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Nomaad OD:2010

Layedback530 I'm sorry for seeming a bit hostile, but next time you could try a quick search. Information on spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) management is pretty accessible throughout icmag and the interweb.

Thanks for the information there buddy, ive read about spider mites for many years... dont need to reread at this point..

my question to mr. nomaad was what he uses...

thanks again though... searchs are hard to grasp


My apologies guys, didn't realize the question was directed toward your practices specifically nomaad. Seems I mayve puffed abit too much.


damn 43 days, that shrek looks like its already showin alot of amber. sounds like its a og dom cross with an early finish?


New member
One of my plants wilted and died, but I think because the taproot broke.
Some yellowing is normal, but you've got 14 footers so you must know that....
There's not going to be a run on the Myco-Stop like there was on the Brix now is there? Should I pre-order now????
Have you got good ventilation in there? I'm looking at purchasing some of this greencure stuff as a preventative measure. Probably one of those things I ought to be doing right now as well.
Good luck!

I think there is a run on it, I called back for my tracking. The lady told me she is sending tons to CA. I told her to stock up. LOL:tiphat:

Sick pics Nomaad, The shrek looks awesome, I agree it does seem like a early girl....getting close.


classy grass
Nomaad OD:2010

Wow I feel honored you shared that shrek doob with me. Great nugshot..sure looks like a badass OG from here.


I think Fisher nailed it. Looks like a very nice OG. Well done brother. Looking real good over there.
Maybe i missed alot of talk about biofungicides or Mycostop last year in the large plant threads, but it seems this year there is alot more talk about it. And if there was alot of pathogens in the gardens last year why wasnt everyone on the preventative side this year as we all look like we will be next year(having the mycostop on deck in the fridg)..

I wasnt doing a big OD last year and had a large problem with the pathogens this year... just wondering if maad or anyone else for that matter had these same problems last year?


Active member
Last year, besides a short cold snap in early June (right after I planted) it was a m,ild and dry spring...especially compared to this year. This year was a long, cold, wet spring... we had snow in April and early May...

Last year, root-borne pathogens were not even on my radar and therefor did not make it to my prevention regime for this year. Obviously next year, preventative measure will be taken.


Active member
Wow I feel honored you shared that shrek doob with me. Great nugshot..sure looks like a badass OG from here.

It was a good time visiting your garden. That seasoned flatiron we grilled was some of the best beef I have had in a while. I didn't ask, but I'm betting its local from your area. And your garden... absolutely amazing things going on there.

Epic fail not bringing my camera... will not happen next time. I'll be seeing you for another grill-n-chill after the deps are down, my friend.


I have to say this thread gets me pretty excited for my pathology course next semester. I wish my classrooms were full of a group of individuals as enthusiastic about the topic. :)


Active member
I have to say this thread gets me pretty excited for my pathology course next semester. I wish my classrooms were full of a group of individuals as enthusiastic about the topic. :)

bring your classwork back to ICM... i would like to take some classes in biology and botany this coming year

Anybody have a good Botany book for beginners who have trouble with textbooky stuff?


nomaad, ratemyprofessor.com best damn site ever created for those who wanna find the right professor, and that in turn will make even the toughest tech book come to life.


classy grass
Nomaad OD:2010

Nomaad- If you havn't already, seek out 'Teaming with Microbes'. It's well written, with a touch of humor and with the layman in mind. But not too dumbed down. I've read my copy many times over.

Also, thanks for the compliments on the garden. It wouldn't look the same without those cuts from you. Big up!!


Active member
Fisher: You have mentioned that before. I'm ordering it right now.
LH: thanks. I'll look into that too.

try comb

Active member
i would fill your head with the organic forum and have jaykush invite you to the advanced organics discussion...........your garden looks amazing.
Nomaad - I haven't stopped by your thread lately until now but WOW everything is looking great!!!

I'll second that recommendation for teaming with microbes. I just got my copy in the mail 2 weeks ago and have been reading it and it's greatly enhanced my understanding of soil microlife and its benefits to the plant. It's an easy read and after finishing a bowl and the first chapter of the book I was literally pumped up from all of the exciting knowledge I had just picked up!


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Pineapple Cough @ 50 days


OG Kush @ 50 days

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