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jtk707 wrote: If using rbber made containers you can use 4 or 6 inch diameter pvc pipe to hook all the tubs together . if you put a pump in one of the tubs pushing water out of the pvc you would have awesome water movement .

I really like the benefits of flexible hosing myself, it allows me to move the plants around to prevent crowding "somewhat", and I hate PVC, nothing against anyone, I just used to work in a PVC plant, I hate the smell of the stuff even.


New member
the previous statements are untrue because:

The plants only use the water they need, and nothing more.

plants can be moved around very easily and repositioned or switched out very easily if the design is correct.

these generalized bashings on rdwc are very uninformed and I don't think many people would agree that 'the beauty of growing is HAVING to do a little more work'?

anyways, I guarantee if ran properly you will MORE than like rdwc.

I could make a giant list of the benefits of rdwc compared to other methods, but to truly understand it you have to do it.

Take it easy bro.
What i have said is just my opinion , i do not give the right to my self to judge what for others is going to be a better choise , guy just asked for opinions .I have had RDWC and didnt like it thats all i said.I love growin and for me growin means to be with my plants and to take care and dedicate love to each plant separately. Because i grow for my needs i change strains often and i run four diferent ones , so as we they also have diferent desires ... just like my DWC thats all : )
peace : )


Active member
JapanFreakier wrote: hydro ABCs,

Talk to the plants...


Dude, last summer I grew in 35C+ temps in hydro and got awesome results. Would I recommend it to people? No way, it's not a good idea in hydro if you can avoid it.

I saw a thread where a guy grew with tap water that started at 1200ppm and got awesome results, would he recommend it to people, once again no way.

Now we come to you, you leave steal warm water in your system and get away with it and you actually seem to be recommending to people.

Ask 100 growers if warm dead water in hydro is a good idea and 99 will say no way and you'll say, "Talk to the plants." Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


I posted already that my room temperature is no higher than 80 degrees in my little room, the rest of the basement stays a nice cool 70 - 75 degrees and that is at its hottest during 90+ degree days, most other times it stays a nice pleasant 75. In case you're wondering thats around 23 to 26 degrees celsius.

What is the temperature you would recommend?


Active member
So then you admit that the design is flawed but you get away with it because you have a cold floor temp? Do you see what I'm getting at? Hydro ABCs.


And again, with air pumps both in the resevoir and in the buckets themselves.

And as far as my suggestion, well, no one here is holding a gun to someone elses head demanding they use my suggestions, I, again, am merely sharing my experiences.

On the other hand I've been wondering what exactly it is that you've added to this thread
and well, I don't see much other than you whining about issues that aren't occuring in my garden, nor in plenty of other peoples that are using the same methods as I.

When the (what you call stale water) is leached into the bucket from the reservoir(which has its OWN air stone), it is recharged and mixed with existing dissolved oxygen as it is fed back into the uptake tubing by an air-pump. This all equals, 4 buckets/1 resevoir = 5 air pumps. The buckets hold 2.5 gallons each, the tubes, not even a CUP of water.

So really other than lowering my temps to a slow growing 60-65 degrees farenheit, what would you suggest?


So then you admit that the design is flawed but you get away with it because you have a cold floor temp? Do you see what I'm getting at? Hydro ABCs.

A flawed design?? "Get away with".... are you daft?
It's working.. if anything is flawed, its your brain.


I have found a big help is to control the temps at lights out, which is easy. The cold water will last through lights on. Like hybridhydro states, there is no flaw in the design, unless it is the growers error.


In the winter time it gets a little colder than I'd like actually, so I just raise the entire system off the cold concrete. evens the temp out to about 65 during the day, sometimes down to 55 at night and that would be very low and very rare.


Active member
And as far as my suggestion, well, no one here is holding a gun to someone elses head demanding they use my suggestions, I, again, am merely sharing my experiences.

What is your suggestion again?

On the other hand I've been wondering what exactly it is that you've added to this thread

Letting the guy know that if he does what you do there is a good chance he'll lose a crop.


Active member
I have found a big help is to control the temps at lights out, which is easy. The cold water will last through lights on. Like hybridhydro states, there is no flaw in the design, unless it is the growers error.

If somebody used the same design in different conditions they could run into big problems, but yeah for those who are lucky enough to grow in cool temps you don't have to worry about heat, for the majority of hydro growers heat is something they should worry about.

adding a pump helps keep the d.o. up, the ph balanced, and the EC as well.


Active member
So then you admit that the design is flawed but you get away with it because you have a cold floor temp? Do you see what I'm getting at? Hydro ABCs.

A flawed design?? "Get away with".... are you daft?
It's working.. if anything is flawed, its your brain.

Why the insults? Look guy, you've been lucky to not get root rot with your setup, others who do what you do aren't so lucky.


stone fool
Using any heat sink, like a basement is using your environment, always a factor in any grow. All environmental factors must be used, or controled to achieve balance.

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Wow, well, I really don't know what to say or do to get you to stfu. It is unfortunate that this doesn't have an ignore switch. Especially when it is obvious you're just bitching to bitch, find another hobby, seek psychological help? I don't know but I doubt you will find what you're looking for here pal. Forum trolling just isn't your forte`. Troll smarter not harder..


Active member
lol, you have been nothing but insulting and childish from the second I pointed out that your grow method is risky. Get over it. If what I say isn't true then all the people who have rdwc are really really silly aren't they? After all according to you there is no need for a pump. No risk.


Japanfreakier, the pump does not make the dwc more or less 'risky', it just makes it easier to maintain. I mean dwc is an indoor activity 99% of the time. Cooling is a factor... get over it.