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Deadliest catch




he had a job that was dangerous & was well paid for it. coal miners have just as dangerous a job & are NEVER compensated in the measure that these guys are.

Every time I see one of these shows I stop, scratch my head, and ask myself why the hell are americans so interested in watching other people do their job, we've got dirty jobs, ice truckers, crab fisherman, loggers, ER doctors, sleeze balls that work in pawn shops , really whats next. TV sucks the big, I think it's hit an all time low. Most of these reality shows are blatantly scripted and over exaggerated. I see now the crab men are doing geico commercials, they have sold their soul to the devil.


Man, that was a sad episode to watch this morning to start my day. I wanna see the legacy continue, and besides i still like watching it for the norwegian northwestern.


Active member
and I've had it up to HERE with them trying to canonize Phil Harris. between puffs on his death sticks he managed to wheeze out orders to deckhands, nothing to be proud of in my book. he didn't try to take care of himself and he paid the price.

he had a job that was dangerous & was well paid for it. coal miners have just as dangerous a job & are NEVER compensated in the measure that these guys are.
Coal companies don't give a shit about there workers either. Coal companies think there miners are expendable and don't take proper measures to make sure they work in safe environments and are paid well.

At least Cpt. Phil Harris paid his deckhands good money (100-120 thousand a year sounds good to me) and take the proper measures to make sure they are safe. I've heard that both Cpt. Phil and Cpt. Sig pay there deckhands more than the rest of the fleet. Hell Cpt. Phil even passed a blood clot through his heart and still kept working because he had 7 other families that rely on him, and on the last episode when he was sitting in a hospital with half his skull sunk in the first thing he asked to doc was when he could go fishing again because he had people to take care of. Phil cared about the people that worked for him and for that I can give him credit. The man knew families relied on him and his boat to eat and he did absolutely everything in his power to make sure they did. Taking orders from your boss is a part of any job. I don't mind listening to someones orders if they are taking care of me. It seems like a lot of people wanted to get on his boat too. Just look at his deck hand freddie, one of the best deck hands in the industry chose to work for cpt. phil over all the other boats that want him. I'd say that says a lot. No one said the man was perfect, but hell.... at least he was genuine and one of a kind. I'll take a genuine asshole over a fake person with no worth ethic.


Active member
I laugh at everyone that is here saying Deadliest Catch is the same thing over and over again. Complete bullshit. This show has a lot more depth than that. You actually get to know these people and feel for them. This season one of the story lines was about Jake Anderson's father missing. The kid continues to work and take care of his family despite the news. One of the most admirable people I've ever seen without actually meeting.

Then you always had the story line with cpt. phil and his health.

no to mention you get to see peoples lives saved by the coast guard.

you also get to see a bunch of men getting regonized for there hard work. I am glad they have shows like this. its about time the blue collar workers got recognized for working and busting there asses day in and day out. Celebrities, the rich, businessmen, politicians are the ones usually on TV not fishermen who go out for 6 months out of the year, work 36 hrs straight, and bust ass for there livelihood.

i dont see whats wrong with everyday working class folks getting a little of attention if you don't like you must be a snobby fuck
I'm sorry, but I love Deadliest Catch, it's something my hubby and I can watch together. We love the people on the show, they are real. Phil truly was a class A dude. If you watched AFter the Catch and heard all the Phil-isms and the stories and watched all the clips, you'd see.

I USED to like Ice Road Truckers, but since they moved it south into Alaska, it's pretty much sucked. Haven't bothered this season.

And we still watch a lot of history programs on the History Channel, it's just with multiple History Channels now, I think they do some things that are designed to fill up their schedule . . . . .
Ugh, so emotional. Yeah, I've cried more than once these last few episodes WHAT OF IT?!?

The scene with Freddie talking Josh into leaving the boat to go to his dad fucking crushed me. Next episode is going to be uuuuuuuuuuugh. Those poor kids :(

I hope they turn out ok, but I'm worried about Jake.

Not to mention the other Jake. Such an awesome kid, he's aged like 30 years in the last two seasons. :(

They never did find his dad either, did they?


Active member
no his father is still missing. apparently his dad was in a lot of pain and went to pick up some pills from someone and went missing the same day 120 miles from where he was supposed to be. they found his truck off an old logging road.

i really feel sorry for both jakes. they have both aged 30 years in the last two seasons. both them boys have been through a lot. i really hope jake harris can beat his addiction. it would be nice to see him succeed. i'm not sure if he can pull it off but hopefully.

josh harris is finally growing into a man it seems like. this season he has really stepped up and been a man. to bad his father isn't here to see it.

oh... and i agree when freddie was talking to josh about his dad that shit had me in tears and i haven't cried since god knows when... that was some REAL shit. if you think TV sucks, or this show is the same, go find this scene on youtube. people who say that shit don't watch the show. this is real shit happening to real people that work hard every day and aren't living like those asswipes on the hills, or jersey shore or something. freddie talking about his dad is as real as it gets. samething show after show? bahahaha, you just showed how little you know, and that you open your trap before actually knowing what you are talking about.


