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Obama Wants a Bush Crony...


Active member
Ron Paul, but he gets marginalized so I guess congressman isn't that high up.

I would have voted for him and did go see him speak while he was still in the race for the nomination.


You know, I was going to write...' ,besides Ron Paul' I do see him as one of the leaders that knows what this county is meant to be like. He is one of the few true constitutionalists around. However I just don't see him as one to 'muscle up' Washington.

Neo 420

Active member
You know, I was going to write...' ,besides Ron Paul' I do see him as one of the leaders that knows what this county is meant to be like. He is one of the few true constitutionalists around. However I just don't see him as one to 'muscle up' Washington.

I like a lot of Ron Paul views.


Kiss My Ring
wow theres alot of anger manifesting from he-said she-said im right youre wrong. I guess the divide and conquer tactic works so well even with our political savvy we cannot overcome its effectiveness!
Political depravity led to desperation, the masters found a new face, the people WANTED to believe in him. They were led, you were led, we were led, it makes no matter. When you eschew decorum in your own culture (potheads are a CULTURE) you debase it.
Why would you argue amongst yourselves if you are of like mind?
We are all suffering the injustices of prohibition, some more equally than others, but for our cause to be mired in nameslinging/infighting is totally abhorrent.
When and IF it comes to blows potheads are going to lead the way. We already have experience in stealth, security, weapons, money, logistics, adaptability.
We have been the ones persecuted, along with the minorities, to the point of abject terror by the police state that has been growing since Nixon.
I believe our children are going to be witness to one monumental shitstorm that will secure our position as a third world country. But who the hell cares, as long as we can smoke a joint at our execution?

Neo 420

Active member
@ hoosierdaddy

I mean no disrespect. I get a little testy when I have not medicated. I puffed on one and it brought me back to civility. We can have disagreements without resorting to tomfoolery. And I bet I agree with you more than you think....


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think you are fucking clueless and only can insult and demeanor. Once you can get past name calling you might be able to give real insight...
One thing I am not is clueless about is American politics. You want to debate me, fine. But when you bring things like "Sarah Palin nuff said...." it shows me you probably don't have shit to offer up. Oh sure, your pals will understand quite well that nothing else needs to be said, only the utterance of Palins name is all y'all need. Thing is, you and your friends have fucked up perceptions of people, and it is obvious you let others tell you what to think about them.
You don't even need to expand on your hatred and bias, it is clearly understood by all that share your same style. The style of the hollow and ignorant.
And really, I don't give a ripe fuck if you are or are not medicated. You want to debate, bring more than you have, because you haven't brought shit yet.
And your apology sucks. You could have edited your post if you were really worried about how you presented it.
Man I leave day? two maybe? and it seems like a WMD went off. I understand about half of you (more or less depending) want to express your point of view passionately and vigorously possibly to the end. However we are a culture and a community I'd sure appreciate the day when we act like it. If there was an american civil war leading to a WWIII say around 2012, what would you guys do? Sit there and bicker over the past and irrelevancies? Maybe try to stick it out on your own despite our own ingrained instinct of safety in numbers? Or just go low and try to mow down anyone who opposes your position? I'm not trying to attack anyone here and I sure as hell would like to remain neutral till all can stand together. Theres no need in fighting meaningless quarrels with each other while those rich political bastards get all the highlights in life when we still fucking work for a REAL living. Stand together or die alone thats my view, take it how you want. Take care everyone I mean it.

Get some land somewhere in the interior, build a walled compound, and be independent. That's my plan for when it all goes down. . . . .

I think Ron Paul failed b/c frankly most people don't do ANYTHING to educate themselves and do their civic duty in voting in an intelligent and informed manner. If people were watching the debates (no matter who is sponsoring them or what party they are aligned with) and listening to each candidate and really voting for one who represented them, well we'd have a different country. . . .
Couldn't agree more and these numbers are so few because they believe that spending so much time involved in something like this might somehow mess up their lives thinking it not effective in their own daily lives. Bush and Obama are just figureheads and blame points for the public. All the while its most of our federally involved other politicians who are just as guilty in being narcissistic, greedy and corrupt. In the coming years I hope we all learn from this and quit bouncing the blame where the media feels like putting it for their own greed and ratings. While our presidents had much to do with fucking it up for everyone the margin is still small compared to rest rest of the federal government. And lastly directly to you OMtnMix, I hope it really never does come to any of that and that you'll never have to resort to anything like that.

I think Ron Paul failed b/c frankly most people don't do ANYTHING to educate themselves and do their civic duty in voting in an intelligent and informed manner.

I wish everyone safety, and goodwill here. Take care everyone.



Active member

Michele Leonhart has been a nightmare as the head of the DEA.

