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Purple Kush, crazy monkey style

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Crazy Monkey down!

Here's the only plant I chopped down whole, this one about an average or slightly below-average specimen (edge plant (no, really)). De-leafed to show you the "actual size" more closely, rather than having the poodle effect.

Here it is all trimmed up.

Most other plants I cut the only about the top 50-75% of the branches. There were quite a few plants larger / fatter than this.

Have some J1, too. Can you find it?

Just kidding. Here is one of the tops.

More where that came from




Don't know the total yield yet (still trimming what's cut, and still haven't cut all the plants yet), but it is easy to guess.

Other stats:

Bud rot loss: 0%
Powdery mildew: N/A
Green buds: 0% (no "Purple Kush that didn't turn purple" here).
Popcorn: 0%

All dark purple dank.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Gotta do whatever produces the purple, right?

fuckin rights bro < monkey stylee!!!!, looking super sick , i did mine in hydro tables, u can check out my albums , or think i might have a thread , looks like you are scroging up a storm, like it mAn U use gas, and what kind of nutrients, u using? gotta lov tha kush!:smoke::smoke::joint:


Thanks all.

This was a SOG using trellis netting as support.

Yes this is a sealed room.

Using GH Flora Micro + Bloom + Ca/Mg supplement.


9 weeks. Was hoping to squeeze out 9.5 - 10 initially but decided to pay some bills and have fun sooner instead. Got plenty of flush & purpling in.


Does this crazy monkey stylee involve flinging feces at the plants? If so please elaborate because I think you might be on to something hmm.. I can already picture the Highttimes article.


No, flinging feces would be the Maximum Security Prison Inmate Style.

The Crazy Monkey Style is somewhat similar, only a slight variation: it involves porcelain penguin figures, some Mardi Gras beads, a tin can, a pack of chewing gum, and some cotton twine. Not necessarily in that order.

But you don't wanna know about that. That's yesterday's news.

The new hot shit is the Sneaky Domesticated Salamander Style. Watch out for it. Maybe if I don't get banned this time around I will share the details with a how-to as I do it. Maybe even the recipe to the Crazy Monkey Special Sauce...


Active member
The new hot shit is the Sneaky Domesticated Salamander Style. Watch out for it. Maybe if I don't get banned this time around I will share the details with a how-to as I do it. Maybe even the recipe to the Crazy Monkey Special Sauce...

:jump: domesticated salamander style does what godzilla did to japan, shock and destroys all *godzilla roor*

they grow up so fast

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