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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I hear the arguments for and against it.....and both sides have valid points...

...naturally with legalization the big corps will become interested.....bound to happen...

.....I remember that in Cali years ago technically you could get busted for boozing in public and all these guys would walk around with beer/wine in brown paper bags.......and if you carried booze in your car it had to be in the trunk and un-opened.....

....but how many people actually end up jailed for booze?.....The habitual wino's and drunks that would get done by the cops for 'drunk and disorderly'.. or the DUI's.......drunks driving .......makes me wonder if you will see many cannabis users getting a night in the cells for 'Stoned and Disorderly'.....lol....I doubt it since 'erb doesn't make most people get loud and rude, quite the contrary really.......

.....and I also doubt that if this Prop goes thru that cops will be running around with measuring tapes checking that your garden is 25 ft square.....and if so, who is to say that you couldn't have a 50ft tall vertical garden.?

If you want to open a booze bar in most states (as far as I can recall) you would need to buy a liquor licence........I wonder how much Anhieser-Busch has to pay in taxes to brew and sell beer?........and if you have a micro-brewery what licencing and taxation is involved there?......One way or another the fed/state governments are gonna want a piece of that pie......

....the main thing that appeals to me about this Prop is that they won't be locking up and penalizing many (if any) people up for using cannabis......

.....and it is a start....at least towards normailization.....
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. just saying there is a reason a ton of old school peeps are against prop 19, its cause they know Rich and his intentions and what we SHOULD have.

And are you "old school" or not? I love when people that are not old school say how the old school think.
I asked many friends over 50-60 and almost to a man they said vote YES on Prop 19. It is the youth that see 215 as a gold rush, like
i am offering an opportunity for people who don't have the balls or experience that i do, i can make them millions in a few months......

thx to icmag, yesterday a lease was signed and next week my first 30 lighter is being constructed......

First of all you and your kind are bragging on making millions from medical patients, who will buy the Cannabis, many who might be on disability? Sick...
The word that comes to mind is PARASITE!!

Second, Wow 30 lights, but if you are impressed what can I say....

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The 5x5 will be the first thing to go, had this thing passed. Doesn't look like it will though.

I had hoped it would pass so I could market my "5x5 maker" mechanism. Push of a button and a 20x20 converts to 5x5 in four seconds. Obviously I can't release the trade secrets, but lets just say it invovles some rollers, springs, quick drop partitions, and an old trash compactor.

Guess I won't be getting rich this year. :)


I'm glad to see some of us see this more as a debate than a complete disagreement in words. I'm glad to see both sides can come together and create change or simulate change rather than full out hate each other. There are some extremes but all arguments will and they need those people. You can never say someone's argument is invalid as no one else can say yours is invalid. You are allowed to disagree though. I 100% agree with that. That's the true american way, Allow someone to think as they will as long as no physical damage is being done. Everything beyond that is personal education and understanding. If you choose not to educate yourself, well, I'm sorry.

Haha white-rhino, vertical is a great idea, as long as it doesn't get restricted either.

Look, I can't wait till cannabis is legalized, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my rights anymore. You can, but I won't, but believe this. We stand for the same ideals, just a different way of getting there. I will never hold anyone against that. Take care.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
It seems Krunch bubble wasn't offering employment but was looking for investors and people to either give him money or product....

yet in your add you say "this is for salary or final yield percentage". Well what the fuck does asking for salary or final yield percentage mean to you?

which one was it jjscorpio?

was i asking investors to give me money or product? or was i asking for salary or final yield percentage?

love how you contradict yourself when you try to talk shit.......

you have attacked me every since ive been on this website, never been on a forum where the moderator personally attacks members........

didn't you even apologized in the past for the personal attacks against me?......

you truly epitomize exactly what a moderator should not do......


Sam considering that I would have qualified as a caregiver per peron decision back in 94 before there was prop 215, I would say that I'm old enough.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
First of all you are bragging on making millions from medical patients, who will buy the Cannabis, many who might be on disability? Sick...
The word that comes to mind is PARASITE!!

Second, Wow 30 lights, but if you are impressed what can I say....


And? whats your point? didn't Dick Lee use the millions in profits from selling weed to patients to fund prop 19? he can make money and no one else all of a sudden? he must be a parasite to!

you can keep trying to point out this or that, talk shit or whatever you like to do to me.

the last time i got so much attention from someone, they were stroking my balls and........:tiphat:


That's just uncalled for. when people say we are on the same side obviously some are not

I had something to say, but the patron kicked in...fuck. People on the same side but disagreeing...wow, that could never happen! Right? God damn, do you think everyone is supposed to agree on everything? Open your god damn eyes. Everything is all about small disagreements. I'm sorry mine and other opinions don't reflect yours.

Get a mind that thinks for itself. Maybe then I'll take your opposition agrument seriously.
So what is legal to you? Legal on your terms?

I can come up with many ways cannabis (consumption/cultivation) is still not legal under prop19. So where does it end?

Well in Ca, state law permits it considering you are in need of it medically. Now you want to further that, and say its permitted considering you are over the age of 21, and do it in a private residence without minors present.

Well sir, that isn't enough for me. Just like legal cannabis (for anyone over the age of 18 that can get themselves to a doctor) isn't enough for you.

