some minor jail time and getting roughed up by local cops, but NO ONE wants to get fucked by the IRS. They will leave you homeless....


Active member
:chin: if thats a law in FL its long been forgot'n bout cuz in FL prison 90% of cons that smoke smoke rips and trade them in plain sight and not 1 person is taxed unless by another con for rollin the rips (roll 36 keep 6) for a hustle
and im pretty positive if i planted 20 tobacco plants in my front yard id never even b looked at :D

stay safe

Serrated Edges

:chin: if thats a law in FL its long been forgot'n bout cuz in FL prison 90% of cons that smoke smoke rips and trade them in plain sight and not 1 person is taxed unless by another con for rollin the rips (roll 36 keep 6) for a hustle
and im pretty positive if i planted 20 tobacco plants in my front yard id never even b looked at :D

stay safe

I wouldn't go by what happens in prison...thats a whole other story, thats contraband once again, not legal.

And when I lived in Florida, they came when no one was home, hopped an 8 foot fence into my back yard, cut down ALL my citrus trees that were perfectly healthy, and left me a "Target Garden Center" coupon in my mailbox....But that was during the Citrus Canker witch hunt...


Yeah, I think everybody has been worn down! Hopefully this is a sign that everyone has come around to the right side of the issue. :)

Pace yourself
There are 79 days until
Tuesday, 2 November 2010.

The best have been going at this two years on this site.

Guest 88950

go fuck yourself plz....

there are lots of ways to get a medical rec that don't include "hiding behind sick people"

i have mine for insomnia.

suck it.


i wanted to repeat it in case you forgot to answer.

a non response is a YES!

"suck it"

Guest 88950

you are right but he was responding...

"go fuck yourself plz....there are lots of ways to get a medical rec that don't include "hiding behind sick people"...i have mine for insomnia...suck it."

AND if he smokes Other than to go to sleep then imo he is "hiding behind sick people" JUST to get a rec.

since prop215 i wonder if Insomnia per capita in Cali has increased and if so by how much.

what about other Hard 2 Prove conditions also. my guess, an increase since the passing of prop215.

i'll take a NON RESPONSE by Schrews as a YES, he is "hiding behind sick people" to get high.


hey Super Silver Haze,

i have trouble sleeping. (that doesnt mean i wont fall asleep ever or only once every couple of days) cannabis helps me fall asleep, prop 215 allows me to use cannabis as an "alternative medicine" to tradition prescription sleep aids. among other conditions in which cannabis provides relief for me.



Active member

Sometimes I use cannabis for a specific kind of mild headache. Other times for lower back pain and inflamation in one of my shoulders. Both are minor. I could use advil, but ganja works perfectly. I also use it to elevate my mood, which increases my tolerance to certain kinds of stress. You might call it "chilling out." About 90% of the smokers I know use cannabis for reasons like this. Are they hiding behind sick people? Or are their medicinal needs just minor ones?

The basic mood alteration (you call it "getting high") from smoking cannabis is a medicinal effect, too... it commonly lowers tension and aggression (even in those who do not take it purposely for this reason)... Good medicine for the user and those they interact with as well.

I provide a lot of ganja to a lot of very sick folks and I can't imagine a single one of them begrudging any smoker their medicine for even the most minor reason... nor do I think they would discount the passive medicinal value described in the paragraph above. In fact, it is the majority of less desperate patients in our collective that allow for FREE medication making its way to those most in need...

this premise that anybody is hiding behind 215 is nonsense. Its the masses of patients with all levels of need that have made 215 strong and as universal as it has become.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
hey Super Silver Haze,

i have trouble sleeping. (that doesnt mean i wont fall asleep ever or only once every couple of days) cannabis helps me fall asleep, prop 215 allows me to use cannabis as an "alternative medicine" to tradition prescription sleep aids. among other conditions in which cannabis provides relief for me.


Ok.. so lets ask "blancorasta" the same question, since he clearly doesn't get it.

Blanco, do you ONLY EVER smoke right before bed to make yourself sleepy?

Or do you EVER smoke at other times...? like fun times...? like recreational things unrelated to your desire to sleep at night?