Golden Coast
Have a little compassion!
It was guy with good intentions that had an untimely passing...
Im sure there are a lot of loved ones and friends that arnt feeling to groovy by his departure..
Not like they planned it lol

And PS... that latino repo show is the all time Worst! Ever! blows doors on the ice dudes
I spent a lot of time crying that last four episodes of Deadliest Catch. I just feel for those boys. Who wouldn't? And it's obvious how much Phil cares for them and his other crew members and their families. All of the captains care, although Sig is insane, I've recently decided. But obviously Phil had a giant heart.

On another topic, my hubby and I are convinced that Andy and Jonathan are some serious tough guys. In fact, one season Jonathan had to leave suddenly and we are convinced they must be growers and were having some kind of problem. Why we decided that, I don't know, but we still think so.


Active member
sig is the fucking man. i would go work for him any damn day. a complete tough ass and is probably certifiably insane. he works his crew hard and fucks them with too. i love how he is constantly changing the time on the clocks to make them think they got more sleep than they did. but if you go and work for him you will be working on the premier boat in the fleet in my opinion. constantly meeting their qutoas, pays his deckhands well above anyone in the fleet, has never had a single death on his boat, and his overall safety record is considered one of the best in the industry as well. he may work his deckhands but at least you know what you are getting, and if you bust your ass for sig he will take care of you. just look at jake. he treats that kid like a son.


Active member
Um, these guys are lucky if they get any sleep at all. Changing the clocks on a few guys that are used to 36, 48, 72 hour grinds is not that big of a deal. The mind also can play tricks on your body. If you think you got 6 hours of sleep and you only got 5 your still going to think and feel like you got more.

Second of all working that long consecutively may not be safe but all the boats do it and to make money these guys have a quota and deadline to meet. The earlier they get there quota's in before the other boats the more they get for there crab. If you don't make your quota's on your deadline, or you don't make your quota you get fined and lose money.

Back in the derby days of crab fishing the fishing department would set a number of crab that could be caught and 100's of boats would compete for it. For instance king crab could be 1 week long. So if your on your boat sleeping the whole time your not making money. Once all the boats caught that one quota fishing was done. No more making money. So grinding 72 hrs. is kind of important.

Its not the boat or captains fault. All the captain can do is do things to minimize the risk of injury. As far as things are concerned Sig Hansen and the North Western have an impeccable record. Over 25-some odd years of fishing crab on the bearing sea the serious injury rate on his boat is well below the industry standard and no one has ever died under Captain Sig Hansen. He is a 3rd generation crabber. His father, and grand father were pioneers in crabbing too. So if I were a crab fisherman your god damn right I would want to work for him. He runs a safe boat and makes boat loads of money. What the hell do you know anyway?? You don't strike me as someone who knows a damn thing about hard work anyway.
Man, I was ok until Captain Keith did his memorial service and started bawling, then I lost it! Phil was the MAN. Although I do have to wonder if he took his fishing/crabbing money, turned it into drugs, made more money, and then bought his boat . . . .


I hold El Roacho's
No matter what Cpt. Phil did with his hard earned cash he earned every fucking cent man, this dude had quoters to fill and people to be responcable for and a vessel that had to keep running and he lived hard and worked hard.

I thought the last show watching Cpt. Phil & Cpt. Johnathan ride their harleys was some fucking knarly stuff and they both are hardcore mofo's down to their toes and believe me cpt. Phil will be missed and I watch episodes and still can't believe he's gone it makes me wonder how we bitch and moan but never take the time to really do what we say were going to do and then it's to late.

He dies and had a good life had his toys and spent time with his sons who he loved dearly and he will be deeply missed.
I was putting him down, I admire how much he rocked out in life. I wish he'd lived longer, b/c he'd reached a great place in life, owning his own boat, having a crew that was close to him, and working with his two sons . . . .

I also started thinking that way b/c of comments made by Sig and Jonathan that they basically lived a rock star lifestyle back in the day.

Not that this really surprised me, these guys are seriously a lot of fun and tough.


I hold El Roacho's
It's really what you don't see that may surprise you as far as their personal life goes, a few members don't even live in Seattle or Alaska, one of the brothers to the Wizard Relief Captain Monte Colburn lives in Incline Village, NV.

Kewl Link shows everyone & all the boat details size, weight, quantity of nets etc.


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