It isn't enough for me either, but I am thinking about balancing our interests best while also winning over the general public, and politicians, all at the same time. This inevitably means that we will have to sacrifice some of our wishes to satisfy these 3 different viewpoints at once.

If we try to demand everything we want, we will never get anything we want. That is just the unfortunate reality of this.
I'm not willing to be so demanding that nothing gets done at all, and that's what you're proposing, in my opinion.

See, it's great that anyone over 18 can get a doctor to say they need weed, but at the same time, it's not, because in the long term it loses credibility for the people who truly need MJ, not the ones who just say they need it and make up lies. That is a total disservice to people like, say, Angel Raich, or someone with AIDS, or MS, or IBS, etc. This is why we have to fix this problem by allowing the general public recreational use without fear of penalty, among many reasons in general as to why there should be recreational use to begin with.

A realistic starting point to do this is making MJ on the same plane as alcohol, because that is honestly the best bet we have in winning over the public, which is barely willing to do that as it is! Once that happens and lock that in we can push harder..

As far as what I think legal is, that's irrelevant, I probably would allow anyone over 18 to use it, similar to what I think with alcohol, especially considering we send people to die in war at 18. But the general public will have a hard time buying that, as will politicians, so we have to go to the next best thing and put it on the same level as alcohol for starters.

Just like with alcohol, most judges will use discretion and not throw people in jail for maximum sentences, and hopefully that will be changed, not to mention it won't stop anyone anyways.


And? whats your point? didn't Dick Lee use the millions in profits from selling weed to patients to fund prop 19? he can make money and no one else all of a sudden? he must be a parasite to!

you can keep trying to point out this or that, talk shit or whatever you like to do to me.

the last time i got so much attention from someone, they were stroking my balls and........:tiphat:

You are right, to me you are both PARASITES, but at least Richard Lee used some of his profits to try and end the madness of over 800,000 Cannabis arrests a year in the USA.
Funny how you can clearly see that Richard Lee is a PARASITE yet fail to see the same in your actions, WHY NOT?

You are right, to me you are both PARASITES, but at least Richard Lee used some of his profits to try and end the madness of over 800,000 Cannabis arrests a year in the USA.
Funny how you can clearly see that Richard Lee is a PARASITE yet fail to see the same in your actions, WHY NOT?


Damn fucking straight. :dance013:


ICMag Donor
And? whats your point? didn't Dick Lee use the millions in profits from selling weed to patients to fund prop 19? he can make money and no one else all of a sudden? he must be a parasite to!

you can keep trying to point out this or that, talk shit or whatever you like to do to me.

the last time i got so much attention from someone, they were stroking my balls and........:tiphat:

This site isn't about Dick Lee and I really don't give a crap what he does. And I personally don't like people that take advantage of the sick. I guess that puts you and him in the same boat. Are you jealous he gets more attention?

Why don't you go and start a site where you can all discuss how to keep weed illegal so a certain few can profit from it. It makes me sick seeing and listening to this crap.

And yes, in your add you asked for either money or a percentage of the finished bud, so I guess your story didn't hold crap now did it? Salary is money and final yield percentage would be bud. Can you figure that out?

This site is for people that love the plant and want to get it into peoples hands and get them growing. If you don't like it, find a site that has the principles that you have.....
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Guest 88950

... if it weren't for the old school there would not be a single med legal state in the union.

i finally see eye to eye with the NO side.

and thats exactly why this IS bigger than JUST cali.

legalization, in all its flaws, is better for the masses!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I could care less if some kid smokes weed. I smoked it from age 14 until now (30+ years), and it hasn't harmed me in the slightest. Besides, adolescence itself is more harmfull to people than weed. Its a failed 19th century experiment, and a waste of about 6 years of your life.

In modern American society, high school is simply a place where we keep kids as non-wage-earning consumers for an extra four years, while indoctrinating them to the idea that sitting quietly at your desk doing your work until the bell rings to go to lunch and the importance of turning your assigned tasks in on time is incredibly important.

(Which makes for a wonderful indoctrinated pool of new employees for the major corps who want cogs to sit quietly, do their work on time and take breaks only when the company says.)

That way, we keep millions of people out of the already thin pool of available jobs for another few years while they continue to consume. They come out of the situation bored out of their minds and ready to do ANYTHING other than more school.

McDonalds and their ilk would have a helluva time hiring if not for the inanity of our educational system.

At 14 I was trying to work full time but the state wouldn't let me.

At 12 I was working full time. For a family owned business that paid me under the table. I worked for several of them until I turned 16 and could get an on-the-radar job and pay taxes for working.


ICMag Donor
For those of you who think prop19 wont have an affect on our current med laws, read this and tell me what you think....

California's Proposition 19 will supersede or amend its medical marijuana laws


p.s. after reading the article, watch the 2 videos in the link especially the last one. open your eyes people.


So med laws are the only thing important to you? To hell with the other 80 percent of smokers, huh?


So med laws are the only thing important to you? To hell with the other 80 percent of smokers, huh?

No med laws arent the only thing thats important to me JJ. Where did i say that?..Just posting this up for all those claiming that this wont have an effect on our med laws. What did you think about the article JJ? What about Perrons video?
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