Have I spelled it out quite clearly enough or will some other knuckle drag in here and claim to be an insomniac?

Feel free to answer the question BEFORE you rip into me about this post. Thanks.

"Do you (insomnia patients) ever smoke for any reason other than falling asleep at night?"

(That's the question, repeated for your edification.)


Sorcerer's Apprentice

Sometimes I use cannabis for a specific kind of mild headache. Other times for lower back pain and inflamation in one of my shoulders. Both are minor. I could use advil, but ganja works perfectly. I also use it to elevate my mood, which increases my tolerance to certain kinds of stress. You might call it "chilling out." About 90% of the smokers I know use cannabis for reasons like this. Are they hiding behind sick people? Or are their medicinal needs just minor ones?

The basic mood alteration (you call it "getting high") from smoking cannabis is a medicinal effect, too... it commonly lowers tension and aggression (even in those who do not take it purposely for this reason)... Good medicine for the user and those they interact with as well.

I agree with everything above, however, MMJ laws were not written to be allow cannabis to be a panacea. Prop 19 *IS* in fact written this way.

this premise that anybody is hiding behind 215 is nonsense.

No it isn't. Two guys have just chimed in that they have MMJ recs because of INSOMNIA. Not for the medicinal effect of lowering tension and aggression or for occassional headaches, or for making Ben and Jerry's taste awesome.

The med rec is to treat INSOMNIA.

If someone is given a prescription of Oxycontin because they are having extreme pain after oral surgery and then they keep the left over pills and take them at some time in the future because they have some shoulder tension... guess what? They are hiding behind their prescription in order to get high.

Is this clear enough, yet?

Anyone who claims to have an MMJ rec for insomnia that smokes at any time other than bedtime is ABUSING THE MEDICAL LAWS.

it's pretty cut and dried.

If your doctor gave you a medical recommendation to "get high all the time because you're a nicer guy when you're high" then I think you are free to do as you please. Anything else is abusing the system.

Voting for Prop 19 eliminates the need for such abuses.


Game Bred
If someone is given a prescription of Oxycontin because they are having extreme pain after oral surgery and then they keep the left over pills and take them at some time in the future because they have some shoulder tension... guess what? They are hiding behind their prescription in order to get high.

here comes the

"how dare you compare medications"!!!!

"you cant compare one medicine with the other"!!!!



Ok.. so lets ask "blancorasta" the same question, since he clearly doesn't get it.

Blanco, do you ONLY EVER smoke right before bed to make yourself sleepy?

Or do you EVER smoke at other times...? like fun times...? like recreational things unrelated to your desire to sleep at night?

Have I spelled it out quite clearly enough or will some other knuckle drag in here and claim to be an insomniac?

Feel free to answer the question BEFORE you rip into me about this post. Thanks.

"Do you (insomnia patients) ever smoke for any reason other than falling asleep at night?"

(That's the question, repeated for your edification.)

among other conditions in which cannabis provides relief for me.



The basic mood alteration (you call it "getting high") from smoking cannabis is a medicinal effect, too... it commonly lowers tension and aggression (even in those who do not take it purposely for this reason)... Good medicine for the user and those they interact with as well.

of course Anti, your just lookin for some "knuckle (head or dragger not sure)" to "rip into you"...... so you can get your kicks arguing. an really ANTI this is my own personal business... but since your so pushy

i think my excerpt from my post and nomaads makes things pretty clear... but. yes at times i smoke with others for fun, but at the same time the reason it is fun is because it makes me feel more comfortable around groups of people and i can relax and be myself without feeling self conscious or anxious. so at its roots, is still medicinal and allows me to better socialize.

thanks for being so swell,


Active member
The more weed I have the more I smoke.

The more I smoke, the less high I get... and the more I need to smoke just to get a little high.

This is the same with opiate pain relievers.

You can say you are in serious pain and need opiate pain relievers, but if you are abusing and misusing them, then you are living in denial.

Everybody is different.

Some people really need MMJ because they are seriously ill.

Some people just want to be able to smoke.

Why can't I just be able to smoke without getting a doctor's prescription?

Its not like the doctor who gives me the prescription monitors my use and makes sure I'm not abusing the medication.
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