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Raising PH w/ Calciumcarbonat ??


Hey guys!
I couldn't find anything related to that, well nothing i could use atleast.

This will be my first indoorgrow and i bought some soil from a flowershop. (I know it's not the best but im VERY low on funds atm)
Let me post the composition:
60% Sphagnum (H2-4)
(i have no clue what these numbers mean)
30% Sphagnum (H6-8)
5% bark
5% sand

PH is between 5,5 and 6,5. I think that really is some shit soil but i will get some money in a couple weeks and until then i think it will be fine; or not??
Well let me get back to topic.. The PH is pretty low on that one so i wanted to ask if anyone knows how to raise the PH with calciumcarbonat?? I have tablets of 800mg Calcium but they also contain 10ug cholecalciferol(Vitamine D), magnesiumsalts (amount not given). Can i crush them and simply add to the soil?? If so, how much per liter/gallon?

I hope someone can help !! Thanks so much !!
See you.

::pS:: Sorry, not even sure if this is the right section to post :S


Welcome to organic growing.. Let me tell you that you have the microbiology there to make your growing so pleasurable..


pH is not an issue..

So here is a chart I shamelessly share because I can't remember where i got it.. Please have a read of things and feel free to ask questions..

Nature keeps things right.. Have a read.. Have fun.. It's easy and it can be challenging also if you want the challenge.


Can't PM ya holy motley poo.

Hey the craft of organic soil is to use the soil food web and the microorganisms to grow plants.

Sift through the threads and have a conversation or two..

Ask ten organic soil growers get ten points of view.. When you are done there will be 11.

So the benefits are in the produce and the idea that Nature is the Superior teacher.

I'm convinced..


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
It's not as important to lower the PH of an acidic mix (one with mostly sphagnum moss) as it is to buffer against future swings from nutrients and watering. I think the calcium carbonate tablets will do something towards that goal. Another thing to consider is the hardness of your local water. I prefer crushed oyster shell as a source of lime, but other people use the prilled dolomite which is quicker. I get the oyster shell at a feed store, the dolomite lime is available at the garden center.

Whatever you use, it's better to mix it in the mix before planting than try to water it in later.


Thanks alot for ur answers! Well I was just about to panic when I saw the PH of that soil, hehe.. Good to hear that it's not that important. Can u please tell me how to find out the hardness of water? Maybe a phonecall to my waterworks will help?
Gotta leave to work now, see you later guys!


Thanks alot for ur answers! Well I was just about to panic when I saw the PH of that soil, hehe.. Good to hear that it's not that important. Can u please tell me how to find out the hardness of water? Maybe a phonecall to my waterworks will help?
Gotta leave to work now, see you later guys!

Is that done with a PPM or pH meter?

I dono
Is that done with a PPM or pH meter?

I dono

ppm meter, >200 ppm is generally too hard and needs filtering (don't soften it, softeners generally use sodium which is phytotoxic over like 2 ppm - I can't remember the exact number).

I don't think I'd use a calcium supplement because you never know if the fillers or chelates in it will be phytotoxic.

Mix in dolomite lime to stabilize the pH and water it with slightly high pH water to start.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
ppm meter, >200 ppm is generally too hard and needs filtering (don't soften it, softeners generally use sodium which is phytotoxic over like 2 ppm - I can't remember the exact number).

I don't think I'd use a calcium supplement because you never know if the fillers or chelates in it will be phytotoxic.

Mix in dolomite lime to stabilize the pH and water it with slightly high pH water to start.

:fsu: PULLPUSSY!!! :fsu:

Use a good soil mix like LC's Mix in the beginner's sticky and throw those pH meters away. How many times do I have to beat this dead horse?:beat-dead
Hard well water is good for organic soil grown plants.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
When Trigger died, Roy Rogers had her stuffed where she still stands for eternity at the Roy Roger's Museum in Victorville, CA

Fortunately when his wife, Dale Evans, passed on she was provided with the standard funeral. No stuffing and mounting was involved.



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