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New Grower - 1st ever plants !


New member
Fantastic for a first grow! I'm wondering if you might not actually need so mutch light for those two plants? You can get those 26w cfls within an inch of the plant and no harm y'know.

I've been criticised for using cardboard boxes as cabs but they're really versatile and i keep a close eye on them anyway. So i use this for starting seedlings and looking after a flowering male or a seeded female.


Uh, interesting. So how's your cardboard box growing are going?


I don't have enough experience with MJ to know what is going on with my plant yet. So i am doing nothing for now.

Brown spots appearing on the leaves, same leaves that are turning yellow.


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They are stretching like crazy every night, growing a few inches per day. Lights getting raised every morning now. Still don't know sex, no balls or pistils yet but i am patient. I'm sure you more experience guys would know sex by taking a close look :)

Plants are wet, just had them out for water.


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Active member
hey man, thought i'd pop in and post up a few
pics to help with the sexing.

the first thing to look for is alternating nodal growth,
that's the first sign that the plant is mature enough
to display sex.

now, here's a pic of a male and one of a female,
closeups of course, lol.

oh, and if you need extra space in a hurry, or you're
on a really tight budget, these work pretty well.

anyway, have fun man, and stay safe!

peace, SOG

btw, the yellowing is a sign of a nitrogen deficiency
which probably means they are hungry.

also, you should start mixing a couple tablespoons
of un-sulphured molasses per gallon to your water,
it really helps them put on weight.

(unsulphured and blackstrap mean the same thing)


I was just reading about the molasses and think i am going to try it next watering. Thanks.


Wish i knew sex.. Other then that little detail i am very happy so far with my grow. Oh and the little mushroom the grew last nite in the darkness. That pissed me off too, haha. Woke up and saw it and plucked it out, repositioned a fan for better air flow through the plants instead of around them. Should fix the moisture prob, cab is not humid, hold around 78-80F with the light ons, 75ish lights off.

Now before these plants i had never actually seen a MJ plant with my own eyes so i don't know if they are growing as fast as i think they are or not but man these babies grow like.... well... weeds ! Nothing in my outside garden grows so vigorous haha. Well nothing that i want to grow so vigorous.


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Active member
high man, if you look to your left on your control panel
page you will see a link to 'Pictures and Albums', click
on that and then create an album, you can make as
many as you want.

anyway, then upload your pics into your album and
you will have much more control over how you use
your pics than how you're doing it now with the
'manage attachments' button.

what i do is to open 2 windows, not 2 tabs but 2
seperate windows, one open to the dialog i'm
posting into and one open to the thumbnail page
of my album.

then all you have to do is drag a thumbnail into the
dialog box and drop it in, that way you can put it
anywhere in the posting, plus, you can put it in full
sized although that makes it difficult for anyone who
doesn't have broadband.

note the pics spread throughout this post, click on
a couple too and you will see the full sized pic.

note also this last pic which i put in full sized.


anyway, hope this helps man, SOG


Thanks. I did this on the cheap for a cost under $75 so far. It's not too bad so far and should work great for just 1 or 2 plants once i get some experience and tweeking.

Learning as we go here. The plants outgrew the lamp i had in the cab so i removed it and added a vertical tube to replace it. I also just switched 4 6500K bulbs out for 2700K's now that flowering will start any day.

The great thing about my little setup in the overhead lights are so easy to adjust to the right heights and as you can see im even able to dangle some lights between the two.


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I took a most of the big fans from the taller plant, really lets the light in to the center of the plant now. It's around 18inches.

Thanks for that TIP SOG. I will start an album up and figure that out right now.


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Active member
I took a most of the big fans from the taller plant, really lets the light in to the center of the plant now. It's around 18inches.

Thanks for that TIP SOG. I will start an album up and figure that out right now.

I want to know how this goes...keep us up to date please.


Well today is nothing but good news and grins. The taller plant showed me today that she is a lady ! She put out a half dozen white hairs last nite.

Still waiting for the shorter one to identify itself.

I also picked up some "Superthrive" today and will begin using it next feeding instead of the horrible nutes i have atm.


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Active member
careful with the superthrive man, it is hot so use only
2 or 3 drops per gallon.

in truth, it isn't used as a nutrient but more as a root

peace, SOG


Rgr that. After reading it will be a nice addition to my collection but too late for this round. Not recommended after the 12/12 flip but more for seedlings and veg.

I tried it on my habanero anyways, to see what it does. :)


Active member
Rgr that. After reading it will be a nice addition to my collection but too late for this round. Not recommended after the 12/12 flip but more for seedlings and veg.

I tried it on my habanero anyways, to see what it does. :)

yeah, it's high in nitrogen which is why you don't want
it in flower and why you see plants yellowing late in

peace, SOG


Haha. Why must i do stupid things.

I just can't help myself sometimes. I like to tinker i suppose. I fed them today. And i dont know why i hadn't thought of it before, but i used rain water today from one of my rain barrels.. It had a PH of 8 to start but i added nutes and brought it down to 6.5. And the stupid thing.. yea i put in a tiny amount of superthrive. I coulndn't help myself, haha. 1 drop into 3 gallons was the solution i mixed up and split it between the two.

Also i think the short plant is a Male. Im not 100% yet so i will keep it in the cab until i am sure.

I must say, they are looking good today. Even the tall plant that i took all its big fans off of is thriving and more vigorous then ever. It just accelerated the smaller shoots.


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I still can't tell which sex the shorter one is, haha. I'll have it down any day now.

I went searching for some better nutes for flowering and came up with this stuff.. its low in Nitrogen...



Could my luck be THAT good ? Two females, from two plants, out of bagseeds. SWEET ! haha. Atleast that double's my shot at some smokable bud at the end :jump:


I'm 95% sure at this point that this one is also a female. I had her outside today to feed her. She got rainwater with Super bloom at half strength, and a few hours of direct sun :)