Following recent raids, medical marijuana advocacy groups have called on President Barack Obama to withdraw nomination of Michele Leonhart to be DEA administrator. The following organizations have called on President Obama to withdraw the nomination of Leonhart if she does not end the attacks on individuals acting in compliance with state medical marijuana laws and commit to making decisions related to medical marijuana based on science, not a personal anti-marijuana bias: California NORML; Drug Policy Alliance ( DPA ); Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; Marijuana Policy Project; National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( NORML ); and Students for Sensible Drug Policy ( SSDP ).

The coalition claims that Leonhart, who is currently the DEA's acting-administrator, has not demonstrated that she is capable of leading the agency in a thoughtful manner at a time when 14 states have enacted medical marijuana laws, and science is increasingly confirming the therapeutic benefits of the substance.

"It is clearly time for President Obama to insist that his appointees adhere to current Justice Department guidelines regarding state laws regulating the medical use of marijuana, and that marijuana be fairly evaluated by all federal agencies, based on science, not ideology," said Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( NORML ), the nation's oldest marijuana legalization lobby. "The Obama administration should be working with us to eliminate criminal penalties for the responsible use of marijuana by adults, regardless of whether it is medical use or otherwise."

Under Leonhart's leadership, the coalition points out that the DEA has staged medical marijuana raids in apparent disregard of Attorney General Eric Holder's directive to respect state medical marijuana laws. Most recently, DEA agents flouted a pioneering Mendocino County ordinance to regulate medical marijuana cultivation by raiding the very first grower to register with the sheriff. Joy Greenfield, 69, had paid more than $1,000 for a permit to cultivate 99 plants in a collective garden that had been inspected and approved by the local sheriff.

Informed that Greenfield had the support of the sheriff, the DEA agent in charge allegedly responded by saying, "I don't care what the sheriff says."

The DEA's conduct is inconsistent with an October 2009 Department of Justice memo directing officials not to arrest individuals "whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana."

Leonhart, opponents say, has also demonstrated that she is unable to be objective in carrying out the duties of the administrator as it relates to medical marijuana research. In January 2009, she refused to issue a license to the University of Massachusetts to grow marijuana for FDA-approved research, despite a DEA administrative law judge's ruling that it would be "in the public interest" to issue the license. This single act has blocked privately-funded medical marijuana research in this country. The next DEA administrator will likely influence the outcome of a marijuana rescheduling petition currently before the agency. It is critical, the coalition emphasizes, that an administrator with an open mind toward science and research is at the helm.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
wow theres alot of anger manifesting from he-said she-said im right youre wrong. I guess the divide and conquer tactic works so well even with our political savvy we cannot overcome its effectiveness!
Political depravity led to desperation, the masters found a new face, the people WANTED to believe in him. They were led, you were led, we were led, it makes no matter. When you eschew decorum in your own culture (potheads are a CULTURE) you debase it.
Why would you argue amongst yourselves if you are of like mind?
We are all suffering the injustices of prohibition, some more equally than others, but for our cause to be mired in nameslinging/infighting is totally abhorrent.
When and IF it comes to blows potheads are going to lead the way. We already have experience in stealth, security, weapons, money, logistics, adaptability.
We have been the ones persecuted, along with the minorities, to the point of abject terror by the police state that has been growing since Nixon.
I believe our children are going to be witness to one monumental shitstorm that will secure our position as a third world country. But who the hell cares, as long as we can smoke a joint at our execution?

:yeahthats :friends:

Man I leave day? two maybe? and it seems like a WMD went off. I understand about half of you (more or less depending) want to express your point of view passionately and vigorously possibly to the end. However we are a culture and a community I'd sure appreciate the day when we act like it. If there was an american civil war leading to a WWIII say around 2012, what would you guys do? Sit there and bicker over the past and irrelevancies? Maybe try to stick it out on your own despite our own ingrained instinct of safety in numbers? Or just go low and try to mow down anyone who opposes your position? I'm not trying to attack anyone here and I sure as hell would like to remain neutral till all can stand together. Theres no need in fighting meaningless quarrels with each other while those rich political bastards get all the highlights in life when we still fucking work for a REAL living. Stand together or die alone thats my view, take it how you want. Take care everyone I mean it.


:yeahthats :friends:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thing is, you and your friends have fucked up perceptions of people, and it is obvious you let others tell you what to think about them.
You don't even need to expand on your hatred and bias, it is clearly understood by all that share your same style. The style of the hollow and ignorant.
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."-- Stephen Hawking
Not to speak on topic, or anything, but The DEA can do whatever it wants. Eric Holder's Justice dept. must indict and prosecute any case.

Has this DoJ prosecuted any small time cannabis cases?

BTW, Obama is proving to be a bit right of center in national security/law and order issues, but on domestic policy and foreign diplomacy there is a rather strong argument that he is the left most president in US history.

