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Is it wrong to...

When watching televised news of disasters like the weather damage in Taiwan recently or those issues in kazakhstan, Is it wrong to watch the people being interviewed, many of them obviously crying etc and me to be sat there thinking "she's hot..i'd tap that" etc etc

Am i the only person that does this? its not like i do it every time but they always seem to manage to find a couple of really pretty girls to interview on the news despite chaos and carnage all around them.. i feel sorry for them, its horrible and stuff, but i can't help the animal in me filing "there's some hotties in that country" for possible later use..

I don't mind when she who must be obeyed watches shopping tv cuz i can look at the pretty girls, but that's different.. that's what they're there for.

just suddenly struck me as a bit sick in the head is all... :fsu:


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Sadly, no, you are not the only person to think this. You are however, the only person here who thinks this.

h^2 O

hehe. Yeah you get to feeling like a Victorian Briton after a while - like "bring me 3 of the female savages." But you have to remember they have internet access too - so right their we're almost equals. Information is power, so they have some power, not much, and they're more like peers than destitute. So it's not unethical..right?


Eugene Oregon
Your going to hell end of story.

Kidding, dude everyone does this to a certain extent but seriously keep it to your self.


Active member
more importantly... is it wrong to believe that when major natural disasters happen after you finish a statement along the lines of "or let god show me a sign" and then the earthquakes, God truly is trying to send you a direct message.


Did you think they found it funny when you had Hurricane Katrina? I'm sure there were a few of your countrymen THEY coulda 'tapped' there.


I don't think you should feel bad about it, after all, the media select eye-catching people for their interviews so that the viewers keep on watching and don't change to another channel.
Also, most people won't admit it, but almost everyone keeps some thoughts for themselves in similar situations, I think admitting these thoughts is a good proof of intellectual honesty. And also a good way to make you look like a jerk, unfortunately...

Peace :joint:

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Everybody has been sexual attracted to someone at an inopportune moment, it's an uncontrollable act and nothing for you to be ashamed of........however, if one used that image later on it would be a little 'off', to say the least.


Damn you Paz.Always stealing my thunder...Don't get me wrong I dont particularly like my women cold,but its a known fact you get a 100% germination rate using the belly button of a very recently deceased Hungarian hooker.Pop those seeds in that warm waxy orafice and its like magic the way they sprout..


Tropic is right. The media and news show the better looking people because they think you will care more about it. Just like they only show cute, (usual white) kidnapped little girls, instead of the ugly child from the ghetto who got kidnapped.
I on the other hand seek out these strange people. Love people watching at Wal-mart. You can see good looking people all day on t.v.
I'd rather have a good laugh at the big, fat disgusting weirdos that shop and work at that wonderful store. Don't get me wrong I shop there too. But, I'm not big and fat and disgusting. Just weird.:muahaha:


all praises are due to the Most High
Damn you Paz.Always stealing my thunder...Don't get me wrong I dont particularly like my women cold,but its a known fact you get a 100% germination rate using the belly button of a very recently deceased Hungarian hooker.Pop those seeds in that warm waxy orafice and its like magic the way they sprout..

:yoinks: lol....


Moldy Dreads

Active member
If you saw a hot chick and didn't think that you wanted to share some love, I'd say you were kinda gay IMO, all you wanna do is give them a shoulder to lean on right, maybe a little somethin-somethin' afterwards LOL
Intellectual honesty.. hmm you're right there, i'm a fairly straight-up person. I wasn't trying to be crass(heaven forbid) or offend anyone, i was genuinely curious.. bit of a weird puppy myself, and never have been able to decide with certain things whether it was just me or if it was common.

If something like that wipes out the fact that i am actually a very pleasant, polite, well spoken, considerate, caring and thoughtful, selfless person and makes me a "jerk", then so be it. Nobody's perfect, even me.

End of day, its a biological reaction. Nothing conscious.. and i really did want to know if it was common, as i've got.. issues.. i'm trying to sort out.. thought this was a good place to ask

I'll apologise to anyone whose country or country of ancestral origin I mentioned, it wasn't particular to that country, those were just recent examples. The whole reason i asked is because it does feel wrong to me.. but i'm never quite sure with my own thoughts.

I live :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: :(

h^2 O

If you saw a hot chick and didn't think that you wanted to share some love, I'd say you were kinda gay IMO, all you wanna do is give them a shoulder to lean on right, maybe a little somethin-somethin' afterwards LOL
hehehe. :nanana:
yeah of course man, it's all about *being there for emotional support*...I don't care about things like....BOOBS....no way, icky.


h^2 O

If you want to see blatant, ugly, human sexuality go to jmeeting.com (a free web cam site).

You can see the most horrific people pleasuring themselves, and in the chat rooms you have hundreds of sick people asking these obese people to show their feet, pee in a bowl, or any number of other unfathomable things.

At least this is what I have been told.

AWESOME!!! Bookmarked

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