I would personally vote for FDR though, cause he was much more authoritarian.
Thank you for adhering to the subject at hand and I think I may be able to speak for a couple others here aswell as myself to apologize to everyone for getting distracted. However the entire point is to not allow the DEA to do as it pleases. This is a government organization that should comply by the orders given and rules set in place instead of acting outside of these guidelines. Whatever the DoJ says regardless, the DEA is still federal and violating state sovereignty. I'm not sure how long California and the rest of the states are going to put up with violation of their state sovereignty by the federal government, but I sure hope it's not much longer. Yes the states should be limited on how much or how far they can govern but so should the federal government. In the last 100 years or so the federal government seems to have this one size fits all ideal for an almost infinitely sized nation and it won't be tolerated forever.


Not to speak on topic, or anything, but The DEA can do whatever it wants. Eric Holder's Justice dept. must indict and prosecute any case.
Unfortunately, the war for states rights was lost. It went on quite vigorously from the time the Revolutionary War ended until it couldn't continue without full war, that's when we had the Civil War. Since then, it's been a constant struggle to keep the national government from violating the Constitution and taking rights that are not directly given to it. The federal government in Washington does NOT have the right to do ANYTHING that isn't expressly reserved for it in the Constitution. Anything that isn't directly given to it is, by default, a right of the states. Of course, big government isn't allowing the states to keep any rights that it can get away with taking away.

And when we have presidents who nominate supreme court justices who are not strict Constitutionalists, well, then the states continue to lose . . . .

Now I'm getting super depressed! :(


Active member
ICMag Donor
And when we have presidents who nominate supreme court justices who are not strict Constitutionalists, well, then the states continue to lose . . . .
Strict Constitutionalists? Hell, no experienced ideologues are what is being thrust into the court.
It is a sad state of affairs when our Nation and it's charter are being made a mockery of by these people. It is also sad to see the damage that can be done before we can get the cocksuckers out.

If people have not, and do not learn their lesson, then we are for sure doomed.
It is time for the learned to take the reins, and start leading us again.
But, I fear that many are just too fucking stupid to really even grasp what is happening. Yes, stupid. Sorry if that offends you sensibilities...well, no I'm not really sorry...what I am is sick of stupid people with no convictions being the folks who ultimately decide who leads us.
These stupid people are easily led by commercials on TV, whatever a movie star or a celebrity might say or think, whatever some over zealous academic may have to bloviate, or what some rotten ass, vote seeking, lying liberal feeds them.
Dupes that get to decide our fate. That is one of the big problems.
Look how easy the words "Hope" and "Change" shaped a voting block, without one bit of description of what that hope and change would be. See, it is only stupid people that take that and run with it as if it really meant something. Smart people kinda wanted to know what was meant by this proposed hope and change, but the stupid people won out.
But, we know now what the fuck it means...or at least the smart people do. The dupes are still trying to blame Bush for all their woes.

Wise the fuck up people and stop being the pipers rats.
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Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
However the entire point is to not allow the DEA to do as it pleases.

Speaking of which, just once I'd like to see local LEO defending their citizens instead of helping the DEA. Like that woman who was just raided by the DEA after having registered her plants with the local sheriff. Why wasn't that sheriff out there standing up to the DEA agents? He's sworn to uphold the laws of his state, and the DEA were clearly violating them. As far as local law is concerned, the DEA are just armed robbers and vandals. I think it would take just one standoff between local LEO and the DEA to get the DEA started reassessing their priorities. They love news about their paramilitary-style raids, but I don't think they'd like the news so much if it showed them treating a local sheriff the same way they do the growers and dispensers. I think any time the feds raid a legitimate medical grower, they should call the local authorities and report an armed robbery, then let the locals and the feds sort it out.


Doesn't the dea go after the top of the top, like people running cannabis medlabs (which they dont want running w/o legislation/regulation) etc? or is it all unpredictable mayhem? can anyone really predict what they do or will do?

Yes on 19 opens the door to the end of all this nonsense.
Most recent Obama flap? An administration memo surfaced, it looks like one that went to Immigration and Customs, that was exploring ways to mass legalize large groups of illegal immigrants by bypassing immigration reform through Congress. Make me wonder if he wanted that to pop up so he'd look good to the hispanics who want him to just legalize all their illegal friends, family, and countrymen just in time for the next vote. of course the Republicans in Congress demanding the Obama administration account for it aren't going to look good to the hispanics. This is serious business, it means he could keep control of Congress for his last two years. This might mean a much different picture than I was thinking of just a day ago . . . .

memphis man

all i see in the future as california and other states become more lax on cannabis.. is the DEA having their main course served right to them and eating their desert too... the conflict between state laws and federal will continue... and unforunately since most of the population has been brainwashed about how horrible marihuana is, its not the best of subject to show that there needs to be change... start taking the guns and coors light away from the rednecks in other states and they would be screamin about rights.....
i almost took offense to this but it made me laugh and yes i can most def see where your coming from take our guns and beer here in the south and we will make the watts riots look like a county fair lmao